Centre for Educational Media Resources
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Centre for Educational Media Resources
Centre for Educational Media Resources
Item An assessment of women's knowledge and attitude to environmental information in Nigeria(1998) Sangowusi, F. O.This paper discussed the level of awareness the Nigerian women should have about the enviroment and how important it is to a nation. Some selected group of women traders and female students were studied. The study discovers that formal education have a role to play on how people get environmental information in that the female students seems to have more knowledge about the environmnet that their trader counterparts. Environmental agencies should intensify their efforts by engaging in environmental enlightenment activities, like public lectures that will cut across all sectors of the society i.e the educated and uneducated, urban and rural. Electronic media houses should produce more jingles/adverts to be aired at all times. The federal office of statistics should carry out yearly or monthly survey to determine how environmental information benefits the populace. In other words, the enlightenment of women on environmental issues should be taken serious.Item Environmental information dissemination and preservation in Nigeria(1999) Sangowusi, F. O.This paper is largely connected with collecting data on the role of two enviromental agencies, Federal Environmental Protection Agency(FEPA) and the Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team(NEST) in dissemination of environmental information and to find out how effective these have been on the level of awareness of a selected group pf people. The result of the study indicated that FEPA and NEST used some media of information to pass information on the environment across to the people. however, it was discovered that few people among the information user group have a faint knowledge about the existence of these environmental agencies should invlove information scienctist, educators and librarians in helping them with thier communication skills.Item Effect of cd-rom on information accessibility and retrieval at University of Ibadan library(1999) Akande, S. O.; Ajala, E. B.The University of Ibadan Library had experienced persistent short age of periodicals books and other techicaliterature. This is the same experience that libraries all over Nigeria is currently undergoing. The introduction of CD-ROM in this libraries has being a relief to this problem. There is an increased awareness and improved patronage of this technology among different categories of researchers including students in the library over the years. Though level of Computer literacy of users is still very low nevertheless CD-ROM has provided more access to Information and retrieval. This is however in the face of some constraints such as inadequate infractures, unreliable but pertinent electricity supply etc. Solution to these constraints are suggested.Item Effect of cd-rom on information accessibility and retrieval at University of Ibadan library(1999) Akande, S. O.; Ajala, E. B .The University of Ibadan Library had experienced persistent short age of periodicals books and other techicaliterature. This is the same experience that libraries all over Nigeria is currently undergoing. The introduction of CD-ROM in this libraries has being a relief to this problem. There is an increased awareness and improved patronage of this technology among different categories of researchers including students in the library over the years. Though level of Computer literacy of users is still very low nevertheless CD-ROM has provided more access to Information and retrieval. This is however in the face of some constraints such as inadequate infractures, unreliable but pertinent electricity supply etc. Solution to these constraints are suggested.Item Dissemination of information on Management of pesticides to rural farmers in Oyo state, Nigeria(Development African Consortuim, 2000) Sangowusi, F. O.This study discovered that advance information on the positive aspect of pesticides is till scare to the Agricultural extention workers especially technical journals in Nigeria. It is essential that those involved with pesticides, in their use, regualtion or production and distribution should have ready access to up-to- date information. If information on pesticides is not available, resources be wasted, the health of human and livestock may be at risk and environment disasters may occur.Item A survey of library resources and services in Oyo state secondary schools(2001) Makinde, K. A.; |Sangowusi, F. O.The study examines the provisions of library facilities in Oyo state secondary schools. The population of the study consists of secondary schools in five local Governments, that is, Ogbomoso North, Ogbomoso South, Surulere, Oriire and OgoOluwa local governmnet areas of Oyo state while 45 secondary schools were taken as the study sample. Out of the 45 questionnaires that were adminstered, 75.6% (34) were returned and analyzed. Simple percentage scaores were employed in analyzing the data. Analyses of the fundings revealed that the provision of library facilities in secondary schools is abysmally low if not totally absent. The findings also revealed that only 2 schools have standard libraries with teacher librarians while 22 schools have improvised libraries. Some of these improvised libraries are just been monitored by library prefects. The remaining 10 schools have nothing to show for a library. REcommendations were therefore made to the government, PTA and all those concerned in the provision of secondary school education in nigeria. All concerned should see a well-equiped school library as a priority by providing the necessary funding, supply and organization of materialsItem library environment and equipments for the education of the visually impaired in Nigeria.