Centre for Educational Media Resources
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Centre for Educational Media Resources
Centre for Educational Media Resources
Item Academic staff utilisation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Nigerian tertiary institutions: a study of ten selected universities(Nigerian Library Association,Ogun State Chapter, 2007-06) Aramide, K. A.; Samuel, A. O.This study examined the availability and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by academic staff in ten selected Nigerian tertiary institutions. Data was collected using the questionnaire method. 172 copies of a questionnaire were mailed to academic staff in the 10 institutions studied out of which 136 copies were returned representing 76.2% response rate. Analysis of the questionnaire revealed the level of ICT competence and rate of ICT adoption by the academic communities vis-a-vis the facilities on ground as well as the various ways it is being used. The outcome of the study showed that ICT is gradually being accepted by tertiary institutions in Nigeria.Item ACCESS TO AND UTILISATION OF LIBRARY MEDIA RESOURCES AS CORRELATES OF PRISON INMATES’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE SENIOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION IN NIGERIA(2016-05) BUSAYO, Isaac OluwadareThe performance of candidates in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) normally generates negative public comments because of their below average results. Part of these results include those of Nigerian Prison inmates. The Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) prepares inmates for SSSCE; however, very little is known about the inmates‘ performances, probably because of their confinement. Literature largely dwelt on the academic performance of regular students with little attention to the factors affecting academic performance of prison inmates in Nigeria. This study, therefore, examined access to and utilisation of library media resources as correlates of prison inmates‘ academic performance in private SSSCE organised by West African Examinations Council in Nigeria from 2009-2013. ` The study adopted survey design of the correlational type and the Sense Making, Information Richness and Mastery Learning theories provided the framework. Three prisons viz: Abakaliki (Ebonyi State), Ikoyi (Lagos State) and Kuje Medium Security (Abuja) were purposively selected. Total enumeration method was used to draw 438 inmates who registered for SSSCE between 2009 and 2013. The choice of subjects was based solely on eleven social sciences and humanities that require no laboratory facilities. The subjects were: English Language, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, English Literature, Economics, Government, Geography, Commerce, Accounting, Christian Religious Studies and Islamic Religious Studies. The three instruments used were: Inmates‘ Accessibility to library media resources (r=0.72), Utilisation of library media resources (r=0.82) and the SSSCE results collected from the NPS authority. These instruments were complemented with an interview schedule. Data were analysed using Pearson product moment correlation and Multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. The interview schedule transcripts were content analysed. Access to and utilisation of library media resources significantly contributed to the academic performance of prison inmates (F (1, 435) = 108.87) and jointly accounted for 33.4% of the total variance of the dependent variable. There were significant relative contributions of accessibility of resources (β = .38, t = 3.76) and utilisation of resources (β = .20, t = 1.99) to academic performance of the respondents. Positive significant relationships were established between accessibility to library media resources (r = .57); Utilisation of library media resources (r = .56) and academic performance of inmates in Nigerian prisons. The prison inmates noted that Oxford English Dictionary and textbooks in the 11 subjects were the most accessible and well utilised by them. None of the prison libraries open at weekend while Abakaliki and Kuje prisons had no photocopying facilities. Access to and utilisation of library media resources had a positive relationship on the academic performance of inmates in Nigerian prisons. Increased access to and utilisation of library media resources by prison inmates to improve their academic performance in senior secondary school certificate examination in Nigeria should be considered. Keywords: Access to and utilisation of library media resources, Academic performance of prison inmates, Private senior secondary school examination. Word count: 470Item Accessing electronic database for curriculum delivery in schools: implication for school library media specialists(Nigerian School Library Association, 2009) Aramide, K. A.; Taofik, B.This paper discussed the role of electronic databases in education with emphasis on the means of accessing the electronic databases. The paper further highlighted the various types and categories of electronic databases which the schools can explore in the process of teaching and learning as well as the techniques of searching. The implication of electronic databases on the role of the School Library Media Centres and School Media Specialists was also discussed. A list of electronic databases that schools can explore for effective teaching and learning were also presented.Item Accessing ICT for science teaching in Nigerian schools: whither the role of school library media centre?