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    Spermiogram and testicular morphological studies of the buck after treatment with ethanol leaf extract of spondias mombin
    (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria, 2017-04) Oloye, A. A.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Ajayi, O. L.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Olurode, S. A.; Emikpe, B. O.
    Twelve sexually matured West African Dwarf bucks from were used for the experiment. Plant extraction was by cold extraction method using hexane and ethanol as solvents. All the goats had bilaterally well descended free testicles. They were kept in standard goat pen, were served water ad libitum, centrosema plant and ration. They were stabilised for two weeks after which pre-treatment spermiogram was done followed by 14 days of oral administration of 800mg/kg ethanol leaf extract of Spondias mombin. Spermiogram was repeated after treatment. Two randomly selected goats were then castrated through a midline pre-scrotal incision for morphological study and histology of the testes and epididymides. Total spermatozoa morphological abnormalities in pre-treatment of 17.1% was significantly (p≤0.05) higher than the 10% recorded for post-treatment. Curved mid-piece (1.8%) and bent tail (1.8%) constituted the highest abnormalities post-treatment while curved tail (3.5%) was highest pre-treatment. Mean values of progressive motility and percentage liveability were significantly higher (p≤0.05) in post- treatment (96.17±3.10% and 98.25±1.36% respectively) compared to pre-treatment (80.83±11.84% and 78.75±9.56% respectively). Post-treatment sperm concentration (2.50±0.32 x109 cells/ml) compared with pre-treatment (2.32±0.36 x109 cells/ml) was not significantly different. Post-treatment gross and histological features of the bucks’ testes and epididymis were normal. The work revealed that Spondias mombin at 800mg/kgBW improved semen quality in bucks indicating its usefulness as a potential profertility agent.
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    Hormonal variation in gravid does after oral treatment with crude ethanol extract of spondias mombin
    (2013) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Olurode, S. A.; Ajayi, A. R.
    Twelve mixed breed gravid rabbits weighing between 4.5-6.0kg body weights were randomly selected to study the effect of oral treatment with leaf ethanol crude extract of Spondias mombin on sex steroid hormones. Six were administered 800mg/kg of the extract while six were administered distilled water once every day for 7 days at day 14 of gestation. Blood samples were collected before commencement of treatment and 7 days post treatment in both groups. This was repeated 24 hours after parturition in the control group only. Sera from blood samples were analyzed for sex hormones concentration using ELISA. Results revealed that mean progesterone concentration significantly increased in the treatment group from pre-treatment value of 5.4±0.30ng/ml to post treatment value of 9.5±0.30ng/ml compared to significant decrease from 5.1±0.20ng/ml to 2.5±0.50ng/ml in the control group (P<0.05). All other hormones had no significant changes in both groups comparing pre and post treatment except FSH which significantly reduced from 3.1±0.08mIU/ml to 2.2±0.10mIU/ml in control group. Abortion was observed in the treatment group on days 22 and 23 of gestation, between 24 and 48 hours post treatment while all the rabbits in control group kindled a mean value of 5.7±0.68 kits at a mean gestation period of 30.3±0.33days. The study concluded that crude ethanol extract of Spondias mombin has abortifacient tendency by manipulation of steroids important in gestation.
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    Testicular morphometry and histology of male wistar rats and gestational pattern of female wistar rats treated with graded dosages of the leaves aqueous extract of spondias mombin
    (2012) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Olurode, S. A.; Inamah, O. A.
    The effects of aqueous extract of Spondias mombin leaves on testicular characteristics and neonatal birth weights after oral treatment of male and female wistar rats with graded dosages were studied. Twenty-five female and male sexually matured wistar rats divided into four treatment groups B, C, D and E and control group(A) were used. Five untreated matured male were also used for mating. The treatment groups were given 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg, 600mg/kg and 800mg/kg respectively while distill water was served to the control group for 28 days. After, testicles were harvested and studied grossly and for histology while the females were served by sexually matured untreated male rats introduced at the last half of the oral treatment. The gross and histology studies showed normal conformation of all the testicles. There was no abnormality noticed in all. Weekly vaginal cytology done during treatment revealed that all the female rats cycled normally. Births were recorded in all groups within the average gestation range of 24-28 days. While group A (control group) had the highest average litter size of 13 followed by groups D and E with 9, group C and E had the highest average birth weights of approximately 5g. It is concluded that there was no antifertility consequence of aqueous spondias mombin on the male wistar rat but insipient infertility was noticed with lower dosages for the female but none with dosage as high as 800mg/kg.