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Item "comparison of perception of HIV/AIDS Risk and sexual Risk Behaviours Among Youths with and without Disabilities in Oyo State, Nigeria"(lbadan Journal of the sociat sciences, 2015) Umoren, A. M.; Adejumo, A. O."The study investigated the perception of HIV/AIDS risk and sexual risk behaviours among youths with disabilities (WD) in comparison with youths without disabilities (cotnparison group)' The study adopted a cross-sectional survey with 362 participants comprising 181 WD with visual impaired 29(161o), physically challenged 40 (22.1Vo) and hearing impaired 112 (61'9Va) and comparison group (N = 181). A \9-item structured questionnaire was usedfor data collection' The instrument was revalidated and found to be highty reliable and valid for the study'Kruskal- Wallis test for dffirences was used to determine the dffirences in perception of HIV/AIDS risk and sexual risk behaviours among the two Sroups as well as t-test' The resufts showed that there was a significant dffirence in perception of HIV/AIDS risk between WD and the comparison Sroup tx, = (t) = 27.79, p < 0.01)l as well as a significant dffirence in sexual riskbehaviours amonS thetwoSroups[X,=(1)=23.117,p<0.01)].Thet-testalsorevealedasignificantdifference between the groups on sexual risk behaviours [t(360) = 4.926, p < 0.01)]and HIV/AIDS risk tt(360) = 5.301, P < 0.01)1. It was further reported that wD recorded higher sexual risk 'behaviour(i=9.35,5D=4'137,n=l8l)thanthecomparisongroup(=7'48'SD=3'008'n= 181). This trend was also reported on HIV/AIDS risk, with wD recording higher (= 14'56' SD = 6.537, n = 181) than the comparison group (= 11.23, SD = 5.385, n = j,81)' Thefindings ofthe paper were duly discussed withfar reaching recommendations for policy making' The study offers a new understanding of the perception of the HMAIDS risk and sexual risk behaviour in this group ofyouth population as well as provide relevant stakeholders with new vista in handling HIV/AIDS issues and sexualiry of the disabled'"Item Psychological predictors of life satisfaction among undergraduates(2013) Oladipo, S. E.; Adenaike, F. A.; Adejumo, A. O.; Ojewumi, K. O.Informed by previous research finding which established evidence of low satisfaction among undergraduates in Nigeria, the purpose of this paper was to examine the psychological variables that would predict satisfaction with life among undergraduates in Southwestern Nigeria. A cross-sectional ex post facto survey design was adopted and convenient sampling method was used. Three hundred and twenty (118, i.e. 36.9%) male and 202 (63.1%) female students, ages ranging between 16 to 27 years (M = 28.47, SD = 8.76) participated in this study. Validated scale was used for data collection and the hypothesis stated was confirmed after testing with appropriate statistics. The result showed that NaCh and Hloc significantly predicted satisfaction with life among undergraduates, whereas, anxiety was not a significant predictor. Internals who were high on need achievement were low on satisfaction with life, while externals who were low on need achievement were high on satisfaction with life. Conclusion was reached that professional services would be required for undergraduates with low satisfaction with life in order to orientate them regarding adjustment and coping with reality of life in order to prevent psychological breakdown. A limitation to this is study would be the small sample size and the limited psychological variables that were examined. However, further research may make these a focus.Item Evaluation of the effect of cognitive therapy on perioperative anxiety and depression among Nigerian surgical patients(2003-12) Osinnowo, H. O.; Olley, B. O.; Adejumo, A. O.Study Objective Surgical patients have been known to benefit immensely from psychological interventions. This study set out to assess the pre and post operative anxiety levels and depression and the effect of cognitive therapy among Nigerian surgical patients. The effects of gender and educational status on perioperative anxiety and depression were also evaluated. Study design. The study utilized a controlled outcome design to evaluate the efficacy of self-instructional training (SIT) and rational emotive therapy (RET) in surgical patients. Preoperative anxiety and depression scores were used as co-variants. Patients Thirty-three (33) elective surgical patients were sampled randomly, divided into 3 groups of eleven (11) patients each. Eight (8) subjects underwent gynaecological procedures while the remaining 25 subjects had general surgical procedures. The mean age was 32.72± 15.83 years (range = 17-16 years.) Measurements The major instruments used in the study were the State Anxiety Subscale of the Speilberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Inventory. Main results SIT had the potential to reduce anxiety level among subjects postoperatively (t = 2.06; df= 10; P <0.05). The use of RET reduced depression among surgical patients (t= 1.23; df = 10; P <0.05). Conclusions It was concluded that surgical patients manifest varying degrees of anxiety preoperatively and postoperatively. Patient's pre and postoperative anxiety and depression can be