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Item Influence of digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnels in selected academic libraries in Southwestern, Nigeria(Scholarship Publishers, Ibadan, 2020) Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Omoike, A. D.The study investigated influence of digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnel in selected academic libraries in Southwestern, Nigeria. Survey research method of expost-facto type was adopted for the study. The study population consisted of one hundred and four (104) library personnel’s in the two selected academic libraries (University of Ibadan and Obafemi Awolowo University). The population of the study consisted of para- professionals, professional librarians and library officers. Data were collected using questionnaire and were analysed using simple percentages, mean and Pearson’s Products Moment Correlation methods. The results revealed that library personnel in the two selected academic libraries possessed digital literacy skills such that they work easily with the computer without supervision (85.6%), use the computer every day at work (84.6%) and are skilled in using the computer (82.7%) among others. However, the digital literacy skills possessed by the librarians do not translate to job performance. Findings revealed a negative digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnel in the two universities (Df= 102, N= 104, r = -.060, P > 0.05). The study recommended that the University management should support the library and ensure the improvement of the library so as to continually meeting the needs of the library users, by procuring good computers to facilitate a digital library in order to facilitate resource sharing in the library to enhance teaching, learning and research.Item Impact of indigenous publishing on educational development in Nigeria: a case study of selected publishers in Ibadan(University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA., 2018) Oyewo, R. O.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.Four publishing companies in Ibadan were sampled to determine their impact on availability and accessibility of indigenous books in Nigeria educational sector, the impact of indigenous publishing on educational development in Nigeria, constraints to indigenous publishing in Nigeria and ways of promoting indigenous publishing in Nigeria. A survey of quantitative method was conducted with questionnaire as data gathering instrument. The population of study was 100 being the sum of 25 respondents randomly selected from each publishing company. Frequency counts and percentages were adopted for data analysis. Results showed that that indigenous books are available and accessible in Nigeria education sector, supplementary reading of indigenous books impacted much, poor sales promotion of indigenous materials’ has the most strong factor among all the factors highlighted as possible constrains to indigenous publishing in Nigeria, and that organizing reading campaigns among students will be the most possible way in promoting indigenous publishing in Nigeria. The study concluded that authors write on indigenous materials in Nigeria and these made Indigenous books are available and accessible in Nigeria education sector. It therefore among others recommends that there is a need to create conducive environment for indigenous publishers to compete with their contemporaries in other countries while government should gear all its effort towards revitalizing the moribund Nigeria paper mill.Item Research output of librarians in agricultural research institutes in Nigeria, 2003-2008(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2012) Adekunjo, O. A.; Ikhioya, P. E.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.This study investigated the research output of librarians in Agricultural Research Institutes (ARI) in Nigeria between 2003-2008 with special reference to Oyo and Edo States. A survey research design was employed and the instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and interviews. 20 out of the 22 librarians in the selected Agricultural Research Institutes completed the questionnaire, thus giving a response rate of 90.91%. Simple percentages, pie chart as well as bar charts were used for the presentation of the data collected. Some of the major findings of the study include the following: the more experienced librarians published more than their other less experienced colleagues, publication output was the least used criterion for the promotion of librarians in the Agricultural Research Institutes, and the major challenge to librarians was lack of funds to support research activities. In the light of these findings, some recommendations were proffered to enhance the research output of the librarians. Among these include: that publication should be regarded as a vital criterion for promotion of librarians; librarians should be encouraged to conduct research and publish their findings since research is the focus of their institutes; and librarians should be assisted to attract grant for their research activitiesItem Demographic characteristics and accessibility as determinants of use of library resources by students in two Federal Colleges of Agriculture in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria(2020-07) Adekunjo, O. A.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Fatubiyele, J. M.The paper examined demographic factors and accessibility as determinants of use of library resources by students of Federal College of Animal Health Production and Federal College of Agriculture and Technology, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design with the aid of questionnaire was employed to elicit response from the respondents. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of this work. Data was analysed with the use of descriptive statistics facilitated by the Statistical Software for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results were presented in frequencies, percentages, correlation and multiple regressions on tables. From the findings, library resources that were very readily available were indicated. The prominent challenges affecting the use of library resources as indicated by most of the respondents were highlighted. Recommendations were also made based on the findings.