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    Knowledge and practice of pain management among nurses In labour wards in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2016-09) EZE-Ojerinde, O.; Onibokun, A.; Akpa, O. M.
    Background: It is not clear whether awareness of pain management has influenced the management of labour pain by nurse/midwives in Ibadan, Nigeria. Many women in labour do not get optimal pain relief, despite awareness of the importance of pain management. Aims: This study aimed to assess knowledge and practice of labour pain management among nurse/midwives in Ibadan. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 87 nurse/midwives on duty in labour rooms of three hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, and Pearson's and Kendall's correlation coefficients were used for data analysis. All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS version 20.0 at a 5% level of significance. Findings: Two thirds of respondents (66.7%) had a moderate level of knowledge, and 34.5% managed labour pain through back massage/psychotherapy. Knowledge of pain management was associated with level of education (τ = 0.82; P < 0.001) while good practice of pain management was associated with good knowledge (r = 0.49; P < 0.001). The association between good practice and years of working experience just failed to be statistically significant (P = 0.06). Conclusions: Nurse/midwives in Ibadan have moderate knowledge of labour pain management. Participants in this study primarily used back massage and psychotherapy. There is need for improvement in knowledge of labour pain management through continuing education for nurse/midwives in Ibadan
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    Health implications of harmful widowhood practices in Nigeria
    (Mark Allen Healthcare Ltd, 2011-03) Oludayo, O. G.; Onibokun, A.
    This article outlines an exploratory survey to determine the existence and extent of harmful widowhood practices among widows and the subsequent health implications of such practices. A detailed questionnaire was administered to 210 widows with a response of 95.24%. Findings indicated that 83.5% and 56.5% of respondents were subjected to staying indoors and wearing of black dresses respectively. Similarly, widows were commonly subjected to confiscation of husband's goods and accused of having a hand in the husband's death, with a prevalence of 20% and 18% respectively. A significant relationship also exists between these harmful widowhood practices and the respondents' health. Of the respondents, 40.5% experienced absent-mindedness, while 56% had anxiety about children's future and 13.5% already had high blood pressure. Little or no help was received from the government or non-governmental organizations. There is a need for policies from all sectors of society to help ensure widows' welfare
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    Knowledge and behaviour of nurse/midwives in the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study
    (2007-10) Ndikom, C. M.; Onibokun, A.
    Background: Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT) of HIV remains the main mode of acquisition of HIV in children. Transmission of HIV may occur during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. Studies have shown that some specific interventions help to reduce the transmission of the virus to the baby. In order to target safe, rational and effective intervention to reduce MTCT of HIV, it is necessary to ensure that the nurse/midwife has knowledge of the strategies for the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV. Method: The cross-sectional design was utilized to determine the knowledge and behaviour of nurse/midwives in the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The study sample consisted of 155 nurse/midwives drawn from three selected hospitals through stratified random sampling method. Official permission was obtained from the institutions and consent from participants. Data was collected through the use of a self administered questionnaire. Information sought included respondents' demographic characteristics, knowledge about and behaviour of prevention of vertical transmission as well as factors influencing behaviour. Results: Findings revealed that nurse/midwives had moderate level of knowledge with mean score of 51.4%. The mean score on behaviour was 52.5%, major factors that influence behaviour in these settings were mainly fear of getting infected, irregular supply of resources like gloves, goggles, sharp boxes, and water supply was not regular also. Hypotheses tested revealed that there is a positive relationship between knowledge and behaviour (r = 0.583, p = 0.00). Knowledge level of nurse/ midwives who had educational exposure was not different from those who did not (t = 1.439, p = 0.152). There was a significant difference in the knowledge of nurse/midwives who had experience in managing pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS and those who did not (t = 2.142, p = 0.03). Also, there was a significant relationship between behaviour and availability of resources (r = 0.318, p = 0.000). Conclusion: The study revealed that the nurse/midwives though moderately knowledgeable still had gaps in certain areas. Their behaviours were fairly appropriate. There is need for improved knowledge through structured educational intervention. Resources needed for practice should always be made available and the environment should be much more conducive for practice
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    Smoking behaviour and perceived health consequences of environmental tobacco smoke among university athletes in Nigeria
    (2005-07) Moronkola, O. A.; Onibokun, A.
