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    Impact of education programme on knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour of students in selected female senior secondary schools in Ibadan
    (Nigerian School Health Association, 2008) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Cancer can affect any part of the body and occur in people of any age or sex. Cancerous growth can be contained if medical help is sought at the first sign of its symptom. This study examined the impact of cancer education intervention on knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviour of students in selected female secondary schools in Ibadan. The instruments used for the study were a self- developed cancer education package, a breast self-examination model and a cancer knowledge attitude and behaviour inventory (CKABI) which was tested with Crombach alpha and a reliability coefficient of r = 0.96 was obtained. Cancer education was found to significantly influence the experimental group's knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour. It was recommended that cancer education should be included in the health education curriculum of secondary schools, to equip students on how to adopt cancer preventive attitude and behaviour.
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    Health education team approach, the panacia of behavioural change against HIV/AIDS and STD’S pandemic for sustainable development
    (2009) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) are among the major causes of illness in the world especially in the developing countries. Among these STDS are gonorrhea, Non gonococal urethritis, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Choncroid, Moniliasis trichomomasis and the most deadly is HIV/AIDS. These diseases can lead to organ damage, blindness, deafness, insanity, paralysis and even death. However, these diseases are not just 'a medical problem, they also constitute to social problems with adverse economic consequences. Lock of adequate knowledge is a major factor in the spread of STDS and HIV/AIDS, the knowledge of fact about these diseases is important to their prevention and control. This paper is therefore designed to provide information about healthy safe sexual behaviour to acquaint people with the knowledge of what they can do to reduce the risk of contributing to the spread of and the damage caused by these diseases. It also suggest team approach methods of education that can be taken by all segement of society to create awareness to reduce or prevent the diseases spreading scourge thereby reduce the morbidity and mortality rate for sustainable development of a country, and in the diaspora.
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    Impact of education programme on knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour of students in selected female senior secondary schools in Ibadan
    (Nigerian School Health Association, 2008)
    Cancer can affect any part of the body and occur in people of any age or sex. Cancerous growth can be contained if medical help is sought at the first sign of its symptom. This study examined the impact of cancer education intervention on knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviour of students in selected female secondary schools in Ibadan. The instruments used for the study were a self- developed cancer education package, a breast self-examination model and a cancer knowledge attitude and behaviour inventory (CKABI) which was tested with Crombach alpha and a reliability coefficient of r = 0.96 was obtained. Cancer education was found to significantly influence the experimental group's knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour. It was recommended that cancer education should be included in the health education curriculum of secondary schools, to equip students on how to adopt cancer preventive attitude and behaviour.
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    Importance of ICT/mobile technologies in underpinning pedagogies, learning and peer group relationship reinforcement
    (2009) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Mobile technologies as an aspect of information technologies have a significant impact on the globalization of information communication and education. These positive effects of technologies can be experienced at all levels of education as they improve the instructional delivery process of teachers and educators. Information and communication technology (ICT) is an umbrella that includes any communication device or application such as radio, television, cellular phone, computer network, hardware and software, satellite system as well as various services and applications associated with them, like video conferencing and distant learning. The development and utilization of the personal computer, a powerful computing device small enough to fit on a desk or in a lap and inform of GSM (Global System Mobile Network) handheld has influenced most of our day to day activities because communication is one of the important aspects in human existence. Information is power, power to influence, control or produce, it is the basis of everything a person does. This paper examines the importance of mobile technologies in underpinning pedagogy', learning and peer group relationship reinforcement.
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    Impacts of female single parenthood on self and children
    (Royal People (Nigeria) Ltd., Ibadan, 2009) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Preparation for parenthood is a complex and challenging task as parental skills do not necessarily come easily and naturally. Parent partially behave the way they do because of their own childhood experiences. This paper examines the associated factors of emergence of female single parenthood and its implication to childrearing which is characterized by poor personality of the relationship, poverty, illness, mental/emotional instability, stress, character defects (wife abuse), marital disharmony and infidelity. Its effect on childhood experiences is negative as children from such homes have the following experiences: verbal abuse, child labour, sex abuse, child battery, street children, prostitution, forced marriage. It is therefore, recommended that premarital counselling and health education against family disintegration should be organized for adolescent and young couples. In addition, appropriate health workers e.g. midwives, social workers and medical officers with the support from government must be prepared always to render useful services in rehabilitating needy families in the community.
