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Item The effect of bilingual mode of instruction on pupils’ academic achievement in social studies in Oyo state primary schools(2013-05) Ibode, F. O.; Ojo, M. M.Bilingual mode of instruction is considered very important at the primary level of education. This becomes very necessary due to the multiplicity of languages evident in some countries like Nigeria. Consequently, bilingual situation is observed in primary schools at certain levels of primary education. Pupils learn and are taught in English language which is quite different from their ethnic languages. The study therefore investigated the effect of bilingual mode of instruction on pupils’ achievement in Social Studies. The study adopted quasi- experimental approach. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to draw a sample of200 basic six (6) pupils from four schools (two rural and two urban schools) for the study. The instrument (Social Studies Achievement Test (SSAT) was developed by the researchers and used for data collection. The instrument was subjected to Kuder Richardson 21 with reliability coefficient of 0.82. The result of the study show that the bilingual mode of instruction has significant effect on achievement of pupils in Social Studies F (1.191) - 72.738, p< 0.05 Partial Eta Square n?= .276. Therefore the effect size (27.6%) is moderate. Hence, mode of instruction accounted for 27.6% of the total variance in the pupils’ achievement in Social Studies.Item Effect of two teaching methods on student’s achievement in junior secondary school social studies in Ibadan metropolis(2018-04) Junaid, I. O.; Ayinde, A. D.The research investigates effects of two teaching methods of students of Junior Secondary Schools within Ibadan Metropolis. Multistage sampling techniques were adopted in selecting three Local government Areas, Six Junior Secondary Schools, 12 Teachers and 188 Students. Seven hypotheses stated and tested with four validated instruments: Social Studies Achievement Test, Teaching Techniques Questionnaire, Study Habits Rating Scale and Social Studies Attitudinal Scale, guided the study. Data obtained were analysed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Results shows that the main effect of treatment (Brainstorming and Project Methods) is significant on students’ achievements in Social Studies (F= 4.422; P < 0.05); the main effect of gender is significant on students’ achievements in Social Studies (F= 5.663; P < 0.05); the main effect of study habit was significant on students’ achievements in Social Studies (F= 3.393; P < 0.05); the interaction effect of treatment and gender was significant on students’ achievements in Social Studies (F= 2.076; P < 0.05); the interaction effect of gender and study habit was significant on students’ achievements in Social Studies (F= 2.523; P < 0.05); the interaction effect of treatment, gender and study habit was significant on students’ achievements in Social Studies (F= 2.198; P < 0.05). The paper therefore recommends that Social Studies teachers should make it as a point of duty to always employ brainstorming teaching method in teaching and learning process to enhance students’ desirable achievement.Item The effects of bilingual mode of instructions on pupil’s academic achievement in basic science in Oyo state basic schools(2013) Ibode, O. F.; Ojo, M. M.It adopted quasi- experimental approach. A multistage sampling technique was used to draw a sample of200 basic six (6) pupils from four schools. The instrument used for the data collection was Basic Science achievement Test (BSAT). It was developed by the researchers. Trial test of the instrument was done using Kuder Richardson 21. The reliability coefficient is 0.80. The result of the study shows that the bilingual mode of instruction had significant effect on Basic Science F (1.191) = 57.10, p< 0.05 Partial Eta Square = .230. Therefore the effect size (23%) is moderate. The bilingual mode of instruction also has significant main effect on gender in achievement of pupils in Basic Science F (1191)=9.76, p= .002 partial eta squared = .049 . However the effect size (4.9%) is low. Therefore, it was recommended that policy makers should include the use of bilingual mode of instruction in policy formulation for basic schools.Item Effects of bilingual teaching strategy on pupil’s achievement in mathematics in Oyo state primary schools(2013) Ibode, O. F.; Adeteju, C. O.After a careful analytical observation, Primary Education which is the foundation upon which further education is built is considered not to be at its best presently in Nigeria. The mode of instruction used by teachers of Mathematics (being a core subject) seems to be contributory to the performance of pupils in primary schools. This study investigated the effect of Bilingual teaching Strategy on pupils’ achievement in Mathematics with the view to improving such. The research adopted the pre-test, post-test control group using 2×2 factorial matrix. The subjects consisted of 141 primary five pupils. Two local governments were randomly selected out of the four local governments in Oyo town. Each of the local government was clustered into two groups; two schools were randomly selected from the two groups and randomly assigned to treatment, making four schools. Four instruments, namely; Mathematics Achievement Test, Pupils Attitude Scale, Teacher Instructional Guide on Bilingual Teaching Strategy and Conventional Teaching Strategy, were used to collect data. Three hypotheses were tested and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The result of the study showed that there was a significant effect of treatment (teaching strategies) on pupils’ achievement. [F (1,141) =185.372, P< 0.05]. Mean score of Bilingual teaching strategy is ( =13.67), and conventional group (control) scored the least ( =7.10) in achievement in Mathematics. It revealed no significant main effect of attitude [F (1, 141) =1.258, P>0.05]. Findings also imply that pupils’ attitude does not serve as hindrance to their achievement in Mathematics; among other discoveries. The work, therefore, recommends, inter-alia, that Mathematics teachers should utilize bilingual approach to support teaching of Mathematics in primary schools to enhance pupils’ performance.Item Emerging predictors of achievement in government for innovative and dynamic education in Lagos State(2016-06) Junaid, I. O.Results released by examining bodies on Government over the year have not been encouraging. Several researches have attempted to identify factors responsible for the poor performances in Senior Secondary School Government. But the problem still persist. The study therefore, investigated the extent to which teachers’ style of teaching; students’ study habits and classroom participation predict students’ achievement in Government in Lagos State. The study used descriptive survey research design; forty (40) teachers and four hundred (400) SS II Government students were selected through multi-stage sampling techniques from two Education Districts in Lagos State. Three validated instruments were used to gather information in this study. These are: Teachers’ Style of Teaching and Classroom Participation Questionnaire (r =.729), Study Habits Rating Scale (r =.689), Government Achievement Test (GAT). Five research questions were raised and answered in this study. