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    Impact of policy changes on technical efficiency on farmaers: empirical evidence from Nigerian small scale food crop farmers
    (Journal of rural economics and development, 2008) Ajibefun, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O.
    The study quantitatively determine the impact of policy changes on technical efficiency of small scale food crop farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, using the stochastic frontier methodology. Given the specifications of the Cobb-Douglas stochastic models, the result shows that the elasticity of mean value of farm output is an increasing function of land, labour and implementation. The mean value of output is also estimated to be an increasing function of agrochemicals and seeds. The results indicated that an increasing returns-to scale exists among the farmers. The analysis shows a wide variation in the estimated technical efficiencies ranging between 0.22 and 0.89. The result of stimulation on policy variation shows thatthe level of technical efficiency would significantly increase with rising level of education, farming experience and amount of credit used and decline with the age of the farmers.
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    Report of sensitisation of marginalised and vulnerable groups under the national fadama development project-II in Ogun State
    (Ogun State Fadma Development Office(OG5FDO)., 2005) Yusuf, S.A.; Adeoti, A. Y. A.; Adenegan, K.O.
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    Smallholder cassava commercialisation: implication for household income among farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Applied tropical agriculture, 2015) Adenegan, K.O.
    "Crop commercialization by smallholder farmers in Nigeria is virtually non-existent due to a range of constraints, thereby affecting the income status of the farmers. This study investigated the effect of agricultural crop commercialization on household income in Oyo state, Nigeria. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires administered to 203 cassava farmersusing a multistage sampling technique. Data collected included demographic characteristics of respondents, cassava production, sales volume and prices analyses carried out on the data were descriptive statistics, Household Commercialization Index (HCl), ordinary least Square regression and probit regression model. The results reveals that majority of the respondents (84.7%) were male. The average age of the farmers was 45 years while the average household size is 6 members. The results of household commercialization index showed that 97% of the crops by the farmers were commercialized the average household commercialization index was 0.9.Regression analysis of determinants of agricultural commercialization revealed three significant variables, namely:(gender (p<0.0I) (β =0.3808)), education (p<0.0l) (β= 0.0529)) and farm size (p<0.0I)β=0.3751)). Analysis of the effect of commercialization on household income revealed four significant variables, which are gender, education, total cassava produced and farm size. The major constraints to full commercialization as ranked in order of importance to the farmers in the study area are: poor road, credit inaccessibility, unattractive market prices, and transaction bottleneck. These findings demonstrated the' need to strengthen policies that encourage effective integrated marketing information, guaranteed market for farm produce, rehabilitation of rural roads and accessibility to credit, ensuring full commercialization. "
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    Market potentials for selected organic leafy vegetables
    (International journal of vegetable science, 2015) Adenegan, K.O.; Fatai, R. A.
    "Increased consumer awareness has raised concerns over food safety and production methods. In Nigeria, consumption of organic produce is low. This study assessed consumer willingness to pay for selected organic leafy vegetables. Data from 129 respondents were obtained using a simple random sampling technique. Conjoint analysis and contingent valuation were used to analyze willingness to pay and determinants of willingness to pay. Contingent valuation indicated that 84.5%, 76%, and 62.8% of the respondents were willing to pay extra for Amaranthus cruentus L., Celosia argentia L., and Cochorus olitorius L., respectively. Average willingness to pay a price premium was 46%, 42.4%, and 35.8% for A. cruentus, C. argentia, and C. olitorius, respectively. Conjoint analysis indicated that quality was the most valued attribute of leafy vegetables with relative importance of 42.2%. Income, health status, and work experience were key determinants of willingness to pay; all increasing the likelihood of willingness to pay. Income was significant with marginal effects of 0.005 and 0.006 for A. cruentus and C. olitorius, respectively. Health status was significant with marginal effects of 0.366 and 0.225 for A. cruentus and C. olitorius, respectively. Work experience was significant for all species. There is strong market potential for organic leafy vegetables, especially if quality is high and prices are reasonable. "
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    Scale efficiency and determinants of productivity of new rice for Africa (nerica) farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria
    (Agrosearch, 2014) Nosiru, O.M.O.; Rahji, M.A.Y.; Ikpi, A.E.; Adenegan, K.O.