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    Educating female adolescents against future proness to cancer disease
    (Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria., 2007) Famuyiwa, S. A.
    Cancer disease claimed 17.9 million lives of people in 1996, out of which 10.5 million were women of who had cancer either of the breast, cervix, uterus or ovary, arising from peoples engagement in attitudes that predispose them to the disease. The paper therefore stressed the need for female adolescents to be knowledgeable about cancer disease with reference to its types, cause and risk factors, signs and symptoms, preventive behaviour against cancer disease and the need to report themselves to a qualified doctor for early diagnosis and treatment on detection of any signs of cancer disease. The paper recommended that Ministries of Education at all levels should make health education a compulsory subject in secondary schools where students would be taught various health topics, including cancer disease. Health Education departments of Ministries of Health and non-governmental organisations should organise cancer education programmes at a regular interval' for secondary school students and the general public. This will reduce the morbidity and mortality rate arising from cancer disease.
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    Demystifying consumerism: towards tackling the problem of quackery in Nigeria
    (2009-07) Odelola, J. O.
    Marketplaces are flooded with goods and services from which consumers must choose. Consumers are in this way faced with challenges of choosing goods and services that will satisfy their wants and have positive impact on their health. Studies have shown that many of the goods available in marketplaces are fake, expired or contaminated. Quacks render ineffective health services. Information provided about the goods and services are deceptive and inadequate. This paper examines problems of quackery and consumerism and the importance of consumerism. It also explains rights of consumer and corresponding laws as well as consumer health protection agencies and consumer health education. The paper concludes that consumer’s rights could be protected through legal means. The paper recommends the integration of consumerism into school curricula and massive public enlightenment on the activities of quacks in Nigeria.
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    National rebirth as a pre-requisite for achieving goals of health sector reform: the role of health education
    (2007) Odelola, J. O.
    Government put in place reform agenda in health sector apparently to facilitate the achievement for all Nigerians a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive live as enunciated in the National Policy on Health. However, the goal of the reform became difficult to achieve due to poor attitude of the people to National issues. There arose the need for national rebirth. The paper examined concepts of national rebirth, need for national rebirth efforts of government at National rebirth as well as health education. The paper noted that national rebirth programme embarked upon is laudable but lacks a force that could really do the magic of attitudinal change in the people. It therefore recommended the integration of health education into the National rebirth programme.
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    Population and family life education for health, sustainable democracy and nation building: the Nigerian experience
    (2005-01) Odelola, J. O.
    The need for Nigerian government to promote the health of its citizens, sustain the nascent democracy and mobilize people for nation building cannot be overemphasized. The need becomes necessary, especially at this time when the country is yearning for technological and industrial developments. The nation’s most valuable asset is its population, being the agent and beneficiary of development. The improvement of quality of Ife is vital to national development. Improved quality of Ife is a key concept in the entire process of population and family Ife education (POP/FLE). Therefore, this paper examined the concepts of POP/FLE and its role in promoting health, sustainable democracy and nation building. The paper called for a sustained interest of government in POP/FLE programme in Nigeria.
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    Repositioning universal basic education (UBE) scheme in Nigeria: implications for social transformation
    (2007) Odelola, J. O.
    Nigerian Government had long realized that people needed the right attitudes for the country to achieve the desired development. To this end, the Government committed a huge sum of money to programmes designed for the purpose. Education is a powerful instrument for social transformation. UBE as an education programme was inaugurated seven years ago but still at its impact is yet to be felt. Certain constraints which impeded successful implementation of similar programmes in the past should be identified and realistically tackled in an effort to reposition the present UBE programme. This paper examined the state of UBE scheme and its drive towards health and social transformation. The discussion focused on values of education, UBE and health transformation as well as UBE and social transformation. Effort was made on how to reposition UBE to make it play its role as a tool for health and social transformation.