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    The challenge of implementing inclusive education for children with hearing impairment in Nigeria
    (2012-07) Isaiah, O. O.; Aderibigbe, S. A.
    This paper examined the concept of inclusive education, the characteristics of children with hearing impairment, benefits and the challenges of inclusive education. The authors identified some findings that highlighted the problems facing inclusive education in developing countries The paper finally focused on factors that could enhance the successful implementation of inclusive education especially in developing countries like Nigeria.
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    Social support and counselling as determinants of quality of life among secondary school adolescents with hearing impairment in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (John Archers (Publishers) LTD., 2023) Isaiah, O. O.; Amaize, S. O.
    Adolescents with hearing impairment experience grievous psychological and emotional problems due to their hearing defect, culminating in their poor quality of life. Earlier studies in this direction have not done much. This study, therefore, examined the influence of social support and counselling on the quality of life among secondary school adolescents with hearing impairment in Ibadan, utilising the descriptive survey research design of correlational type for carrying out the study, while the purposive sampling technique was used to select sixty (60) respondents. The instruments used were structured questionnaire tagged ‘Social Support and Counselling Questionnaire (r = 0.64) and Students with Hearing Impairment Quality of Life Questionnaire (0.86) while four research questions were answered. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis. Social support (r = 906*, p <0.05) and counselling (r = 368*, p < 0.05) were positively correlated with the quality of life of adolescents with hearing impairment. Social support and counselling predicted improved quality of life of adolescents with hearing impairment (F(2 57) = 226.583, p < 0.05) and accounted for about 89% of the total variance to the dependent variable. The relative contributions of the independent variables to the quality of life of adolescents with hearing impairment are as follows: social support (b = 0.874), and counselling (b = 0.261). Social support and counselling are important factors that influence the quality of life of adolescents with hearing impairment. Therefore, parents, teachers, government at all levels and other relevant stakeholders are enjoined to ensure adequate provision of social support and counselling to improve the quality of life of adolescents with hearing impairment.
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    Influence of knowledge on practice of deaf culture among students with hearing impairment in the South-west, Nigeria
    (Department of Social Work, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2022-06) Isaiah, O. O.; Mohammed, O. A.
    The study examined the level of knowledge about the practice of deaf culture of students with hearing impairment in the South-West, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 673 students with hearing impairment in 12 integrated schools in six states of the South-West. A self-designed instrument tagged “Test of Knowledge of Students with Hearing Impairment on Deaf Culture ”(r=0.73) was used for data collection. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency count and percentage and inferential statistics of t-test. The findings of the study revealed that students with hearing impairment have a fair knowledge of deaf culture (1.61). It was also revealed that there was a significant difference between the level of knowledge about the deaf culture of students with hearing impairment with deaf parents and those with hearing parents (t=3.83; df=671). There was a significant difference between knowledge about deaf culture among students with pre-lingua! and those with post- lingual hearing loss (1=6.94: df=671). There was also a significant difference between the level of knowledge about deaf culture of male and female students with hearing impairment (t=3.94). Knowledge about deaf culture was greatly determined by parents’ hearing status, the onset of hearing impairment and students’ gender. There is an urgent need to incorporate deaf culture into the educational system in the integrated secondary schools to meet the cultural, social and linguistic needs of students with hearing impairment.
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    Psychosocial and personal factors on identification of gifted and talented students in Owerri municipal, Imo State, Nigeria
    (2022-06) Adelodun, G. A.; Ibeabuchi, G. I.
    The study investigated on psychosocial and personal factors as correlates of identification of gifted and talented students in Owerri Municipal, Imo State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design of correlational type. The population of the study was 2,893 with a sample size 155 teachers in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State, selected through simple random sampling techniques representing 5% of the total population. The data were collected using Teacher-student relationship Rating Scale, Teachers' self-efficacy Rating Scale and Teachers' knowledge Rating Scale. The instruments were subjected to a reliability test using Spearman Brown Rank Order which yielded a correlation coefficient of r=0.76, 0.71 and 0.83 respectively. Data collected were analyzed using the inferential statistics of Person Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression and at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings revealed a significant relationship between teacher-student relationship (r=.510, p(.000)<.05), teachers' self-efficacy (r=.509, p(.000)<.05), and teachers' knowledge (r=.217, p(.007)<.05) respectively and identification of gifted and talented students. The relationship of the three independent variables (teachers' self-efficacy, teacher-student relationship, teachers' knowledge) to the prediction of the dependent variable that is, identification of gifted and talented students showed a coefficient of multiple correlation R=.554 and a multiple R2of .307. Finally, the result revealed a relative contribution of the three independent variables to the dependent variable, expressed as beta weights, viz: Teachers' self- efficacy (6=307, p<.05), teacher-student relationship (6=.288, p<.05), and teachers' knowledge (6=.019, p>.05). Based on these findings, it is recommended that teacher-student relationship must always be cordial in every school since it has been established that it enhances the identification of gifted and talented students in schools.
