Library Staff Collection

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    Influence of digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnels in selected academic libraries in Southwestern, Nigeria
    (Scholarship Publishers, Ibadan, 2020) Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Omoike, A. D.
    The study investigated influence of digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnel in selected academic libraries in Southwestern, Nigeria. Survey research method of expost-facto type was adopted for the study. The study population consisted of one hundred and four (104) library personnel’s in the two selected academic libraries (University of Ibadan and Obafemi Awolowo University). The population of the study consisted of para- professionals, professional librarians and library officers. Data were collected using questionnaire and were analysed using simple percentages, mean and Pearson’s Products Moment Correlation methods. The results revealed that library personnel in the two selected academic libraries possessed digital literacy skills such that they work easily with the computer without supervision (85.6%), use the computer every day at work (84.6%) and are skilled in using the computer (82.7%) among others. However, the digital literacy skills possessed by the librarians do not translate to job performance. Findings revealed a negative digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnel in the two universities (Df= 102, N= 104, r = -.060, P > 0.05). The study recommended that the University management should support the library and ensure the improvement of the library so as to continually meeting the needs of the library users, by procuring good computers to facilitate a digital library in order to facilitate resource sharing in the library to enhance teaching, learning and research.
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    Assessment of web searching behaviour of University of Ibadan distance learners
    (2020) Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Arilesere, J. I.
    Purpose: The study was carried out to assess web searching behaviour of University of Ibadan distance learners Design/Methodology/Approach: Descriptive survey research design of the correlational type was adopted for the study. The population comprised 5200 distance undergraduates in three faculties; Education, Arts and Social Sciences. Stratified sampling technique was used to group the undergraduates into strata (100-500) Systematic random sampling technique was used to select every 10th elements of the population and the copies of questionnaire were randomly administered on them during class-contact hours at Sasa, Ibadan. Out of 520 copies of questionnaire distributed only 392 copies which constitute 75% return rate were found usable for the study; it was analyzed with the aid of frequency counts and percentages. Findings: The results revealed that the undergraduates of DLC use web-based information for academic and research activities. The findings further indicated that a significant number of respondents maintained negative web search strategies. Implication: Low bandwidth, poor ICT skills, poor ICT facilities and non-reliability of web-based information are some of the constraints that must be addressed while teaching web search strategies in Distance Learning programme of University of Ibadan. Originality/Value: The need to up-scale efforts at enlightens the learners on varying web-search strategies they could inculcate to enhance their learning and research capability was suggested. The paper will add to the body of knowledge in the area of information technology through web searching particularly among the distance learners in order to be in tune with global best practices.
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    Capacity building and job productivity of library staff in selected universities in South-west Nigeria
    (2019-03) Adekunjo, O. A.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Bamidele, T. F.
    The paper examined the level of capacity building to library staff in selected University Libraries; it identified the various forms of capacity building strategies put in place, and the extent to which capacity building affected-library job productivity. It also looked at the relationship between capacity building and job productivity in the selected universities in south-west of Nigeria. Survey research methodology was used with a total sample size of 202 library staff using the total enumeration sampling technique due to the small size of the population. Data was collected mainly through Questionnaire and analyzed using frequency distribution and regression analysis run on SPSS (2.0.) The result revealed that the level of capacity building for library staff was basically moderate with (20.5366) as it focused principally on job rotation and computer-based for library staff. The level of job productivity was high with (17.1905) therefore regular and targeted training programs should be organized periodically for library staff base on the identified-job requirements of each library staff which would lead to enhanced organizational productivity and staff job performance among other factors were part of the recommendations.
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    The adoption and utilization of information and communication technology for the preservation and conservation of serial Publication in Lautech Medical Library and Lautech Teaching Hospital Library, Osogbo
    (2019) Adeoye, M. O.; Oladapo, Y. O.; Abimbola, M. O.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.
    The research was conducted to determine the adoption and utilization of ICT for Preservation and Conservation of serial publications in LAUTECH Medical Library and Lautech Teaching Hospital Library Osogbo. Four research questions were raised for this study. The research design used for this study is descriptive survey, the population of the study which constituted all library staff in these libraries were 35. Total population sampling method was employed in this study. The results were collated and analyzed using tables and percentages. It concludes that despite the low use of ICT for the serials functions, it has been shown to reduce the rigor in serials publication; ease of selection, acquisition and processing difficulties. Generally it has helped to reduce serials function and reduced the cost for acquiring serials. The work recommended that: university library funding bodies should provide adequate resources to libraries to enable them procure ICT facilities which have been proved to enhance serials accessibility; libraries which are .not using ICT facilities for serials functions should be encouraged to reposition their stand in order to provide the state of the art operations and services required by the present day serials users; and curriculum for library trainees should be expanded to accommodate the findings of this work.
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    Health information needs and It’s sources among rural dwellers in Egbedore Local Government areas of State of Osun, Nigeria
    (Globeedu Group, 2019-07) Oladele, A. M.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Oluremi, O. Y.; Olusola, A. M.
    The study investigated the health information needs and its sources among rural dwellers in Egbedore local government areas of the state of Osun. The study employed a survey and observation methods to collect information from rural dwellers, findings from the data analyzed revealed the health information needs such as immunization, family planning, pre-natal, personal hygiene, malaria, clean water supply and post-natal. Sources of health information to includes; radio, town crier, health officers, church, mosque, posters, ministry of health information van, conversation, television and newspapers. The result of the research indicated that radio, town crier, health officers and ministry of health van were their most preferred sources of information. It was indicated that library performed no roles in information dissemination in rural areas of Egbedore as a result of non-availability of library and its facilities in the area. Recommendation was made on how the library can assist in provision of health information to rural dwellers.
