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    Digital technologies in community development practice, prospects and challenges
    (Educational Assessment and Research Network in Africa, 2021-06) Osu, U. C.
    Digital technology has taken over every aspect of human life: the economy and work. These are several sources through which 'Information can be disseminated and interpreted. Information and Telecommunication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly prevalent in developing world and as such are being used in variety of ways to promote development efforts, hence, in this paper, the prospects and challenges of digital technologies in community development practices in Nigeria are examined. It is the process of improving the quality of life and social lies among members of historical or cultural heritage communities in order to address their needs and aspirations. Realizing the utilitarian value of community development, this paper therefore, advocates for digital technology in its practice. It was concluded that for the dream of community development to see the light of the day in Nigeria, digital technologies are needed for the promotion of community development. There is the need for community development expert s, agents and workers to ensure the adoption and utilisation of relevant technology for the promotion of community development practice in Nigeria
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    Predictors of poor hygiene in Ibadan north local government area of Oyo State
    (2021-09) Osu, U. C.
    Poor hygiene has always been a bane and discomfort to the existence of man, the partial origin of diseases, sicknesses and health trauma. The presence of it is so common and usual leaving pathogens in the atmosphere harmful to man. Thus, the need for maintaining good hygiene. This investigated the predictors of poor hygiene in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. The descriptive survey research design was used for this study. The questionnaire tagged "predictors of poor hygiene in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State " was administered to the total sample population of a hundred people which included market men, women, artisans and civil servants who were all residents of lbadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data collected and the results are as follows: it was discovered that the level of hygiene awareness among residents of lbadan North Local Government Area of Oyo Stale was low (Mean=2.32). In addition, it was revealed that the level of hygiene practices among residents of Ibadan was very low. It was also found that there was a significant relationship between illiteracy and poor hygiene (r = 0,770, p< 0.05). It was further discovered that there was a significant relationship between socio-cultural demographic factor and poor hygiene (r = 0.693. p<0.05). In addition. it was found that there was a significant relationship between family background and poor hygiene (r = 0.558, p<0.05). Moreover, it was found that there was a significant relationship between socio-economic Status and poor hygiene (r = 0.709, p<0.05). On this basis, it was recommended that Information should be given in schools, public education and community health centres in Order to promote positive hygiene behaviour
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    Knowledge, Attitüde and Practice of Family Planning among Married Women in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (2021) Osu, U. C.
    The study examined knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning, among married women in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A total of 143 respondents participated in the study. The instrument employed was “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Planning, among Married Women Questionnaire”. The data collected from the study were analysed using simple percentage and mean to provide answers for the research questions raised for the study. Findings revealed that married women in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State are aware of family planning (Mean= 2.99) but do not practice it (Mean=l .86). Findings further revealed that the married women in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State portray negative attitude towards family planning (Mean=2.36). On this basis, the study recommended, among other things. that the government should endeavour to increase the level of awareness on the importance of family planning. ln addition, the mass media should also be encouraged to do more in terms of enlightening the public on the benefits of modern contraceptive methods as this will help married couples to portray positive attitude towards the use of family planning
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    Relationship between work environment and job performance of community development
    (2020) Osu, U. C.; Isola, B. F.
    The job performance of community development officers is a key factor to the success of community development activities in LGAs. However, declining performance of community development officers in LGAs in Nigeria has become a source of concern and in fact, a major challenge of human Service organisations. In view of this, the study investigated relationship between work environment and job performance of community development officers in Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State. The correlational survey design was adopted and a simple random sampling technique was used to select a total of four hundred and thirty-seven respondents for the study. Two structured questionnaires; Work Environment Scale (WES) with a reliability coefficient of 0.82 and Job Performance Scale (JPS) with a reliability of 0.84 were the main instruments used for data collection. Three hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and multiple regression analysis. The study showed that autonomy (r= .067, p< 0.05), work pressure (r= .071, p< 0.05) and physical comfort (r= .069, p<0.05) had significant correlation with job performance of community development officers in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State. It was therefore recommended that the work environment should be made conducive to workers so that they can perform optimally. Officers should be given responsibilities backed up by commensurate authority
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    Community bank activities as correlates of rural development in Ikwuano local government area, Abia state
    (2021) Osu, U. C.
    This study investigated community bank activities as correlates of rural development in Ikwuano Local Government, Abia State, Nigeria. Thg study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Population for the study consisted of all adult indigenes resident in Ikwuano and the Community Banks Staff. Stratified random sampling technique was used in drawing out sample from the Population making a total of 107 respondents, that consisted of 90 indigenes and 17 staff of Community Bank. Structured questionnaire titled “Community Bank Activities and Rural Development” was used to obtain data which were analysed using simple Statistical tools of frequency counts and percentages for both demographic information and research questions. The findings of the study revealed that community banks’ activities were significantly related to rural development in Ikwuano LGA. The result showed that community banking has significant impacts on the development of rural economy in Ikwuano LGA. The study concluded that government and private organisations and members of communities have great roles to play in the development of rural economy in Order to meet up with urban economy. It was, therefore, recommended that government should make conscious effort to provide basic infrastructures in the rural areas to motivate micro finance institutions to operate without any hindrances; micro finance banks should be encouraged to lend to rural dwellers based on relationship to build their assets for improved livelihood in the rural economy
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    Assessment of implementation of rural development projects through community development association (CDA) in Apete community, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2021-03) Osu, U. C.; Yakubu, S.