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression and Pearson product moment correlational 0.05 level of significance. The papers submit that selection of appropriate style of teaching; exhibition of effective study habit by the students and encouragement of students in active classroom participation will lead to substantial improvement in students’ achievement in Government. Therefore, teachers should employ the right teaching style in order to motivate students to learn; students should apply effective study habit that will make them discover new things themselves and boost their achievement.Item Influence of parental assessment culture on primary school pupils’ academic performance in english language and social studies in Benue State - Nigeria(Educational Assessment and Research Network in Africa, 2018-06) Ibode, O. F.; Nasela, P.The study examined the assessment of availability, adequacy, and utilisation of information and communication technology (ICT) in universities in South-West, Nigeria. The ex-post facto design was adopted, to collect information in which three states and three federal universities were purposively selected from South- Western, Nigeria. One hundred students and ten lecturers were randomly selected from each of the three federal universities in the zone. Two validated instruments: Information and Communication Technology Facilities Checklist (ICTFC) and Lecturers’ Questionnaire (LQ, r = 0.82) were used for data collection. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. Between 84% and 100% of the respondents indicated that ICT facilities were available, while between 85% and 100% of them indicated that they were inadequate. The level of utilisation of the ICT facilities is low as indicated by 57%o to 100% of the respondents. Irregular power supply 100%, poor funding 90% and lack of internet facilities 83.33%, were identified as some of the major constraints militating against the use of ICT facilities. It was, therefore, recommended that there should be adequate provision of ICT facilities and resources in our tertiary institutions. The National Universities Commission (NUC) should of a necessity review the course contents of university education, to compulsorily incorporate ICT utilisation as a standard for teaching and learning, while university authorities should support lecturers to utilise ICT. There is increasing need for parents' active participation in the assessment of their children at home. This study investigated the influence of parental assessment culture on primary school pupils' academic performance in English and Social Studies in Benue State. Three research questions were developed for the study, which is a survey and correlation study. A sample of200primary six pupils from six schools was randomly selected using the hat and draw procedure. The six primary schools were also selected using random sampling technique. Rating scale and English and Social Studies achievement tests were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and Pearson moment correlation were used as statistical tools for data analysis. The findings revealed that parents have low level of assessment culture in evaluating academic works of their primary school children. There was low positive correlation between parental assessment culture and pupils' academic performance in English Studies (r = .042, p= .556), whereas, parents assessment culture was positively related to pupils' performance in Social Studies (r = .780, p=.010). It is recommended, among others, that parents should cultivate the culture of assessing their children academic activities at home, and provide feedback to the school on children's academic behaviours at home. facilities while teaching.Item Innovative teaching strategies, school quality as predictors of students’ achievement in junior secondary school civic education in Abeokuta metropolis(Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan, 2017-06) Junaid, I. O.; Olaniran, N.The research investigated innovative teaching strategies, school quality as predictors of students' achievement in junior secondary school civic education in Abeokuta metropolis. Multistage sampling techniques were adopted in selecting two Local government Areas in Abeokuta, five hundred (500) students offering Civic Education and thirty (30) teachers. Four research questions were raised and answered with three validated instruments; Innovative Teaching Method Questionnaire (r =.69); School Quality Questionnaire (r =. 75); Civic Education Achievement Test (CEAT), guided the study. Data obtained were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and multiple regressions at 0.05 level of significance. Results indicated that relationship exists between innovative teaching strategies and students' achievement in civic education (r = .169, p < 0.05(.017)). Also, the finding revealed that school quality was significant on students' achievement in civic education (r = .312, p < 0.05(.000)). Apart from, the earlier mentioned findings all the variables jointly explained 10% of the variance observed in students' achievement in civic education. Further, results showed, that school quality (6 - .288, t 4.156, p < 0.05(.000) contribute positively significant in the prediction of students' achievement in civic education. However, innovative teaching strategies (6 = 0.100, t 1.435, p > 0.05(.153)) contributed positively but insignificantly in the prediction of students' achievement in civic education. This is an indication that school quality actually predicted students' achievement in civic education. The paper therefore recommended that: teachers should be exposed to available innovative teaching strategies through workshop and seminars to ensure desirable students' achievement in civic education.Item Students classroom activeness as correlate of academic achievement in english language in Ibadan metropolis(The Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Akoka-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, 2016-12) Ibode, O. F.The study investigated students' classroom activeness as correlate of their academic achievement in English Language in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State. Three research questions were developed to guide the study. An ex postfacto research design of survey research type and the target population consists is SSSII Students in Ibadan Metropolis. Using simple random sampling technique, 150 SSS II students across secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis were selected as respondents for the study. Students' classroom active participation rating scale was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and pearson product moment correlation were used in the data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that: majority of the students with the mean of 2.50 and above do participate actively during English Language lesson. Also, there is low negative correlation (r = -.103, p=.208) between students’ questioning/answering questions in the classroom and academic achievement in English Language. Also, there is low negative correlation (r = 114, p=.164) between students' initiation/contribution to classroom discussion and academic achievement in English Language. It was therefore, recommended that teachers of English Language should motivate students to participate more actively in the classroom by asking or answering questions during English Language lessons.