    This study investigated tobacco smoking behaviour and the perceived health consequences of environmental tobacco smoke by university athletes in Nigeria and to determine whether the philosophy of the Nigerian Universities Games Association (NUGAJ, resting on the objective of development of the physical, emotional and mental ideals of students, is still in vogue. The descriptive survey research method was used to collect data, through the use of self-developed and validated questionnaire (of r=0.80 reliability) of randomly selected university athletes that participated in the 19th biennial NUGA Games 2002, held between 11 and 21 December 2002, at the University of Ibadan. Out of the 159 respondents, 61 (38.7%) were smokers - consisting of 51 (83.6%) male and 10 (16.4%) female athletes). The reasons given for smoking included the influence of friends, and for relaxation purposes. The response level on knowledge of items about health consequences of tobacco smoking ranged between 65.4% and. 91.8%, while the level of knowledge of the health consequences of environmental tobacco smoke ranged between 38.5% and 64.8%. With these findings, we suggest educational intervention programmes to empower athletes say ‘No’ to smoking and quit smoking. We also suggested the need for sports councils to call health professionals to put in place tobacco smoking cessation programmes, develop IEC materials on environmental tobacco smoke and peer education programmes targeting university athletes to ensure their wellness
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    Knowledge and attitudes of terminally ill patients and their family to palliative care and hospice services in Nigeria
    (2005-06) Adenipekun, A.; Onibokun, A.; Elumelu, T. N.; Soyannwo, O. A.
    Bacground: A palliative care and Hospice service is a neglected aspect of medical discipline especially in a developing country like Nigeria. With the global increase in incidence of cancer and HIV/A IDS and 70% of them presenting late, coupled with limited resources, for effective symptom control, palliative care therefore remains the only option left to improve the quality of life of the patients. Objective: To assess the, knowledge and attitudes of patients and their relations to palliative care and hospice services {PC&H} and to fashion out appropriate services for the patients. Materials and methods: A total of 130 participants were studied using a questionnaire which comprised of three parts: Socio-demographic variables. Information about Knowledge and Attitudes towards PC&H. Results: Sixty nine were patients while 61 were family members. Ninety four [72.3%] had no knowledge of PC&H regardless of level of education and social status. 109 (84%) agreed that symptoms of the terminally ill patients should be treated to improve their quality of life and 75%. of the participants agreed that this will be better done in a Hospice. 106 183% | participants desire to have hospice established in every community, this again was regardless of tribe Conclusion: There is a gross lack of knowledge about PC&H in our community as evidenced among, the participants studied. However, there is a positive attitude towards PC&H suggesting a general acceptance, since there is presently no well established Hospice, in Nigeria; we recommend that government and Non-governmental organizations should assist in this area. A hospital based Hospice might be a starting point
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    Prevalence and Pattern of smoking behaviour among health workers in Ibadan
    (2000) Onibokun, A.; Moronkola, O.A.
