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Item Essentials of project proposal writing in librarianship(International Center for Professional Advancement, 2015-06) Ola, C. O.This paper focuses on the essentials of project proposal writing in librarianship. Librarianship is basically service-oriented and mostly non-for-profit. Their needs are enormous as they thrive to provide Services to their teeming users with the limited resources available to them. In doing this, they approach funding organizations, foundations and government agencies for support. As there are many contending libraries and organizations competing for scarce grants, the skills in writing project proposals become very important when sourcing for support to execute library projects. The paper discusses projects and the development of library and Information Services; the general guidelines for proposal writing: the structure and contents of project proposals; project details and descriptions; the budget contents and; the organizational Information. In all these, attention is drawn to the salient ingredients that make project proposals attractive to potential funding organizationsItem Funding Nigerian University Libraries: a perpetual albatross?(2011) Ola, C. O.Item Status of university librarians in the governance structure of Nigerian universities(2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.This paper examines the Status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic Status within the University System. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather Information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the Status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University System. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers The service- oriented bias of Professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university SystemItem The need for the digitization of special library materials in Nigerian university libraries(2010) Igbeka, J. U.; Ola, C. O.Digitization as a method of preservation is now a global phenomenon and the new trend in managing library information materials and content, especially precious ones. This paper positions Nigerian university libraries within this global context; identifies the benefits and parameters for digitizing special library materials; and investigates the pattern of usage of the special collections in Kenneth Dike Library (KDL), University of Ibadan, with the aim of establishing their suitability for digitization. The records of consultation of Africana, Publications Ordinance and Theses collections from 2004 to 2008 were surveyed. The record of foreign requests of Africana materials was also studied. A qualitative analysis of data using frequencies and percentages shows that, in spite of the general challenges of digitization, it is desirable to digitize the special collections in KDL. However, it is recommended that before embarking on digitization, a digitization programme should be drawn up with detailed prioritization mapped out. The KDL digitization project should start with digitizing the abstracts of the Theses collectionItem Use of newspaper by Nigerian University students: the case of Delta State University, Anwai campus’(2010-05) Igbeka, J. U.; Ola, C. O.Item Reference service delivery system in west-Africa: limitations and prospects as seen from Kenneth Dike Library, Nigeria(2010) Ola, C. O.This paper focuses on the centrality of reference services to the practice of librarians hip. It enumerates the limitations faced by Kenneth Dike Library (KDL) in its bid to deploy Information Communications Technology (lCT) to its reference services delivery system. Being a university library in a developing country, KDL has to cope with the problems confronting universities in Nigeria. The problems that plague the ivory towers and, consequently, the libraries that serve them, include lack of proper funding, infrastructural deficiencies, inability to retain information technology experts, and intra-local politics regarding the control of ICT facilities in the library. The paper also projects on KDL's efforts at establishing the virtual reference suite to complement its present reference servicesItem Accessibility and retrieval of national Information in Nigerian university libraries(2011) Ola, C. O.; Oseghale, O.This paper sets out to examine the accessibility, retrieval and use a/Publications Ordinance (PO) materials in Nigerian university libraries using Kenneth Dike Library (KDL) as a case study. The survey research design was adopted and a structured questionnaire was distributed to 400 users comprising students, staff and external users The records of the use of PO materials between October 2009 and September 2010 were also perused Result shows that majority of users are aware of the availability and importance of Legal deposits collection in the library but have difficulty in retrieving the materials due to inability to have direct physical contact with the materials, The study therefore proffers that Nigerian university libraries should, as a matter of' urgency, organize PO collections and adopt a harmonized library management system in order to enhance users' access and retrieval of' the materialsItem The use of mobile phones in the public areas of a Nigerian University Library(2011) Ola, C. O.Mobile phones are important means of communication but its use is becoming incessant and considered distractive by some library users. A questionnaire was designed for a survey to elicit the reactions of library users on how best to handle its usage in Kenneth Dike Library (KDL), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 1,500 copies were placed at the reference and circulation sections of the library for users to complete. Of the total number of questionnaires made available, 1,290 copies, representing 86%, were returned. These were analyzed using frequency, percentages and inferences. 1,010 (78.29%) of the respondents affirm that they are distracted each time a cell phone rings near them in the library. It is therefore suggested, among other things, that the university authority (employing its official organs and enlisting the support of the students’ union) should come up with appropriate rules and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the library while the library should provide designated areas where calls could be made and/or received within its premises with appropriate notices and instructions posted in conspicuous areas. In addition, users should be encouraged to put their global system of mobile communication (GSM) handsets in the vibration/silent modes whenever they are in the libraryItem Motivation, job satisfaction and service delivery: mid-level staff of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria(2012) Ola, C. O.; Adeyemi, B. M.This is a study on motivation and job satisfaction of mid-level staff in Kenneth Dike Library (KDL), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Survey method was adopted where responses were elicited through a questionnaire administered on the staff. Answers were sought to questions on staff welfare, satisfaction and productivity. The data collected was analyzed through frequencies, percentages and inferences. It is shown that the morale of staff in the target group was doused due to: frustration resulting from lack of involvement in decision making and inadequate tools and materials with which to work; over-centralization of authority; lack of proper incentives by way of welfare schemes and adequate remunerations. Suggestions are made on the adoption of genuine participatory management style, the introduction of welfare committees to handle staff welfare matters, stringent measures for disciplinary cases plus the fact that government should improve the working conditions of all employees to enhance their level of productivityItem The utilization of library resources by undergraduates of Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria(2012) Ola, C. O.; Bedford, C. E.This is a study on the usage of library resources by undergraduates of a state-owned university in Nigeria. The survey method of research was employed via the questionnaire instrument to elicit information on the adequacy of operational time; various retrieval access options; availability, adequacy and relevance of the materials; consultations of the different resources in the library; availability and adequacy of reprographic services; and the type of rapport between library staff and the students. Using frequency counts, percentages and tables to analyze responses, it was discovered that the resources of the library were under-utilized due mainly to inadequate user instructions, insufficient operational hours per day, and inadequate support facilities like reprography. However, the library resources are fairly adequate for undergraduate scholarship and there exists cordial relationship between library staff and students. The need to educate students on library use skills through orientations and library instruction programmes is emphasized while library staff should also be trained in the modern techniques of library management to enhance service delivery