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Item Enhancing attitude towards e-waste management through environmental health education among electronic technicians in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria(University of Alexandria, Egypt, 2017-02) Odelola, J. O.; Omeboh, N. E.Health hazard of e-waste is emerging as alarming public health problem in Nigeria. E- wastes are generated in an increased manner because electrical and electronic equipment purchased originally as second hand reached its end-of-life rapidly. Disposal of e-waste is done using unsanitary methods due to poor attitude of electronic technicians to e-waste management. This study sought to enhance attitude towards e-waste management through environmental health education among electronic technicians in Oyo State, Nigeria. A pretest-post test control group quasi-experimental research design was adopted for this study. Purposive and systematic sampling techniques were used to select one hundred participants. Three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. Data collected were analysed using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Findings revealed that, there was a significant main effect of treatment on attitude towards e-waste management among electronic technicians in Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria. [F(1.84)=4.900, p<0.05, η2=0.055). Based on the finding, it was recommended that environmental health education should be organised for electronic technicians.Item Risky behaviours and attitude of healthy Nigerians towards kidney failure: a case study of Ede North Local Government workers(2015-12) Tijani, K. I. A.; Famuyiwa, S. A.Objective: This research work is aimed at determining the kidney failure risk behaviours and attitudes of healthy populace of workers of Ede North Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. Methods: We adopted a descriptive survey research method. The study population consisted of both male and female local government workers in Ede North Local Government Area of Osun State. A self developed questionnaire, Kidney Failure Risk Behaviours (KFRB) research instrument, with nine items and two point response scale of' ,Yes' and 'No' was administered and completed questionnaire was collated, coded and analysed using descriptive statistic of frequent count and percentages to describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Bar and pie charts were used to analyze the data relating to risk behaviours and attitude of the respondents to kidney failure. Results: The study showed that the common kidney failure risk behaviors exhibited by workers in Ede North Local Government Area of Osun State are the use of herbal remedies 284 (85.8%), use of alcohol 239 (72.2%) and cigarette smoking 134 (40.1%). The study also showed that 183 (55.3%) were indifferent, 44 (13.3%) had positive attitude while 104 (31.4%) had negative attitude towards kidney failure. Thus majority of the respondents were indifferent towards kidney failure. Conclusion: The reflections of their attitude about their knowledge of kidney failure in their exhibitions of risk behaviours for kidney failure are strong indications of the need for health advocacy on kidney failure of these groups of workers and the healthy populace.Item Attitude towards pre-marital genetic screening among students of Osun State polytechnics, Nigeria(2012-04) Odelola, J. O.; Akintaro, O. A.; Adisa, O.This study investigated the attitude towards pre-marital genetic screening among students of Osun State Polytechnics. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was self developed and structured questionnaire in four- point likert scale format. Descriptive statistics of frequency count and percentages were used to describe the demographic data, while the parametric statistics of t-test and ANOVA set at 0.05 alpha level were used to test the hypotheses. A total number of one thousand, one hundred and sixty-five (1,165) -Higher National Diploma (HND) students served as respondents for the study. Multistage sampling technique was used in three stages to select the respondents, namely: purposive sampling technique was used to select the schools; stratified sampling technique was used to select the Faculties and Departments, while proportionate sample of 25% was selected from each stratum. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The following were the values obtained: Difference in Attitude towards Pre-marital Genetic Screening (Crit-t = 1.96, Cal.t = 1.310, df = 1163, P > .05); Difference in Attitude Due to Religion (F(2,1162) = .689, P > .05) and Difference in Attitude Due to Course of Study (F(5,1159) = .585, P > .05). Conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study. The study recommended, among other things that religious organizations should serve as useful channels to disseminate health information since people always have respect for places of worship and religious leaders.