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Item Analysis of Edible Snail (Archachatina margtnata) Marketing in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria(International journal of applied research and technology, 2012) Adenegan, K.O.; Bolaji-Olutunji, K.A.The study examined the marketing efficiency, profitability and the factors contributing to the profitability of snail marketing in Oyo State Nigeria. Forty copies of questionnaires were administered in five major markets in Ibadan (Aleshinloye, Oje, Orita-merin, Bodija and Apata markets). Simple descriptive analyses such as percentage and frequency table were used to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents while multiple regression analysis was used to examine the determinants of profitability of snail marketing. It was discovered from the empirical result that 90% of the sellers were female while 10% were male. One hundred percent (100%) of the sellers were 20years of age and above, and have 10 or more years of experience, 37% had no formal education while 40% had primary education and 23% had secondary education. The average profit N24, 250 forms the Budgetary Analysis (Av.selling price -Av.cost price) while the marketing efficiency for different markets are 1.98, 1.54, 1.19, 1.25 and 1.60 for Aleshinloye, Oje, Oritamerin, Bodija and Apata respectively. Four regression functions (Linear Function, Semi log, double log and Exponential Function) were run to analyze the determinants of snail marketing profitability. The exponential function provided the best of fit equation because it has more significant variables, highest coefficient of multiple regression, R\0.66) and lowest DurbinWatson, DW (l.473).The marketing of Snail can be said to be profitable, efficient and sustainable. It can reduce poverty. Therefore, further research should be carried out to domesticate and rear more edible snails in Oyo State and Nigeria as a whole to get more supply of protein and calcium in our diets.Item The consumption pattern of goat meat in Ilorin metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria(International journal of sustainable development, 2011) Nwauwa, L.O.E.; Akintunde, O.K.; Adenegan, K.O.Goat is a multi-purpose animal whose uses range from consumption, companionship to commercial meat production. Its production and consequent consumption is widely accepted in Nigeria among the different ethno-religious sects unlike pig, dog and donkey. The paper examined the factors that affect consumption pattern of both kid and mature goat meat in Ilorin metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected from 150 consumers of goat meat through the use of structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model. The study results showed that 10% of the respondents in the study area consumed both kid and mature goat meat, while the remaining 20% and 70% consumed the kid goat only and mature goat meat only categories, respectively. Tenderness and unpalatable nature of the kid goat meat were found to reduce its demand. The results obtained also showed that the number of the dependants of consumers significantly influenced consumers' preference for the goat meat consumed. The likelihood ratio for the model, lambda (A) is 16.9 which is significant at 5% level. This implies that the goat meat consumer groups are heterogeneous. The multinomial logistic estimate for the combined goat meat consumer groups revealed that income and number of dependants of respondents were significant and therefore explained why individuals prefer to consume either the combination of kid and mature goat meat or the mature goat meat instead of the kid goat. The educational status of respondents and price of other meat products were not significant and therefore did not significantly influence individual's preference for a combination of kid and mature goat meat or only mature goat meat, instead of consuming the kid type of meat only. The study therefore recommends that efforts should be "lade to create awareness of the dangers of consuming meat with high cholesterol content which has been linked to cause many diseases coupled with training of butchers and goat meat processors on modern methods of processing cholesterol-free meat for healthy consumption.Item Determinants(International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2012) Adenegan, K.O.; Adepoju, A,; Nwauwa, L.E.O."Regression model was used to analyse the volume of maize offered to the market for sale. The result of the Tobit model correctly predicted 67% of the observation with a significant chi square of 52.93 and it shows the overall significance of the model. All variables had positive coefficients significantly differ from zero except years of education, transaction cost, marital status and household size. This means that a unit increase in the quantity of these variables will increase the proportion of maize offered for sale by the respondents. The, result of the regression model also showed that R -Square and adjusted R-Square are respectively 5 % and 90% with a significant overall fit. Volume of maize sold by individual respondents was used as the dependent variable. Total maize produced (pItem "Determinants of access to microcredit in Ijebu - ode local government area of Ogun state, nigeria "(Journal of rural economics and development, 2006) Adenegan, K.O.; Yusuf, S.A.; Ibraheem, F.O.Microcredit is an important input for enhanced productivity, employment and income generation among small and medium scale enterprises. Using stratified random sampling procedure; data were collected from 140 respondents in ljebu-Ode Local Government Area of Ogun state on the determinants of access to microcredit. The data were analysed with the aid of logistic regression