"Role of Sexual Risk Behaviors and Sexual Attitude in Perceived HIV Vulnerability Among Youths with Disabilities in Two Nigerian Cities"
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"The role of sexual attitude and sexual risk-behavior in the perception of HIVvulnerability
and differences among youths with disability and able-bodied youths was
investigated. The cross-sectional survey included purposively selected youths with visual,
hearing and physical impairments (n = 181) and able-bodied youths (n = 181 as comparison
group) with mean age of 23.75 years in public institutions. Data was gathered with
the use of a 44-item questionnaire which included a Braille version. Analysis included
descriptive, cross-tabulation, and 2X2 ANOVA. Sexual risk behavior is related and has
influence on perceived HIV-vulnerability in both groups, while sexual attitude did not.
Youths with disability who have liberal sexual attitude and high score in sexual riskbehavior
reported the highest perceived HIV-vulnerability. Visually-impaired participants
perceived a higher level of HIV-vulnerability compared to the hearing and physically
impaired. Health care planners should consider sexual risk behavior in improving perceived
HIV-vulnerability in both impaired and able-bodied populations."
"Perceived HIV-vulnerability, Youths with disability, Sexual attitude, Sexual risk-behavior, Nigeria"