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    The use of modern technology in controlling criminal activities in academic libraries: the case of Kenneth Dike Library and Obafemi Awolowo University Library
    (Credence Press Ltd, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria, 2022) Omoike, A. D.
    The study investigated the use of modem technology in controlling criminal activities in academic libraries. The study was driven by the desire to determine what precipitated crimes in the academic libraries, the types and nature of criminal activities perpetrated in the library by the patrons, to identify current modem technology used in reducing and addressing criminal activities in the libraries, to identify library materials more vulnerable to crimes and the challenges faced by the academic libraries in curbing crimes. A descriptive survey was utilised and questionnaires methods were the instrument for data collection. The questionnaires were administered to both Academic and Paraprofessional librarians of the University of Ibadan Kenneth Dike Library and Obafemi Awolowo University Library. A simple random technique was adopted. A total of Sixty (60) questionnaires were randomly distributed with each library given thirty (30). Data was presented and analyzed according to the research questions of the study using simple percentage and frequencies. Due to the prevalence of criminal activities in our academic libraries in the recent times, the study unraveled varying consequential modem technology that can be adopted in curbing criminal activities in our institutions. The study finally revealed that despite the efficacy of modern technology in preventing criminal activities in academic libraries, poor funding of the academic libraries as well as insensitivity of the library management towards the issue of crimes were the major challenges in curbing crimes. This might be due to the fact that modem technology in crime prevention is capital intensive and no special fund is provided for that in the budget of the library. Based on these, recommendations were made that library management should give proper attention to security issues; that there should be special funds for security issues in the library and special awareness , enlightenment and proper education should be provided for the users during orientation programme.
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    Nigerian university libraries in consortia: past, present and future challenges
    (2005) Oyelude, A. A.
    The paper surveys library consortia and efforts among Nigerian Universities at sustaining them. It traces history of the efforts of Universities (State and Federal) and in recent times Private ones, and notes the strengths, weaknesses and strategies for proposed improvement. It is discovered that past library consortia have not been properly sustained. The Jew still in existence have problems such as funding, inability to network properly, inadequate or non-existent Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, transportation and sometimes administrative bureaucracy. Library consortia in recent times are seen to be moving more into I.T formats. Prospects in this area are explored. Recommendations are made for strengthening of existing consortia and building up of new ones where applicable, to put University Education back on the high pedestal where it belongs.
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    Managing electronic resources in libraries: issues and challenges
    (Nigerian Library Association, Ogun State Chapter, 2011-02) Oyelude, A. A.
    Electronic resources are increasingly being found in libraries. The management of the e-resources involves acquisition, cataloguing and classification and also providing access to them. Ways in which e-resources are managed are discussed pointing out the role of staff and users in the management chain. An online survey of librarians' knowledge of electronic resources and the use of electronic resources management software was conducted. Results from the survey reveal that quite a number of librarians are unaware of Electronic Resources Management Systems (ERMS) in their libraries, and managing e-resources in most of the libraries is deemed difficult. Various issues affecting ability of libraries to manage their e-resources and the challenges that have to be faced in the organization process are highlighted. Recommendations are made of the way forward for librarians and libraries to follow established guidelines and learn from other libraries that have success stories in e-resources management.
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    Management and use of electronic resources in selected Nigerian libraries in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, 2013-12) Tomomowo Ayodele, S. O.; Oladapo, Y. O.; Adeoye, M. O.
    This study investigated the management and use of electronic resources in selected Nigerian libraries. Two academic and two research institute libraries were selected for the study. A descriptive survey method was adopted for the study. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and interview. While 450 copies of questionnaire were distributed among the respondents, 417 were retrieved and found usable. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used to analyse the data collected to give a response rate of 92.6 %. Some of the major findings of the study revealed that most library users in IITA (86.4%) make use of e-resources more often compared to users in other institutions (Lead City 44.7%>, FR1N 42.4% and U.l. 28.2%). Moreover, availability of e-resources varies across the institutions. In IITA, the e-resources were better organized and readily available to users compared to other institutions that were still restricting users’ access to some e-resources either due to inadequate equipment or unskilled personnel. Recommendations were made to promote effective management and use of e-resources such as proper funding and utilization of funds, training and re-training of both managers and users of e-resources, consideration of users’ suggestions in acquiring e-resources, and collaboration amongst libraries.