analysis. The study reveals that being a male, having higher level of education, owning assets as well as generating income enhanced the log-likelihood of accessing credit. Thus, suggesting that these variables are key in improving access to microcredit in the area.Item "Determinants of child labour Participation among cassava processing Households in Ogun state, nigeria "(Journal of Economics and Rural Development, 2006) Adenegan, K.O.; Adewusi, O.AThe study examined the determinants of child labour participation among cassava processing rural households in Ogun state, Nigeria. Data were obtained using a three-state sampling procedure. The study used Logit model to analyse determinants of child labour among cassava processing households. The variables age of household head, household size, gross income from cassava processing, primary occupation of household head and poverty status of the household were found to significantly explain child labour participation among the cassava processing households. It is recommended that a policy designed to ameliorate the poverty of these rural poor must among other things recognize provision of sound education at affordable fees, encourage birth control measures would check child labour participation among cassava processing households in the study area.Item Determinants of food security status of rural households living with HIV/AIDS in Southwestern Nigeria(African Journal of Biomedical Research, 2007) Adenegan, K.O.; Adewusi, O.A.The study assessed the determinants of food security status of households living with HIV /AIDS in Southwestern Nigeria. Eighty-five people living with HIV/AIDS were interviewed for the study, Descriptive statistics, cost of calorie measure and the Logit model were used in analyzing the data collected. The result shows that there is high prevalence of food insecurity among the households living with HIV /AIDS. The result of the Logit model also shows that gender, education, monthly food intake (Kcal), total monthly income, drug share and food share significantly influence the food security status of the households living with HIV/AIDS. To improve the food security status of households living with HIV/AIDS, it is recommended that economic policy should be directed towards the reduction of the food prices, thus reducing the food share of the household monthly expenditureItem Determinants of Profit Efficiency of Small-Scale Dry Season Fluted Pumpkin Farmers Under Tropical Conditions: A Profit Function Approach(International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2013) Nwauwa, L.O.E.; Rahji, M.A.Y.; Adenegan, K.O.Item Determinants of rice farmer's access to credit in niger state, nigeria(Journal of rural economics and development., 2011) Odu, O.O.; Okoruwa, V.O.; Adenegan, K.O.; Olajide, A.O."The performance of the agricultural sector has been relatively poor considering the attitude of existing financial institutions to the support of the sector. Informal credit supply is limited while formal credit supply is often inaccessible to smallholder farmers. Therefore, borrower's characteristics that determine access to formal and informal sources of credit were examined. Data collected by the Africa Rice Centre from Niger State in 2009 were used. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to obtain a sample of 373 out of 470 rice farmers from whom information was collected. Descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model were then used to analyse the data. Results revealed that agricultural credit programmes and village residents in the formal and informal credit sectors respectively were the accessible sources of credit. The results also revealed that access to formal credit was significantly increased by experience in rice farming, expenses on fertilizer input and rice income while access to informal credit was significantly increased by gender, duration of village residency, experience in rice farming and expenses on fertilizer input. It is recommended that a suitable credit support programme for access to formal credit should be introduced. "Item Educational Status of Mothers: Implication for Preschoolers' Nutritional Intake in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria(African journal of educational research, 2012) Adenegan, K.O."The study was carried out to assess the impact of the educational status of mothers on preschooler's nutritional intake. The children in Ibadan Metropolis were used as a case study. Simple statistical anaiysis was employed to explain the socio economic characteristics of the mothers. The daily dietary intake of the children was recorded and weighed against the recommended dietary allowance given by the FAO/WHO. The results showed that as the calorie intake increases, the protein also increases, sharing a positive relationship. Results also revealed that mothers with no formal education had children with the highest level of intake in both calorie and protein. The mothers with secondary school education were found to give the least to their children which will indeed be associated with the nature of their jobs. Male children were shown to consume more than the female children. On the average, 72.08% of the recommended for calorie was met and 96. 8% for the protein was met. Regression results showed that protein intake and class of the child is positively related to the level of calorie intake. The age of the child and educational status of the mother was shown to be negatively related to the level of caloric intake. It was therefore recommended that programmes on the nutritional needs of a child by the Government while mothers be encouraged to have vegetable gardens behind their houses, making it cheaper and more easily accessible. This will certainly improve the daily intakes and the nutritional status of children "Item Elasticities of resource- use in fish production: A case study of Oyo agricultural zone, Oyo State(African journal of livestock extension, 2009) Oguntolu, O. Z.; Adenegan, K.O.This paper examined the elasticities of resource use in fish production in Oyo agricultural zone, Oyo state. The data used is from a primary source. The instruments of data collection were structured questionnaire and in-depth interview. