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    Status of university librarians in the governance structure of Nigerian universities
    (2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.
    This paper examines the Status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic Status within the University System. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather Information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the Status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University System. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers The service- oriented bias of Professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university System
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    Creating electronic access to newspaper information in Nigeria: the information aid network (IFAnet) experience
    (Academic Journals, 2006) Ola, C. O.; Ojo, R. A.
    This paper highlights the value of newspaper information and the methods adopted in organizing, preserving and disseminating it. The paper dwells on the traditional ways of managing newspaper resources and the need to device a new medium of accessing the information contents of the resource. It enumerates the steps taken in conserving newspaper information and building access descriptors for retrieval from the massive information contained in numerous newspapers churned out daily, weekly or periodically. An NGO, (IFAnet), concerned with managing information and using newspapers as one of its major resources has been used as the case study
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    Reference service delivery system in west-Africa: limitations and prospects as seen from Kenneth Dike Library, Nigeria
    (2010) Ola, C. O.
    This paper focuses on the centrality of reference services to the practice of librarians hip. It enumerates the limitations faced by Kenneth Dike Library (KDL) in its bid to deploy Information Communications Technology (lCT) to its reference services delivery system. Being a university library in a developing country, KDL has to cope with the problems confronting universities in Nigeria. The problems that plague the ivory towers and, consequently, the libraries that serve them, include lack of proper funding, infrastructural deficiencies, inability to retain information technology experts, and intra-local politics regarding the control of ICT facilities in the library. The paper also projects on KDL's efforts at establishing the virtual reference suite to complement its present reference services
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    The utilization of library resources by undergraduates of Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
    (2012) Ola, C. O.; Bedford, C. E.
    This is a study on the usage of library resources by undergraduates of a state-owned university in Nigeria. The survey method of research was employed via the questionnaire instrument to elicit information on the adequacy of operational time; various retrieval access options; availability, adequacy and relevance of the materials; consultations of the different resources in the library; availability and adequacy of reprographic services; and the type of rapport between library staff and the students. Using frequency counts, percentages and tables to analyze responses, it was discovered that the resources of the library were under-utilized due mainly to inadequate user instructions, insufficient operational hours per day, and inadequate support facilities like reprography. However, the library resources are fairly adequate for undergraduate scholarship and there exists cordial relationship between library staff and students. The need to educate students on library use skills through orientations and library instruction programmes is emphasized while library staff should also be trained in the modern techniques of library management to enhance service delivery
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    Improving Services in a hybrid academic library System
    (2021) Oyelude, A. A.; Ola, C. O.; Adeniran, E. A.
    The mixture of traditional or manual ways of carrying out library operations with new, modern, automated systems often brings about several problems. The problems are ones that can be tackled within the framework of having appropriate systems dynamics routines applied and also making use of personnel skilled in strategic management of hybrid library systems. The paper describes a hybrid academic library system and draws up a model of this system suggesting strategies and scenarios for achieving optimum performance of the system in a technology changing world. A system dynamics model for the management of the system is developed around the issues of personnel management, collection management, capacity building, and provision of access to research materials, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, forming of Consortia, and Security in the system. Recommendations are made as to which strategy/ scenario or combinations of scenarios will provide lasting solutions to the problems recurring or likely to reoccur in a hybrid academic library system.
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    Managing deviant behaviours among undergraduate student users of federal university libraries in southwest, Nigeria
    (2022-12) Oseghale, O.; Ola, C. O.
    The study suggests that situational crimes occur when the perceived cost is low and the net benefits associated with the crime is high. Therefore, managing situational crimes in the library implies achieving a balance between situational factors that increase the criminal’s perceived cost and those that decrease the criminal’s perceived benefit. The study recommends the establishment of student disciplinary and counselling units in addition to increasing the cost of crime and the risk of getting caught by increasing library security and imposing stiffer penalties for offenders in order to minimising crime commissioning among undergraduate students in federal university libraries
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    Status of university librarian in the governance structure of Nigerian universities
    (Nigerian Library Association, 2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.
    This paper examines the status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic status within the University system. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University system. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers. The service- oriented bias of professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university system.