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Item LAND INHERITANCE AND ITS RELATION TO AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN ONDO DIVISION, WESTERN STATE, NIGERIA(1972-07) ADEGEYE, A. J.The study was aimed at finding the relationship between land inheritance and agricultural development in Ondo division of Western State of Nigeria. Chapter one was devoted to the review of the economy of Western State, the requisites for agricultural development and the relationship between land inheritance and the requisites for agricultural development. The nature of our problem was considered in relation to the present mode of production, the rising population and the probable land shortage. Chapter two was devoted to the methodology and the setting of the thesis. Among others, it considered reasons for choosing Ondo division for a case study, the sources of data and their limitations. Chapter three considered land inheritance in theory and in practice. It reviewed the various meanings and interpretations of inheritance. Finally, we considered case studies of some selected countries. Chapter four was devoted to the analysis of the situation in Ondo division. It was divided into three sections. The first part discussed the inheritance pattern in Ondo division, the second part discussed agriculture and the third part related inheritance to agricultural development. Chapter five was devoted to the policy implication of the study. Our recommendations in this chapter include: (l) The imposition of death duties proportional to number of plots (2) Empowering local authorities to control the farms of those who die without wills. (3) That state farms organised as joint-stock companies should he introduced, where the government and farmers would he shareholder (4) That multi-cooperatives should he encouraged. (5) That individual ownership should he encouraged. Chapter six was devoted to the summary of the thesis. Major findings summarised in the chapter include (1) That land inheritance merely accentuates the process of fragmentation of holdings. Main causes were found to be the techniques of cultivation and safety in face of dangerous animals. (2) That the presence of the part-time farmers in farming, instead of being to the detriment of agriculture, is a blessing, since they bring innovation and capital to agriculture. However, in some cases, it leads to the growth of absentee landlordism. (3) That injection of capital and its efficient use in agriculture is impeded by aversion to borrowing, unwillingness to use inherited lands as collateral and the small sizes of farms. (4) That strangers though permitted in some cases to own farms, cannot decide to transfer their lands as they wish, (5) That consolidation of holdings may not be the answer to the fragmentation of holdings in this area, since in our situation, the farms to be consolidated involve cash-crops of varying ages.Item RETURNS TO INVESTMENTS IN COCOA RESEARCH IN NIGERIA(1978-09) ABIDOGUN, A.The low level of agricultural productivity in many countries of the Third world constitutes a drag on economic development. In any effort to break the deadlock technological change is sine qua non. “Aid” and “technical assistance” have proved generally disappointing as means of stimulating change increasingly, developing countries have become painfully aware that development has to be internally generated In this whole process scientific and technological research is of crucial significance. The organisation of agricultural research in Nigeria is examined and its impact on agricultural productivity evaluated. It is concluded that the performance of agricultural research has been generally poor. However there seems to be some notable exception. The phenomenal increase in cocoa output over the years has often been linked, among other factors, with the introduction of improved varieties and control of pests and diseases. There is thus some indication that cocoa research may have been productive in the past. But how significant has been the contribution of research to cocoa output? Can the value of such contribution vis-a-vis its costs stand the test of social profitability? This study attempts to estimate empirically the returns to investments in cocoa research in Nigeria. For this purpose two models are developed. The first is the index-number model in which the productivity index of improved cocoa varieties is used to measure the downward shifts in the long-run cocoa supply function as a way of estimating the annual values of resource "savings” resulting from increased productivity. The annual 'values of resource savings (representing the social returns) are then weighed against the costs in terms of annual research (including extension) expenditures. The estimated internal rate of return from the resulting cash flow is found to be very high. The second model is a production function incorporating research (including extension) expenditure as an explanatory variable. The result of regression analysis on time series data indicates a high level of significance for the research variable. Converting the research coefficient into an internal rate of return the result obtained corroborated that of the index-number approach. A major implication