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed to sample 120 fish farmers. However, only 100 respondents were valid and used in the final stage of this work. Descriptive, Gross Margin Analysis (GM) and inferential statistics (production function) were employed in the analysis of the data. The results of the analysis shows that labour, number of fingerlings, feed, fertilizer and years of experience contribute to increase in fish output, while age of the pond, area of the pond, lime and production period decrease the fish output in the study area. However, the total sum of elasticities of production of the variables was greater than unity that is 1.97Item Gender Impacts of Small-Scale Farm Households on Agricultural Commercialisation in Oyo State, Nigeria(British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 2013) Adenegan, K.O.; Adams, O.; Nwauwa, L.O.E.Item Government expenditure on Nigerian primary school education: benefit incidence approach(African Joumal of Educational Planning and Policy Studies, 2002) Adenegan, K.O.; Yusuf, S.A.; Sodipo, M.A.Human resources development is a key factor in economic development. Primary education represents the springboard for human resource development. Given the avoided pledge of government on public primary education, this study examined the benefit incidence of government expenditure on primary school education in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire administered on one hundred using systematic random sampling procedure. These data were analyzed using headcount (poverty) index and benefit incidence analysis. The result, of the study showed that on the basis of two-thirds of the mean per capita household expenditure ofN3307.00, about 24 percent of the respondents were core poor, 23 percent were moderately poor while the remaining 43 percent were non-poor. The enrolment share in public schools of these poverty groups was 26.9 percent for core poor, 32.9 percent for moderately poor and 40.2 percent for non-poor. Further, the results showed that average household spending on each child (N3, 428) was more than government unit subsidy at N1632. 78. The costs incurred by households were on transportation, feeding, purchase of books and stationeries, uniforms as well as non-tuition fees. It was revealed that households within the study area utilised public schools (94.0 percent) than private schools (6.0 percent). In conclusion, "on-poor households benefited more (40 percent) from government subsidy than the core poor households (27 percent).Item Impact of agricultural export on food security in Nigeria(Journal of food, agriculture & denvironment, 2004) Adenegan, K.O.; Oladele, O.I.; Ekpo, M. N.This paper examined the impact of agricultural export on Nigeria's food security and also the structural factors influencing the food deficit profile of Nigeria. The data used in this study were obtained from secondary sources. The bulk of the data were collected from available information over the 1970 - 1999 period from various publications, trade figures from the financial and economic reviews, statistical bulletin of the Federal Office of Statistics (FOS) various issues, annual reports and statement of account and monthly report by the Central Bank of Nigeria. (CBN). The methods of data analysis used are: Descriptive Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Growth Rate Analysis. The result of this study brings into focus the need to increase the total domestic production of food to achieve food security in Nigeria. The household purchasing power will improve if food accessibility and availability is improved. This will reduce drastically the percentage of income spent on food. The overall findings particularly the trend on import and export earnings and the instability of staple food prices suggest that transitory food insecurity is a potential problem in Nigeria.Item Impact of policy changes on technical efficiency on farmaers: empirical evidence from Nigerian small scale food crop farmers(Journal of rural economics and development, 2008) Ajibefun, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O.The study quantitatively determine the impact of policy changes on technical efficiency of small scale food crop farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, using the stochastic frontier methodology. Given the specifications of the Cobb-Douglas stochastic models, the result shows that the elasticity of mean value of farm output is an increasing function of land, labour and implementation. The mean value of output is also estimated to be an increasing function of agrochemicals and seeds. The results indicated that an increasing returns-to scale exists among the farmers. The analysis shows a wide variation in the estimated technical efficiencies ranging between 0.22 and 0.89. The result of stimulation on policy variation shows thatthe level of technical efficiency would significantly increase with rising level of education, farming experience and amount of credit used and decline with the age of the farmers.Item Impact of policy changes on technical efficiency on farmaers: empirical evidence from Nigerian small scale food crop farmers(Journal of rural economics and development, 2008) Ajibefun, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O.The study quantitatively