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Item An overview of the psychological theories of career development and choice(Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, 1978) Emeke, E. AItem An overview of the psychological theories of career development and choice(Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, 1978) Emeke, E. AItem THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF THREE FRENCH TEXTBOOK METHODS ON SELECTED OUTCOMES IN FRENCH(1983-07) ADELEKAN, P. A.The purpose of this study was two-folds (1) to investigate the relative effectiveness of three textbook methods of teaching French on the achievement, motivational and attitudinal levels of selected secondary school students of French in Nigeria, and (2) to investigate whether there was a significant difference in performance between male and female students on the same variables. The sample was taken from a population of first year secondary school students located in Abeokuta, Ogun State of Nigeria. The three experimental intact classrooms were taken from three different schools that were newly established in 1960 and still bad no French programme at the time of this experiment (1982). A 3 x 2 pretest-posttest factorial design was used in this study. The pretest posttest analysis of variance and covariance applying the "F" test for the three independent samples was applied to analyze and compare the data. A further analysis was made by applying the Scheffe test of comparison to determine exactly which group significantly outperformed the others. It was found that (1) the group taught through "Methode I” Contacts achieved significantly higher posttest scores on the French achievement test and on the student assessment Questionnaire than the other two groups of students using "Methodes II and III” respectively, (2) on all three independent variables males outperformed Females but not significantly so, and (3) there was no significant difference between groups on the attitude and motivation measures. It was concluded that: "Methode I" (Contacts) was more effective in teaching elementary French to this particular sample (Class I) than "Methode II" (Practical French) or "Methode III" (France Afrique). The results of the present research have several implication for professionals in education, for students, for policy makers and for textbook writers. They suggest that quality textbook preparation can produce a significant effect in the cognitive and affective domains of language learning. Moreover, it is recommended that more textbooks be written and field tested by Nigerians or inhabitants whose desire it is to produce quality "methodes" for Nigerians. It is further recommended that this comparative study be carried out in various parts of the country in order to be able to generalize the findings.Item Item Problems and constraints facing women managers in Nigeria(Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1989-01) Emeke, E. AItem Nigerians coping with stress:age, sex and religious variations(1991-12) Emeke, E. AItem Current research trends in the teaching and learning of science implications for secondary school teachers(The institute of education, university of Ibadan on behalf of participating west African universities and ministries of education, 1992) Emeke, E. AItem Cognitive change procedure in resolving test anxiety in students(The Institute of Education, University of Ibadan on behalf of participating West African Universities and Ministries of Education, 1992) Emeke, E. A; Yoleye, T. WItem An appraisal of medical institutions and medical professionals in Nigeria(Journal of School Health Education, 1995) Emeke, E. AThis paper takes a critical look at the medical institutions and medical professionals in our country. It assesses how well |Nigerians are being served by them, and concludeds that some changes are called for in the quality , quantity and patterns of health care delivery system in this country. The paper ended with a few sugestions and recommendations.Item EFFECTS OF NOTE-TAKING STRATEGIES, ATTITUDINAL DIFFERENCES AND SOME PERSONALITY TRAITS ON STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT IN SOCIAL STUDIES(1995) ABODUNRIN, G. O.This study employed a 3x2x2 pretest-post test control group factorial design to investigate the effects of note-taking strategies, attitudinal differences and some personality traits on students' achievement in Social Studies. The subjects of the study were 96 first year Social Studies students of three Colleges of Education in Oyo and Osun States of Nigeria. Two experimental and one control groups were used. The first experimental group listened to taped lecture and wrote their own notes. The second listened to the taped lecture and followed lecturer's prepared notes while the control group listened only to audio-taped lectures on population studies. The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) and the Students' Attitude to Social Studies Questionnaire (SASSQ) were utilised to categorize the subjects into extroverts and introverts, and to those with positive or negative attitude to social studies. Without any opportunity to review notes, subjects were made to take two post-tests - Social Studies Immediate Recall Test (SSIRT) and Social Studies Delayed Recall Test (SSDRT). Three dependent measures which were obtained for each subject were the pretest score, the immediate post-test score and the delayed post-test score. Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance while Tukey Honestly Significant Difference tests were used for post hoc tests. The highlights of the results include the following: (1) There were statistically significant differences in the students' achievement on the basis of the different note-taking strategies adopted at both the immediate and delayed recall tests. Both the note-takers and note followers had significantly higher scores than the control group. (2) There were no statistically significant interactive effects of note-taking strategies and attitudinal differences on the students immediate recall test but there were statistically significant differences at the delayed recall test. (3) There were no statistically significant interactive effects of note-taking strategies and personality traits on the students' achievement at both the immediate and delayed recall test. (4) There were no statistically significant interactive effects of note-taking strategies, attitudinal difference and personality traits on students' achievement at both the immediate and delayed recall tests. The results are consistent with the idea that note-taking can be a generative activity that encourages students to build connections between lecture information and what they already know. This is one of the implications of the findings. Other