(Department of Special Education, University of Ibadan, 2001) Sangowusi, F. O.This study specifies what the library environment for the blind should be in terms of space, furniture and equipment. In conclusion, it suggests for a need to embark on researches on the advancement as it pertains to blind peoples access to information technology in Nigeria.Item Catalogues and filing rules(End-Time Publishing House Ltd., Ibadan, Nigeria, 2001) Akande, S. O.Item Evaluation of school library resources, services and usage: a case study of international school, University of Ibadan(Nigerian School Library Association, 2001) Akande, S. O.The paper evaluates the library resources, services and usage in the International School, University of Ibadan. Data for the study was collected by means of questionnaires administered to students, staff and the librarian of the school. Interviews were conducted and records were observed to support the data gathered. The study revealed that the International school, University of Ibadan, did not have enough resources to meet the Standards recommended in manual for school libraries. The usage of the library war not high enough because of lack of facilities and equipment. The study recommends adequate funding, Provision of prints and non-print materials, equipment, Integration of library hour on the school timetable and use of Computer to process and access Information to improve the services and usage for the library.Item Introduction to use of library for students in tertiary institutions(The University Library LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, 2002) Adio, G..; Ajala, I. O.; Sangowusi, F. O.; Oyewumi, O. O.; Makinde, A. KItem Utilization of information systems in managerial decision making in financial institutions(2002) Sangowusi, F. O.Information technology (IT) is rapidly proliferating throughout the developing world. IT adoption for decision making is highly uneven in different organizations. The discussuion in this paper explain what Information Technology (IT) and Management Information Systems(MIS) mean and how both can benefit decision makers in financial institutions. However; the information that mangers sometimes recieve are often out of date and irrelevant to thier needs. The information requirements of managers and the type of information systems necessary for decision making were also discussed. It is therefore important that financial managers must have a good knowledge of current computer technologies.Item Library - use skills of new undergraduates and library orientation programme at University of Ibadan(2002) Akande, S. O.Survey data were used to investigate the Library - use skills possessed by the new under- graduates of University of Ibadan before they gained admission into the institution. Five hundred copies of the questionnaire were administered to the newly set of students admit- ted for the 2000/2001 academic session. Analysis shows that most students lacked the basic library skills of catalogue use, locating Information by the aid of Classification number, and the use of Computer to acess information. The timing, the duration and the content of the library Orientation Programme are not well planned to make the Programme beneficiary to the students. The paper recommends aggressive instruction on library use that will be practical oriented to help the students acquire the lacked skills. More time should be given to the programme and it should be conducted at a period when most students would have completed their registration.Item Information needs and seeking behaviour cf chemists: a comparative Study of Universities of Ibadan and llorin(Department of Educational Management University of Ibadan, 2002-12) Opeke, R. O.; Akande, S. O.This Study is conducted under a survey design. It attempts to identify the information needs and seeking behaviour of chemists in Universities of Ibadan and llorin. Descriptive research case study method was used to carry out the study. Data were collected by questionnaire administered to lecturers who were eligible to fill it in the departments of chemistry, biochemistry, geology, and pharmacy, or universities of Ibadan and llorin. In the two universities, the departmental lists of staff observed in the various departments concerned revealed that only 60 lecturers were qualified to be used in the research work. Out of the 60 questionnaires self-administered, 48 were well filed and returned. This represents 80% of the questionnaire given out. The findings of the research work showed that chemists need current research information. They prefer documented sources of information to non-documented sources. They were library literate making an extensive use of bibliographic tools in search of information. Chemists were not satisfied