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    The impact of peer tutoring on librarians in training at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Academic Journals, 2013) Okoroma, F. N.
    The enrichment of the national cultural heritage is directly linked to the level of protection given to literary and artistic works. The higher the level of protection, the greater the number of each country’s intellectual output. This calls for an effective copyright information resource management in every nation and organization to optimize access to relevant information on copyright in order to curb the rate of infringement. This paper seeks to address the copyright information resource management in Nigeria, and the way forward. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. The last two questions on the questionnaire were open-ended questions, designed to enable the respondents freely express their views and suggestions. The findings identified the benefits of copyright information resource management, both to the authors and the users; include the inhibition of infringement as it delivers quick access to copyright related information in a dynamic and effective way. This is due to the fact that many acts of infringement on copyright are as a result of ignorance on the part of users. The findings further highlighted that copyright information resource management facilitation is dependent on putting the right people in positions of authority, setting up committee in each institution to monitor and establish standards in order to ensure quality assurance in the system, and keeping tracks of publications of each university’s scholar
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    The impact of social media on library and information studies students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Net Journals, 2018-07) Okoroma, F. N.; Okafor, I. A.
    The significance of social media in the teaching and learning process cannot be overemphasized. However the excessive use of the same can result into inefficiency and poor academic performance. The study examines the impact of social media (SM) on Library and Information Studies students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Questionnaire was used for data collection. 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the librarians in training at the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan. 99 copies were filled and returned, given a response rate of 99%. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that Whatsapp was the most preferred social media platform used more frequently by the LIS undergraduates. Majority of the students make use of SM more for other activities than academics, they spend 7 hours each day on the SM on general activities other than course work as against 5 hours spent each day for course work on the media, and as a result this undoubtedly affects their performance
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    Institutional repository activities in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2022) Okoroma, F. N.
    There is a glaring divide between institutional literature and the user community. Institutional Repository (IR) deals with bridging the gap between institutions’ ever growing educational and research output, and the users of the materials for teaching/learning, research, decision making and societal advancement. According to literature, the pace of adoption of IR has been slow and quit uneven especially in the developing world with very few universities adopting IR in Nigeria. In the light of the innumerable benefits of institutional repository, Kenneth Dike Library has joined university libraries all over the world in the adoption of institutional repository. The paper examined the institutional repository of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan (UI) which is a Premier university in Nigeria. The study adopted survey method. Interview instrument was used for the study. The basic information about UI institutional repository development and management procedures were obtained through a face-to-face interview with some of the library’s systems staff that are knowledgeable on the university’s IR. The study identified the procedural activities in the IR development at Kenneth Dike Library (KDL), which include strategic planning of the project by UI library management, seeking for and obtaining the university management’s approval, the adoption of in-house approach to digitization and management of IRs, and the continual digitization processes. Finally the study indicated some problems and solutions in the management of University of Ibadan IR project which could be of help to those institutions that are yet to establish IRs.
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    The level of awareness, knowledge and infringement on copyright at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (ECRTD- UK, 2020-08) Okoroma, F. N.
    The encouragement of intellectual creation is one of the basic prerequisites for social, economic and cultural development of any nation. Copyright was instituted to inspire authors towards more creativity by enabling them to harness the full benefit of their works; however there are issues associated with the compliance on copyright rules. There is a dare need to stem the overwhelming tide of copyright infringement activities going on across the globe. This study examines the level of awareness, knowledge and infringement on copyright at the University of Ibadan. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. The population used in the study comprises 150 academic and senior staff of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study found that there is low level of awareness and knowledge on copyright matters, as many of the respondents were unfamiliar with matters relating to copyright. The study identified a high level of infringement on copyright in University of Ibadan. The study further advocated for intensive sensitization on copyright matters and enforcement of copyright law within University of Ibadan community in order to strengthen copyright protection
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    Multimedia resources adoption and use among distance learning students at University of Ibadan study centre
    (Information Technology Application Group (ITAG) International, 2020) Omoghbe, G. O.; Quadri, G. O.; Kutu, J. O.
    Purpose: This study examined the adoption and use of multimedia resources by distance learning students at University of Ibadan study centre. Design/Methodology/Approach: Descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. Four objectives were formulated to guide the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample 10% of the total population which gave a 532 sample size. The structured questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. A total of 532 copies of questionnaire were administered to the students at the faculty of education, 490 copies were duly completed and returned with a response rate of 92.1%. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS with frequency counts and percentages. Findings: The findings revealed that majority of the respondents affirmed that multimedia resources such computers, the internet services, mobile/cell phones, radio and overhead projector were the available at the distance learning centre while few of the respondents indicated that slides and charts were not available. Furthermore, most of the respondents noted multimedia resources such as mobile/cell phones, the internet services, computers, television and camera were highly utilized at the centre while CD was never used. Limited access to multimedia resources, lack of knowledge to use the multimedia, uncooperative instructor to facilitate easy access, time consuming were some of the identified challenges encountered. Originality/Value: It was recommended that there should be a general awareness about the multimedia resources at study centre and that funds should be adequately provided to acquire these resources. Also, university management should consider developing a functional policy that will guide and improve multimedia resources usage at the study centre.
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    Awareness and use of online information sources among University of Ibadan students
    (Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2017) Otulugbu, D.
    The internet has helped in the amassing of a large amount of information for consumption in varied fields of endeavor. This has brought about increasing ease in the search for and use of information in academic, social, political and other spheres of life. However, despite the increasing simplicity in the accessing of information, there are indications that some students do not fully utilize information sources. Thus, this study investigates the awareness and use of online information sources among university of Ibadan undergraduate students. Copies of questionnaires were administered on 300 students on purposive sampling basis. Findings show that 97.9% of the students were generally aware of online information sources but very few of the students were aware of the individual online sources that are made available in the university. In addition, very few of the students were satisfied with the available online information sources. This study suggests that university libraries should effectively create awareness about the various online resources that available for students’ usage. The findings of this study will be useful to academic institutions in the same terrain like the University of Ibadan. Also, librarians and academic scholars will find this study useful in the effective creation of awareness of online information sources among university students.