(2015-01-26) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewusi, F. O.Aim: This study investigated ICT usage and the role of SLMCs in Federal Unity Schools in Nigeria in facilitating the usage of ICT by science teachers in Nigeria. Study Design: Survey research design was adopted for the study. Four instruments were used. Methodology: Multistage sampling technique was adopted. Systematic sampling technique was used in selecting the schools for the study while the census technique was used in selecting the respondents. Four research instruments viz: ICT Availability scale (r=0.72), ICT Accessibility scale (r=0.83), ICT Usage (r=0.89) and Role of SLMC Scale (0.75) were used in collecting data. These were complemented with observation checklist. Three research questions were answered. Location of the Study: Science teachers in selected 25 Federal Unity Schools in Nigeria were chosen for the study. Findings: The study revealed low usage of science-based ICT facilities, low level of science-based ICT availability and accessibility as well as poor role of SLMCs in facilitating ICT usage among science teachers in FUSs in Nigeria. Recommendations: The SLMC should be adequately equipped so as to function effectively in providing support efficient ICT usage by science teachers in Nigeria.Item Acquiring electronic databases in school library(2011) Oyewusi, F. O."This article examined how electronic databases could be used to enrich curriculum delivery in Nigerian schools. Some of features of electronic databases were discussed in the article and the potentials of free websites were also examined. A number of free electronic databases were also listed for use by schools and School Library Media Centers. The article recommended that School Library Media Centers should be adequately funded by the government and private school owners to facilitate the use of electronic databases. In addition, Nigerian School Library Media Specialists would be able to maintain a virtual library presence through links to free database resources and selected Internet portals when adequately funded. "Item Acquisition of information literacy skills by studetns with disabilities: the role of the Nigerian school library media specialist(2010) Oyewusi, F. O.; Oyeboade, S. A.Information literacy recognizes the need for information to solve problems, develop ideas and locate appropraite information that would be used by individuals. The school library media centre has an important role of disseminating information to all students regardless of their physical abilities. This article examined the acquisition of information literacy skills by disabled students and the role of the school library media specialist in ensuring that they become information literate through the teaching of information skills that wpuld give them lifelong support in accessing information necessary for their daily living. The study also examined the objectives of information literacy and the advantages of information literacy skills. The article recommended, among others that school library media specialist should work pro-actively in partnership with special education teachers through curriculum planning and also to align the school library with educational goals as relating to information literacy skills of the disabled. Gender link is not a determinate of getting into managerial cadre in Librarianship in Nigeria. This article is of value to those interested in studying gender inequality. "Item Adoption and application of ICTs in academic libraries in Oyo state, Nigeria(The Department of Library & Information Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, 2013) Akande, S. O.The study investigated the extent to which government - owned tertiary institutions’ libraries in Oyo State have deployed ICTs in their operations. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select six (6) libraries from the eight (8) tertiary institutions’ libraries in Oyo state, Nigeria. Total enumeration was used to cover all the one hundred and fifty five (155) Professional and para-professional library personnel working in the selected libraries. Questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. However, information gathered from interviews and observations were used to complement what the questionnaire provided. Data gathered were analysed by using descriptive statistics of simple percentages and frequency counts. The findings revealed that in all the libraries, Computers, Internet, photocopiers, and printers were ICT facilities readily available for use. Also, Internet Services were found to be the most common ICT - based library and information Services rendered. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the government and the parent institutions should support the ICT drive of the libraries by providing all the necessary human, technical and financial support for full application of ICTs in the libraries.Item Application of marketing strategies and mix to digital information services (DIS): Nigerian university libraries perspectives(University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 2013) Bamigbola, A. A.Item Assessing determinants of perceived ease of use of institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigerian universities(Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020) Bamigbola, A. A.; Adetimirin, A. E.Institutional repositories (IRs) present platform to disseminate research findings to complement the traditional scholarly communication model. The use of IRs is beneficial to authors, host institutions, libraries and society at large. Despite the numerous benefits of IRs, there is low deposit of scholarly works by lecturers and the investment on IRs seems to be a waste. This study examined determinants of perceived ease of use (PEOU) of IRs by lecturers in Nigerian universities. A survey of lecturers received 857 respondents. Awareness, anchor and adjustment factors were found to be determinants of PEOU of Institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigerian UniversitiesItem An assessment of newspaper utilisation by students in a Nigerian University(Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Sangowusi, F. O."This paper summarises the findings on on the utilisation of newspapers by undergraduate students in Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The variables examined include sex, age, sources of information, fascinating columns and constraints to the utilisation of newspapers in libraries. Undergraduate students (200 – 500 level) who are actual users of the newspaper reading room and who are well acquainted with the in library were used for the study. The findings revealed that undergraduate students do read newspapers but not frequently.. Majority of the users are satisfied with the information obtained in the newspapers. A high proportion of the students feel that the newspapers provided by the library is not enough compared to the number of users. However, the Information service of the library is not effective if it does not make materials like newspapers