Centre for Educational Media Resources
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Centre for Educational Media Resources
Centre for Educational Media Resources
Item Academic staff utilisation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Nigerian tertiary institutions: a study of ten selected universities(Nigerian Library Association,Ogun State Chapter, 2007-06) Aramide, K. A.; Samuel, A. O.This study examined the availability and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by academic staff in ten selected Nigerian tertiary institutions. Data was collected using the questionnaire method. 172 copies of a questionnaire were mailed to academic staff in the 10 institutions studied out of which 136 copies were returned representing 76.2% response rate. Analysis of the questionnaire revealed the level of ICT competence and rate of ICT adoption by the academic communities vis-a-vis the facilities on ground as well as the various ways it is being used. The outcome of the study showed that ICT is gradually being accepted by tertiary institutions in Nigeria.Item Accessing electronic database for curriculum delivery in schools: implication for school library media specialists(Nigerian School Library Association, 2009) Aramide, K. A.; Taofik, B.This paper discussed the role of electronic databases in education with emphasis on the means of accessing the electronic databases. The paper further highlighted the various types and categories of electronic databases which the schools can explore in the process of teaching and learning as well as the techniques of searching. The implication of electronic databases on the role of the School Library Media Centres and School Media Specialists was also discussed. A list of electronic databases that schools can explore for effective teaching and learning were also presented.Item Accessing ICT for science teaching in Nigerian schools: whither the role of school library media centre?(2015-01-26) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewusi, F. O.Aim: This study investigated ICT usage and the role of SLMCs in Federal Unity Schools in Nigeria in facilitating the usage of ICT by science teachers in Nigeria. Study Design: Survey research design was adopted for the study. Four instruments were used. Methodology: Multistage sampling technique was adopted. Systematic sampling technique was used in selecting the schools for the study while the census technique was used in selecting the respondents. Four research instruments viz: ICT Availability scale (r=0.72), ICT Accessibility scale (r=0.83), ICT Usage (r=0.89) and Role of SLMC Scale (0.75) were used in collecting data. These were complemented with observation checklist. Three research questions were answered. Location of the Study: Science teachers in selected 25 Federal Unity Schools in Nigeria were chosen for the study. Findings: The study revealed low usage of science-based ICT facilities, low level of science-based ICT availability and accessibility as well as poor role of SLMCs in facilitating ICT usage among science teachers in FUSs in Nigeria. Recommendations: The SLMC should be adequately equipped so as to function effectively in providing support efficient ICT usage by science teachers in Nigeria.Item Assessment of resource inputs and service delivery in school library media centers in Nigeria: implications for basic and post-basic education(Nigerian School Library Association, 2013) Aramide, K. A.; Elaturoti, D. F.Resource inputs into school library media programme have been identified as major determinants of the success of service delivery in School Library Media Centres (SLMCs). The quality of outputs from any system cannot be better than the quality of inputs supplied. Therefore, this study investigated the state of resource inputs provision and service delivery in SLMCs in Nigeria. The study is part of a larger study on the assessment of school library media programme in Nigeria. The sample population for the study comprises of 163 respondents drawn from the participants that participated at the 25th and 26th Annual conferences of the Nigerian School Library Association held at Abeokuta, Ogun State and Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State in year 2010 and 2011 respectively. Four research questions were answered in the study. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire designed for the study. The trial test of the questionnaire and analysis of responses revealed a reliability coefficient or 0.71 which was considered appropriate for the study. The findings from the study generally revealed a poor state of quality and quantity of resource inputs such as accommodation, learning resource, personnel, and ICT resource into SLMCs in Nigeria. Specifically, the study established a poor state accommodation and space provision in SLMCs in state government owned and privately owned schools in Nigeria. With regards to human resource inputs into SLMCs, the study established a poor state of qualified personnel inputs into SLMCs in Nigeria especially in federal and state government owned schools though privately owned schools fared better in this area. Furthermore, the availability of unbalanced state of learning resources that consist mainly print media was established as the predominant situation in SLMCs in Nigeria. The dearth of computerized library and Internet facility was discovered in SLMCs in government owned schools in Nigeria. The study recommended the need for government and proprietors/proprietresses of schools