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    Predisposing factors to hypertension among junior staff of University of Ibadan, Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria
    (2016-12) Odelola, J. O.; Olayiwola, F. C.
    The study examined psychosocial and economic variables as predisposing factors to hypertension among junior staff of University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The study sampled 1004 respondents using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaire. The result of the study shows that psychological variables (F(2,1001)=44.715, p<0.05) as mil as social variables (F(3,1000)=26.506, p<0.05) were predisposing factors to hypertension among junior staff of University of Ibadan while economic factor was not. It was concluded that psychological and social variables were predisposing factors to hypertension in the study. It was recommended that management of educational institutions in the country should ensure good physical and emotional work environment so as to enhance health status of workers.
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    Unpleasant Life Occurrences as determinants of mental health status among
    (2018) Jaiyeoba, M. O.
    Psychological disturbance among the general populace has been linked to behaviours which damage physical health and cause mental problems in later adulthood. Most mental health problems diagnosed in adulthood begins in adolescence. The purpose of the study was to explore the determination of unpleasant life occurrences on mental health status among undergraduates of the University of Ibadan. The study was a survey research design which employed purposive. stratified and simple random sampling technique to select (1,047) respondents from (1 departments out of (12) faculties to get the sample size. The instruments for the study were adapted and self-developed questionnaire with a reliability of0.700. Two hypotheses were tested and data collected and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and inferential statistics of t- test. A NO VA, PPMC and regression models al 0.05 alpha level. The results show that undergraduates in the University of Ibadan have poor mental health status. It is also concluded that female undergraduates recorded lower mental health status than their male counterparts. The paper recommends that the University should promote a climate of awareness and support for student’s mental health, wellness and stress reduction. It also recommends the University should offer, and in some cases require training on mental health awareness and resources for faculty staff and students as well as involvement in Physical exercises by the students. This will reduce the stress in the body and improve the mental health
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    Psychological consequences of sport injury on mental well-being of elite athletes in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2021-06) Jaiyeoba, M. O.
    Injuries are an unavoidable and inevitable part of sport participation. Some injures car be managed easily, while some disrupt and impose a threat on the mental health of the athletes. Some injuries heal on time, linger and some lead to transitioning from the sport. Either minor or major, an injury sustained does not only affect the physical well-being of the athletes but also their mental well-being. Little concern is given to the mental aspect of the outcomes of psychological consequences of sport injury. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the psychological consequences of sport injury on the mental well-being of elite athletes in Ibadan, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was employed. The participants were a hundred (100) (Male=63, Female=37) elite athletes of Oyo State Sports Council purposively sampled from various sports. The instruments used for data collection were: The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) Centre for Epidemiologie Studies-Depression Scale (CES-DS), Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS), Modified Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (MRULS), Sport Injury Anxiety Scale (SIAS) and The Short-Form 8 (SF-8) Health Survey. The data collected were analysed using multiple regression to test the hypotheses. Results of the study showed that there was a significant joint contribution of psychological consequences of sport injury on mental well-being of elite athletes (F (5.94) = 110.272, R = 924, R2 =.854. Adjusted R2 =.851, p<0.05). Psychological consequences factors of sports injury of stress (β = -.667. t= -15.007), depression (β = -.250. t= -6.852), isolation (β = -.197, t= -6.065) and fear of re-injury (β = -.210, t= -4.152) were significance while loss of identity (β= -.050, t= -1.316, p>0.05) was not significant. It was therefore recommended that athletes, coaches, support staff among others should be educated on symptoms of mental health and coping resources to be employed and also, optimum mental health care supports should be rendered to the athletes
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    Biofeedback technology for stress management and self-regulation of athletes
    (2022) Jaiyeoba, M. O.
    With present technological advancement, the construct of stress management and self- regulation has received a new approach as this affects both psychological and physiological indices of athletes during training, competition, injury recovery and psychological wellbeing. The thought of biofeedback technology that makes use of instruments (electronic devices with electrodes and sensors) to assess, monitor, and feed psycho physiological information back to a person which is gaining recognition is to build a more complete tool to improve athlete’s performance and psychological wellbeing rather than replacing the traditional PST. In this perspective, the paper examined brief historical background of biofeedback in sports, meaning of biofeedback and biofeedback training, biofeedback modalities, stress management, self-regulation, biofeedback technology for stress management and self-regulation, two training models of Wingate 5-Step Approach (W5SA) and the Learning-Modification- Application (LMA) Approach. The author suggested that, sport scientists, sport psychologists and coaches could adopt biofeedback technology as a means to manage competitive stress and improve athlete’s self-regulation for great performance and optimal Health