implications were: that, rather than indulging in writing notes on the blackboard or in handouts for our students, they should be taught how to encode accurately lecture information during lecture; that sufficient practice in note-taking should be given to our students right from the lower levels of education; that whether a student is extrovertic or introvertic in his personality disposition, his achievement in social studies depends more on the type of note- taking strategy he adopts during class lectures; that positive attitude to learning enhances better remembering and recall. Suggestions were also made for further studies in the area of the research.Item The population of mentally disadvantaged in Nigeria: health and development programme(Avebury Ashagate publishing limited Gower house, croft road, aldershot, hantd GU11 3HR, England, 1995) Emeke, E. A; Yoleye, T. WThe paper considered the fact that the actual population of the mentally disadvantaged in Nigeria needs to be known, so that its economic importance on the overall development of the country can be assessed. By projection, and using comparative assessment methods from Nigeria and other countries, the writers estimated the population of the mentally disadvantaged in Nigeria to be 1.77million, and submit that this has grave consequences on the health programme and the general development of the nation. The writers contend that at present, Nigeria does not have adequate health facilities and programmes for its mentally disadvantaged citizens. However, attempts at provision of facilities can be found based in the homes of the mentally disadvantaged, in educational institutions, hospitals and at governmental level. The productivity of the mentally disadvantaged is very low, and to provide food, water, shelter, and other amenities to almost 2 million mentally disadvantaged, in a depressed economy will have a tremendously negative effect on Nigeria's development. The paper concluded that the situation can however be made better and the mentally disadvantaged can contribute thier own quota to the per-capita earnings for the nation. This could be achieved by making them productive through adequate training and provision of educative health programmes that have legislative backing. More researches and the use of therapeutic methods could help the mentally disadvantaged to learn and cope with some life situations. |Urban designs should accommodate the mentally disadvantaged and the soical integration strategies should be more humane and all embracing.Item CAUSAL MODEL OF SOME SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES AS DETERMINANTS OF ACHIEVEMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES(1995-05) ABE, C. V.The study sought to obtain empirical evidence of the causal linkages between academic achievement and some socio-psychological variables, and to ascertain the extent to which these variables predict achievement in Social Studies. The study made use of ex-post facto design involving a sample of 624 Junior Secondary School class three students in thirty secondary schools in Oyo State. Each student responded to five different questionnaires and an achievement test in Social Studies. The data was analysed using stepwise multiple regression and path analysis statistics to answer the five research questions raised in this study. The research findings indicate that: 1. Only five of the variables viz: socio-economic status, gender, home language, attitude towards Social Studies and study habits influenced achievement in Social Studies. 2. Most of the variables that have indirect effects on students' achievement in Social Studies do so via study habits. 3. There is no direct effects of i. locus of control on achievement ii. gender on career aspiration iii. attitude towards Social Studies on career aspiration iv. locus of control on study habits v. test anxiety on achievement vi. career aspiration on achievement. 4. Total effects of the direct path accounted for 23.4% of the variation in students' achievement in Social Studies, while total effects of the indirect paths accounted for 9.0%. 5. The eight socio-psychological variables in the study when taken together were quite effective in predicting achievement in Social Studies with multiple R = 78; R(2) =61; Adjusted R(2) = .60; Standard Error = 6.57; R(2) Change = .61; F Change = 119.43. 6. Socio-economic status (VAR1) was the most effective variable in predicting achievement in secondary school Social Studies. 7. Locus of control, career aspiration, and test anxiety did not make any significant contribution to the prediction of achievement in Social Studies. The findings have important implications for the development of bumper and robust counselling package for secondary school students in line with the demand of the National Policy in Education.Item COMPARATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF LECTURE AND MATERIAL-BASED INTERACTIVE METHODS ON SELF-CONCEPT, TEST ANXIETY AND ACHIEVEMENT IN MATHEMATICS IN LAGOS STATE(1995-08) ADEDAYO, O. AThis study was carried out with the aim of investigating the effect of three instructional methods and gender on achievement, test anxiety and self-concept in mathematics of NCE year one Business Education Students. The design used was a 3 x 2 pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental design. A sample of 165 first year NCE Business Education Students comprising 71 males and 94 females, with mean age of 22.96 years, was used in this study. The subjects were all full-time students from two colleges of Education in Lagos State who registered for the 1992/93 session. A total of nine hypotheses were tested with respect to the interactive effect of instructional method and gender on each of the three dependent variables. The instructional methods occurred at three levels as follows: Interactive learning with individual use of materials, interactive learning with group use of material and the lecture method. The materials were prepared from the second semester business mathematics course outline. Five instruments were used for data collection. They were: 1. A multiple choice test in mathematics to test prerequisite skills. 2. A multiple choice post achievement test in mathematics covering the course objectives of the second semester business mathematics course. 3. The Inventory of Test Anxiety in Mathematics (ITAM) by Osterhouse,. 4. A mathematics self-concept scale. 