in Nigeria to be more committed to the various guidelines on the minimum requirements for SLMCs to ensure better learning and teaching environment in schools.Item Availability and use of audiovisual and electronic resources by distance learning students in Nigerian University: a case study of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Ibadan study centre(University Libraries of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2010-06) Aramide, K. A.; Bolarinwa, O. M.Item A comparative study of social networks' utilisation and addiction among undergraduate and postgraduate students in Nigerian Universities(The Medium Publishing Company and Educational Consult in Collaboration with Options Books Ibadan, Nigeria, 2013-12) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewo, R.; Adedokun, F.O.This study investigated social media utilisation and addiction among students in Nigerian universities. The survey research design was adopted while questionnaire was used as the main instrument of data collection. The sample for the study comprises three hundred and twenty seven (32 7) students randomly selected across five selected universities in Nigeria but only 215 of the students provided useful responses for the study. Five research questions were answered in the study. The study revealed regular use of social media for the purpose of communicating and connecting with friends only while Picassa, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube MySpace, Blogger, Linkedln and Library Thing were found to top the list of social media being used on regular basis by the students. The level of social media addiction among the students was found to be low. The study revealed that there is no significant difference in the level of addiction to social media between undergraduate and postgraduate students. On the other hand, the study established a significant difference in the level of social media utilization between undergraduate and postgraduate students in Nigerian universities as the undergraduate students were found to utilize social media more than their postgraduate counterparts.Item Computer self-efficacy and computer attitude as correlates of internet use of secondary school students’ in Nigeria(African Journals Online, 2016) Oyewusi, F. O.; Sokoya, A. A.; Aramide, K. A.The Internet as a useful tool that supports teaching and learning is not in full use in most secondary schools in Nigeria hence limiting the students from maximizing the potentials of Internet in advancing their academic pursuits. This study, therefore, examined the extent to which computer self-efficacy and computer attitude influence Internet use among senior secondary school students (SS1 and SS11) in public secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. This study utilized the descriptive survey research design of the ex-post-facto type. Instruments used to collect data were Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) (r=0.73), Computer Attitude (CATT) (r=0.85), and Internet Use (IU) (r=0.78)) scales. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Multiple regressions at 0.8 level of significance. The relative contributions of the independent measures of Internet use were: CSE (β= .319, t=7.712), and ATC (β=-.099, t=3.085). The Computer Self-Efficacy, and Computer Attitude of senior secondary school students significantly influenced Internet use (F (3,559) = 60.064) respectively.Item Dearth of school library collection: inhibition to reading promotion programme in Nigerian schools(Nigerian School Library Association, 2012) Elaturoti, D. F.; Aramide, K. A.This study investigated the dearth of collection and reading promotion programmes in school library media centres (SLMC) in Nigerian schools. The survey research design method was adopted for the study while questionnaire was used as the major instrument of data collection. One hundred and thirty seven (137) copies of questionnaire were administered on school librarians/school library media specialists/teacher-librarians, heads of library, and proprietors/proprietress of schools that were among the participants that attended the 25th and 26th Annual Conferences of the Nigerian School Library Association at Abeokuta, 2010 and Ado Ekiti, 2011 respectively. However, only ninety two (92) copies of the questionnaire were found to have useful responses that were used for the study. The findings of the study revealed a dearth of learning resources such as periodical literature and audiovisual resources to be used in promoting and developing favourable reading culture among pupils in Nigerian schools. Also, the study revealed a dearth of reading promotion programmes such as story hour and book talks in SLMC in Nigerian schools. The study highlights the need for the provision of adequate funding for schools and SLMCs in Nigeria to enable schools stock their SLMCs with adequate and relevant collection and also to enable them carry out programmes that will help in developing the reading culture of Nigerian children.Item Effect of parental background factors on reading habits of secondary school students in Ogun State, Nigeria(Information Technology Application Group (ITAG) International, 2015) Aramide, K. A.Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate the extent to which parental background factors predict reading habits among secondary school students in Ogun State, Nigeria. This is part of a larger study carried out to investigate factors predicting reading habits of secondary school students in Ogun State. Design/Methodology/Approach: The survey research design method of the correlational type was adopted for this study. Three specific objectives were set for the study while four research questions were answered. The multi-stage sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 595 senior secondary school two students to form the respondents for the study. The main instrument of data collection was the questionnaire designed by the researcher for the study. Five hundred and ninety five copies of questionnaire were distributed to the students out of which only 384 were returned with useful responses giving a response rate of 64.5%, The descriptive technique using frequency counts, percentages, mean scores and ranking as well as inferential technique of pearson product moment correlation were adopted for data analysis. Findings: The results of the study revealed that the secondary school students’ demonstrate high interest in reading as revealed by their keenness in reading and that the students read mainly for the purposes of passing examination, getting information, personal development, and knowledge acquisition. The results of the study also revealed that family income and father’s occupation are the only background factors that positively affect or influence reading habits of secondary school students. On the other hand, findings from the study revealed that background factors when taken together do not significantly jointly affect reading habits of students. Implication: In order to address the negative effects which parents’ occupation, educational level and family type are having on reading habits of students, it is suggested that government should provide a kind of safety nets through provision of monetary incentives to parents with low socio-economic status to enable them make provision for relevant reading materials for their wards/children. Originality/Value: It is, therefore, recommended that school libraries/school library media centres should be adequately stocked with relevant library and information resources to enable students from both high and low parental background have access to more library and information resources to improve their reading habits and ultimately bring about improved achievement in their academic endeavours.Item Environmental and institutional factors influence on internet use by the undergraduate in selected federal universities in South-West, Nigeria(The Medium Publishing Company and Educational Consult in Collaboration with Options Books Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012-06) Ajayi, A. J.; Aramide, K. A.This study investigated the influence of environmental and Institutional factors on Internet use by undergraduate students in selected universities in South West, Nigeria. The study used undergraduate students in Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) and Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAlAB), Nigeria. The copies of the questionnaire designed for the study was administered on 1 78 purposively selected students from the selected universities out of which only 110 were returned with useful responses making a response rate of 61.8%. The study revealed reliable internet connection (Mean = 3.06), adequate infrastructural facilities (Mean = 2.62), Internet policy (Mean = 2.60), and ICT development policy (Mean = 2.54) as major environmental factors that influenced the use of internet among the students in the selected institutions. Also, the study established inadequate access points for internet use (Mean = 2.60), availability of adequate computer accessories (Mean - 2.55), high cost of internet use (Mean = 2.54), and adequate availability of computers connected to the Internet as major institutional factors that influenced the use of internet among the undergraduate students in the selected institutions. The study revealed that environmental factors significantly contribute positively to Internet use while institutional factors do not significantly influence internet use among undergraduate students in Nigerian universities.Item An evaluation of state universal basic education board (SUBEB) libraries in selected states in South West Nigeria(University Libraries of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2011) Sote, A.; Aramide, K. A.; Gbotoso, A.Item Influence of motivation, library materials and location on use of library by undergraduates in University of Ibadan, Nigeria(Nigerian Library Association, Lagos State Chapter, 2017) Ladipo, S.O.; Aramide, K. A.The study investigated the influence of motivation, availability and adequacy of library materials as well as library location on the use of library by undergraduates of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The convenience sampling technique was adopted to select only 150 undergraduates while a questionnaire was used as the major instrument for data collection. Findings from the study revealed provision of a conducive library environment, ICT facilities, availability of books supporting a student centered curriculum and group reading as major factors which motivate undergraduate students of University of Ibadan towards library use. Textbooks, reference resources, journals, newspapers as well as magazines were found to be the major library materials available to students while adequacy of special collections and government publications, audiovisual materials, electronic resources and students' long essays in meeting the needs of undergraduates of the University of Ibadan was