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Item Morphometries and aspects of bio-ecology of ephestia cautella (lepidoptera: pyralidae) on stored date fruit (phoenix Dactylifera) and hermetic control technique(Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2011) Popoola, K. O. K.; Braimah, J. A.Rate of fecundity, life cycle, morphometic characteristics of Ephestia cautella and control were investigated. These were done on sterilized dried date (Phoenix dactylifera) as substrate. Mean daily fecundity of 17 eggs was recorded, while a total of 1117 eggs were laid by 15 adults female E.cautella within 6 days of oviposition in perforated date. In another separate setup the life cycle from egg to adult took 37 ± 1.92 days, under a temperature and relative humidity of 32.5 ± 1 °C and 70 ± 5% respectively. First filial generation (F1) of 1, 217 adults emerged after 30 days of culture using two pairs of E.cautella, from this Fl, 54.7% and 45.3%, were males and females respectively. The morphometric characteristics of E.cautella revealed that female and male adult mean total body length ranges between 8.2 - 10.00mm and 7.9 - 8.9 mm respectively. The control set up on larval stage using varied poly then bag layers of three, two, and one layer with thickness of 0.056mm confirmed that three bags layers was the best treatment. Recorded percentage mortality values of 74.20%, 19.36% and 0.26% were obtained respectively from the set up.Item Composition, abundance and diversity of macro-benthic fauna and aquatic insects of Erelu reservoiur and its physical properties(Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, 2015-06) Amusata, A. I.; Popoola, K. O. K.; Adedokun, M. A.; Rafiu, R. A.Erelu Reservoir was studied between July 2012 and June 2013, to assess the composition, abundance and diversity of macro-benthic fauna, aquatic insects and its physical parameters. The water, benthic and aquatic insects were collected once every month from three stations. Highest mean value of transparency was 94.42± 5.49cm, Temperature 29.08 ± 0.38°C and Hydrogen ion concentration (PH) 7.27 ± O.l5mg/1. The range for transparency was (70-130)cm, (6.40-7.8) Mg/l for pH and (26-32°C) for temperature. Seven families of benthic macro-fauna; Ampullaridae, Viviparidae, Chironomidae, Lymneaidae, Planorbidae, Thiaridae and Margaritiferidae as well as eight families of aquatic insects; Gyrinidae, Notonectidae, Gerridae,Veliidae, Nepidae, Aeshnidae, Coenagrionidae and Libellulidae were recorded. A total number of 4,632 benthic individuals and 8,648 insects were recorded. Melanoides tuberculata dominated the benthic fauna with a total relative abundance of 90.71% while Planorbidae (Biomphalaria pfeifferi) were the least abundant (0.11 %) by number in the reservoir. Notonectidae (Notonecta sp.) dominated the aquatic insects with abundance of 92.43% while Nepidae (Lacotrephes japonensis) was the least abundant, (0.01 %). Margalef's index (H) in stations 1-3 was (0.60-1.14), Shannon Index (D)was (0.23-0.60), Evenness (E) was (0.41-0.90) for the benthic fauna while H= (0.35-0.50), D= (0.21-0.87) and E= (0.50-2.60) for the aquatic insects. The Margalef's index recorded across the stations for both benthic and aquatic insects showed that the reservoir was moderately polluted.Item Effects of soil properties on arthropod biodiversity in dumpsites in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria(2015) Popoola, K. O. K.; Amusat, A. I.The impact of soil properties, temperature and relative humidity on arthropod species composition, abundance and diversity was investigated in Apete and Aba-eku dumpsites and in a control site in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Ten 250g size pitfalls one third filled with 5% formalin were placed in each point in order to trap and preserve the arthropods. The arthropods trapped in each pitfall were preserved in separate specimen bottle containing 70% ethanol before identification. A total of 20 soil samples were collected from the sites using Auger and analyzed for particle size distribution, bulk density, moisture content, water holding capacity, porosity, organic matter, pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, calcium in (mol/kg-1) and available iron and zinc in mg/kg-1. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) were conducted to compare the mean values of the soil properties and arthropods abundance. A total of 4,763 arthropods were recorded belonging to 17 orders. Twenty six families of arthropods containing 31 species were recorded in Aba-Eku, while 24 families with 24 species were encountered in Apete and 19 families with 21 species were recorded for the control site. Soil parameters examined showed significant difference (p>0.05) across the three sites. The high percentage abundance of Dipterans (Musca domestica) and heavy metal recorded, Zinc and Iron indicates that the environments were polluted. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) showed negative correlation for the relative humidity and temperature to the arthropods abundance. The distinct taxa found in Apete and Aba-eku suggest that the organic input from residential areas around the dump sites favoured their abundance.Item Anti-nutritional status of uninfested and prostephanus truncatus (horn) (coleptra: bostichidae) infested dried cassava chips(Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2015-04) Popoola, K. O. K.; Opayele, A. V.; Nkpondion, N. N.This research study focus on the determination of anti-nutritional content status of the uninfested and infested dried cassava chips by Prostephanus truncatus. Prostephanus truncatus, the larger grain borer, is an alien invasive post harvest pest; with wide spread population all over cassava growing regions. After an infestation period of 10 weeks in the laboratory, proximate analysis revealed increased values for only alkaloids content in the infested dried cassava chips, while all other contents, such as hydrogen cyanide, saponin, tannin, trypsin inhibitor, oxalates and phytate had reduced values when compared to the un-infested dried cassava chips which recorded less anti-nutritional contents.Item Species composition and temporal distribution of mosquito populations in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria(2014) Okorie, P. N.; Popoola, K. O. K.; Awobifa, O. M.; Ibrahim, K. T.; Ademowo, G. O.Nigeria has a high burden of vector borne diseases such as malaria and lymphatic filariasis (LF). This study aimed to determine the species composition of mosquitoes in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria as well as determine their role in malaria and LF transmission. Adult mosquitoes were collected by Pyrethrum Spray Catch (PSC) and identified and graded according to their abdominal conditions. The mosquitoes were dissected to determine the parity status and to check for microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti. The presence of circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum was examined using ELISA. A total of 1600 mosquitoes were collected of which 31 (1.9%) were Anopheles gambiae s. l. while 1756 (98%) were Culex sp. None of the mosquitoes examined was positive for Plasmodium falciparum and Wuchereria bancrofti. The lack of adequate sanitary conditions in the area could be responsible for the large number of mosquitoes collected. Health education could help in sensitizing the inhabitants.Item Safe guarding date palm from oryzaephilus surinamensis infestation through oil palm inflorescence ash and hermetic storage technique treatments and the combination of both treatments(2013) Popoola, K. O. K.; Adenuga, T.Possible control of Oryzaephilus surinamensis infestation on date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) using oil palm inflorescence ash and hermetic storage technique combined with Oil Palm Inflorescence Ash (OPIA) treatment were conducted in the Entomology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Relative efficacy of oil palm inflorescence ash at 0.625 g /25 g and 1.25 g /25 g and 3 bags layer hermetic storage technique combined with oil palm inflorescence ash 0.625 g/25 g and 1.25g/25 g were tested on pristine and simulated date. The experiments were laid out in a completely randomized design and each treatment replicated four times for 5 and 10 weeks exposure periods. Result showed that oil palm inflorescence ash recorded adult mortality of (10.00±0.00)and (9.00±0.41) at 1.25 g, while (8.00±1.68) and (7.00±0.71) were recorded at 0.625 g after five weeks of exposure on both pristine and simulated date respectively. At 1.25 g concentration, reductions in larval and adult emergence were recorded. Combination of 3 bags layer hermetic storage technique with oil palm inflorescence ash treatment was highly effective with higher adult mortality, lower larval and adult emergence. Combined treatment of oil palm inflorescence ash and hermetic storage technique was found to have significant difference when compared to only oil palm inflorescence ash treatment at p<0.05, ANOV A. It is evident from this study that it may be necessary to combine hermetic storage technique with oil palm inflorescence ash to achieve a more effective control on dried date palm against O. surinamensis infestation during storage for a storage period often weeks.Item Oil palm inflorescence (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) ash and pirimiphos-methyl dust application for control of Oryzaephilus surinamensis infestation on stored date palm fruit (Phoenix dactylifera)(Taylor & Francis, 2013-12) Popoola, K. O. K.; Adenuga, T.The efficacies of male oil palm inflorescence ash (OPIA) and pirimiphos-methyl dust (PMD) were assessed for possible control of Oryzaephilus surinamensis infestation of the date palm fruit Phoenix dactylifera. Male OPIA at concentrations of 0.625 g/25 g of fruit and 1.25 g/25 g as well as PMD at the prescribed dosage of 0.0125 g/25 g were tested on pristine and simulated dates using four replicates per treatment for exposure periods of 5 and 10 weeks. Efficacy was measured on the rate of mortality and emergence of O. surinamensis at various development stages. Results showed increased larval and adult mortality on both pristine and simulated dates and decreased larval and adult emergence of the pest exposed to 1.25 g of OPIA. Five days exposure to PMD recorded a