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    Impact of authentic leadership on employee well-being in commodity market: a case of Nigeria’s cocoa industry
    (Society for Science and Education, 2024-12) Tayo, A. M.; Olajide, O.; Kutu, J. O.
    This study aims to investigate the relationship between authentic leadership and employee well-being in the Nigerian cocoa sector, a key commodity market in the country. Authentic leadership is characterized by self-awareness, relational transparency, balanced processing, and internalized moral perspective, and has been linked to positive employee outcomes in various contexts. Using a case study approach, this research examined the experiences of employees in the Nigerian cocoa industry to understand how authentic leadership behaviours exhibited by employers and managers influence factors such as organizational commitment, work-life balance, and overall well-being. Data were collected through interviews of Nigeria cocoa sector employees to gain a holistic perspective. Findings revealed that the Nigerian cocoa sectors comply with minimum legal requirements but do not proactively go beyond those standards, and that they provide basic healthcare benefits and adhere to safety regulations but lack comprehensive well-being programs. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the scholarly literature on authentic leadership and its application in non-Western, developing economy settings. It will also provide practical insights for Nigerian cocoa organisations and policymakers on fostering leadership practices that promote leaders’ authenticity, employee thriving and sustainable business performance. The results may have broader implications for leadership development and human resource management strategies in Nigeria's vital commodity markets.
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    Investigating learning skills and use of digital resources by undergraduates in Nigerian universities: a content analysis approach
    (Department of School Library and Media, Technology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2023) Otulugbu, D.
    This abstract will discuss the learning skills required for the effective use of digital information materials by undergraduate students. In the digital age, students must have the necessary skills to navigate and retrieve information from a wide range of online resources. The purpose of this research is to identify the specific skills that undergraduate students need to develop to effectively utilize digital information materials. The study utilized a mixed-methods approach, including a survey and focus group discussions. The sample consisted of 200 undergraduate students from different disciplines. The findings indicate that students need a range of skills, including information literacy skills, critical thinking skills, technical skills, and digital communication skills. Information literacy skills are crucial for students to be able to locate and evaluate the relevance and credibility of information sources. Critical thinking skills are necessary to analyse and synthesize information from different sources and apply it to specific contexts. Technical skills are essential for students to be able to use the available digital tools and resources effectively. Finally, digital communication skills are necessary for students to communicate their research findings effectively. Based on the findings, it is recommended that institutions of higher learning should develop programs that focus on the development of these skills. These programs should be integrated into the curriculum to ensure that all students have the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively. Additionally, librarians and academic staff should collaborate to provide support for students in the use of digital information materials. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of developing the necessary learning skills for the effective use of digital information materials by undergraduate students. With the increasing availability and complexity of digital resources, students must develop the necessary skills to succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.
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    Copyright information resource management in Nigeria: and the way forward
    (Science Publishing Group, 2020-12) Okoroma, F. N.
    The enrichment of the national cultural heritage is directly linked to the level of protection given to literary and artistic works. The higher the level of protection, the greater the number of each country’s intellectual output. This calls for an effective copyright information resource management in every nation and organization to optimize access to relevant information on copyright in order to curb the rate of infringement. This paper seeks to address the copyright information resource management in Nigeria, and the way forward. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. The last two questions on the questionnaire were open-ended questions, designed to enable the respondents freely express their views and suggestions. The findings identified the benefits of copyright information resource management, both to the authors and the users; include the inhibition of infringement as it delivers quick access to copyright related information in a dynamic and effective way. This is due to the fact that many acts of infringement on copyright are as a result of ignorance on the part of users. The findings further highlighted that copyright information resource management facilitation is dependent on putting the right people in positions of authority, setting up committee in each institution to monitor and establish standards in order to ensure quality assurance in the system, and keeping tracks of publications of each university’s scholar
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    The level of awareness, knowledge and perception of linked data by library and information science professionals in Nigeria
    (Services for Science and Education, 2023) Okoroma, F. N.
    The internet is the most compelling capacity building tool, as it exposes various forms of human knowledge. This has resulted into an overwhelming use of the search engines by digital generation in their social, education and research activities. Surprisingly, only a very little fraction of libraries’ digital collections are available on search engine results. Linked Data (LD) is an emerging set of standards and technologies that can potentially enable information systems such as libraries to publish their highly treasured wealth of knowledge, and interlink their hidden data on the web for better global accessibility. Linked Data having been presented as the future for library and information data management has triggered many institutions to experiment with it, and to learn more about the technology. Although technical challenges are paramount obstacles to the spread of LD across libraries, but the biggest issue can be attributed to lack of awareness on its potentials. This research focused on investigating the level of awareness, knowledge and perception of linked data by library and information science (LIS) professionals in Nigeria. The study made use of Survey research design, consisting of structured and open ended questions, distributed to LIS professionals in Nigeria. A total of 71 LIS professionals that spread across 17 institutions in Nigeria formed the participants for the study. The study portrays that LIS professionals in Nigeria perceive LD technology as a welcome innovative idea to facilitate records accessibility, and further move librarianship in Nigeria to the global best practices. But there is a drastic low level of knowledge on the subject of LD amongst the professionals, which is an impediment to the speedy implementation. To this effect, every institution in Nigeria needs to escalate discussions and trainings on the subject of Linked Data in order to foster the development of this powerful tool in shaping libraries collections’ management
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    The level of awareness, knowledge and infringement on copyright at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (ECRTD- UK, 2020-08) Okoroma, F. N.
