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    Use of social media space for library service delivery: evidence from Southern Nigeria Universities
    (2020) Ilesanmi, T. C.; Mabawonku, I.
    The incorporation of social media into service delivery by librarians is essential to render contemporary and seem-less library services to the users. Studies have shown that awareness and perception constitute important factors in the use of emerging technology for personal use with paucity of literature on the use of social media for library service delivery. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the use of social media for service delivery by librarians in Southern Nigeria universities. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 669 librarians from the universities in Southern Nigeria. Total enumeration technique was adopted for the study. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that librarians used very few social media space for delivering library services. Low bandwidth, culminated in slow internet connection was the main challenge to the application of social media. Recommendations such as increase in the use of social media space and the provision of robust bandwidth to enhance internet connectivity were proffered.
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    Digitization of journal collections in libraries: a case study of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Taylor & Francis, 2013) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    Digitization of journal collections in libraries is inevitable with the advent of Information Communication Technology (ICT). There is a need to digitize journals in the academic library in order to preserve and to give wider visibility and accessibility to information resources for teaching, learning, and research. This article describes the processes of journal collection digitization in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Underfunding and copyright clearance are the challenges encountered, among others. The study recommends adequate funding and concludes that the benefit of instant access to digital information is the most distinguishing attribute in this present information age.
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    Issues and the use of social media in reference services by academic library personnel in Nigeria
    (Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom, 2017) Okoroma, F. N.
    Social Media platforms have revolutionized the patterns libraries serve their clientele as well as augment reference services delivery. This study seeks to address the issues militating against the integration of social media in reference services and the level of use by academic library personnel in Nigeria. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the librarians and other library personnel at the national seminar in 2015 held at Kogi State University, Nigeria. 62 copies were filled and returned, given a response rate of 62%. The study found that academic libraries’ personnel in Nigeria have embraced the regular use of social media, but their application of these media in reference services is quite low. The issues contending with the integration of social media in reference services by academic library personnel in Nigeria include lack of awareness and training on the application of social media to reference services, coupled with infrastructural and technological problems. The study advocated for awareness and training programmes on the use of social media within the academic community and provision of appropriate and adequate infrastructure in academic libraries
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    Linked data technology and linked open data in academic libraries in Nigeria: level of integration, challenges and potential solution
    (Science Publishing, 2023-07-20) Okoroma, F. N.
    The emergence of Linked Data and Linked Open Data technologies in the library and information service environment has altered the platform of bibliographic standards and models. Despite the perception that Linked Data technology will soon be the standard for creating metadata for information resources management in libraries, there tends to be very low level of adoption of this emerging technology in the developing economy. This study examined the level of integration, challenges and potential solutions in the adoption of Linked Data (LD) and (LOD) in academic libraries in Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study. This consists of Questionnaire instrument distributed to Library and Information professionals in Nigeria. Seventy-one responses were received across seventeen higher institutions in Nigeria. The study exposed that most of the academic libraries in Nigeria have not started the implementation of linked data standards at all. The major challenges in the adoption of LD in Nigeria are lack of in-depth knowledge on the potential values and procedural activities of LD and LOD technology amongst librarians and information managers, and poor infrastructure, coupled with the concerns that the system could be hacked. The study identified the need for investment of both social and financial capital into LD technology. Librarians and other key stakeholders should be exposed to trainings and events on LD application. Such trainings can be pioneered by the host institutions
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    User experience of freshmen in a private university library in Nigeria
    (2017) Oyelude, A. A.; Oyewo, A. O.
    The library as an amenity is crucial in the existence o f any academic community which is used by students, faculty members and sometimes the general public. Their use or lack o f use o f the information resources is a concern. The user experience (Ux) of freshmen (called the FALCON set) in the Igbinedion University Okada (IUO) Library, Nigeria is the focus of this study in which the survey method o f research was used. The objectives were to find out the information needs, library services experienced, services expected from the library and elicit from them suggestions for improvement o f the services. Questionnaire and observation methods were used in gathering information from four hundred and fifty (450) freshmen who took the Use o f Library, Study Skills and Information and Communication Technology (GST 121) course in the 2016/2017 session. Analysis was done using descriptive statistical measures such as frequency counts and percentages and findings were thematically discussed. Results showed that the user experiences differed and most information needs o f the freshmen were perceived to be met more by textbooks and journals as information sources over colleagues, University newsletters and the library, computer, photocopying and readers' services were mostly used. The freshmen expected gaming facilities and also a Learning Commons where they could use augmented and virtual reality for their studies. Recommendations were made for the services o f the IUO Library to be more improved to meet the new emerging technology needs o f the students and faculty.
