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    Risky behaviours and attitude of healthy Nigerians towards kidney failure: a case study of Ede North Local Government workers
    (2015-12) Tijani, K. I. A.; Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Objective: This research work is aimed at determining the kidney failure risk behaviours and attitudes of healthy populace of workers of Ede North Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. Methods: We adopted a descriptive survey research method. The study population consisted of both male and female local government workers in Ede North Local Government Area of Osun State. A self developed questionnaire, Kidney Failure Risk Behaviours (KFRB) research instrument, with nine items and two point response scale of' ,Yes' and 'No' was administered and completed questionnaire was collated, coded and analysed using descriptive statistic of frequent count and percentages to describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Bar and pie charts were used to analyze the data relating to risk behaviours and attitude of the respondents to kidney failure. Results: The study showed that the common kidney failure risk behaviors exhibited by workers in Ede North Local Government Area of Osun State are the use of herbal remedies 284 (85.8%), use of alcohol 239 (72.2%) and cigarette smoking 134 (40.1%). The study also showed that 183 (55.3%) were indifferent, 44 (13.3%) had positive attitude while 104 (31.4%) had negative attitude towards kidney failure. Thus majority of the respondents were indifferent towards kidney failure. Conclusion: The reflections of their attitude about their knowledge of kidney failure in their exhibitions of risk behaviours for kidney failure are strong indications of the need for health advocacy on kidney failure of these groups of workers and the healthy populace.
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    X-Raying poverty as a potent factor of the prevalence of violence and terrorism in Nigeria
    (2015) Famuyiwa, S. A.; Ogunsola, I. O.
    Nigeria has the potentials that could make any nation great. However, the high rate of poverty is worrisome, as it leads to social instability and violence in the forms of militancy and terrorism in various parts of the country. Sometimes, these forms of crime are associated with religion, ethnicity and/or politics. Nigeria has one of the world's highest economic growth rates, averaging 7.4% yet this is not felt by the greater populace, as it does not translate to the food they eat, or affects their kind of lifestyle or meets their basic daily needs. The World Bank's economic report of 2014 stated that the level of poverty in Nigeria may have been underestimated as it was found to be as high as33% despite the claim that the nation is Africa's biggest economy. Hunger itself which is often a by product of poverty, is a state of hopelessness and desperation. Desperation and frustration leads to anger and wanton destruction of lives and property. Poverty thus leads to different crimes, such as destruction of lives and properties, kidnapping, and militancy, to mention a few. This paper therefore x-rays the link between poverty and insecurity in the country, and concluded, among others, that government should take urgent step in reducing the rate of poverty through providing social amenities and employment opportunities for the populace. It was also recommended that corruption should be given zero-tolerance and that government officials should be made accountable to the people.
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    Effect of health education on knowledge and prevention of hepatitis infection among secondary school students in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State
    (2015) Famuyiwa, S. A.; Buko, I. O.
    The study examined the effect of health education on knowledge and prevention of hepatitis infection among senior secondary school students in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. The research design was pre-test, post test, control group, quasi-experimental design. A total of 180 students were selected from SS1 and SS2 through Multistage sampling techniques. A self-structured questionnaire and instructional guide on health education and hepatitis B were constructed and used for the research. Five research hypotheses were formulated and tested. Data were analyzed using Descriptive statistics and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Finding showed that there was a significant difference in the pre test and post test score of secondary school students following health education intervention, on the knowledge of hepatitis B (F(2,177) = 12.708, P <.05, η(2)=.067).), causes of Hepatitis B (F(2,177) = 7.191, P <.05, η(2) =.039), mode of transmission of Hepatitis B (F(2,177) = 78.683, P <.05, η(2) =.308)., signs and symptoms of hepatitis B (F(2,177) = 35.294, P <.05, η(2) =.166), prevention of hepatitis B(F(2,177) = 17.117, P <.05, η(2) =.088), following a four weeks health education programme in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. Based on these findings, the study recommended that health education/ health campaign should be directed to school students and Specific risk practices such as unsafe sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners, sharing of sharp instruments for body piercing and unhealthy medical instrumentations should be discouraged. Governments should make screening free and there should be an adequate management plan for those who tested positive and vaccination of those who tested negative. Existing childhood immunization programs should be intensified to improve coverage.
