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    Technological and infrastructural issues of institutional repositories in university libraries in Nigeria: and the way forward
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Okoroma, F. N.
    echnology and infrastructure are prerequisites in the development of any institutional repository (IR). These however constitute major issues contending with the sustenance of institutional repositories especially in the developing countries. Extant literature focused on the awareness, benefits and the various IR activities across the globe. This study investigated the technological and infrastructural challenges of institutional repositories in university libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to sample 844 lecturers of the universities in Nigeria and 8 heads of the digitization section of the libraries. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that low bandwidth, inadequate and obsolete hardware and software components coupled with low server configuration, and erratic power supply, occasioned by poor funding are among the technological and infrastructural problems affecting institutional repositories in university libraries in Nigeria. The study advocated for the provision of more and sufficient bandwidth for the library system, good configuration of computer systems, the use of inverters and solar systems to ensure uninterrupted power supply and enhanced funding through special IR budgetary allocation by the universities’ management
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    Status of university librarians in the governance structure of Nigerian universities
    (2021-06) Ola, C. O.; Oyelude, A. A.
    This paper examines the Status of University Librarians in the administrative structure of academic libraries, considering their tenure, the influence they wield in University management, and their academic Status within the University System. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Thirty universities were surveyed. Questionnaire and interview were used as data collection tools to gather Information from University librarians of Private, State and Federal universities in Nigeria. The qualitative data was analysed thematically after transcription, while quantitative data was analysed using percentages and mean. It was found that over the years, the Status of University Librarians seems to diminish as their position is gradually eroded in the University System. The librarians are not treated fairly like other academics who are full time teachers The service- oriented bias of Professional librarians in academic libraries causes them to be relegated, more often than not, to the background in the university. Recommendations are made as to restructuring the university libraries to making the tenure and job specifications more inclusive of teaching, research and productivity oriented. University librarians should have more training in developing management skills and ideally, should be properly positioned within the governance structure of the university System
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    Cloud Computing adoption and implementation in University libraries in Africa: an overview
    (2015) Ojo, R. A .; Ola, C. O.
    This paper makes an exploit into how cloud computing can change the computational resource utilization and value in the African University Libraries (A ULs) terrain. It takes a look at the economics of providing computational resources through cloud computing web services providers like Amazon, using the concepts of utility services providers like, in the case of electricity consumption, pre-paid meter which is operated on ‘pay per use' basis. This approach is cost effective in terms of implementation in that since the server resides in the cloud, it follows that the required space for storing data will be used at a particular point in time, thereby the unused server space can be allocated to other customers using the same cloud service on request instead of allowing it to waste away. Personnel cost, with regards to technical staff will be reduced to the barest minimum since the issue of baby-sitting server must have been eliminated at the point of requesting for cloud services. Given limited available financial support at the disposal of AULs, server space economy, disaster recovery>, prudent infrastructural utilization, seamless resource sharing, a robust, sustainable and efficient backup plans, among others, will be the resultant benefits of cloud computing adoption and implementation to A ULs for efficient, timely and effective sendee delivery. All these are exhaustively discussed in this paper. A model of adoption and implementation as well as a review of what same will translate to within the A UL systems are also presented. This article is an overview of the adoption and implementation of cloud computing services in AULs with an associated model which can be used as a benchmark for implementation strategies within the AUL systems. An exhaustive practical implementation plan is strongly recommended for future research which will incorporate result analysis as well as exhaustive discussion of findings
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    Managing deviant behaviours among undergraduate student users of federal university libraries in southwest, Nigeria
    (2022-12) Oseghale, O.; Ola, C. O.
    The study suggests that situational crimes occur when the perceived cost is low and the net benefits associated with the crime is high. Therefore, managing situational crimes in the library implies achieving a balance between situational factors that increase the criminal’s perceived cost and those that decrease the criminal’s perceived benefit. The study recommends the establishment of student disciplinary and counselling units in addition to increasing the cost of crime and the risk of getting caught by increasing library security and imposing stiffer penalties for offenders in order to minimising crime commissioning among undergraduate students in federal university libraries
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    Investigation into factors inhibiting effective job performance of academic librarians at selected university libraries in North central Nigeria
    (Unisa Press, 2020) Kutu, J. O.; Garaba, F.
    The article examined factors that inhibit effective job performance of academic librarians at selected universities in North Central Nigeria. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and task–technology fit theories were the theoretical frameworks underpinning the study. The survey research design was used for the study. The study population consisted of 135 academic librarians and heads of library at seven university libraries. The total enumeration method was then adopted to select academic librarians. Sampling was purposive and enumerative as all members of the population were used for the study. A total of 128 copies of a questionnaire were administered across the seven university libraries. Out of this total, 103 copies were duly completed and returned for quantitative analysis, giving a response rate of 81 per cent. In addition, the census method was used. Copies of the survey questionnaire were used mainly to collect quantitative data from the academic librarians, and interviews were used to collect qualitative data from the university librarians (heads of library). The findings from the study revealed that 90 per cent of the respondents noted that there are hindrances to their job performance.
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    Library users’ attitudes toward social media applications for dissemination of information in selected Nigerian university libraries
    (University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 2019) Otulugbu, D.
    Social media is one of the most engaging communication tools of modern era. The use of the social media has permeated all aspect of human endeavour be it commerce, education, social, health and entertainment. Library as a social institution has adopted the use of the media to engage the clients and share information. However, the preliminary investigation conducted by the researcher indicated that the use of the media in the libraries has been confronted with different reactions among the clients. This study therefore explored users’ attitudes toward the use of social media applications for information dissemination in selected Nigerian university libraries (Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan and Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University). Descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages as well as inferential statistics of correlation method were used to analyse the study data. The results showed that the most prominent social media used for service delivery in the two university libraries are Facebook, WhatsApp, Flickr, Youtube and Instant Messaging. The findings indicated that significant number of respondents have positive disposition to the use of social media for information dissemination owing to the fact that the media offer immediate, relevant and better communication on library resources and services. The need to sustain the use of the social media for dissemination of information and possible filter of irrelevant contents from the media were recommended.
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    Challenges and prospects of virtual libraries in universities in Nigeria
    (EuroJournals Publishing, Inc., 2009-07) Fabunmi, B. A.
    The challenges and the prospects of virtual library in a university system constitute the focus of this paper. Most university libraries in Nigeria are in deplorable conditions due to inadequate funding. This manifests in libraries having few current books, journals, and other reading resources; staff shortages; deterioration of facilities; inadequate equipment and even library buildings. Such situations are not conducive environment for reading. The virtual library project has the capability of resolving this problem. In this period of information explosion, there is the need for university libraries in Nigeria to use appropriate technology to access the world information in order to enable Universities carry out their traditional functions of teaching, research and public service effectively and efficiently.