    This study focused on the implementation of community development projects through Community Development Association (CDA) in Apete, Ibadan. Three specific objectives, each with corresponding research questions and hypothesis, guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. Tlie population for the study comprised 1025 landlords in Apete community, Ibadan. A sample size of 197 was purposively drawn for the study. The instrument for data collection was a 14 item structured questionnaire tagged "community development projects and Community Development Association Questionnaire (CDPCDAQ)" modeled on a four-point rating of; strongly agree (SA)_4, Agree (A)_3, Disagree (D)_2 and Strongly Disagree (SD)_1. The instrument was validated by experts in community development and evaluators at the Institute of Education. The instrument was subjected to reliability test and the reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained. The research questions 1 and 2 were answered using mean and Standard deviation while the hypothesis was tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The data analyzed revealed that the level of community development by the Community Development Associations in Apete, Ibadan was low (Mean=2.26). Challenges facing the Association included inadequate funding (Mean=3.44), misappropriation of funds (Mean=3.20), poor involvement of community members in development projects (Mean=3.23), poor leadership (Mean=3.60), lack of governmental support (Mean=3.50) and lack of trust by community members (Mean=3.56). The concludes that Community Development Association is a critical variable for community development. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Community Development Associations should be operated through good governance and they should be transparent in their dealings with all developmental projects. Also, government should release adequate funds for community projects from time to time
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    Community education as a correlate of participation in community development activities in Ikwuano local government area of Abia state, Nigeria
    (His Lineage Publishing House, 2020) Osu, U. C.
    The study examined Community education as a correlate of participation in community development activities in Ikwuano LGA in Abia State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study, while two research questions and two hypotheses were generated from the research objectives. The target population of the study comprised 2,238 members of community drawn from 10 communities. Proportionate sampling technique was adopted to select 30% (696) respondents and the Instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire titled: Community Education Correlates of Participation in Community Activities scale (CECOPCDAS). The reliability index of the Instrument was 0.82 determined through the use of Pearson Product moment Correlation Statistics (PPMC). The hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings from the study revealed that community education affected people's participation in community development activities in their communities (Mean = 2.7). It was also found that community education is a social engineering tool for Citizen participation in community development activities in Ikwuano LGA (Mean = 2.5). It was further revealed that there was a significant relationship between community education and Citizen participation in community development activities and levels of awareness on community development activities (r=0.695, p<0.05). In addition, it was discovered that there was significant relationship between community education and the level of citizens' participation in community development activities (r = 0.510, p<0.05). The study therefore recommended among others that community education should be improved and given adequate attention to enhance sustainable development in Nigerian communities
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    Determinants of job satisfaction levels among community development officers in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (IJAMR, 2019-05) Osu, U. C.
    The objective of this study was to examine empirically the determinants of job satisfaction levels among community development officer in Oyo State, Nigeria. Due to this, two research questions were formulated and answered. All community development officers across thirty-three local government areas of Oyo state formed the target population. However, fifteen local governments were chosen for the study from the existing number, also, simple random sampling technique which was stratified in nature and operation was used to select seven-hundred and seventy one (771) respondents which cut across three strata (that is three senatorial districts). Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents, while descriptive component of statistics was employed to analyse the data generated from the instrument. The empirical findings from demographic attributes of the respondents revealed that the majority of the community development officers participated in the study were female by gender, first degree or Higher National Diploma by qualifications, spent between 4-6 years in service as community development agent, Christian by religious affiliation, and inspector in terms of cadre. Based on the determinants levels of job satisfaction, it was discovered from majority point of view that the current placement in the job, future prospect of the career, availability and accessibility of on-the-job training, favourable working conditions, regular promotion, routine of the job, level of motivation, monthly remuneration among others were some of the determinants of job satisfaction levels among community development officers. The study recommended constant and regular initiation of programmes like on-the-job training, regular payment of wages and salaries, attractive social welfare packages to mention a few for the community development officers regardless of their gender and religious affiliation
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    Literacy and extension services for improved livelihood in Nigeria
    (Department of Adult Education, 2019-07) Sarumi, A.A.; Osu, U. C.
    This paper focuses on literacy and extension Services for improved livelihood in Nigeria. Extension in this context involves the transfer of educational activity, programmes and advisory Services to people, based on their needs, aspirations as well as problems; and is designed to ensure progress towards the attainment of needs and facilitate the application of new knowledge for improved livelihood. Literacy, on the other hand, is the ability of individuals to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts; while livelihood goes beyond poverty eradication, and extends to include factors and processes that could enhance or hinder an individual’s ability to make a living
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    Predictors of job satisfaction among community development officers in Oyo state, Nigeria
    (Association for communities integration and educational advancement in Nigeria, 2017-12) Abiona, I.A.; Osu, U. C.
    Job satisfaction (JS) among community development (CD) officers in the various local government areas (LGAs) in Oyo State has been reported to be very low, thereby leading to absenteeism and high turnover rate. This study examined Predictors of Job Satisfaction (leadership, supervision, working conditions, work environment, career advancement opportunities, work placement, remuneration, training and development) among job satisfaction of CD officers in Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used. Five local government areas with high number of CD officers were purposively selected front each of the three senatorial districts in the state, while total enumeration technique was used to select respondents front the fifteen (15) LGAs. A total of 771 CD officers were sampled. The independent variables considered during this study were leadership, supervision, working conditions, work environment, career advancement opportunities, work placement, remuneration, training and development. Quantitative Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, multiple regression and Pearson product moment correlation at 0.05 level of significance. The results show job satisfaction is affected by leadership attitude (r=0.95), supervision (r=0.72), working conditions (r=0.77), work environment (r=0.64), career advancement opportunities (r=0.85), work placement (r=0.82), remuneration (r=0.64), training and development (r=0.77) and job satisfaction (r=0.85). Among the predictors of job satisfaction considered, working condition had the highest contribution to the prediction (job satisfaction) at P <0.05. The study revealed that a positive significant relationship exist between job satisfaction and working condition. It is recommended that there is the need for government, policy makers and community development practitioners to put into considerations predictors of job satisfaction