Library Staff Collection
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Item Assessment of the use of ICT by distance learning students in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria(eSciPub LLC, 2019) Adekunjo, O. A.; Unuabor, S. O.; Odion, F.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.This paper reviews the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by students of Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. There is no doubt that ICT is playing a vital role in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in terms of enhancing the provision of immediate assistant to the learners for their academic and administrative needs in large scale. It has been established that services cannot be performed in distance learning centres using traditional institutional system all alone. Therefore, ICT tools application has been incorporated to meeting the requirements of learners at various phases of learning cycle viz the admission phase and other services. The heterogeneous requirements in open distance learning has culminated into issues and challenges needed to be addressed in usage of the technologies and the service(s) being provided through ICT. Survey research design with the aid of questionnaire was employed to elicit response from the respondents. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of this work. The effectiveness, stimulating factors, issues and challenges confronting ICT usage, purpose as well as other challenges encountered by staff and students of University of Ibadan DLC were emphasised. Recommendations were made based on the findings.Item Capacity building and job productivity of library staff in selected universities in South-west Nigeria(2019-03) Adekunjo, O. A.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Bamidele, T. F.The paper examined the level of capacity building to library staff in selected University Libraries; it identified the various forms of capacity building strategies put in place, and the extent to which capacity building affected-library job productivity. It also looked at the relationship between capacity building and job productivity in the selected universities in south-west of Nigeria. Survey research methodology was used with a total sample size of 202 library staff using the total enumeration sampling technique due to the small size of the population. Data was collected mainly through Questionnaire and analyzed using frequency distribution and regression analysis run on SPSS (2.0.) The result revealed that the level of capacity building for library staff was basically moderate with (20.5366) as it focused principally on job rotation and computer-based for library staff. The level of job productivity was high with (17.1905) therefore regular and targeted training programs should be organized periodically for library staff base on the identified-job requirements of each library staff which would lead to enhanced organizational productivity and staff job performance among other factors were part of the recommendations.Item Demographic characteristics and accessibility as determinants of use of library resources by students in two Federal Colleges of Agriculture in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria(2020-07) Adekunjo, O. A.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Fatubiyele, J. M.The paper examined demographic factors and accessibility as determinants of use of library resources by students of Federal College of Animal Health Production and Federal College of Agriculture and Technology, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design with the aid of questionnaire was employed to elicit response from the respondents. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of this work. Data was analysed with the use of descriptive statistics facilitated by the Statistical Software for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results were presented in frequencies, percentages, correlation and multiple regressions on tables. From the findings, library resources that were very readily available were indicated. The prominent challenges affecting the use of library resources as indicated by most of the respondents were highlighted. Recommendations were also made based on the findings.Item Research output of librarians in agricultural research institutes in Nigeria, 2003-2008(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2012) Adekunjo, O. A.; Ikhioya, P. E.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.This study investigated the research output of librarians in Agricultural Research Institutes (ARI) in Nigeria between 2003-2008 with special reference to Oyo and Edo States. A survey research design was employed and the instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and interviews. 20 out of the 22 librarians in the selected Agricultural Research Institutes completed the questionnaire, thus giving a response rate of 90.91%. Simple percentages, pie chart as well as bar charts were used for the presentation of the data collected. Some of the major findings of the study include the following: the more experienced librarians published more than their other less experienced colleagues, publication output was the least used criterion for the promotion of librarians in the Agricultural Research Institutes, and the major challenge to librarians was lack of funds to support research activities. In the light of these findings, some recommendations were proffered to enhance the research output of the librarians. Among these include: that publication should be regarded as a vital criterion for promotion of librarians; librarians should be encouraged to conduct research and publish their findings since research is the focus of their institutes; and librarians should be assisted to attract grant for their research activities