    Rice productivity is low in Nigeria, and NERICA was introduced by West Africa Rice Development Agency (WARDA) to solve this problem. This study focused on NERICA productivity and efficiency in Kaduna State. A three-stage sampling technique was used with Kaduna State being purposively selected. Igabi and Soba Local Government Areas (LGAs) were randomly selected. Five villages were randomly selected from each LGA, with a total of 129 NERICA farmers selected and used for the analysis. There were technical and managerial inefficiencies among the farmers. NERICA production is characterized by increasing returns to scale with a value of 1.4954. The farmers were cost inefficient, hence there was room for improvement in NERICA production in the study area. The average productivity (AP) was 26.30. The average marginal productivity (MP) is 9.213. The average total factor productivity (TFP) is 12.87. Farmer’s age and access to credit had negative influence on both AP and MP. Extension contact and adoption of NERICA technology positively influenced the AP and MP. Farmer’s age had negative influence on total factor productivity. Formal education, farming experience, extension contact, farm commercialization and adoption of NERICA technology had positive influence on the total factor productivity of the NERICA farmers. Improvements in the supply of NERICA seed, extension services and level of farm commercialization are recommended.
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    Women Wage Earning and Education in Rural Nigeria
    (journal of women rural observation, 2014) Olowa, O.A.; Adeoti, A.I.; Adenegan, K.O.; Oni, O.I.
    Determining how women's education affects their wage earnings is remarkably important in today's society where women are increasingly entering the labor market. Human Capital Theory suggests that women who acquire more education earn more than women who have less education. Using a sample of 48067 women from Harmonised National Living Standard Survey 2010 data collected by Nigeria Bureau of Statistics in 2009/2010, an Heckman model was used to examine the effect of education on women wage earning. It was revealed that the higher the level of education, the higher the wage accruing to individual women in rural Nigeria. The study suggested that women should Le encouraged to attend school and when it is necessary try to convince them to obtain higher degree of education
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    The role of agricultural market reforms in enhancing farmers’ income in Nigeria
    (African journal of marketing management, 2014) Nwauwa, L.O. E.; Adenegan, K.O.
    Agricultural marketing reforms are imperative, given the yearly experience of small scale farmers in marketing their products. The outcome of farmers’ efforts has not translated into commensurate income overtime. However reformative efforts at improving value chain, productivity and market access have culminated into a wide range of technological solutions in the recent times. Efforts should therefore be concentrated on reforms aimed at not only adding value to agricultural products but to the development of market infrastructure and adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) information solutions. These are keys to resolving the chain of problems and ensuring enhanced welfare of farmers. The paper recommends that promoting smallholder production of export crops should have beneficial impact on agricultural production in general and on the food security and income of smallholder farmers in particular.
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    Plantain Value Chain Mapping in Southwestern Nigeria
    (Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2013) Adeoye, I.B.; Oni, O.A.; Yusuf, S.A.; Adenegan, K.O.
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    Educational Status of Mothers: Implication for Preschoolers' Nutritional Intake in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria
    (African journal of educational research, 2012) Adenegan, K.O.
    "The study was carried out to assess the impact of the educational status of mothers on preschooler's nutritional intake. The children in Ibadan Metropolis were used as a case study. Simple statistical anaiysis was employed to explain the socio economic characteristics of the mothers. The daily dietary intake of the children was recorded and weighed against the recommended dietary allowance given by the FAO/WHO. The results showed that as the calorie intake increases, the protein also increases, sharing a positive relationship. Results also revealed that mothers with no formal education had children with the highest level of intake in both calorie and protein. The mothers with secondary school education were found to give the least to their children which will indeed be associated with the nature of their jobs. Male children were shown to consume more than the female children. On the average, 72.08% of the recommended for calorie was met and 96. 8% for the protein was met. Regression results showed that protein intake and class of the child is positively related to the level of calorie intake. The age of the child and educational status of the mother was shown to be negatively related to the level of caloric intake. It was therefore recommended that programmes on the nutritional needs of a child by the Government while mothers be encouraged to have vegetable gardens behind their houses, making it cheaper and more easily accessible. This will certainly improve the daily intakes and the nutritional status of children "
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    (International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2012) Adenegan, K.O.; Adepoju, A,; Nwauwa, L.E.O.
    "Regression model was used to analyse the volume of maize offered to the market for sale. The result of the Tobit model correctly predicted 67% of the observation with a significant chi square of 52.93 and it shows the overall significance of the model. All variables had positive coefficients significantly differ from zero except years of education, transaction cost, marital status and household size. This means that a unit increase in the quantity of these variables will increase the proportion of maize offered for sale by the respondents. The, result of the regression model also showed that R -Square and adjusted R-Square are respectively 5 % and 90% with a significant overall fit. Volume of maize sold by individual respondents was used as the dependent variable. Total maize produced (p