determine the impact of policy changes on technical efficiency of small scale food crop farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, using the stochastic frontier methodology. Given the specifications of the Cobb-Douglas stochastic models, the result shows that the elasticity of mean value of farm output is an increasing function of land, labour and implementation. The mean value of output is also estimated to be an increasing function of agrochemicals and seeds. The results indicated that an increasing returns-to scale exists among the farmers. The analysis shows a wide variation in the estimated technical efficiencies ranging between 0.22 and 0.89. The result of stimulation on policy variation shows thatthe level of technical efficiency would significantly increase with rising level of education, farming experience and amount of credit used and decline with the age of the farmers.Item Implications of Small Ruminant Farmers' Socio-Economic Characteristics for Extension Services in South Western Nigeria(Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria, 1998) Oladele, O.I.; Adenegan, K.O."Farmers' perception of innovation are deeply rooted in the socio-economic structure of existing social systems. Adoption studies have shown that the farmer would not adopt a new practice unless it is compatible with their socio- economic characteristics. This paper highlights some implications for extension services to livestock farmers taking into cognisance the socio-economic characteristics. Two hundred and eighty farmers were selected from the seven states of South Western Nigeria using the large sample size technique (n≥30). Data were collected on the socio-economic characteristics of fanners and their production activities on small ruminant animals. The data collected was subjected to frequency counts and percentages."Item Market potentials for selected organic leafy vegetables(International journal of vegetable science, 2015) Adenegan, K.O.; Fatai, R. A."Increased consumer awareness has raised concerns over food safety and production methods. In Nigeria, consumption of organic produce is low. This study assessed consumer willingness to pay for selected organic leafy vegetables. Data from 129 respondents were obtained using a simple random sampling technique. Conjoint analysis and contingent valuation were used to analyze willingness to pay and determinants of willingness to pay. Contingent valuation indicated that 84.5%, 76%, and 62.8% of the respondents were willing to pay extra for Amaranthus cruentus L., Celosia argentia L., and Cochorus olitorius L., respectively. Average willingness to pay a price premium was 46%, 42.4%, and 35.8% for A. cruentus, C. argentia, and C. olitorius, respectively. Conjoint analysis indicated that quality was the most valued attribute of leafy vegetables with relative importance of 42.2%. Income, health status, and work experience were key determinants of willingness to pay; all increasing the likelihood of willingness to pay. Income was significant with marginal effects of 0.005 and 0.006 for A. cruentus and C. olitorius, respectively. Health status was significant with marginal effects of 0.366 and 0.225 for A. cruentus and C. olitorius, respectively. Work experience was significant for all species. There is strong market potential for organic leafy vegetables, especially if quality is high and prices are reasonable. "Item "Performance of sweetpotato marketing system in Umuahia market, Abia State, Nigeria. "(Continental J. Agricultural Economics, 2011) Akinpelu, A. O.; Adenegan, K.O.The study was carried out to evaluate the profitability of sweetpotato in the market among other objectives. One hundred wholesalers and one hundred retailers respectively were randomly selected in the market. Economic indices used to evaluate the marketing system included the marketing margin, marketing efficiency, return on investment, benefit cost ratio and the Gini coefficient. The results of the marketing margin were N6, 300.00 and N4,01O.00 respectively for wholesalers and retailers. Benefit cost ratio showed that an investor would gain N1.15 and Nl.08 respectively for every Nl.00 spent in marketing sweetpotato. The Gini coefficient showed inequality in income distribution thus signifying an imperfect competitive market. Government policies should be directed towards reducing transportation costs, rent charged by the Local Government Authority and provision of micro credit for the traders to expand their purchases.Item Plantain Value Chain Mapping in Southwestern Nigeria(Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2013) Adeoye, I.B.; Oni, O.A.; Yusuf, S.A.; Adenegan, K.O.Item Poverty alleviation strategies among non-teaching staff of university of inadan(Maiden conference proceeding, 2000) Adenegan, K.O.; Oladele, O.I.The major objective of this study was to investigate the coping mechanism of the non-academic staff, University of Ibadan. Information was obtained from the field of by means of well-structured questionnaires from 103 respondent. Majority of the respondents was found to be within the age of 40 and 49. In term of educational level, it was discovered that many of the respondents has formal education about 97 percent. The average household size was 6 person. To be able to cope with poverty, it was discovered that the poor households adopt certain strategies such as engaging in farming, in order business activities to generate additional income, in animal husbandry, buy food on credit at their place of work, buy secondhand cloths or stopped buying entirely and given old cloths to children, finally reduce food consumption among members by eating once or twice in a day. The most adopted strategy is their involvement in multiple income generating activities