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Item A randomized trial of low-dose ketamine and lignocaine infiltration for laparo-caecectomy in layer chickens(Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012) Eyarefe, O.D.; Oguntoye, C.O.This study compared the anaesthetic effects of intramuscular injection of Ketamine (K) (15 mg/kg) with intramuscular injection of Ketamine (K) (15 mg/kg) and Lignocaine (L) (4 mg/kg) infiltration for laparocaecectomy in 12 layer chickens (1.1±0.06 Kg) randomized into two groups (K, 5 chickens and K- L, 7 chickens). The duration of recumbency of the K-L group (100.3±16.4 min) was significantly longer (p<0.05) than that of K group (33.8±6.0 min). Time to stand for the K-L group (20.8±4.0 min) was also significantly longer (p<0.05) than those of K group (10±1.4 min). The mean heart rates, respiratory rates and cloacal temperatures were lower in the K-L group than the K group. All the birds recovered smoothly and no mortality was recorded following the procedure. In the absence of inhalatory anaesthesia, low dose ketamine and lignocaine infiltration may be a preferred anaesthetic protocol for non-protracted abdominal procedures such as laparo-caecectomy in birdsItem Effects of varying doses of tramadol on ketamine anaesthesia for laparocaecectomy in layer chickens(Academic Journals, 2015-12) Eyarefe, O. D.; Oguntoye, C. O.The effects of a high ketamine dose (15 mg/kg) and a low ketamine dose (10 mg/kg) combined with two separate doses of tramadol (10 and 5 mg/kg) were studied in chickens. Seventeen layer chickens (Isa brown breed) presented for laparo-cecectomy associated with feed trials were randomized into Ketamine-Lignocaine (KL) group (15 mg/kg ketamine)- 5 chickens, Tramadol-Ketamine-Lignocaine (TKL) group (10 mg ketamine plus 5 mg/kg tramadol)- 5 chickens and Tramadol-2-Ketamine-Lignocaine (TTKL) group (10 mg ketamine plus 10 mg/kg tramadol)- 7 chickens. All chickens had 2% lignocaine incision site infiltration to provide additional analgesia. Onset of drug action (OAN), Duration of recumbency (DR), heart rates (HR), respiratory rates (RR) and cloacal temperature (CT) were evaluated as anaesthetic monitoring indices. The trend for OAN was KL (3.3±0.4 min) >TKL group (4.0±3.0 min) > TTKL group (8.2±2.5 min). DR was KL group (110.3±20.8 min) > TTKL group (81.2±5.5 min) > TKL group (62.6±4.7 min). The mean variation of pre-anaesthetic and anaesthetic values of HR was not significant, although the KL group had the lowest HR. Observed fall in RR with TTKL < TKL< KL was not significant (P>0.05) among the groups. A statistically none significant (P>0.05), none life threatening fall in temperature was also observed among the groups. In the absence of inhalatory anaesthesia, 10 mg/kg ketamine combined with tramadol (5-10 mg/kg) and lignocaine infiltration may be a preferred anaesthetic protocol for non-protracted surgical procedures in chickensItem Comparison of total intravenous ketamine and propofol anaesthesia in acepromazine- dexmedetomidine sedated cats(2019-01) Afolabi, O.O.; Oguntoye, O.C.; Eyarefe, O.D.; Adetunji, A.Total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) refers to the induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia with drugs administered solely by the intravenous (IV) route. Presently, ketamine and propofol are popular and in use for TIVA in small animals. This study compared ketamine and propofol anaesthesia in cats premedicated with acepromazine-dexmedetomidine combination. Six indigenous Nigerian local cats were premedicated with intramuscular injection of acepromazine (0.2mg/kg) and dexmedetomidine (40μg/kg) mixture, followed by induction of anesthesia with either bolus propofol (1mg/kg) or ketamine (0.5mg/kg) IV 20 min later. Maintenance of anesthesia for 2h was achieved with continous fl uid administration using dose of 0.5ml/8ml and 0.05ml/8ml in lactated Ringers solution for propofol and ketamine respectively. One week space was allowed between protocols in the crossover experiment. Anesthetic indices, cardiopulmonary parameters, and rectal temperature were recorded at 5 min intervals for 2 h. Duration of anti-nociception with ketamine protocol was not signifi cantly (p<.05) different from the corresponding propofol protocol value while recovery time and standing time were signifi cantly (p<.05) different between either protocol. Systolic arterial pressure, Diastolic arterial pressure and mean arterial pressure were significantly (p<0.05) lower for propofol protocol than ketamine protocol, while SpO2 responses were significantly (p<0.05) higher for propofol protocol than ketamine protocol. There was no statistically significant difference between other physiological variable means recorded for both protocols. It was concluded that ketamine and propofol protocols produced satisfactory anaesthetic induction and maintenance in healthy cats premedicated with acepromazine-dexmedetomidine. Used in the same manner however, Ketamine produces better anaesthetic quality than propofol