Implementing digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria, a backbone for achieving institutional repository (IR): Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan experience.
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This paper addressed digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria as a backbone for implementing a sustainable and reliable institutional repository (IR). using Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Ibadan as a reference point. It discussed among other things, provision of background information about the initiative, looking at digitisation initiative from global perspective, taking decisions on what part of the collections to be digitised, why is digitisation so accentuated, statement of problem, justification for embracing digitisation initiative, critical elements of digitisation processes, copyright issues, handling copyright issues, using Sherpa Romeo colour web page, basic library responsibilities in managing digital project (IR). a documentation of digitisation efforts at University of Ibadan Kenneth Dike Library: The story so far, prospects, lesson learnt and conclusion. In a nutshell, the whole essence of this paper is to document Kenneth Dike Library experience in respect of the digitization initiative taken in October. 2010, as a platform for implementing Institutional Repository (IR) for the University of Ibadan, Ibadan. The progress reports as well as other details in respect of digitisation processes are hereby provided. This will serve as a blue print for any university academic library wanting to implement institutional repository (IR), using digitisation as a back bone.
Digitization, University, Libraries, Repository, Institutional