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    Self-efficacy, parental involvement and school adjustment of high achieving secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (2022-06) Adelodun, G. A.; Salako, A. A.
    This study investigated self-efficacy and parental involvement as predictors of school adjustment of high ability secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design of correlational type was adopted. The simple random sampling technique was used to selective local government areas from each of the three senatorial districts in Oyo State. The simple random sampling technique was also used to select two secondary schools from each local government, while the purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 450 high achieving students in SSI (180 males and 270females), based on their scores in Slossan Intelligence test, and Achievement tests in English Language and Mathematics. Instruments used were Slossan Intelligence Test (r= 0.86); Mathematics Achievement (r=0.72) and English Language Achievement tests (r=0.75) Self-efficacy (r=0.72); and Parental involvement (r=0.81) while Pearson Products Moment Correlation was used to test, the hypotheses generated at 0.05 level of significance. Findings showed that self-efficacy (r=0. 98; P<0. 05), and parental involvement (r= 0. 97; P<0. 05) influenced school adjustment of high achieving secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria. Therefore, relevant government bodies and schools should adopt methods and different policies that can positively trigger positive aspects of these variables for exploitation in influencing school adjustment of high achieving students.
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    Academic self-efficacy, learning styles and motivational factors as correlates of academic achievement of high ability secondary school students in Owerri, Imo State
    (2022-03) Adelodun, G. A.; Ibeabuchi, G. I.
    The academic achievement of students is an important indicator of the academic success in school. Some high-ability students exhibit a discrepancy between their potential and achievement thereby demonstrating negative abilities and low achievement in their academic pursuit. It has however been noted that some cognitive and psychological factors such as academic self-efficacy, learning styles and motivational factor contribute to superlative performance of high- ability students. This study, therefore, investigated the relationship among academic self-efficacy, learning style, motivational factor and academic achievement of high-ability students in senior secondary schools Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design of correlational type. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 240 respondents with high-ability from the sampled schools in Owerri, Imo State. Inferential Statistics of Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation, (PPMC) were used for data analysis. The instruments used in the study are Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT), English Language and Mathematics Achievement Test (ELMA), Student’s Academic Record (STAR), Motivational factor Scale (MAS), Academic Self-efficacy Scale (ASS) and Leaming Style Scale (LSS). The result showed that there is a significant relationship among academic achievement of high-ability students and academic self-efficacy (r=.554, p(.000)<.05), motivational factor (r=.720, p(.000)<05), and learning styles (r=.717, p(.000)<.05) respectively and are related to academic achievement among high-ability students in Owerri: Hence, there is a positive significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. This implies that academic self-efficacy, motivational factor, and learning styles improve academic achievement. Therefore, it was recommended that teachers of high-ability students should expose their students to the relevance of academic self-efficacy, learning styles and motivational factor to the academic achievement of high-ability students.
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    Independent study approach and the educational needs of gifted learners
    (Department of Educational Psychology, Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, 2021-07) Fakolade, O. A.; Adelodun, G. A.; Asiru, A. B.
    The concept of giftedness is diverse because it connotes different things in certain contexts. Cognitive giftedness as intellectual prowess enables the learners to demonstrate a high level of thinking, reasoning and retrieval of facts and figures. Therefore, cognitively gifted individuals learn faster and better than their age groups. The implication of this accomplishment among the precocious students is that they have educational needs which the general school programmes and services do not meet. This is essentially contributing to the dropout rate among the gifted in our schools. Therefore, as an approach to meeting these needs, independent study is advocated in this paper. The approach is a planned research process that develops cognitive and creative skills in gifted learners. It is a stage- by-stage endeavour that caters for the learning styles, preferences and abilities of the 'students. The impact of the approach on gifted learners is beyond the frontiers of the classroom-or school environment as it fosters the students’ social performance. At this juncture, the teacher, as the programme facilitator, guides and motivates the students throughout the exploratory pursuit of interest. As a matter of recommendation, professionals in the field of gifted education are enjoined to make a case for independent study (learning) for the gifted The cognitive and creative expression of the students will be given room for if the approach is incorporated. It is also recommended that curriculum planners, designers and developers should factor independence study into consideration to meet the educational needs of the gifted in an inclusive system.
