Centre for Educational Media Resources

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Centre for Educational Media Resources


Centre for Educational Media Resources


Search Results

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    Computer self-efficacy and computer attitude as correlates of internet use of secondary school students’ in Nigeria
    (African Journals Online, 2016) Oyewusi, F. O.; Sokoya, A. A.; Aramide, K. A.
    The Internet as a useful tool that supports teaching and learning is not in full use in most secondary schools in Nigeria hence limiting the students from maximizing the potentials of Internet in advancing their academic pursuits. This study, therefore, examined the extent to which computer self-efficacy and computer attitude influence Internet use among senior secondary school students (SS1 and SS11) in public secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. This study utilized the descriptive survey research design of the ex-post-facto type. Instruments used to collect data were Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) (r=0.73), Computer Attitude (CATT) (r=0.85), and Internet Use (IU) (r=0.78)) scales. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Multiple regressions at 0.8 level of significance. The relative contributions of the independent measures of Internet use were: CSE (β= .319, t=7.712), and ATC (β=-.099, t=3.085). The Computer Self-Efficacy, and Computer Attitude of senior secondary school students significantly influenced Internet use (F (3,559) = 60.064) respectively.
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    Accessing ICT for science teaching in Nigerian schools: whither the role of school library media centre?
    (2015-01-26) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewusi, F. O.
    Aim: This study investigated ICT usage and the role of SLMCs in Federal Unity Schools in Nigeria in facilitating the usage of ICT by science teachers in Nigeria. Study Design: Survey research design was adopted for the study. Four instruments were used. Methodology: Multistage sampling technique was adopted. Systematic sampling technique was used in selecting the schools for the study while the census technique was used in selecting the respondents. Four research instruments viz: ICT Availability scale (r=0.72), ICT Accessibility scale (r=0.83), ICT Usage (r=0.89) and Role of SLMC Scale (0.75) were used in collecting data. These were complemented with observation checklist. Three research questions were answered. Location of the Study: Science teachers in selected 25 Federal Unity Schools in Nigeria were chosen for the study. Findings: The study revealed low usage of science-based ICT facilities, low level of science-based ICT availability and accessibility as well as poor role of SLMCs in facilitating ICT usage among science teachers in FUSs in Nigeria. Recommendations: The SLMC should be adequately equipped so as to function effectively in providing support efficient ICT usage by science teachers in Nigeria.
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    Information and digital literacy and technology appropriation in electronic media
    (Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2019) Aramide, K. A.; Oyewusi, F. O.; Adebiyi, D. T.
    This study investigated the impact of information and digital literacy skills on technology appropriation in electronic media houses in Oyo State. The survey research design of the correlational type was adopted while questionnaire was used as the major instrument for collecting data for the study. Only electronic media houses, both private and public, located in Ibadan were included in the study. A total of 133 copies of the questionnaire were administered on media professionals and practitioners otherwise called ‘technology appropriators’ spread across the 25 electronic media houses in Ibadan, Oyo State. The theoretical underpinnings for the study revolved around three basic human-technology relations which are User acceptance theory, Appropriation models in Information system, and Mediation theory. Findings from the study revealed high levels of information and digital literacy skills possession among technology appropriators in electronic media houses in Oyo State while positive relationship were established between information literacy skills and technology appropriation, as well as between digital literacy skill and technology appropriation. However, digital literacy skill was found to be the major determinants of technology appropriation just as it is the only factor that has significant contributions to technology appropriation by technology appropriators. The study recommended the development of information and digital literacy skills of technology appropriators through training and retraining and investment in technologies, as well as related infrastructure by electronic media houses to enable their employees, especially technology appropriators in their media houses, keep abreast of current trends in technologies evolution and development as well as ways of appropriation.
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    Understanding the school library media centre
    (Stirling-Horden Publishers Ltd, 2014) Oyewusi, F. O.
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    A survey of the needs and utilization of health information among young adults in Ogun state, Nigeria
    (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015) Adeyoyin, S. O.; Oyewusi, F. O.
    "Good health is an indispensable prerequisite for the socio-economic development of any country. The increasing number of health related problems among young adults in Nigeria warrants urgent and special attention. This study, therefore focused on health information needs and utilisation among young adults. Correlational research design was adopted for this study using descriptive survey method. Questionnaires were designed and used as survey instruments. The target population for this study were young undergraduates within the ages of 16-24 years. Federal University of Agriculture and Crescent University were selected because they are the two universities within the city of Abeokuta. The study used 25% of undergraduate students from each of the 35 departments that made up 8 colleges in the two universities for the study. Hence, the sample size for this study was 1,745 young adults. A total number of 1,745 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents. This study finds that nutrition ranked highest, followed by water treatment, sanitation and diagnosed medical condition among the health information needs of the young adults. Young adults also need health information to avoid unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and HIV/AIDS infection. Access to health information was mostly through textbooks and newspapers/magazines. In addition, the study finds that they also had access to electronic media like radio, television, Internet and GSM mobile phones. This study finds that religious beliefs against the use of drugs ranked highest among the problems that hinder effective health information utilisation among young adults in Nigeria. Conclusion was drawn based on the findings and recommendations were proffered."