    This study is a descriptive survey and utilized purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The modified version of Akinboye (1984). Smoking Behaviour Assessment scale was the instrument used for data collection. Some of the determinants of smoking behaviour reported by the respondents included: to relax, to avoid boredom; to cope with task, and to suppress frustration. Among their major complaints are tiredness, coughing, nervousness and loss of concentration. Out of the 50 respondents who volunteered to participate in this study, about 50 percent were willing to quit smoking and showed intention to enlist in any tobacco cessation or counselling programme. We also found out that religion may have significant influence in tobacco cessation programme for the respondents, as nearly all of them desired divine help. They also believed that they needed social support from their spouses and religious leaders to quit smoking. Based on the findings of this study, there is need for a national tobacco behaviour survey among Nigerians health workers and adolescents. There is also the need for the inauguration of tobacco cessation counselling programme in the country
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    Psychological management of negative thoughts in women who have had mastectomy
    (2000) Onibokun, A.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of cognitive restructuring technique in the control of negative thoughts in breast career patients during the grieving process post mastectomy. Thirty breast cancer patients, who met certain specified criteria, were recruited for this study after obtaining their consent, from the radiotherapy out-patient Department of the University College hospital, Ibadan. A pretest - posttest longitudinal research design was utilized. The subjects received training in cognitive restructuring technique as a coping skill, for a period of 4 weeks to help them adjust to mastectomy. Using Inventory of Negative thoughts, the effect of cognitive restructuring technique was tested on the control of negative thoughts by the patients. The findings revealed that there was a decrease in the occurrence of negative thoughts in the patients at the end of the training sessions. The study confirms that cognitive restructuring technique has a significant role to play in the control of negative thoughts of patients during the grieving process
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    The efficacy of non-drug therapy in cancer pain management
    (1999-08) Onibokun, A.
    This study sort to examine the effects of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) on pain intensity (PI), occurrence and control of negative thoughts in response to pain (OCNT) and quality of life (QOL) in breast cancer patients who were experiencing physical pain. A pretest post-test control group quasi- experimental research design was utilised. Ninety patients with breast cancer who were; experiencing physical pain were randomly assigned to three groups. Experimental group I received training in relaxation and guided imagery, white experimental group II had training in cognitive restructuring, in addition to relaxation and guided imagery. The control group received no CBT. The effects of CBT were tested on PI, OCNT and QOL, both among the three groups an between the two experimental groups, using Analysis of Variance and T-test, respectively. Subjects who received CBT experienced low PI than the control group. They perceived significantly fewer OCNT, and their health related QOL were better enhanced as compared with those who received no CBT. .The subjects in experimental group II who had an additional benefit of cognitive restructuring training experienced fewer OCNT than those in experimental group I. There was no significant difference in PI and QOL between experimental groups I and II. The results indicated that CBT plays a significant role in the control of cancer pain
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    Commonly reported gynecological morbidities and health-seeking behaviours among reproductive age women in urban Nigeria
    (1998-08) Uwnkwe, C. B. U.; Adoyomi, O. A.; Palayo, J.; Moronkola, O. A.; Onibokun, A.; Ogundiran, A.
    The present study investigated the commonly reported gynecological morbidities by reproductive age women in some/urban areas of south western Nigeria. Specifically the study attempted to determine the proportion of the reproductive age women surveyed reported the symptoms associated with obstetrics and gynecological morbidity, the perceived causes of such obstetrics and gynecological morbidity in the women, whether such women sought treatment or consultation for specific symptoms, and in what kind of health facilities., The Ex post facto research design was adopted in the study. The subjects used for the study were randomly selected from four health facilities located in the Ibadan metropolis, south western Nigeria. The findings from the study revealed that 91% of the respondents have had cause to report their problem to either government hospital, primary health center, private hospital, a sub-center or traditional hospital. Also, 55% of the respondents had their medium of information about health programmes through the radio, while the remaining 45% had been adequately informed about health programmes through the other media like television, magazines, workshops or seminars. About 80% claimed that they had menstrual disorders of heavy or light irregular bleeding, painful menstruation or spotting between periods, while79.6% claimed to have anaemia indicated by feeling excessively weak, tired or breathless during household activities. Some 60.4% of the respondents claimed to have lower reproductive tract infections while 30.7% stated that they have acute pelvic inflammatory disease, which is the lower abdomen pain or vagina discharge with fever. Also, about 58.4% was the percentage of women who sought or consultation for specific symptoms in the private hospital while the rest used the network of health centers and sub-centers available in their areas under the primary health care system. The implication of this findings were highlighted and discussed
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    Introduction to palliative care nursing: the unique role of the nurse
    (University press, Ibadan, 2015) Onibokun, A.