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    Assessment of the use of ICT by distance learning students in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (eSciPub LLC, 2019) Adekunjo, O. A.; Unuabor, S. O.; Odion, F.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.
    This paper reviews the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by students of Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. There is no doubt that ICT is playing a vital role in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in terms of enhancing the provision of immediate assistant to the learners for their academic and administrative needs in large scale. It has been established that services cannot be performed in distance learning centres using traditional institutional system all alone. Therefore, ICT tools application has been incorporated to meeting the requirements of learners at various phases of learning cycle viz the admission phase and other services. The heterogeneous requirements in open distance learning has culminated into issues and challenges needed to be addressed in usage of the technologies and the service(s) being provided through ICT. Survey research design with the aid of questionnaire was employed to elicit response from the respondents. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of this work. The effectiveness, stimulating factors, issues and challenges confronting ICT usage, purpose as well as other challenges encountered by staff and students of University of Ibadan DLC were emphasised. Recommendations were made based on the findings.
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    Impact of indigenous publishing on educational development in Nigeria: a case study of selected publishers in Ibadan
    (University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA., 2018) Oyewo, R. O.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.
    Four publishing companies in Ibadan were sampled to determine their impact on availability and accessibility of indigenous books in Nigeria educational sector, the impact of indigenous publishing on educational development in Nigeria, constraints to indigenous publishing in Nigeria and ways of promoting indigenous publishing in Nigeria. A survey of quantitative method was conducted with questionnaire as data gathering instrument. The population of study was 100 being the sum of 25 respondents randomly selected from each publishing company. Frequency counts and percentages were adopted for data analysis. Results showed that that indigenous books are available and accessible in Nigeria education sector, supplementary reading of indigenous books impacted much, poor sales promotion of indigenous materials’ has the most strong factor among all the factors highlighted as possible constrains to indigenous publishing in Nigeria, and that organizing reading campaigns among students will be the most possible way in promoting indigenous publishing in Nigeria. The study concluded that authors write on indigenous materials in Nigeria and these made Indigenous books are available and accessible in Nigeria education sector. It therefore among others recommends that there is a need to create conducive environment for indigenous publishers to compete with their contemporaries in other countries while government should gear all its effort towards revitalizing the moribund Nigeria paper mill.
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    Evaluation of students’ access to serial publications in three selected universities in ogun state, Nigeria
    (University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA., 2018) Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Hameed, A. B.
    This study evaluates the extent to which serials publications are accessible and used for learning purposes by the students in Nigerian Universities. The descriptive survey research design was adopted with the study population made up of students from one federal government owned university, one selected state owned university and one selected private owned university in Ogun state. A self-constructed questionnaire was used for data collection in this study, was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Findings revealed that Nigeria university students have access to different serial collections in academic libraries. Serial publications are available and students have equal access to serials publications in the library. Restriction of some serials materials to undergraduate constitutes impediments to the use of serials by students in the university libraries. Students who visit the library frequently to read Bulletins are better informed about the university issues. It was also revealed that students often visit the serial section in the Universities libraries for academic purposes. The Serial Librarian attitude affects student’s use of serial section. There is a need to create conducive environment for students and guide the student in the proper use of serial publications. Serial Librarians should be well guided to give the best to the students in the use of serial publications and there is need for various universities to subscribe to different online or electronic serials.
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    The metamorphosis of world wide web: an overview of web 1.0, 2.0, semantic web 3.0 and their application in library and information services delivery
    (Nigerian Library Association, Benue State Chapter, 2013-06) Adeyoyin, S. O.; Ezeudu, B. O.; Adegun, A. I.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.
    In the past few decades, Internet has grown leaps and bounds changing in terms of outlook, content, flexibility and capability. The gradual evolution of the World Wide Web (W3) attests to its unprecedented penetration into human day-to-day activities through its larger than life affordabilities. This paper, therefore, presents an overview of the evolutionary stages of Web 1.0, 2.0 and Semantic Web 3.0, highlights some of their differences with emphasis on various scholars' perceptions and concepts. Also, the challenges and implications of the new Web 3.0 to libraries and what librarians should' do to keep pace with this' trend of technological evolution formed part of the discussions of this paper. The paper concluded that the librarians should increase their technological knowledge-base, become proactive and think ahead of these streams of technologies and how, they can be adapted professionally for the good use of their client
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    Division of labour and job specialization as catalysts for better job performance among the staff of a Nigerian university library
    (IISTE, 2013) Adeyoyin, S. O.; Ajiboye, B. O.; Adegun, A. I.; Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.
    This study brought into fore some salient discoveries about the strength and weaknesses of division of labour and job specialization on the overall job performance of the staff of a Nigerian university library. A descriptive survey method was adopted to elicit information from the respondents. A questionnaire was designed with 30 structured questions including the demography of the respondents. Fifty (50) copies of questionnaires were distributed among the library staff of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and forty five (45) were returned. Forty two (42) out of these were found usable. This study finds that majority of respondents agree that job specialization makes their work easier and faster, enhances their job performance and they are fully satisfied with their present area of specialization, while a sizable number were dissatisfied because their training does not correspond with their present posting. The study also finds that library and information centres still cannot do without division of labour and job specialization even with the emergence of ICT infusion into library and information services provision. The respondents also preferred the present division of labour although a paltry number disagreed. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study and conclusions drawn.