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    Congenital poikiloderma with unusual hypopigmentation and acral blistering at birth
    (Elsevier, 1999) Ogunbiyi, A. O.; Ogunbiyi, J. O.; Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.
    Congenital poikiloderma is an uncommon hereditary disorder. It has been reported in association with various synuromes. No case has previously been reported from this environment. We report a case of congenital poikiloderma in a two and a half year old female Nigerian associated with unusual generalised hypopigmentation and acral blisters at birth. The child subsequently developed macular hyperpigmentation on an erythematous background and atrophy of the skin. Although he had some features which were suggestive of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS), the presence of nypopigmentation at birth along with acral blistering, was noted to be peculiar to this child. We, therefore, feel that this case presents a distinct variant of congenital poikiloderma that has not been described previously.
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    Practical aspects of ophthalmic ultrasound in Ibadan
    (1995-08) Marinho, A. O.; Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Fatukusi, J. I.; Kalejaye, O.; Sogo, K.
    Objective: To highlight the clinical usefulness and the practical aspects of ophthalmic ultrasonography, Materials and Methods: We have described the practical aspects of ophthalmic ultrasonography and reviewed the results of over 200 ophthalmic ultrasounds in our hands. Result: Using ultrasonography, the normal eye is globular and measure 18-24mm in anterior posterior view. The vitreous chamber is c1ear of reflection. Various intraocular lesions like cataracts, debris, vitreous haemorrhage, retinal detachment, panophthalmitis and foreign bodies as well as retro-ocular masses were diagnosable using ophthalmic ultrasonography, Conclusion: Ophthalmic ultrasonography is recommended as all adjunct to the diagnosis of eye diseases as it is painless. in-expensive and gives accurate results.
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    Bilateral orbital rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking burkitt's lymphoma
    (1998) Falade, A. G.; Osinusi, K.; Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Ogunbiyi, J. o.; Owoeye, J. F. A.; Thomas, J
    Bilaterial orbital rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking Burkitt's lymphoma in an 11-year old girl is reported. The patient presented with bilateral proptosis and right cervical lymphadenopathy. Despite consultations at a number of hospitals, a definitive diagnosis was not made until presentation at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, where cytological examination of a fine needle aspiration biopsy specimen of the tumour and the lymph node revealed. changes that were consistent with those seen in rhabdomyosarcoma. This case emphasises the fact that rhabdomyosarcoma is an important differential diagnosis of orbital tumours in childhood, especially in Burkitt's lymphoma endemic areas.
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    Diagnosis of ocular disease in Ibadan by ultrasound
    (1995-12) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Marinho, A. O.
    15 patients with ocular disease, in whom views of posterior segment of the eyes could not be obtained underwent ultrasonography of the eyes to aid in the diagnosis and further management of the patients. In some cases the ultrasound was then compared with the histological diagnosis when the eye was removed and in other cases to the ophthalmoscopic examination when a better view of the posterior segment could be obtained. This was done as a pilot study to ascertain the level of accuracy of our ultrasonic diagnosis and how much it could be depended upon for the very important decision of removal of the eye when indicated.
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    Eye changes in Nigerian patients with Alopecia Areata
    (1997-03) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Ogunbiyi, A. O.
    Eye changes have been reported in patients with Alopecia Areata. There are no local reports of this association. We decided to find out the prevalence and to document the various eye changes in patients presenting with Alopecia Areata in this environment. We examined 13patients presenting with clinical features of Alopecia Areata. A structured questionnaire was administered to gather relevant biodata, duration of illness and previous drug history. Nine of them showed eye changes, some of which had been previously described which include lens opacities, refractive errors and retinal abnormalities. Unlike what had been previously described. 4 of our patients had definite early posterior subcapsular cataracts. We suggest that patients with Alopecia Areata should have ophthalmological examination as part of their initial assessment.
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    Congenital giant dermoid cyst of the orbit associated with microphthalmia and cataract
    (1995) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Thomas, J.
    A case of a giant dermoid cyst of the orbit associated with microphthalmia in a two-year old female child is reported. Clinical diagnosis of the condition was made when the child was two months old, although it had been observed at birth by the parents. Surgical excision of the tumour and the microphthalmic eye was undertaken when the child was two years old. Findings at the operation included a giant cyst that was partially intraorbital with a portion of it extending into the temporal fossa, a microphthalmic eye with cataract and non-closure of the zygomatico-frontal suture. Six months after surgery, there was no evidence of recurrence of the tumour.
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    Advantages of simultaneous bilateral trabeculectomy over consecutive bilateral trabeculectomy in lbadan
    (1996-09) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Ajewole, J. F.
    A retrospective study of 26 patients who underwent simultaneous bilateral trabeculectomy over a 5year period was reviewed. Advantages of simultaneous bilateral trabeculectomy include a shorter stay in hospital compared to consecutive bilateral trabeculectomy, as well as a single general anaesthetic if required and this reduces the risk of exposure to anaesthetic agents within a short time. The turn-around time in theatre is also improved compared with separate operations. Preoperatively, 20 of the patients (77%) were on two or more antiglaucoma therapy. 69% of the patients (18patients) spent 7days in hospital, from admission to discharge, the normal duration of hospital stay for unilateral trabeculectomy. Only 31% spent over one week, none stayed in hospital beyond two weeks. Post operative complications occurred in 8 eyes (15.4%) but none led to blindness. Visual outcome was good in these patients as none had reduced vision postoperatively compared to preoperatively, 3eyes had an improvement in visual acuity postoperatively.