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    Information literacy and capacity building in academic libraries
    (International Research and Capacity Building Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2011) Oyelude, A. A.
    This paper is based on the experience gained from working in academic libraries in Nigeria and an examination of the literature on information skills of library users and information service providers. It discusses the concept of capacity building, information literacy and various challenges facing academic libraries. It highlights capacity building for the libraries as service providers and for the users of the libraries. It is posited that users of library facilities seek information in many more ways than the traditional manual search for books and journals. Inability to get or provide needed information is often a cause for anxiety. Library anxiety and library user anxiety is discussed as well as the role of capacity building, through Information Literacy programmes in reducing or eliminating the anxiety. The need for libraries to provide not only access to the materials, but also to equip library users with skills that will propel them to greater excellence in research is discussed. Recommendations on capacity building for library service providers and library users are also proffered.
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    Creativity and innovations in Nigerian academic libraries: Implications for library development
    (University Press PLC, 2012-07) Zaid, Y.; Oyelude, A. A.
    In the 21st century, the dominant driver in library and information services is rapid technological advancement involving several technologies including mobile applications and social media. Committed to assisting teaching, learning, research and community services and enhancing the best possible use of these libraries, many academic libraries in Nigeria have creatively and innovatively improved upon service delivery using a variety of ways and approaches. The aim of this paper is to discuss the phases of development which two of these libraries — the Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan and the University of Lagos Library have undergone. The paper also highlights the products and services as well as the approaches that the librarians have adopted in meeting the ever changing needs of their clients. This paper is informed by the personal experience of the authors who had actively participated in projects that brought about the changes.
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    Use of social media space for library service delivery: evidence from Southern Nigeria universities
    (University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA., 2020) Ilesanmi, T. C.; Mabawonku, I.
    The incorporation of social media into service delivery by librarians is essential to render contemporary and seem-less library services to the users. Studies have shown that awareness and perception constitute important factors in the use of emerging technology for personal use with paucity of literature on the use of social media for library service delivery. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the use of social media for service delivery by librarians in Southern Nigeria universities. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 669 librarians from the universities in Southern Nigeria. Total enumeration technique was adopted for the study. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that librarians used very few social media space for delivering library services. Low bandwidth, culminated in slow internet connection was the main challenge to the application of social media. Recommendations such as increase in the use of social media space and the provision of robust bandwidth to enhance internet connectivity were proffered.
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    The need for electronic security devices installation in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan
    (Medium Publishing Company and Educational Consult in Collaboration with Options Books Ibadan, Nigeria, 2013) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    This paper examines the need for electronic devices in handling unhealthy library related issues in academic libraries with a particular reference to Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. It discussed, among other things problems, justification for the installation of Electronic Security Devices (ESDs) and its implications for the university and library managements. The paper stressed the urgent need for the deployment of ESDs in Kenneth Dike Library as a result of perceived enormous advantages that can be derived from it. Finally, the implications and recommendations for effective implementation of electronic security devices in the Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria are proposed.
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    Influence of digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnels in selected academic libraries in Southwestern, Nigeria
    (Scholarship Publishers, Ibadan, 2020) Tomomowo-Ayodele, S. O.; Omoike, A. D.
    The study investigated influence of digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnel in selected academic libraries in Southwestern, Nigeria. Survey research method of expost-facto type was adopted for the study. The study population consisted of one hundred and four (104) library personnel’s in the two selected academic libraries (University of Ibadan and Obafemi Awolowo University). The population of the study consisted of para- professionals, professional librarians and library officers. Data were collected using questionnaire and were analysed using simple percentages, mean and Pearson’s Products Moment Correlation methods. The results revealed that library personnel in the two selected academic libraries possessed digital literacy skills such that they work easily with the computer without supervision (85.6%), use the computer every day at work (84.6%) and are skilled in using the computer (82.7%) among others. However, the digital literacy skills possessed by the librarians do not translate to job performance. Findings revealed a negative digital literacy skills on job performance of library personnel in the two universities (Df= 102, N= 104, r = -.060, P > 0.05). The study recommended that the University management should support the library and ensure the improvement of the library so as to continually meeting the needs of the library users, by procuring good computers to facilitate a digital library in order to facilitate resource sharing in the library to enhance teaching, learning and research.