reduced by the introduction of SIT and RET.Item "Role of Sexual Risk Behaviors and Sexual Attitude in Perceived HIV Vulnerability Among Youths with Disabilities in Two Nigerian Cities"(Springer, 2014) Adejumo, A. O.; Umoren, A. M."The role of sexual attitude and sexual risk-behavior in the perception of HIVvulnerability and differences among youths with disability and able-bodied youths was investigated. The cross-sectional survey included purposively selected youths with visual, hearing and physical impairments (n = 181) and able-bodied youths (n = 181 as comparison group) with mean age of 23.75 years in public institutions. Data was gathered with the use of a 44-item questionnaire which included a Braille version. Analysis included descriptive, cross-tabulation, and 2X2 ANOVA. Sexual risk behavior is related and has influence on perceived HIV-vulnerability in both groups, while sexual attitude did not. Youths with disability who have liberal sexual attitude and high score in sexual riskbehavior reported the highest perceived HIV-vulnerability. Visually-impaired participants perceived a higher level of HIV-vulnerability compared to the hearing and physically impaired. Health care planners should consider sexual risk behavior in improving perceived HIV-vulnerability in both impaired and able-bodied populations."Item Influence of psycho-demographic factors and effectiveness of psycho-behavioural interventions on sexual risk behaviour of in-school adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria(Ife Center for Psychological Studies, 2012-03) Adejumo, A. O.Sexual risk behaviours (SRBs) among youths continue to reverse the initial gains in HIV/STD control in Nigeria. Very little is known about the interactive influence of psycho-demographic factors (self concept. HIVIAIDS knowledge, and gendezr) and psycho-behavioural interventions (psycho-education and assertiveness training) in reducing HIV SRBs among at-risk in-school adolescents. The study investigated the influence of psycho-demographic factors and psycho-behavioural interventions on HIV SRB. The quasi-experimental study purposively recruited 120 participants who reported unsafe HTV SRB during a school-wide survey in Ibadan. They responded to an 85-item questionnaire, and were further exposed to a 6-week psycho-behavioura1 treatment. Following a 3x2x2x2 ANCOVA, MCA and descriptive statistics, results showed that treatments significantly influenced HIV SRB (F (2,119) = 11.31, P <0,005). Psycho-education intervention participants recorded greater reductions in HIV SRB (n.40. Ẋ=29.57), followed by the assertiveness training group (n.40. Ẋ=39.68), and lastly the control group (n.40. Ẋ= 43.90). Female adolescents with high self-concept and good knowledge of HIV/AIDS who received psycho-education recorded the greatest reduction in HIV SRB (n6, Ẋ=24.67. SD=5.89). Male adolescents in the control group with low self-concept but with good HIV/AIDS knowledge (n6, Ẋ= 53.50, SD=16.23) recorded the most unsafe post intervention HIV SRB score. Good knowledge of HIVIAIDS alone does not yield safe HIV SRB, but additional exposure to psycho-education, with good self-concept development. Therefore, behavioural techniques should be considered along with-other interventions in STDs and HIV control among in-school adolescents.Item Social support, social maladjustment, and psychological wellbeing as determinants of psychopathic deviance among civil servants in Akure, Nigeria(Nigerian Psychological Association, South Western Zone, 2011-06) Adejumo, A. O.The influence of social support, social maladjustment and psychological wellbeing on psychopathic deviance (PD) among civil servants in Akure, Nigeria was investigated. The survey adopted a cross-sectional design including 194 male and 153 female participants with a mean age of 33.97 years, selected using multi-stage sampling. Data was collected using an 89-item structured-questionnaire. Four hypotheses were tested of which two were confirmed. Social maladjustment (F [1, 339]= 120.49; p= .001), and general health (F [1, 339] = 41.83; p= .001); as well as a combination of social support, social maladjustment, and general health (F [1, 3092] = 52.47; p= .001) significantly influenced PD; General health (GH) predicted PD (R2=.51, F [3,343] = 90.21; P<.0l). There were significant differences between participants high and low social maladjustment (t [345] = -9.52; P> 0.00), and GH (t [345] = -9.08; P = 0.00) on PD, but not between participants with high and low social support (t [345] = -0.23; P = 0.82). This shows that the psychological factors determine PD among civil servants. Prospective employers should investigate these variables among civil service applicants, while psychological interventions would be imperative for secondary PD prevention in having mentally-healthy civil servants.Item Psycho-demographic factors as determinants of perceived accident vulnerability among commercial motorcyclists in two Nigerian cities(Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, 2011-09) Adejumo, A. O.This study investigated the influence of psychological and socio-demographic factors on perceived vulnerability to road accidents (VTRA) among commercial motorcyclists. The cross-sectional survey included 292 participants following multi-stage sampling. A 65-item questionnaire was used for data collection. Analysis included ANOVA, regression, t-test, and descriptive statistics. Results showed that aged commercial motorcyclists operating in Ibadan with poor knowledge of road signs, who also rarely use psychoactive substances (n=25, =18.0), as well as aged motorcyclists operating in Ibadan with poor knowledge of road signs, who rarely use substances (n=21, = 18. 