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    Library users’ attitudes toward social media applications for dissemination of information in selected Nigerian university libraries
    (University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 2019) Otulugbu, D.
    Social media is one of the most engaging communication tools of modern era. The use of the social media has permeated all aspect of human endeavour be it commerce, education, social, health and entertainment. Library as a social institution has adopted the use of the media to engage the clients and share information. However, the preliminary investigation conducted by the researcher indicated that the use of the media in the libraries has been confronted with different reactions among the clients. This study therefore explored users’ attitudes toward the use of social media applications for information dissemination in selected Nigerian university libraries (Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan and Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University). Descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages as well as inferential statistics of correlation method were used to analyse the study data. The results showed that the most prominent social media used for service delivery in the two university libraries are Facebook, WhatsApp, Flickr, Youtube and Instant Messaging. The findings indicated that significant number of respondents have positive disposition to the use of social media for information dissemination owing to the fact that the media offer immediate, relevant and better communication on library resources and services. The need to sustain the use of the social media for dissemination of information and possible filter of irrelevant contents from the media were recommended.
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    Developing in-house library software application: University of Ibadan library integrated software (UI-ILS)
    (Information Technology Application Group (ITAG) International, 2019) Otulugbu, D.; Omoike, A.; Agwu, P. U.
    Purpose: The study was carried out to examine the library integrated software compatibility, usage and application in University of Ibadan, with the sole aim of highlighting the utilization and potentials of Library Integrated software and its practical importance to Kenneth Dike Library. Implications: The study also established that the library management need to embark on sensitization programme in order to create awareness among professional and paraprofessional librarians concerning usage and application of these varied software to boost provision of library services to users. Originality/Value: It was recommended that existing software need to be improve and upgrade to boost service provision and that the library management also need to embark on routine training for professionals and paraprofessional librarians on emerging technology such as library software.
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    Awareness and use of online information sources among University of Ibadan students
    (Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2017) Otulugbu, D.
    The internet has helped in the amassing of a large amount of information for consumption in varied fields of endeavor. This has brought about increasing ease in the search for and use of information in academic, social, political and other spheres of life. However, despite the increasing simplicity in the accessing of information, there are indications that some students do not fully utilize information sources. Thus, this study investigates the awareness and use of online information sources among university of Ibadan undergraduate students. Copies of questionnaires were administered on 300 students on purposive sampling basis. Findings show that 97.9% of the students were generally aware of online information sources but very few of the students were aware of the individual online sources that are made available in the university. In addition, very few of the students were satisfied with the available online information sources. This study suggests that university libraries should effectively create awareness about the various online resources that available for students’ usage. The findings of this study will be useful to academic institutions in the same terrain like the University of Ibadan. Also, librarians and academic scholars will find this study useful in the effective creation of awareness of online information sources among university students.
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    Using ICT as a platform for effective Information services delivery in information age: Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan experience
    (2016) Ojo, R. A; Otulugbu, D.
    Teaching, Learning and Research (TLR) initiatives in the institutions of higher learning, particularly in the University systems in the Information Age, are driven by digital data. Academic Libraries worldwide are emerging as critical partners in the creation, access, use, and preservation of (TLR) data. Digital stewardship, infrastructural development, economic models, and policies required to administer and protect TLR data, present both new opportunities and challenges for 21st century libraries. Addressed in this write-up are documentations of some of the things that Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria has achieved, using Information and Communications Technology(ICT) as a platform to enhance an efficient and a robust information services delivery in pursuant of TLR initiative of the University of Ibadan.
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    Librarians as information miners: the case of Nigeria
    (Information Practitioners Network, Ozoro, Nigeria, 2014-12) Mamudu, P. A.; Otulugbu, D.
    The need to resolve the question of what special skills librarians in Nigeria need to possess to enable them discover and harvest knowledge from digital libraries, know the retrieval engines and indexing structure as well as identify information needs, fine-tune and/or situate search terms in order to harvest results within the fastest speed/time possible cannot be over emphasized. This paper therefore evaluates the knowledge and skills needed by librarians in Nigeria to achieve optimum competence and performance in the digital environment. It examines the features of some internet databases with the aim of appropriating them to facilitate the digital consciousness of Librarians in the Nigerian digital environment, since these databases have similarities in structure; hence the aim is to facilitate high quality and timely research output. An acquisition of the relevant skills will facilitate librarians’ competence and performance in navigating, browsing and filtering digital reference services and electronic information services from the digital information sources. Relevant bodies or organizations that are directly responsible for the training and retraining of librarians are enjoined to organize among other activities, periodic workshops targeted at training librarians for the purpose of getting them ready for the challenges of the digital environment.