5. A learning package. Analysis of covariance was done for each of the three dependent variables. Where significant interaction was found the hypothesis on main effect was not tested. Rather, Scheffe multiple Range Test was used to identify the source of variation. In case of no interaction, Multiple Classification Analysis was used to determine the magnitude and direction of the effect as well as the amount of variation accounted for by each variable. The result showed significant interactive effect of gender and treatment on mathematics achievement. Interactive learning with individual use of materials favoured females while interactive learning with group use of materials favoured males. There was no interactive effect of gender and instructional method on the other two dependent variables. However, with test anxiety as the dependent variable, it was found that instructional method had significant effect, with students exposed to the lecture method having the highest anxiety level when compared with others. The hypothesis on self-concept showed that gender had significant effect, favouring females. Instructional method and gender accounted for a total variance of 24.3% in mathematics test anxiety and 22.8% in self concept in mathematics. Recommendations are made as to how interactive learning could be used to meet students individual needs in the teaching of tertiary mathematics.Item Humility in religion and psychology(1995-12) Emeke, E. AItem The teacher as curriculum developer and evaluator(The Educational Research and Study Group, Ibadan, 1996) Emeke, E. AItem Adolescent girl, commercial sex workers and HIV_AIDS awareness(Department of psychology, Obafemi Awolowo university,Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 1996-09) Emeke, E. AThe objective of the study is to assess the level of awareness of HIV AIDS among adolescent girls commerical sex workers in terms of the existence of HIV-AIDS in Nigeria, and the sex workers' awareness of their vulnerability to HIV-AIDS infection. The study also examined the preparedness of the commercial sex workers to quite the trade. A 20-item questionnaire HIV_AIDS awareness among commercial sex workers- was administered on the 12 adolescent commerical sex workers in the two brothels used for the study. Results indicated a high level of awreness of the existence of HIV-AIDS infection, they do not see themselves quiting the trade since they believe they already have the stigma as sex workers. The findings have implications for designing intervention strategies which can help promote behavioural change in the adolescent sex worker, and help restructure her cognitive make-up regarding her mind set about having a stigma.Item Promoting adolescent reproductive health: role of NGOS, parental care & sex education(1997) Emeke, E. AReproductive health care seeks to meet in male and female adolescents, the health needs assocaited with sexuality. This paper in taking a look at the reproductive health of adolescents, outlined the very positive roles the NGOs, parents and the school can play through appropriate sex education. The paper started off by giving seven reasons why the reproductive health of adolescents in Nigeria must be promoted. The paper reviewed the major UN conferences that have bearing with adolescents reproductive health and proffered actions that can be taken to achieve a number of strategic objectives based on the plans of action. On the role of NGOS, the paper advocated that NGOs which are strong forces to be reckoned with in the area of programme development and promotion of adolescent reproductive health, should retain the gains of the past and stregthen the weakness of the present, in the area of promotion of adolescent reproductive health. Since parental care is sine-qua-non to every aspect of the adolescent's life, reproductive health inclusive, parents were implored to ensure that practices , which will not promoted adolescents reproductive health, be reduced if not eliminated. Sex education should be seen as a whole area of interpersonal relations affecting human sexuality, and not just as a course emphasing soley the devices and methods of preventing pregnancies or avoiding STDs and STIs. This view of sex education will make adolescents in and out of school benefit from sex education. The paper concludes on the note that everybody should come together to nurture adolescents and promote their reproductive healthItem Research for higher education development(1997-12) Amoo, S. A; Onuka, A. O. U.The Higher Education sector is composed of all universities; colleges of education and technology and other institutes of post secondary education . It also includes all research institutes, experimental campuses and schools operating under the direct control of, or administered by, or associated with, the higher education establishments. This paper examines the quality of research in developing human resources to facilitate the development of the nation. It discusses the challenges and the role of research and higher education in support of teacher education programs and related policy processes in international context. It analyses the state-of-art in the interface between teacher education, higher education and teacher policy development. It addresses the issues related to research and education as well as their contribution to teacher education policy development processes. It explains how higher education can contribute through research and capacity building to teacher education policy development process in Nigeria. It recommends the future collaboration between the key international institutions and academics.Item Resources and resource utilization in normadic education(Nigeria Association for Educational Media and Technology, 1998) Farombi, J. G.The paper opens with a conceptual analysis of nomadic education and its inception in Nigeria. A brief account of nomadic education in Nigeria shows that nomadic education is no more strange (although, a more vibrant endeavours to educate nomads was embarked upon in the 70s). There are thirty-four States and Federal Territory Capital (Abuja) participating in normadic education. One of the remaining two states will soon be joining. The number of normadic education schools rose from 174 in 1986 to 890 in 1997 and a total of 88,871 pupils as at 1997 had enrolled. One of the factors inhibiting nomadic education is the lack of resources that are needed for the success of the programme. The resources can be divided into four categories (financial resource, human resources, material resources, and instructional time resource). For example, some of the normads have their lessons under trees and one wonders what happens during dry seasons when all leaves are dried. Furthermore, the teaching force (ie, the nomadic education teachers) are not adequate since there are 2,561 teachers in the existing 890 schools it shows that there are less than 3 teachers in each school. The study ends by recommending that since nomads are unwilling to go for nomadic eduaction, there should be a provision of the material and financial resources to nomadic education, these will serve as bates for these pupils.