Constraints in nurses´ use of HIV protective barriers in the care of PLWHA in the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria
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This survey examines the constraints limiting nurses’ use of protective barriers in the care of people living with HIV/AIDS in Ibadan, Nigeria. 270 females and 5 male nurses working in UCH were purposively selected. A self-developed questionnaire was used during data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi square. Results about nurses’ use of protective devices (eg gloves) showed that 206 (94.2%) use PB always, 15 (5.5%) frequently use PB and 1(0.4%) occasionally use PB. Chi-square test shows significant differences between constraints in the use of PB in the care of PLWHA and adherence to HIV/AIDS universal precautions (X1=15.22, 1df, p<0.05). It was concluded that nurses in the selected setting were faced with constraints in the use of PB and as such were inadequately protected from blood-borne diseases especially when caring for PLWHA