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    E-library utilization among students of Tai Solarin University of Education, Ogun State, Nigeria
    (Information Practitioners Network, Ozoro, Nigeria, 2014-06) Otulugbu, D.; Mamudu, P. A.
    The study reveals that e-resources such as e-books, e-journals, e- magazines/newspapers, e-databases are available in the e- library for the students' use. It revealed e- magazines/newspapers as always used by students of Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), with e-journals occasionally used. Persistent power failure, lack of access to e- library, and limited bandwidth were the major constraints hindering students' effective use of e-resources in the e-library. Students' internet self-efficacy was found to have a significant influence on the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of e-library among the students while perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were found to positively influence e-library usage among the students.
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    E-library relevance and adequacy as predictors of e-library usage among undergraduate students in Tai Solarin University of Education, Ogun State, Nigeria
    (2013-12) Otulugbu, D.
    Evaluating e-library services is usually based on users'feedback, precision rate, the proportion of the retrieved documents that are relevant to the query. This is precisely what this paper is focused on. The data for this study were collected with the use of questionnaire. The copies of the questionnaire were administered to solicit the response of the undergraduate students on their satisfaction with TASUED e-library and how adequate and relevant the undergraduate students found the e-library resources at TASUED. It was discovered that the undergraduate students are satisfied with the overall performance of the electronic library, most especially in terms of value of service, access to information, response time, ease of use and quantity of collections.
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    Current trends in the classification, abstracting and indexing of media materials in modern libraries
    (2009) Ola, C. O.; Otulugbu, D.
    Libraries are information repositories. It is generally assumed that libraries house information with emphasis on books. Media materials (MM) are information resources that are not given much cognizance when users are seeking information whereas they are veritable primary information bearers of great research significance to academics; and soft contents for recreational purposes. This paper gives a description of these special class of knowledge resources highlighting bibliographic elements of organizing them in the library. It then focuses on how to abstract and index newspaper resources for easy accessibility and retrieval with modern techniques.
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    The school library as a transformation room into an avatar for active learning
    (National Secretariat, Center for Educational Media Resources Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, 2016-11) Owolabi, S. E.; Otulugbu, D.; Awodeyi, T. O.; Olusola, A. M.; Afenkhena, V. O.
    Avatars are 3 dimensional animations that represent individual in the Virtual World. Engaging avatars for learning with the aid of Web and Library 2.0, makes learning in the library become more engaging, active, collaborative and captivating. The study hinged the use of avatars on the need by children and adolescents to overcome library anxiety and their quests for anonymity. With the aid of avatar-mediated library service which encourages higher level of anonymity, students are courageous and they can express themselves without any inhibition knowing that their privacy is protected and they have a sense of ‘intimacy’ with the avatar librarian depicted by 3D animations as their favorite cartoon and comic heroes or some inspiring concepts. It is recommended that librarians should upgrade their ICT skills and explore studies on Second Life, a popular social media platform that encourages the use of avatars for interraction and communication by its residents. Authors of this work have not been able to register on Second Life, though several attempts have been made. The reason is not yet known. This raises the need to study the procedures for becoming an avatar on Second Life. Likewise, the authors could not lay hands on any literature from Nigeria making reference to SL. It is estimated that 90 percent of UK higher education institutions have some kind of SL presence. The largest SL campus is that of the University of Texas, which committed to SL as a major learning environment in 2009 (Aujla, 2009). Since an informal approach could be adopted to communicate on SL platform, librarians should be willing to jettison the status quo and adopt names of children’s comic and cartoon heroes such as Ben Ten, City Hunter, Dora, Lion King Spiderman and many more as their own avatar name instead of the Librarian nomenclatures. This according to the paper has psychological effect on students that they are not chatting with the adults who may want to scrutinize their perceptions but their cartoon or comic heroes who has answers to all reference queries. This alleviates fear and encourages active learning.
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    Activities of the systems unit in brief
    (Ibadan University Press, Ibadan, 2018) Ojo, R. A.; Otulugbu, D.; Ilesanmi, T. C.; Agwu, P. U.; Alonge, A. J.