available to users."Item Assessment of resource inputs and service delivery in school library media centers in Nigeria: implications for basic and post-basic education(Nigerian School Library Association, 2013) Aramide, K. A.; Elaturoti, D. F.Resource inputs into school library media programme have been identified as major determinants of the success of service delivery in School Library Media Centres (SLMCs). The quality of outputs from any system cannot be better than the quality of inputs supplied. Therefore, this study investigated the state of resource inputs provision and service delivery in SLMCs in Nigeria. The study is part of a larger study on the assessment of school library media programme in Nigeria. The sample population for the study comprises of 163 respondents drawn from the participants that participated at the 25th and 26th Annual conferences of the Nigerian School Library Association held at Abeokuta, Ogun State and Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State in year 2010 and 2011 respectively. Four research questions were answered in the study. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire designed for the study. The trial test of the questionnaire and analysis of responses revealed a reliability coefficient or 0.71 which was considered appropriate for the study. The findings from the study generally revealed a poor state of quality and quantity of resource inputs such as accommodation, learning resource, personnel, and ICT resource into SLMCs in Nigeria. Specifically, the study established a poor state accommodation and space provision in SLMCs in state government owned and privately owned schools in Nigeria. With regards to human resource inputs into SLMCs, the study established a poor state of qualified personnel inputs into SLMCs in Nigeria especially in federal and state government owned schools though privately owned schools fared better in this area. Furthermore, the availability of unbalanced state of learning resources that consist mainly print media was established as the predominant situation in SLMCs in Nigeria. The dearth of computerized library and Internet facility was discovered in SLMCs in government owned schools in Nigeria. The study recommended the need for government and proprietors/proprietresses of schools in Nigeria to be more committed to the various guidelines on the minimum requirements for SLMCs to ensure better learning and teaching environment in schools.Item An assessment of women's knowledge and attitude to environmental information in Nigeria(1998) Sangowusi, F. O.This paper discussed the level of awareness the Nigerian women should have about the enviroment and how important it is to a nation. Some selected group of women traders and female students were studied. The study discovers that formal education have a role to play on how people get environmental information in that the female students seems to have more knowledge about the environmnet that their trader counterparts. Environmental agencies should intensify their efforts by engaging in environmental enlightenment activities, like public lectures that will cut across all sectors of the society i.e the educated and uneducated, urban and rural. Electronic media houses should produce more jingles/adverts to be aired at all times. The federal office of statistics should carry out yearly or monthly survey to determine how environmental information benefits the populace. In other words, the enlightenment of women on environmental issues should be taken serious.Item Availability and use of audiovisual and electronic resources by distance learning students in Nigerian University: a case study of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Ibadan study centre(University Libraries of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2010-06) Aramide, K. A.; Bolarinwa, O. M.Item Availability, information retrieval skills and use of electronic resources by information professionals in academic libraries in South Western Nigeria(The Department of Library & Information Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, 2011-12) Akande, S. O.Item Awareness and perception of digitisation by school library media specialists(Nigerian School Library Association, 2017) Bamigbola, A. A.Digitization is a tool for managing library resources in the 21s' century, however, school libraries are yet to embrace it in Nigeria. This paper assessed awareness and perception of digitisation by School Library Media Specialists (SLMSs) in secondary schools in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. The concept of digitization, its process, benefits and challenges were concisely explained. One hundred and sixty-five copies of questionnaire were administered on randomly selected School library media specialists from fifteen secondary schools each from eleven local government areas of Ibadan Metropolis, ins: Akinyele local government area, Egbeda local government, Ibadan North, Ibadan North East, Ibadan North West, Ibadan South East, Ibadan South West, Ido, Lagelu, Oluyole and Ona Ara. The study established that few School Library Media Centres in government- owned secondary schools were manned by qualified SLMSs. In addition, many SLMSs were not aware of digitization concept, its purposes, processes and activities. The findings also revealed the perceived benefits and barriers to digitization in Nigeria. The study concluded that digitization is a necessary tool to manage school library resources in the 21s1 Century and made some recommendations.Item Awareness of Nigerian university students to environmental problems through information sources: case study of university of Ibadan(Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, LAUTECH., 2004) Sangowusi, F. O.; Emehara, E.The study presents a descriptive analysis of university students' awareness of Nigeria's environmental problems using university of Ibdan (U.I) as a case study. Three hundred and eight (308) questionnaries were adminstered to these students. The findings indicated that U. I students' know quiet a lot about Nigeria's environmental problems. Respondents became aware of the environment through sources of information scuh as television, radio and newspapers which ranked highest from the findings. Students' opinion about environmental problems