Library Staff Collection

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    An assessment of leadership requirements for building strong libraries, strong library associations and strong societies
    (Woeli Publishing Services, 2023) Oyelude, A. A.; Anunobi, C.
    The chapter assesses leadership requirements for building strong libraries, library associations and societies in Nigeria, considering leadership traits, styles, leadership expectations of associations and what constitutes strong societies. A survey research design was adopted for the study in which university librarians were surveyed. Questionnaire was used to gather data. The data was analyzed using percentages and mean. It was found that preferred leadership traits and style for strong libraries, associations and societies are creativity, integrity, communication, passion, and vision that could be applied to transformational leadership. Library association leaders should demonstrate exemplary leadership with some elements of empathy, which translates to strong libraries and by extension strong societies where members possessing high literacy are empowered to contribute to the actualization of the mission and vision of the society. Recommendations are made on approach to development of the requisite leadership traits and styles necessary to build strong libraries, library associations and. ultimately, strong societies globally
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    New skillsets for future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) library workforce
    (2019) Oyelude, A. A.; Akin-Fakorede, O. O.
    The advent of new technologies makes it imperative for library staff to continually improve their skills, to meet user needs and for excellent service delivery. As a result, training and retraining of staff becomes top priority. With research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) on the increase, libraries serving this population find that the rate of training and the skills needed in anticipation, for the workforce has to increase for them to meet future expectations of their users. This study was conducted to find out the perceived needs of the workforce (librarians and support staff) in STEM libraries on what skills they need for future service delivery. Questionnaires and Interviews were used for data collection. 70 librarians and library officers formed the target population of the study, of which 40 responded. The findings showed that respondents perceived that having a good grasp of future technologies, constant updating of literacy and digital skills as well as training in computer programming and design are absolutely essential skill sets for the future STEM library workforce. The future STEM librarian will need specialized clientele management training for effective service delivery. Formal training in use of computer assisted tools such as Artificial intelligence, immersive technology and others will be imperative for the future STEM workforce. Constant re-skilling and acquisition of critical thinking and computer programming skills will be absolutely essential moving forward.
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    Conversion of catalogue records from AACR2 to RDA format: what, how and when?
    (2016-10) Oyelude, A. A.
    The paper outlines what it entails to convert catalogue records from AACR2 to RDA format, and how this conversion can be done. An attempt is also made to advice on when the conversion of the records can be done, to make the cataloguing process free of stress. Practical examples are given on how this can be done to achieve success in cataloguing units in all types of libraries.
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    Conversion of catalogue records from AACR2 to RDA format: what, how and when?
    (2016-10) Oyelude, A. A.
    The paper outlines what it entails to convert catalogue records from AACR2 to RDA format, and how this conversion can be done. An attempt is also made to advice on when the conversion of the records can be done, to make the cataloguing process free of stress. Practical examples are given on how this can be done to achieve success in cataloguing units in all types of libraries.
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    “It takes two to tango”: libraries achieving sustainable development goals through preservation of indigenous knowledge on textile craft making (adire) among women
    (Uganda Library and Information Association, The National Library of Uganda, 2018) Alabi, A. O.; Oyelude, A. A.; Sokoya, A. A.
    Indigenous Knowledge (IK) serves as a basic input to sustainable development, perhaps due to its distinctive nature in the knowledge economy. Despite the several benefits of IK to sustainable development, many African nations have lost their cultural and customary knowledge due to inadequate attention of heritage institutions especially libraries, in ensuring that IK constitutes part of their collections. Women are at the forefront of using IK to improve livelihoods in areas such as birth control, food preservation and cultural practices; healthcare and in craft making. However, there is paucity of research on indigenous knowledge preservation on art and craft among women in Nigeria. Using the pragmatic approach embedded within a case study research, the study examined how libraries can partner with indigenous communities on indigenous knowledge preservation. The population of the study comprised librarians, who are heads of libraries in public, academic and national libraries, and women artisans in tie and dye (Adire) making in Abeokuta, Ogun Stater Nigeria. Semi structured interview method was used as data collection techniques. Through the use of purposive sampling technique, ten librarians were' selected while random sampling technique was used to select fifteen women who were considered key informants for the study. Data were analysed using thematic content analysis. The results revealed that indigenous knowledge on adire textiles is not being systematically preserved, but rather retained in family and trade groups. Appropriate recommendations were made based on findings.
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    Cooperative cataloguing: past, present and future
    (Nigerian Library Association Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing Section, 2013-10) Lasisi, J.; Oyelude, A. A.
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    Ethical and legal issues in intellectual property rights protection in the University of Ibadan
    (Stirling-Horden Publishers Ltd., Ibadan, Oyo State, 2016) Oyelude, A. A.
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    Designing green libraries with new technology for enhanced access to information
    (Tai Solarin University of Education Press Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria, 2016) Oyelude, A. A.; Ajayi, A. K.
    In the world today the idea and conception of designing green libraries with the newest technology is gaining momentum and the drive is for institutions to adopt green library buildings, by greening existing library facilities, embracing environmentally sustainable and supportive practices within the library, and providing green library services with technology All these eventually aim to provide access to information (ATI) in the best way possible. The notable most important things for making healthy and efficient sustainable libraries are ecology, technology and economy. The main objectives of this paper are to analyze the importance of green libraries; to identify the standards for green libraries with new technology; to identify the significant green library initiatives at various places; to reveal various methods and techniques for greening the library; and to make suggestions for building green libraries with new technologies for sustainable development and growth for enhanced ATI. The paper concludes that librarians have to work on updating themselves on sustainability and technology trends in the field of librarianship and should lay out awareness raising programmes and also design the space in the libraries with adequate consideration for enhanced access to information that exemplify the green practices with new technologies.