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Item Nigerian university libraries in consortia: past, present and future challenges(2005) Oyelude, A. A.The paper surveys library consortia and efforts among Nigerian Universities at sustaining them. It traces history of the efforts of Universities (State and Federal) and in recent times Private ones, and notes the strengths, weaknesses and strategies for proposed improvement. It is discovered that past library consortia have not been properly sustained. The Jew still in existence have problems such as funding, inability to network properly, inadequate or non-existent Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, transportation and sometimes administrative bureaucracy. Library consortia in recent times are seen to be moving more into I.T formats. Prospects in this area are explored. Recommendations are made for strengthening of existing consortia and building up of new ones where applicable, to put University Education back on the high pedestal where it belongs.Item Libraries, information and resource centres as a tool for women and economic development in Nigeria(2004) Oyelude, A. A.; Subair, R. E.; Adewumi, C. O. B.The role of Women libraries, Documentation and Resource Centres in the economic development of women is examined and the types of literature gathered, processed and disseminated is surveyed The activities of the Centres concerning women education, information literacy level and the economic activities of the Women in the community were observed and assessed to find out the impact they have on society. Women Special Centres and NGOs were used in the study. Questionnaire, Interview and Participatory Observation methods were used in data gathering. The results show that the Women Centres run literacy programs for women and girls and also provide training for less privileged women to facilitate their economic independence as they make a living from skills acquired through vocational training. Women farmers are assisted in getting loans, and the libraries provide needed literature in book and audio-visual form for them. Information related to their reproductive health is also provided. Women depend to a great extent on the resources and facilities of these Centres. Recommendations are made on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be used to greater advantage to network and reach majority of women especially in the rural community.Item Professional women's information needs in developing countries: ICT as a catalyst(2003-07) Olorunda, O. O.; Oyelude, A. A.Women form half of the world population, and they require information because as human beings it empowers them to make informed decisions based on the knowledge at their disposal. The availability of information and its use is of paramount importance to any group of people. The paper discuses the special information needs of professional women. It focuses on Women Lawyers, Journalists, Librarians, Doctors, Pharmacists, Engineers, Bankers, Information Scientists and Architects in Nigeria. Their general information needs can be basic, but special information needs such as social, domestic, economic, personal, professional, political, medical and religious are examined, while the impact information has on them is reviewed. An attempt is made to analyze the peculiarity of professional women information needs in view of their status and profile. The importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in attaining the goal of satisfying the information seeking behaviour of these women professionals is noted, especially in a developing country like Nigeria. Information Technology (IT) can offer significant opportunities for virtually all girls and women in developing countries, including poor living in rural areas but the availability of such facilities is only limited to the urban areas. According to research, the exposure and ability to use the facilities was noted to be an exclusive advantage of educated elite women because of their educational background. Studies show that home access to a computer and the Internet is uncommon in developing countries and the professional women desire to be more adequately informed, thus the need for greater access is most required. Questionnaire and Interview methods were used for data gathering. Respondents were contacted mainly through their professional bodies. Data analysis was done using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows. Recommendations are made as to how women professionals in developing countries who lack ICT facilities can network with other groups.Item Status of university librarians in the governance structure of Nigerian universities(2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.This paper examines the Status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic Status within the University System. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather Information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the Status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University System. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers The service- oriented bias of Professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university SystemItem Improving Services in a hybrid academic library System(2021) Oyelude, A. A.; Ola, C. O.; Adeniran, E. A.The mixture of traditional or manual ways of carrying out library operations with new, modern, automated systems often brings about several problems. The problems are ones that can be tackled within the framework of having appropriate systems dynamics routines applied and also making use of personnel skilled in strategic management of hybrid library systems. The paper describes a hybrid academic library system and draws up a model of this system suggesting strategies and scenarios for achieving optimum performance of the system in a technology changing world. A system dynamics model for the management of the system is developed around the issues of personnel management, collection management, capacity building, and provision of access to research materials, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, forming of Consortia, and Security in the system. Recommendations are made as to which strategy/ scenario or combinations of scenarios will provide lasting solutions to the problems recurring or likely to reoccur in a hybrid academic library system.Item User experience of freshmen in a private university library in Nigeria(2017) Oyelude, A. A.; Oyewo, A. O.The library as an amenity is crucial in the existence o f any academic community which is used by students, faculty members and sometimes the general public. Their use or lack o f use o f the information resources is a concern. The user experience (Ux) of freshmen (called the FALCON set) in the Igbinedion University Okada (IUO) Library, Nigeria is the focus of this study in which the survey method o f research was used. The objectives were to find out the information needs, library services experienced, services expected from the library and elicit from them suggestions for improvement o f the services. Questionnaire and