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    Perceived status of school-based oral health education (SBOHE) in primary schools in Enugu State
    (Health Promotion Research Association of Nigeria, 2014-10) Ani, N. R.; Famuyiwa, S. A.
    The study was a cross- sectional survey research, aimed at ascertaining primary school teachers ’perception of status of school -based oral health education (SBOHE) in primary schools in Enugu State. Three research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. The population for the study was 12,783 teachers in 1,208 governments owned primary schools in the 17 local government areas of Enugu State. A total of640primary school teachers were sampled using multi - stage sampling procedure. A 15-item 4-point scale questionnaire known as School -Based Oral Health Education Questionnaire (SBOHEQ) which was developed by the researcher was used to collect data from the respondents. The instrument was validated by three experts and Cronbach Alpha was used to ascertain the internal consistency of the instrument which yielded an index ofO .81. Mean was used to answer the research questions while the null hypothesis was tested using Z-test at P<.05. The findings revealed that the status of existence of oral health education methods, utilization of oral health education strategies and provision of oral health education materials in primary schools in Enugu State were low, and that it was not dependent on location. Based on the foregoing, a number of recommendations aimed at improving the status of school -based oral health education (SBOHE) in primary schools in Enugu State were put forward, which include that Enugu State Universal Basic Education Board (ESUBEB) should organize periodic workshops and seminars for teachers under their employ.
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    Influence of information communication technology on health and behaviour of University of Ibadan undergraduates
    (2014) Famuyiwa, S. A.; Ani, N. R.
    The study examines the influence of Information Communication Technology on health and behaviour of University of Ibadan undergraduates. Descriptive survey research design was adopted to select one thousand and eighty-one students, through stratified and simple random techniques; a self-structured questionnaire with 0.70 reliability coefficient was used for data collection. Six hypotheses were tested and chi-square x2 was used for data analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that the respondents had no knowledge of the négative effect of ICT on health and behaviour (x-0.67, p<0.05); that ICT has negative influence on respondents' sexual behaviour (x2=84.6, p>0.05), sleeping pattern (x2=68.5, p>0.05), nutrition pattern (x2=56.3, p>0.05), and academic honesty (x2=72.4, p>0.05). However, ICT did not influence their engagement in cybercrime (x2=2.16, p<0.05). Based on the findings it was recommended, among others, that education on the negative influence of ICT use on health and behaviour of students should be included in the general courses for students; and that there should be adequate monitoring of the cyberspace by school authority.
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    Evaluation of school health services in selected public senior secondary schools in Egbeda Local Government Area of Oyo State.
    (Nigerian School Health Association, 2012) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    School health services is one of the components of school health programme and is a powerful means of raising community health, especially in future generations. This study examined the availability of school health services in selected public senior secondary schools in Egbeda Local Government Area of Oyo State. Descriptive survey research method was adopted, 300 participants were selected in six selected schools through simple random sampling method. The instrument used was a self- developed validated questionnaire with a reliability coefficient r = 0.74, five hypotheses were generated, chi-square statistics was used to analyzed the collected data at 0.05 alpha levels. All the hypotheses were accepted. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made: that the government at various levels and the school authorities should make provision for effective school health services such as appraisal and medical examination, provision of adequate midday meal, care of emergencies, referral and follow up services, as well as immunization to prevent the spread of communicable diseases and promotion of sound health among students and staff in public secondary schools.
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    Determinants of birth-control choices among female teachers of child-bearing age in selected secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government of Oyo State
    (Atlantic Association Publishers, Lagos, 2013-10) Famuyiwa, S. A.; Dauda, I. K.
    This study however focused on determinants of birth control choices among female teachers of child-bearing age in selected secondary school in Ibadan North Local Government of Oyo State. The descriptive survey research design were adoptedfor the study. 429 female teachers of child-bearing age waspurposively selected for the study. Demographie data was analysed using simple percentage and frequency counts while linear regression was used to analyse the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. Self developed Likert type questionnaire was used as research instrument. The findings showed the respondents differ significantly, in their responses knowledge of birth control methods (F= 391.21), effectiveness and time duration of birth control methods (F = 233.41), convenience of use (F = 363.21), religious belief spouse influence (F=118.6), peer influence (F=222.6), current number of children (70.12). This showed a relative contribution of the independent variable on the dependent variable. All the seven hypotheses were rejected. Knowledge of birth control methods, effectiveness and time duration of birth control methods, convenience of use, religious belief, spouse influence, peers influence and current number of children were found to be the factors that determine birth control choices among female teachers. It is therefore recommended that health education programmes such as seminars, health talks e.t.c. should be organized for women to create more awareness on the various methods of birth control. This will encourage them on the need for contraception and find solution to various reproductive health challenges.