0) reported the highest level of perception of VTRA. Substance use pattern (F (292) = 51.25, P < 0.01), personality (F (292) = 4. 70, P < 0.001), and a combination of substance use pattern, personality, location, and road signs knowledge (F (292) = 6.94, P <0.01) significantly influenced perceived accident vulnerability among participants. Experience in riding commercial motorcycles (t (292) = 1.299,df =289, p<.05), and location/city (n=292, t= 1.688, p<.05) also significantly predicted perception of VTRA (t (292) = 1.299, p<.05). This highlights the importance of substance use, personality factors (openness and agreeableness), and experience as factors critical to the understanding of 'perception of VTRA, suggesting the need for strengthening anti-drug campaign, as well as psychological/personality testing in reducing road traffic accidents involving commercial motorcyclists.Item Dispositional and situational factors as determinants of food eating behaviour among sedentary and blue-collar workers in Nigeria’s premier teaching hospital(International Hospital Federation, 2011) Adejumo, A. O.This cross sectional survey investigated the rate of dispositional (self-efficacy and self-esteem), and situational factors (distractibility and perceived food variety) as determinants of food eating behavior (FEB). Hospital employees (N500) in Nigeria’s premier teaching Hospital participated. Results showed that self-efficacy and self-esteem jointly predicted cognitive restraint dimension of FEB (F(2,499) = 26.00; R2= 0.10; p<.05). dispositional variables jointly predicted uncontrolled eating (F(2,499)=17.41; R2= 0.07; p<.05), emotional eating (F(2,499) = 28.58; R2= 0.10; p<.05), and cognitive restraint (F(2,499) = 35.60; R2=0.13; p<.05) dimensions of FEB. Age (x2= 64.81; df=1; p<.05), and marital status (x2=32.74; df=4; p<.05) were associated with FEB. Therefore, dispositional and situational variables are predictors of FEB as evidenced in previous literatures. The need for primary prevention, and assertiveness to reduce distractibility and eating disorders was highlighted towards maintaining health and efficiency at work is recommended.Item Influence of psycho-demographic factors on fear of crime among multi-nationals in Lagos, Nigeria.(Tokiwa International Victimology Institute, 2011) Adejumo, A. O.The influence of personality variables, perceived security, perceived police effectiveness and demographic factors as they relate to fear of crime (FOC) in convenience samples of multi-nationals (N=202) and Nigerian nationals living in Lagos, Nigeria, was investigated. Nigerians reported the highest level of FOC while Americans reported the lowest level of FOC. Results indicate the combined influence of psychological factors and an independent effect of perceived security. Demographic factors jointly predicted FOC and gender. Perceived police effectiveness and perceptions of security were positively correlated. Significant differences related to FOC were found among all national groups. These findings suggest that individuals and government at all levels should be aware that FOC varies among foreigners and that FOC is predicted by perceived security and gender. Psychological and social relief efforts to meet specific socio-cultural and demographic differences in the country may contribute to a reduction in FOC in Nigeria.Item Perceived HIV stigmatization, HIV/AIDS cognition and personality as correlates of HIV self-disclosure among people living with HIV in Ibadan, Nigeria(lfe Center for Psychological Studies & Services, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 2011) Adejumo, A. O.The relationship between perceived HIV stigmatization, HIV/AIDS cognition, personality and HIV self-disclosure (HSD) was investigated. The influence of age and gender on these was also examined PLWHA (N421) in Ibadan, Nigeria participated in the cross-sectional study. A positive relationship of extraversion (r=-. 738, df=421, P<.05), HIV cognition (r=-.621, df=421, P<.05), neuroticism (r=-.212, df=421, P<.05) and agreeableness personality traits (r=-.155,df= 421, P<,05) with HSD was observed. A 2x2x2x2 factorial analysis showed that old females, with low perceived stigmatisation, but with good HIV cognition (n=23, Ẋ =18.2, SD=3.8) were most likely to disclose their status. Perceived stigmatisation, HIV cognition, and personality jointly predicted HSD (R2=.52; F (3,418) =.7.66 P <.05). Negative HIV cognition, perceived stigmatization, openness and conscientious personality traits are major barriers to HSD. Non disclosure remains an enormous barrier to the fight against HIV and AIDS. Policies and actions should therefore focus on these issues in HIV prevention, care and support.
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