established. Location of the library was found to be adequate and easily accessible to the undergraduates. Positive relationships between motivation, library availability, adequacy, location and use of library were established which implies that proper motivation of undergraduates, high level of availability and adequacy of library materials as well ease of accessing the location of library have positive impact on use of library among the undergraduates of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study recommended proper motivation of undergraduates towards library use, provision of relevant library materials in adequate quantity and quality as well as location of the university library where it can be easily accessible to ensure regular use of the library by the undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.Item Information and digital literacy and technology appropriation in electronic media(Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2019) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewusi, F. O.; Adebiyi, D. T.This study investigated the impact of information and digital literacy skills on technology appropriation in electronic media houses in Oyo State. The survey research design of the correlational type was adopted while questionnaire was used as the major instrument for collecting data for the study. Only electronic media houses, both private and public, located in Ibadan were included in the study. A total of 133 copies of the questionnaire were administered on media professionals and practitioners otherwise called ‘technology appropriators’ spread across the 25 electronic media houses in Ibadan, Oyo State. The theoretical underpinnings for the study revolved around three basic human-technology relations which are User acceptance theory, Appropriation models in Information system, and Mediation theory. Findings from the study revealed high levels of information and digital literacy skills possession among technology appropriators in electronic media houses in Oyo State while positive relationship were established between information literacy skills and technology appropriation, as well as between digital literacy skill and technology appropriation. However, digital literacy skill was found to be the major determinants of technology appropriation just as it is the only factor that has significant contributions to technology appropriation by technology appropriators. The study recommended the development of information and digital literacy skills of technology appropriators through training and retraining and investment in technologies, as well as related infrastructure by electronic media houses to enable their employees, especially technology appropriators in their media houses, keep abreast of current trends in technologies evolution and development as well as ways of appropriation.Item Information needs and library services delivery for students with visual impairment in Oyo State, Nigeria(Nigerian School Library Association, 2018) Aramide, K. A.; Odunlade, R. O.; Balogun, Z. O.This study investigated the information needs and library service delivery to students with visual impairment in Oyo State, Nigeria with a focus on assessing the influence of library services; information needs; media formats availability and accessibility on library use among students with visual impairment in Oyo State, Nigeria The survey research design of the ex-post facto type was adopted for the study. The total enumeration method was used in selecting the sample size of 84 students out of which only 54 responded to the questionnaire. The study established educational information, health information and information on coping with their visual impairment as major information needs of the visually impaired students while circulation service, reference service and screen reading service on computers are found to be the only library services provided for them. Print Books/Magazines, Braille Books and Braille-in- Print were found to be prominent among the few media-format available for the students which the dearth of media-formats adequate in meeting the information needs of students with visual impairment in Oyo State. Lack of ease of accessing the circulation desk, lack of ease of accessing the entrance stairs, lack of; access to library staff whenever they need help, ease of finding their way around the library, guaranteed borrowing privileges within the library, path sounders to guide their movement around the library, smooth non-slip surfaces to prevent fall, unrestricted access to information resources media-format and lack of familiarity with the furniture and fittings in the library were major accessibility issues confronting the students in enjoying quality library services. Major purposes of using the library by the students are reading of educational Braille materials, completion of class assignments, reading for examinations and using of talking books. A positive relationship was established between library use and information needs, library service delivery, media formats availability and accessibility just as information needs, library service provision, library service delivery, accessibility and media format availability were found to have significant joint contribution to library use. The study recommended the need to address the provision of basic facilities that are critical to effective library service delivery to the visually impaired students.Item Information needs and seeking behaviour of tertiary institutions’ retirees