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    School library research in Nigeria
    (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012) Oyewusi, F. O.
    "Purpose – The purpose of this article is to analyse the content of the Nigerian School Library Journal (NSLJ) from 1979-2010. Design/methodology/approach – This study adopts a descriptive research approach by means of bibliometric analysis. The NSLJ was examined for subject coverage, geographic distribution of authors, country of origin of authors, publication output, collaboration among authors, international visibility, gender of authors, research type, and language of articles. The international visibility of the journal was investigated through the web-based version of Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Africa Journals Online (AJOL) and literature search. Findings – There have been nine issues since the first publication in 1979. The study discovered that NSLJ was not listed among the known LIS journals from Nigeria. The geographical distributions and nationality of the authors in NSLJ indicated that all the authors were Nigerians, and the level of collaboration among the authors was low (16.7 per cent) while single authors were many (83.3 per cent). The study revealed that most articles used the survey research design followed by historical strategies, literature review and case studies. Practical implications – The NSLJ does not have the visibility it needs internationally; therefore the editors could aim to index the journal in renowned abstracting services. NSLJ editions should aim to get published on time using a quality peer review process and the journal should be listed with AJOL because increasing the visibility of the journal would assist in increasing the journal’s quality. Originality/value – The study has identified gaps in promoting school library research from Nigeria internationally, and in the quality of Nigerian research that could be addressed by future studies "
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    Acquiring electronic databases in school library
    (2011) Oyewusi, F. O.
    "This article examined how electronic databases could be used to enrich curriculum delivery in Nigerian schools. Some of features of electronic databases were discussed in the article and the potentials of free websites were also examined. A number of free electronic databases were also listed for use by schools and School Library Media Centers. The article recommended that School Library Media Centers should be adequately funded by the government and private school owners to facilitate the use of electronic databases. In addition, Nigerian School Library Media Specialists would be able to maintain a virtual library presence through links to free database resources and selected Internet portals when adequately funded. "
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    Acquisition of information literacy skills by studetns with disabilities: the role of the Nigerian school library media specialist
    (2010) Oyewusi, F. O.; Oyeboade, S. A.
    Information literacy recognizes the need for information to solve problems, develop ideas and locate appropraite information that would be used by individuals. The school library media centre has an important role of disseminating information to all students regardless of their physical abilities. This article examined the acquisition of information literacy skills by disabled students and the role of the school library media specialist in ensuring that they become information literate through the teaching of information skills that wpuld give them lifelong support in accessing information necessary for their daily living. The study also examined the objectives of information literacy and the advantages of information literacy skills. The article recommended, among others that school library media specialist should work pro-actively in partnership with special education teachers through curriculum planning and also to align the school library with educational goals as relating to information literacy skills of the disabled. Gender link is not a determinate of getting into managerial cadre in Librarianship in Nigeria. This article is of value to those interested in studying gender inequality. "
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    Gender influence on managerial efficiency
    (2010) Arinola, A. A.; Oyewusi, F. O.
    "This study discusses the influences of gender on managerial efficiency of academic librarians in Nigeria. The rationale for the study was to investigate if gender grouping has an influence on the managerial competence of librarians in Nigeria. The total enumeration sampling technique with a questionnaire instrument was used to collect data from 105 respondents and 89 questionnaires were found usable for the data analysis. The questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS. The study revealed that there were more male than female librarians in the libraries used for the study while there were more academically qualified female librarians. Despite this, there were more male heads of unit and those in decision-making positions than their female counterparts. The study discovered that gender was not a factor used in getting to decision-making positions in Nigerian libraries rather qualifications and paper publications were used as determinants for getting into positions. The paper also provides the justifications for the education of females in Nigeria and that the government should educate parents and guardians on the need to allow their children and wards to take the career of their choice. Gender link is not a determinate of getting into managerial cadre in Librarianship in Nigeria. This article is of value to those interested in studying gender inequality. "
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    Internet awareness and utilization as an information source at a Nigerian university
    (2008) Oyewusi, F. O.; Oyeboade, S. A.
    "This article examines the level of accessibility and the benefits derived from utilizing the Internet as an information source by final year undergraduate students of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria. A questionnaire was used to gather data from undergraduates students in the Faculties of Agriculture, Science, Technology Environmental Science. The results revealed that Nigerian undergraduate students appreciate and know the benefits of utilizing the facilities provided by the Internet for their academic pursuits. However, they are faced with problems such as exorbitant charges by commercial centers where they browse the Internet, erratic . power supply and poor telecommunication infrastructure. The study also discovered that the private sector computer business is really flourishing in Nigeria because most Nigerian Universities do not have internet facilities except the one provided by private organizations."
Centre for Educational Media Resources