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    Peer-attachment, Emotional intelligence and school adjustment of high ability secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Ife Centre for Psychological Studies, 2020-09) Adelodun, G. A.; Salako, A. A.
    Teachers are often indifferent towards high ability students with the misconception that they could sort themselves out hence, they are neglected. This therefore, affects their ability to adapt to the school environment which had been resulting to depression, general anxiety disorder, academic- underachievement and drop-out from school. Previous studies dwelt more on academic performance and adjustment of regular students with little attention on high ability students. This study, therefore, investigated influence of peer-attachment, emotional intelligence and school adjustment of high ability secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design of correlational type was adopted. Simple random sampling technique was used to select five local government areas from each of the three senatorial districts in Oyo State. Simple random sampling technique was also used to select two secondary schools from each local government, while purposive sampling technique was used to select 450 high ability students in SSI (184 males and 266 females), based on their scores in Slossan Intelligence test, Achievement test in English Language and Mathematics. Instruments used were Slossan Intelligence Test (r= 0.86); Mathematics Achievement (r=0.72) and English Language Achievement tests (r=0.75) Peer-attachment (r=0.74); and Emotional Intelligence scale (r=0.78) while Pearson product moment correlation was used to analyse the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significance. Special educators and counselling psychologists should take cognizance of these factors while dealing with high ability students who were newly admitted to schools. It was recommended that teachers of high ability students should be updated on the influence which peer-attachment and emotional intelligence have on the school adjustment of high ability students.
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    Study habit and academic self-efficacy as predictors of academic under-achievement among high ability senior secondary school students in Oyo State
    (Positive Psychology Association of Nigeria with headquarters in University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2021-06) Adelodun, G. A.
    This study examined the influence of study habit and academic self-efficacy on academic underachievement of high ability senior secondary schools in Oyo state, Nigeria. The population of this study comprised of all the high ability underachievers in both Afijio and Atiba local government area of Oyo state. Twenty (20) secondary schools were randomly selected using simple random sampling technique, while three hundred (300) high ability were purposively selected which cut across, SS1, SS2 and SS3. Two research questions were answered at 0.05 level of significance. Questionnaire was the main instrument used for the collection of data. The reliability co-efficient of the instrument ranged between r = 0.72 and r = 0.78. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between the predictive variable (study habit and academic self-efficacy) and academic underachievement of the participants. Academic self- efficacy contributed most to the academic underachievement of the high ability senior secondary school students. The following recommendations were made: academic underachievement should not be encouraged from any high ability students, secondly, high ability student should be properly monitored on the kind of reading or learning style they exhibit so as to discourage any bad learning or bad study habit. Finally, academic self-efficacy of individual high ability student should be encouraged. The teacher should help the high ability student to build their confidence in learning.
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    Mentorship and ability grouping as barometers of socio-cognitive well-being among high ability students in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2021-01) Adelodun, G. A.
    This study examines the barometers of mentorship and ability grouping to social and cognitive well-being among students with superior academic performance in Ibadan, Nigeria, The study adopted a descriptive survey research design of correlational type. Purposive sampling technique was adopted in selecting schools in Ido and Ibadan Southwest Local Government Areas of Ibadan, with a total number of 215 high-ability students. Instruments utilized were: English Language and Mathematics Screening Test, Slosson Intelligence Test Revised Third Edition for Children and Adults (SIT- R3), Socio-cognitive Well-being Scale (r = 0.84), Mentoring Relationship Scale (r = 0.91) and Ability Grouping Scale (r = 0.78). Data were analysed, using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. Mentorship points to the high-ability students' socio-cognitive well-being (r = 641), n = 215, p(. 0001) <.05), ability group is also a pointer to socio-cognitive well-being among the students (r = .591, n = 215, p (.0001) <.05) while a joint contribution of mentorship and ability grouping to the socio-cognitive well-being of the students is also established (F(5, 12) = 87.686, = .673, p<.05). Mentorship and ability grouping have been advocated for inclusion into the existing curriculums as all relevant stakeholders in the study have been recommended to.