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    Digital technologies in community development practice, prospects and challenges
    (Educational Assessment and Research Network in Africa, 2021-06) Osu, U. C.
    Digital technology has taken over every aspect of human life: the economy and work. These are several sources through which 'Information can be disseminated and interpreted. Information and Telecommunication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly prevalent in developing world and as such are being used in variety of ways to promote development efforts, hence, in this paper, the prospects and challenges of digital technologies in community development practices in Nigeria are examined. It is the process of improving the quality of life and social lies among members of historical or cultural heritage communities in order to address their needs and aspirations. Realizing the utilitarian value of community development, this paper therefore, advocates for digital technology in its practice. It was concluded that for the dream of community development to see the light of the day in Nigeria, digital technologies are needed for the promotion of community development. There is the need for community development expert s, agents and workers to ensure the adoption and utilisation of relevant technology for the promotion of community development practice in Nigeria
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    Assessment of implementation of rural development projects through community development association (CDA) in Apete community, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2021-03) Osu, U. C.; Yakubu, S.
    This study focused on the implementation of community development projects through Community Development Association (CDA) in Apete, Ibadan. Three specific objectives, each with corresponding research questions and hypothesis, guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. Tlie population for the study comprised 1025 landlords in Apete community, Ibadan. A sample size of 197 was purposively drawn for the study. The instrument for data collection was a 14 item structured questionnaire tagged "community development projects and Community Development Association Questionnaire (CDPCDAQ)" modeled on a four-point rating of; strongly agree (SA)_4, Agree (A)_3, Disagree (D)_2 and Strongly Disagree (SD)_1. The instrument was validated by experts in community development and evaluators at the Institute of Education. The instrument was subjected to reliability test and the reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained. The research questions 1 and 2 were answered using mean and Standard deviation while the hypothesis was tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The data analyzed revealed that the level of community development by the Community Development Associations in Apete, Ibadan was low (Mean=2.26). Challenges facing the Association included inadequate funding (Mean=3.44), misappropriation of funds (Mean=3.20), poor involvement of community members in development projects (Mean=3.23), poor leadership (Mean=3.60), lack of governmental support (Mean=3.50) and lack of trust by community members (Mean=3.56). The concludes that Community Development Association is a critical variable for community development. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Community Development Associations should be operated through good governance and they should be transparent in their dealings with all developmental projects. Also, government should release adequate funds for community projects from time to time
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    Community education as a correlate of participation in community development activities in Ikwuano local government area of Abia state, Nigeria
    (His Lineage Publishing House, 2020) Osu, U. C.
    The study examined Community education as a correlate of participation in community development activities in Ikwuano LGA in Abia State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study, while two research questions and two hypotheses were generated from the research objectives. The target population of the study comprised 2,238 members of community drawn from 10 communities. Proportionate sampling technique was adopted to select 30% (696) respondents and the Instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire titled: Community Education Correlates of Participation in Community Activities scale (CECOPCDAS). The reliability index of the Instrument was 0.82 determined through the use of Pearson Product moment Correlation Statistics (PPMC). The hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings from the study revealed that community education affected people's participation in community development activities in their communities (Mean = 2.7). It was also found that community education is a social engineering tool for Citizen participation in community development activities in Ikwuano LGA (Mean = 2.5). It was further revealed that there was a significant relationship between community education and Citizen participation in community development activities and levels of awareness on community development activities (r=0.695, p<0.05). In addition, it was discovered that there was significant relationship between community education and the level of citizens' participation in community development activities (r = 0.510, p<0.05). The study therefore recommended among others that community education should be improved and given adequate attention to enhance sustainable development in Nigerian communities