of the findings is that there has been gross under-investments in cocoa research in the past. It thus deserves a greater share of resources on grounds of allocative efficiency. Furthermore, given the high pay-offs from investments in cocoa research, it could serve as a model in terms of organizational structure, system of financing, staff recruitment and training policy, etc., thus providing valuable insights into more effective means of mobilising scarce resources for greater productivity in the lagging sectors of agricultural research.Item Implications of Small Ruminant Farmers' Socio-Economic Characteristics for Extension Services in South Western Nigeria(Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria, 1998) Oladele, O.I.; Adenegan, K.O."Farmers' perception of innovation are deeply rooted in the socio-economic structure of existing social systems. Adoption studies have shown that the farmer would not adopt a new practice unless it is compatible with their socio- economic characteristics. This paper highlights some implications for extension services to livestock farmers taking into cognisance the socio-economic characteristics. Two hundred and eighty farmers were selected from the seven states of South Western Nigeria using the large sample size technique (n≥30). Data were collected on the socio-economic characteristics of fanners and their production activities on small ruminant animals. The data collected was subjected to frequency counts and percentages."Item Community Participation in Rural Development: A Case for Environmental Assessment.(International journal of environment and development, 2000) Fawehinmi, A.S.; Akinterinwa, K.O.In the face of the popularity of sustainable development, rural development must have an environmentally - friendly posture-thus the need for environmental assessment of proposed projects. This paper makes a case for community participation in environmental assessment addressing the obvious advantages therein. It asserts that the low level of community participation in environmental assessment may have a negative effect on the effectiveness of the performance of the project. It finally makes a call for proper legislation that will give the community a greater and higher level of participation in environmental assessment.Item "VEGETABLE MARKETING: A STRATEGY FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATION AMONG URBAN WOMEN "(Conference of the agricultural extension society of Nigeria, 2000) Adeoti, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O."The issue of poverty in urban and rural settings in Nigeria is of great concern to development planners. Of greater concern to the researchers, development agencies are the various methods by which poverty can be alleviated among its various victims. This is due to the fact that the alleviation methods could serve as clues to the elimination of poverty. This paper examines vegetable marketing as a strategy for poverty alleviation among urban women in Ibadan. The results show that women are more into vegetable retail markets while men engage in wholesale markets. The gross margin per unit of the vegetable types, are higher in retail markets than in wholesale markets. With the continuous demand for vegetable due to its high perishability. The marketing of vegetable provides a continuous source of income for the women involved in retail marketing. This will help in alleviating their poverty and improving the standard of living. "Item Locating women indigenous knowledge within the policy framework.(Gasatafrica conference proceedings, 2000) Adenegan, K. O.; Fapojuwo, O.E.Rapid changes in the way of life of local communities and the consequent loss of indigenous knowledge, coupled with the increasing awareness that indigenous knowledge can play an important role in enhancing development, have led development workers in both governmental and non-governmental organizations to collect indigenous knowledge. Rural development policies and practices are now focusing on how indigenous knowledge could be incorporated on the policy framework of development.Item Poverty alleviation strategies among non-teaching staff of university of inadan(Maiden conference proceeding, 2000) Adenegan, K.O.; Oladele, O.I.The major objective of this study was to investigate the coping mechanism of the non-academic staff, University of Ibadan. Information was obtained from the field of by means of well-structured questionnaires from 103 respondent. Majority of the respondents was found to be within the age of 40 and 49. In term of educational level, it was discovered that many of the respondents has formal education about 97 percent. The average household size was 6 person. To be able to cope with poverty, it was discovered that the poor households adopt certain strategies such as engaging in farming, in order business activities to generate additional income, in animal husbandry, buy food on credit at their place of work, buy secondhand cloths or stopped buying entirely and given old cloths to children, finally reduce food consumption among members by eating once or twice in a day. The most adopted strategy is their involvement in multiple income generating activitiesItem Women and the urban labour market in nigeria(Nigerian journal of gender and development, 2000) Akinterinwa, K.O.