    The encouragement of intellectual creation is one of the basic prerequisites for social, economic and cultural development of any nation. Copyright was instituted to inspire authors towards more creativity by enabling them to harness the full benefit of their works; however there are issues associated with the compliance on copyright rules. There is a dare need to stem the overwhelming tide of copyright infringement activities going on across the globe. This study examines the level of awareness, knowledge and infringement on copyright at the University of Ibadan. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. The population used in the study comprises 150 academic and senior staff of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study found that there is low level of awareness and knowledge on copyright matters, as many of the respondents were unfamiliar with matters relating to copyright. The study identified a high level of infringement on copyright in University of Ibadan. The study further advocated for intensive sensitization on copyright matters and enforcement of copyright law within University of Ibadan community in order to strengthen copyright protection
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    Linked data technology and linked open data in academic libraries in Nigeria: level of integration, challenges and potential solution
    (Science Publishing, 2023-07-20) Okoroma, F. N.
    The emergence of Linked Data and Linked Open Data technologies in the library and information service environment has altered the platform of bibliographic standards and models. Despite the perception that Linked Data technology will soon be the standard for creating metadata for information resources management in libraries, there tends to be very low level of adoption of this emerging technology in the developing economy. This study examined the level of integration, challenges and potential solutions in the adoption of Linked Data (LD) and (LOD) in academic libraries in Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study. This consists of Questionnaire instrument distributed to Library and Information professionals in Nigeria. Seventy-one responses were received across seventeen higher institutions in Nigeria. The study exposed that most of the academic libraries in Nigeria have not started the implementation of linked data standards at all. The major challenges in the adoption of LD in Nigeria are lack of in-depth knowledge on the potential values and procedural activities of LD and LOD technology amongst librarians and information managers, and poor infrastructure, coupled with the concerns that the system could be hacked. The study identified the need for investment of both social and financial capital into LD technology. Librarians and other key stakeholders should be exposed to trainings and events on LD application. Such trainings can be pioneered by the host institutions
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    Awareness, knowledge and use of online survey tools amongst researchers in Nigerian higher institutions
    (2023-04) Okoroma, F. N.
    There is a growing prevalence of online survey for academic research. This can be attributed to the great impact of online survey tools on the researchers’ ability to easily develop, disseminate instruments, assemble and analyze data. Though many researchers in the advanced world have become very prone to the use of online survey, their counterparts in the developing economy are still struggling in the adoption of this invaluable tool. This study examines the level of awareness, knowledge and use of online survey tools amongst academic researchers in Nigeria. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. The population used for the study consists of eighty academic researchers in higher institutions spread across various parts of Nigeria. The study found that although there is a high level of awareness and preference to online survey tools by Nigerian researchers, yet there is a very low level of knowledge and usage of online survey tools by Nigerian researchers. The reason being that the researchers lack the basic prerequisite skills needed for the processing and development of online survey, amongst other challenges. The study ascertained that Survey Monkey was the most popular and predominantly used survey tool by Nigerian researchers, followed by Survey PRO and Zoomrang. The study advocated for trainings and workshops on the use of the survey tools in higher institutions in Nigeria, which could be facilitated by the survey tools’ designers in collaboration with higher institutions in Nigeria
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    Status of university librarians in the governance structure of Nigerian universities
    (2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.
    This paper examines the Status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic Status within the University System. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather Information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the Status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University System. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers The service- oriented bias of Professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university System
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    Improving Services in a hybrid academic library System
    (2021) Oyelude, A. A.; Ola, C. O.; Adeniran, E. A.
    The mixture of traditional or manual ways of carrying out library operations with new, modern, automated systems often brings about several problems. The problems are ones that can be tackled within the framework of having appropriate systems dynamics routines applied and also making use of personnel skilled in strategic management of hybrid library systems. The paper describes a hybrid academic library system and draws up a model of this system suggesting strategies and scenarios for achieving optimum performance of the system in a technology changing world. A system dynamics model for the management of the system is developed around the issues of personnel management, collection management, capacity building, and provision of access to research materials, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, forming of Consortia, and Security in the system. Recommendations are made as to which strategy/ scenario or combinations of scenarios will provide lasting solutions to the problems recurring or likely to reoccur in a hybrid academic library system.
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    Managing deviant behaviours among undergraduate student users of federal university libraries in southwest, Nigeria
    (2022-12) Oseghale, O.; Ola, C. O.
    The study suggests that situational crimes occur when the perceived cost is low and the net benefits associated with the crime is high. Therefore, managing situational crimes in the library implies achieving a balance between situational factors that increase the criminal’s perceived cost and those that decrease the criminal’s perceived benefit. The study recommends the establishment of student disciplinary and counselling units in addition to increasing the cost of crime and the risk of getting caught by increasing library security and imposing stiffer penalties for offenders in order to minimising crime commissioning among undergraduate students in federal university libraries