in Nigeria(Ghana Library Association, Accra, Ghana, 2013) Adekanye, E. A.; Aramide, K. A.; Adewuyi, W. O.The study examined the information needs and seeking behaviour of retirees in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. A close observation of many retirees in the Nigerian Society and the problems they are facing called for this paper. The study adopted a descriptive survey design approach and the questionnaire was administered on 300 retirees, samples were chosen based on years of experience, age, sex, marital status, and qualification. The stratified sampling technique was adopted in selection of the sample. Data was analysed with the aid of frequency count and percentages. Findings revealed that information needs of retirees ranged from housing to health, verification exercises, payment of pension/ gratuity/ and salary arrears among others, while colleagues (oral source) and community radio (electronic source) were the major sources of information. Delay in information dissemination was indicated as a main problem of obtaining information by the retirees. The study recommended and concluded that information must be available to retired workers in all formats purveyed through all communication channel and delivered at all levels of comprehension.Item Information seeking-pattern of Nigerian textile market women and strategies for improvement(Department of Library and Information Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 2015) Adekanye, E. A.; Aramide, K. A.; Adewuyi, O.O.The study investigated the information seeking-pattern of Nigerian textile market women and strategies for improvement of which the study was an ex-post-facto type and adopted survey research design. Disproportional stratified random technique was used to select markets for the study while questionnaire was used to collect data to elicit information from 1556 respondents and data were analyzed with the aid of frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Findings revealed that majority of textile market women in Nigeria had information needs and these needs were adequately recognised by them. Also, they often seek information about their businesses and other life related issues. Gender bias, culture, lack of adequate skills, attitude and lack of awareness are the major challenges facing textile market women in Nigeria. Adequate training for textile market women and making information relating to their experiences public are largely major strategies that can be used to improve the information seeking behaviour of these women.Item Institutional factors and perceived usefulness as predictors of internet use by postgraduate students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria(2012) Aderibigbe, N. A.; Aramide, K. A.Item Perception of teachers and pupils on the influence of textbook provision on educational development in South-Western Nigeria(National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Nigeria, 2010-05) Aramide, K. A.; Ajise, T.This study assesses the relevance of textbooks in educational development in secondary schools, determines the effect of textbooks on the performance of pupils in secondary schools and assesses the level of satisfaction of both teachers and pupils with the quality of textbooks available for their use. Based on questionnaire survey from a sample of senior secondary schools students and senior secondary school teachers the results show that both pupils and teachers ascertained the relevance of textbooks in teaching and learning and in the educational development in secondary schools. However, the results further show that textbooks are not readily available to both students and teachers. Also, both the pupils and teachers were not satisfied with the quality of textbooks available for their use. The study recommends an improvement on the quality of books coming out from the Nigerian book publishing industry, a reduction in the high cost of textbooks, provision of subsidy and tax free to book publishers on some major inputs of book publishing to ensure that the books get to the market at reasonable prices. Also, it was recommended that book publishers should increase their production level to ensure availability of textbooks in the marketItem The role of librarians and information professionals in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria(2008-12) Aramide, K. A.; Ayankola, I.; Bello, T.There has been a change, of recent in the nature of work of librarians and information professionals, due to the emergence of deadly diseases like AIDS as well as the change in information needs of the local community. This change requires much more professional expertise, updated knowledge and critical thinking and involvement in the process of developing effective AIDS literary programmes. Librarians and information professionals can provide dedicated services to society by helping to manage and access AIDS information. This study, therefore, highlighted strategies for effective collaboration by librarians and information professionals, in the context of AIDS literary promotion efforts. The study further highlighted the challenges in the process of empowering people as regards campaign against AIDS. Suitable measures for addressing the challenges, to achieve essential success in the campaign against AIDS are also identified.Item The role of library and information centres in the achievement of the millennium development goals (MDGs)(BIB Press Nig. Ltd., Ibadan, 2009) Aramide, K. A.; Olaojo, P. O.; Bolarinwa, O. M.