Digital technologies in community development practice, prospects and challenges

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Educational Assessment and Research Network in Africa


Digital technology has taken over every aspect of human life: the economy and work. These are several sources through which 'Information can be disseminated and interpreted. Information and Telecommunication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly prevalent in developing world and as such are being used in variety of ways to promote development efforts, hence, in this paper, the prospects and challenges of digital technologies in community development practices in Nigeria are examined. It is the process of improving the quality of life and social lies among members of historical or cultural heritage communities in order to address their needs and aspirations. Realizing the utilitarian value of community development, this paper therefore, advocates for digital technology in its practice. It was concluded that for the dream of community development to see the light of the day in Nigeria, digital technologies are needed for the promotion of community development. There is the need for community development expert s, agents and workers to ensure the adoption and utilisation of relevant technology for the promotion of community development practice in Nigeria



Digital technology, Community development, Practice, Challenges, Prospects





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