with the library resources and Services. Suggestions were made on how chemists can get the information they need on their own without solely depending on the library and the staff which they considered inefficient.Item Problems of accessing scholarly publications by Nigerian scientists: a study of the university of Ibadan(2003) Sangowusi, F. O."This study assesses the impact of information technology on scholarly publications and the problem associated with accessing the publications by scientists at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study discovered that ICT facilities like the Internet and e-mail have taken root in the academic environment through providing access to scholarly publications. However, the implementation of IT application is still a problem to Nigerian academics because of many factors, ranging from the lack of funds to fluctuations in the suppIy of electricity. This has indirectly affected the level of usage of ICT in Nigeria by the lecturers and it has hindered access to scholarly publications useful for research. Despite many constraints, the use of information technology is growing among Lecturers in Nigerian universities"Item Patterns of first-year students use of a university Library: a survey at University of Ibadan(Nigerian Library Association, Lagos State Chapter, 2003-01) Akande, S. O.This paper discusses the mode of use of University of Ibadan Library by first-year students of 2000/2001 academic session. The amount, the nature of use of the library and the barriers between the freshmen and the library are investigated and discussed. The findings reveal that the students heavily use the library to read their own books. The level of borrowing was very low and factors like non- relevance, disorganization of books and lack of basic library use skills were among the major barriers that inhibit the frequent use of the library by the students. Provision of current relevant books, teaching the students’ library use skills through regular lectures and seminars are some recommendations suggested to solve the Problems identified.Item An assessment of newspaper utilisation by students in a Nigerian University(Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Sangowusi, F. O."This paper summarises the findings on on the utilisation of newspapers by undergraduate students in Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The variables examined include sex, age, sources of information, fascinating columns and constraints to the utilisation of newspapers in libraries. Undergraduate students (200 – 500 level) who are actual users of the newspaper reading room and who are well acquainted with the in library were used for the study. The findings revealed that undergraduate students do read newspapers but not frequently.. Majority of the users are satisfied with the information obtained in the newspapers. A high proportion of the students feel that the newspapers provided by the library is not enough compared to the number of users. However, the Information service of the library is not effective if it does not make materials like newspapers available to users."Item Awareness of Nigerian university students to environmental problems through information sources: case study of university of Ibadan(Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, LAUTECH., 2004) Sangowusi, F. O.; Emehara, E.The study presents a descriptive analysis of university students' awareness of Nigeria's environmental problems using university of Ibdan (U.I) as a case study. Three hundred and eight (308) questionnaries were adminstered to these students. The findings indicated that U. I students' know quiet a lot about Nigeria's environmental problems. Respondents became aware of the environment through sources of information scuh as television, radio and newspapers which ranked highest from the findings. Students' opinion about environmental problems was positive, other findings revealed a strong willingness to participates in environmental practices. Awareness of environmental problems, information sources most consulted vis-a-vis specific environmental problems, students' opinion and their willingness to participate or show concern in environmental protection practices.Item Using the Library 1(General Studies Programme (GSP) Unit University of Ibadan, 2004) Akande, S. O.Item Using the Library 1(General Studies Programme (GSP) Unit University of Ibadan, 2004) Akande, S. O.Item Academic staff utilisation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Nigerian tertiary institutions: a study of ten selected universities(Nigerian Library Association,Ogun State Chapter, 2007-06) Aramide, K. A.; Samuel, A. O.This study examined the availability and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by academic staff in ten selected Nigerian tertiary institutions. Data was collected using the questionnaire method. 172 copies of a questionnaire were mailed to academic staff in the 10 institutions studied out of which 136 copies were returned representing 76.2% response rate. Analysis of the questionnaire revealed the level of ICT competence and rate of ICT adoption by the academic communities vis-a-vis the facilities on ground as well as the various ways it is being used. The outcome of the study showed that ICT is gradually being accepted by tertiary institutions in Nigeria.