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    Knowledge of personal and environmental factors as predictors of coronary heart diseases among non- academic staff of higher institutions in Abeokuta, Ogun State.
    (2011-12) Famuyiwa, S. A.; Amusa, O. G.
    Background: The scourge of coronary heart diseases is an increasing phenomenon worldwide. It is a challenge that has posed a greater risk on the health of people of both the developed and developing countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of personal and environmental factors as predictors of coronary heart diseases among non-academic staff of higher Institutions in Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria. Methods: Descriptive survey research design was used for the was delimited to non-academic staff of higher institutions in Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria. One thousand (1000) samples were randomly selected within the total population of the study. A self developed structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection, a reliability coefficient of 0.74 was obtained. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Version 14. Regression statistical techniques were applied to test hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant. Result: Four hypotheses were gathered, tested and analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, bar charts, pie chart and regression to test ail hypothèses at 0.05 alpha level of significance. It was fmd out based on the results of fmdings that âge, sex and genetic that are non-modifiable factors predisposing coronary heart disease produced F,(3/996)=l 1.2%, P< .05 while modifiable factors of physical inactivity, diet and alcoholism significantly predisposed the development of coronary heart disease, levels F,(3/996)= 11.511, P< .05. Environmental factors of work environment, inaccessibility of recreational facilities, inavailability of high-quality cafeteria significantly predisposed the development of coronary heart disease. F, (3/996) =12.624, P< .05. The results also showed the relative contributions of all the variables in the development of coronary heart disease F, (9/990) =7.204, P< .05 Conclusions: According to the fmdings, it was recommended that there should be a national flag off of the awareness on prevention of Coronary Heart Disease as it is one of the major killer of sudden death, there should be a quarterly seminar for the non- academic staff of higher institution on the knowledge of coronary heart disease as well as the risk factors that predisposed people to this condition
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    Perceived determinants of alcohol usage among male students in tertiary institutions: The way out for health and educational development: A case study of College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti
    (Pan-African Book Company in association with Minkah-Premo Co., Accra, Ghana, 2010) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    This is paper examines the determinants and extent of alcohol usage among male students in tertiary institutions, a case study of College of Education, Ikere -Ekiti. The subjects for the study consist of six hundred students randomly selected from the five schools in the institution. The instrument for the study was a self constructed and administered questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of percentages and non parametric statistics of chi-square at 0.05 level of significance. It was found out that alcohol usage was prevalent among students. The students who drink started from the age 16 years which shows that adolescent age were found to significantly influence drinking habits of students. Parental influence, peer group influence, readily availability of products, as well as advertisement on print and news medial influence alcoholic usage of the students. It was also found out that students were not aware of the harmful effects of alcohol usage on their health. The paper recommended that activities such as symposium, lecture, seminar and debate should be carried out in all schools and colleges to create awareness on the dangers of drinking alcohol. Alcohol education should also be incorporated into the school curriculum and should be taught as a subject/course by health education expert.
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    Impact of education programme on knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour of students in selected female senior secondary schools in Ibadan
    (Nigerian School Health Association, 2008) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Cancer can affect any part of the body and occur in people of any age or sex. Cancerous growth can be contained if medical help is sought at the first sign of its symptom. This study examined the impact of cancer education intervention on knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviour of students in selected female secondary schools in Ibadan. The instruments used for the study were a self- developed cancer education package, a breast self-examination model and a cancer knowledge attitude and behaviour inventory (CKABI) which was tested with Crombach alpha and a reliability coefficient of r = 0.96 was obtained. Cancer education was found to significantly influence the experimental group's knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour. It was recommended that cancer education should be included in the health education curriculum of secondary schools, to equip students on how to adopt cancer preventive attitude and behaviour.