||; Fawehinmi, A.S.Nigeria is a rapidly urbanizing Country with tremendous potentials for a more sophisticated urban labour market. This paper examines issues that limit women's access to formal jobs in urban sector, identifying issues like domestic responsibilities, education and gender roles amongst others as casual factors to the existing situation. I conclude by advocating for an easier access for women into formal urban labour market.Item "Contribution of livestock production to household income in ibadan metropolis of Oyo State in Nigeria "(Conference of the animal science association of Nigeria, 2001) Adenegan, K. O.; Fapojuwo, O.E.Item Resource use efficiency of cochorus, celosia and amaranthus among farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria(Science publishers, 2002) Adenegan, K.O.; Oladele, O.I.Item Women in agriculture and poverty reduction(Elshaddai, 2002) Ajani, O.I.Y.; Adeoti, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O.Item Government expenditure on Nigerian primary school education: benefit incidence approach(African Joumal of Educational Planning and Policy Studies, 2002) Adenegan, K.O.; Yusuf, S.A.; Sodipo, M.A.Human resources development is a key factor in economic development. Primary education represents the springboard for human resource development. Given the avoided pledge of government on public primary education, this study examined the benefit incidence of government expenditure on primary school education in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire administered on one hundred using systematic random sampling procedure. These data were analyzed using headcount (poverty) index and benefit incidence analysis. The result, of the study showed that on the basis of two-thirds of the mean per capita household expenditure ofN3307.00, about 24 percent of the respondents were core poor, 23 percent were moderately poor while the remaining 43 percent were non-poor. The enrolment share in public schools of these poverty groups was 26.9 percent for core poor, 32.9 percent for moderately poor and 40.2 percent for non-poor. Further, the results showed that average household spending on each child (N3, 428) was more than government unit subsidy at N1632. 78. The costs incurred by households were on transportation, feeding, purchase of books and stationeries, uniforms as well as non-tuition fees. It was revealed that households within the study area utilised public schools (94.0 percent) than private schools (6.0 percent). In conclusion, "on-poor households benefited more (40 percent) from government subsidy than the core poor households (27 percent).Item Impact of agricultural export on food security in Nigeria(Journal of food, agriculture & denvironment, 2004) Adenegan, K.O.; Oladele, O.I.; Ekpo, M. N.This paper examined the impact of agricultural export on Nigeria's food security and also the structural factors influencing the food deficit profile of Nigeria. The data used in this study were obtained from secondary sources. The bulk of the data were collected from available information over the 1970 - 1999 period from various publications, trade figures from the financial and economic reviews, statistical bulletin of the Federal Office of Statistics (FOS) various issues, annual reports and statement of account and monthly report by the Central Bank of Nigeria. (CBN). The methods of data analysis used are: Descriptive Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Growth Rate Analysis. The result of this study brings into focus the need to increase the total domestic production of food to achieve food security in Nigeria. The household purchasing power will improve if food accessibility and availability is improved. This will reduce drastically the percentage of income spent on food. The overall findings particularly the trend on import and export earnings and the instability of staple food prices suggest that transitory food insecurity is a potential problem in Nigeria.Item Economics of "poultry egg" marketing in ibadan metropolis(Animal Science Association of Nigeria, 2005) Adenegan, K. O.; Olayide, O.E.Item Report of sensitisation of marginalised and vulnerable groups under the national fadama development project-II in Ogun State(Ogun State Fadma Development Office(OG5FDO)., 2005) Yusuf, S.A.; Adeoti, A. Y. A.; Adenegan, K.O.Item "Determinants of access to microcredit in Ijebu - ode local government area of Ogun state, nigeria "(Journal of rural economics and development, 2006) Adenegan, K.O.; Yusuf, S.A.; Ibraheem, F.O.Microcredit is an important input for enhanced productivity, employment and income generation among small and medium scale enterprises. Using stratified random sampling procedure; data were collected from 140 respondents in ljebu-Ode Local Government Area of Ogun state on the determinants of access to microcredit. The data were analysed with the aid of logistic regression analysis. The study reveals that being a male, having higher level of education, owning assets as well as generating income enhanced the log-likelihood of accessing credit. Thus, suggesting that these variables are key in improving access to microcredit in the area.Item "Determinants of child labour Participation among cassava processing Households in Ogun state, nigeria "(Journal of Economics and Rural Development, 2006) Adenegan, K.O.; Adewusi, O.AThe study examined the determinants of child labour participation among cassava processing rural households in Ogun state, Nigeria. Data were obtained using a three-state sampling procedure. The study used Logit model to analyse determinants of child labour among cassava processing households. The variables age of household head, household size, gross income from cassava processing, primary occupation of household head and poverty status of the household were found to significantly explain child labour participation among the cassava processing households. It is recommended that a policy designed to ameliorate the poverty of these rural poor must among other things recognize provision of sound education at affordable fees, encourage birth control measures would check child labour participation among cassava processing households in the study area.Item Seasonality in cowpea prices: effect of technology in Ekiti State, Nigeria(Journal of researches in agricultural sciences, 2007) Adenegan, K.O.; |Awoyemi, T.T.; Edom, C.O.The study, Seasonality in Cowpea Prices: Effect of Technology in Ekiti State, was done to actually know the impact of technology in stabilizing the prices of cowpea in off- season and on-season from the first quarter of 1992 to the fourth quarter of 2002. It was found out that the people of Ekiti State consumed or demanded for higher quantities of cowpea during the second and fourth quarters of each year examined for the study. These two quarters were seen to be the harvesting and sales periods of the red or brown beans, and this also coincided with quarters of lower prices of the cowpea. The vector error correction result showed that among all the variables used, only the cost of applying' technology (i.e. cost of the use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, storage devices and transportation) was significant, and should have impacted a great influence in stabilizing the seasonal prices of cowpea but this was not the case as rightly shown by coefficient of the error correction, 0.3 85456, which is positive (wrongly signed) and fairly low. It follows that from the findings that only a few farmers and wholesalers of cowpea applied technologies to improve the shelf lives of their products, and therefore cannot influence the market price of cowpea. The state and local Governments of Ekiti State should put in place policies and structures like good road networks within the state, affordability and availability of agricultural pesticides and herbicides, improvement on the available agricultural storage facilities, building of more modern storage facilities, and buying of excess agricultural produces in the on-season to release them in the open market during the off-season in other to stabilize prices at all seasons, as well as, to reduce the loses to the farmers and marketers.Item Determinants of food security status of rural households living with HIV/AIDS in Southwestern Nigeria(African Journal of Biomedical Research, 2007) Adenegan, K.O.; Adewusi, O.A.The study assessed the determinants of food security status of households living with HIV /AIDS in Southwestern Nigeria. Eighty-five people living with HIV/AIDS were interviewed for the study, Descriptive statistics, cost of calorie measure and the Logit model were used in analyzing the data collected. The result shows that there is high prevalence of food insecurity among the households living with HIV /AIDS. The result of the Logit model also shows that gender, education, monthly food intake (Kcal), total monthly income, drug share and food share significantly influence the food security status of the households living with HIV/AIDS. To improve the food security status of households living with HIV/AIDS, it is recommended that economic policy should be directed towards the reduction of the food prices, thus reducing the food share of the household monthly expenditureItem Impact of policy changes on technical efficiency on farmaers: empirical evidence from Nigerian small scale food crop farmers(Journal of rural economics and development, 2008) Ajibefun, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O.The study quantitatively determine the impact of policy changes on technical efficiency of small scale food crop farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, using the stochastic frontier methodology. Given the specifications of the Cobb-Douglas stochastic models, the result shows that the elasticity of mean value of farm output is an increasing function of land, labour and implementation. The mean value of output is also estimated to be an increasing function of agrochemicals and seeds. The results indicated that an increasing returns-to scale exists among the farmers. The analysis shows a wide variation in the estimated technical efficiencies ranging between 0.22 and 0.89. The result of stimulation on policy variation shows thatthe level of technical efficiency would significantly increase with rising level of education, farming experience and amount of credit used and decline with the age of the farmers.