was positive, other findings revealed a strong willingness to participates in environmental practices. Awareness of environmental problems, information sources most consulted vis-a-vis specific environmental problems, students' opinion and their willingness to participate or show concern in environmental protection practices.Item Awareness, anchor and adjustment factors in the use of institutional repositories by Nigerian lecturers(Sage Publisher, 2021) Bamigbola, A. A.Institutional repositories have been established in universities globally because of their immense benefits to various stakeholders, especially lecturers. However, the literature has confirmed that institutional repositories are little used by lecturers. Previous studies have examined attitudes and disciplines, for example, but there seems to be no study on anchor and adjustment factors. This study therefore investigated awareness and anchor and adjustment factors as determinants of use of institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigeria. A descriptive survey and a purposive sampling technique were used to select universities that had had functional institutional repositories for at least four years at the time of data collection. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 857 lecturers. The study reveals that awareness and anchor and adjustment factors are determinants of use of institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigerian universities. The study recommends that more awareness programmes should be organized by libraries and that lecturers should constantly use computers to improve their computer self-efficacy and computer playfulness.Item Catalogues and filing rules(End-Time Publishing House Ltd., Ibadan, Nigeria, 2001) Akande, S. O.Item Children reading habits and availability of books in Botswana primary schools: implications for achieving quality education(2007-08) Tella, A.; Akande, S.In an age when browsing the net, playing with funky handsets and passing non-stop SMSs seem to be the order of the day, reading a book in a peaceful comer of a library has become an archaic idea for most people. While technology is slowly taking a steady control over individual lives, the reading habit is fast vanishing into thin air”(The Hindu, 2004:1). The achievement of quality basic education in all countries in Africa call for development of good reading habits of both the children and the adult. This will change the Stigma already associated with Africa as a continent with a “Poor Reading Culture”. This study examined children’s reading habits and the availability of books in Botswana primary schools and considers its implications on the achievement of quality basic education in the country. One hundred and fifty (150) primary school pupils were randomly drawn from ten (10) schools and ten teachers, one from each school were interviewed in two Botswana cities i.e. Gaborone and Francistown. Participants were mainly drawn from Standards 6 and 7. Their ages ranged from 10-13 years with a mean of 11.5 years. A modified questionnaire, “Children Reading Habits/Books Availability Scale” with r = 0.79 cronbach alpha was used to gather data. Six research questions were developed to guide the study, and the results indicate the following: Botswana primary school pupils do not have a good reading habits and have a culture with only 36.7% of them reading on a daily basis; and that of these, most read only textbooks just for the purpose of passing examinations. Those Botswana children (53.3%) read only for 1-2 hours daily; while it was also evident that some even read less than an hour per day. Results further showed that no difference was observed in the perception of Botswana pupils about the availability and accessibility of reading materials in their various schools. Furthermore, it was revealed that the pupils depend largely on the notes given by their teachers as the major source of reading material based on inadequate availability of books. Inadequate book availability, lack of interesting children’s literature, and watching television are identified as factors hindering pupils from developing reading habits. Furnishing primary schools libraries in the country with recent books, getting parents to develop an interest in reading for their children to emulate coupled with the idea that children’s literature should be made available in all primary schools constitute the major suggestions as measures to overcome the problem so that the achievement of quality basic education in the country would not be a mirage. Recommendations based on the results of the study for parents, teachers, schools, mass media and the government are highlighted.Item A comparative study of social networks' utilisation and addiction among undergraduate and postgraduate students in Nigerian Universities(The Medium Publishing Company and Educational Consult in Collaboration with Options Books Ibadan, Nigeria, 2013-12) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewo, R.; Adedokun, F.O.This study investigated social media utilisation and addiction among students in Nigerian universities. The survey research design was adopted while questionnaire was used as the main instrument of data collection. The sample for the study comprises three hundred and twenty seven (32 7) students randomly selected across five selected universities in Nigeria but only 215 of the students provided useful responses for the study. Five research questions were answered in the study. The study revealed regular use of social media for the purpose of communicating and connecting with friends only while Picassa, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube MySpace, Blogger, Linkedln and Library Thing were found to top the list of social media being used on regular basis by the students. The level of social media addiction among the students was found to be low. The study revealed that there is no significant difference in the level of addiction to social media between undergraduate and postgraduate students. On the other hand, the study established a significant difference in the level of social media utilization between undergraduate and postgraduate students in Nigerian universities as the undergraduate students were found to utilize social media more than their postgraduate counterparts.