significantly high mean mortality of adult O. surinamensis and no emergence. The authors concluded that exposure to OPIA at the concentration of 1.25 g/25 g for five weeks could be used in possible control of O. surinamensis infestation of palm date fruit with mechanical damages during storage.Item Evaluation of radiation emissions, physico-chemical parameters and insect fauna around the environment of National Institute of Radiation Protection and Research (NIRPR), Ibadan, Nigeria(Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013-06) Popoola, K. O. K.; Ibrahim, K. T.; Jibiri, N. N.; Oricha, A. K.; Badmus, H. A.Radiation emissions from the University of Ibadan National Institute of Radiation Protection and Research (NIRPR), physico-chemical properties measurement and insect’s fauna collection around the surrounding of the Institute were conducted for a period of six months (November, 2011-April, 2012). Radiation survey meter model (RDS-30) type was used to take readings along the immediate surroundings of the NIRPR surroundings. Soil samples were collected at five points in the study site at a distance of 50 m from the Institute and the football pitch with a distance of 250 m away from the Institute as control site. Heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Pb) were analysed using MiniPal 4 energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence (EDXRF) bench top spectrometer. Pit falls and sweep net were used in collection of crawling and flying insects respectively, some other arthropods were also collected. Results showed that radiation emission values of 0.012-0.016 μSv/hr was recorded, which was higher than the control site with reading of 0.009 μSv/hr. Heavy metal readings showed that iron (Fe) was higher at the sites than other metals. Correlation between chromium and lead was high (0.797) at (p<0.01). Diversity indices (Margalef, Shannon Wiener and Evenness respectively) for control site (3.56, 0.54, and 0.52) were higher than at the study site (2.62, 0.15 and 0.17). There was no correlation between arthropods abundance and radiation. This result therefore suggests that radiation could not be implicated in abundance and distribution of these arthropods.Item Composition and abundance of arthropod biodiversity in Aba-Eku and Apete dumpsites, Ibadan, Nigeria(Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, 2013-05) Amusata, I.; Popoola, K. O. K.Species composition, abundance and diversity of arthropods in Apete, Aba-Eku dumpsites and control site were examined. Materials used for the collection of sample was pitfall i.e arthropod trap. The pitfall was made of tin of 250g size and was placed in each site with (one third volume level) of 5% formalin inside in order to trap and preserve the arthropods collected from the site. Pitfalls were implanted in each site so as to have adequate representation of the arthropods. Each specimen bottle contains 70% alcohol for preservation of the arthropods harvested before identification. The specimen collected were taken to the laboratory for analysis and identification. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis, means and percentages were used to determine the values of arthropod. Richness, diversity and abundance were measured by using margalefs specie richness index (D), Shannonweiners diversity index (H) and eveness index (E). A total of 4,763 arthropod were recorded belonging to 17arthropod orders. The higher percentage abundance of dipterans (Musca domestica ) indicated that organic waste materials being deposited on the dumpsites supported the breeding of the houseflies. The results showed that relative humidity and temperature have a greater effect on the abundance of arthropods. The distinct taxa found in Apete and Aba-eku suggested that the organic input from residential areas around the dumpsites has positive effect on the arthropod abundance.Item Application of selected bioinsecticides in management of oryzaephilus surinamensis (coleoptera: Silvaridae) on phoenix dactylifera (date fruits)(Marsland Press, 2013) Popoola, K. O. K.The boinsecticidal potency of three botanicals, namely: Allium sativum (Garlic), Allium cepa (Onion) and Capsicum annum (Red pepper) were tested on Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Saw- toothed grain beetle) infested with Phoenix dactylifera (Date fruits) at exposure periods of three weeks and six weeks in the Department of Zoology, Entomology Laboratory. The boinsecticides used were in powdered and whole forms at three different concentrations of 1.25g, 2.50g and 5.00g. Potency was determined through, fecundity, emergence and mortality rate of the pest under study. At three and six weeks of exposure, mortality between 5.00g concentration of garlic and the control, onion and control were significantly different at p<.05. Application of whole red pepper as boinsecticide was more potent than powdered form, which was significantly different at p<.05. From the study it may be deduced that the tree botanicals have insecticidal potentials which reduced in potency with increase in time and that garlic was more potent than the onion and red pepper.
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