observation methods were used in gathering information from four hundred and fifty (450) freshmen who took the Use o f Library, Study Skills and Information and Communication Technology (GST 121) course in the 2016/2017 session. Analysis was done using descriptive statistical measures such as frequency counts and percentages and findings were thematically discussed. Results showed that the user experiences differed and most information needs o f the freshmen were perceived to be met more by textbooks and journals as information sources over colleagues, University newsletters and the library, computer, photocopying and readers' services were mostly used. The freshmen expected gaming facilities and also a Learning Commons where they could use augmented and virtual reality for their studies. Recommendations were made for the services o f the IUO Library to be more improved to meet the new emerging technology needs o f the students and faculty.Item New skillsets for future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) library workforce(2019) Oyelude, A. A.; Akin-Fakorede, O. O.The advent of new technologies makes it imperative for library staff to continually improve their skills, to meet user needs and for excellent service delivery. As a result, training and retraining of staff becomes top priority. With research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) on the increase, libraries serving this population find that the rate of training and the skills needed in anticipation, for the workforce has to increase for them to meet future expectations of their users. This study was conducted to find out the perceived needs of the workforce (librarians and support staff) in STEM libraries on what skills they need for future service delivery. Questionnaires and Interviews were used for data collection. 70 librarians and library officers formed the target population of the study, of which 40 responded. The findings showed that respondents perceived that having a good grasp of future technologies, constant updating of literacy and digital skills as well as training in computer programming and design are absolutely essential skill sets for the future STEM library workforce. The future STEM librarian will need specialized clientele management training for effective service delivery. Formal training in use of computer assisted tools such as Artificial intelligence, immersive technology and others will be imperative for the future STEM workforce. Constant re-skilling and acquisition of critical thinking and computer programming skills will be absolutely essential moving forward.Item Gender exclusion in finance and business transactions: new innovation in banking in Nigeria and Uganda(Department of Library and Information Science, Abrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, 2016) Oyelude, A. A.; Akullo, W. N.Women have been found to operate their businesses in three digits rather than six digits which signifies millions. They however have firm control over most small and medium enterprises in Southwestern Nigeria and Kampala, Uganda, to the extent that these businesses dominate stalls, markets (‘katale' in Uganda) and in-house shops. Women find it safe to keep their proceeds at home, or with thrifts merchants (‘Alajo’ in Yorubaland). This saving system has given way to women traders banking their proceeds, due to increased risks and crime rates. More people banking (especially women), and inter-bank competition has made the banking system improve its services with new innovations like the Automated Teller Machine (ATM), SMS alert, electronic mail services, mobile money, internet banking and so on. However, more women than men lack adequate information and education to successfully operate some of these devices. The prevalence of ATM and other related frauds perpetrated mostly by men with many women being victims is the outcome, while more women have suffered loss of their hard-earned cash savings because they relied on the assistance of people found around the ATMs or in banking halls, who defrauded them. This paper examines the gender relations or differences in the use of emerging ICT innovations in the banking sector in Nigeria and Uganda. It also examines gender as a factor in victim ratio in 4 banks in Ibadan, Nigeria and Kampala, Uganda and among 200 randomly selected male/ female bank customers. Recommendations are made for a gender-friendly ICTs and its related innovations. Financial literacy education should be offered in banks, libraries and schools to stem the tide of financial loses. Gender friendly information fliers in local languages should be provided for bank customers and provision made for them to select language on the ATM for independent financial transactions.Item Sensitization and promotion of information literacy on covid-19 pandemic by librarians in public university libraries in south-western Nigeria(University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 2021) Ebijuwa, A. S.; Oyelude, A. A.; Abubakar, A. M.; Nongo, C. J.The global spread of coronavirus and the associated lockdown by various countries, communities and organizations is worrisome. However, literature has revealed that one of the biggest roles librarians can to play in the national response to the pandemic is that of information literacy specialist. This study, therefore, evaluated sensitization and promotion of information literacy on COVID-19 pandemic by librarians in Public University Libraries in South-Western Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The data for the study was collected from librarians in Public University Libraries in South-Western Nigeria. A total of 315 librarians participated in the study through an online questionnaire due to the COVID-19 pandemic while 233 (74.0%) returned copies of filled questionnaire by the respondents was analysed. Frequency counts, percentages and mean were used to analyse the data collected. Librarians sensitized their communities through various ways on preventive COVID-19 information and used mobile phones and social media very effectively in disseminating preventive COVID-19 information. A significant relationship existed between sensitization and promotion of information literacy on COVID-19 pandemic by librarians. However, librarians were confronted with many challenges in promoting preventive COVID-19 information. It is therefore, recommended that librarians and other information stakeholders should put more efforts on sensitizing their communities about this COVID-19 pandemic, so as to reduce the high level of ignorance about the pandemic in the communities.Item Status of university librarian in the governance structure of Nigerian universities(Nigerian Library Association, 2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.This paper examines the status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic status within the University system. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University system. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers. The service- oriented bias of professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university system.