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Item STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF POSTHARVEST FACTORS ON PLANTAIN QUALITY(1992-03) ADELUSOLA, M. A.This study was undertaken to evaluate the social and technical factors affecting plantain handling in Nigeria, with a view to recommending measures of minimising losses and improving product quality. Questionnaires on the effect of production, transportation and marketing practices on postharvest losses were administered to farmers, transporters and traders respectively in a survey of three plantain producing States and one non-producing State in Nigeria. Based on the findings of this survey, physical characteristics of plantain which are likely to change as the plantain matures were investigated using two cultivars of plantain namely, Agbagba, a false horn type and Obino l'ewani, a French type, harvested between 8 to 14 weeks after anthesis, to obtain indicators for determining harvest maturity. Also, a methodology for measuring qualitative and quantitative losses in plantain was development. In addition, the effect of maturity at harvest, packaging and the Vibration experienced during transportation on mechanical damage were investigated in simulated transit studies, as well as selected quality attributes of processes products from the Agbagba plantain harvested between 8 to 12 weeks after anthesis, in Order to establish Optimum handling conditions for plantain for the distribution and Processing outlets. The measurement of finger weight and finger length have been developed as new objective and non-destructive methods for harvest maturity determination in plantain cultivars. It was also observed that the measurement of bruise area on the peel and percentage weight loss were associated with aesthetic quality, whilst the measurement of trimming losses on the pulp was a good indication of quantitative losses and the number of days to full ripening was an indication of the storage life of the two cultivars. Harvesting at the immature stage increased the susceptibility of the plantains to underpeel bruising leading to significantly (p = 0.05) higher trimming losses and weight losses in the two cultivars. Lining the packaging Containers with polyethylene reduce the damage significantly. The sensory quality of flavour and texture were affected by the stage of maturity at the time of harvest. Chips and ’dodo' prepared from immature plantain scored significantly (p = 0.05) lower points than mature ones. Even though it might be adviceable to harvest plantain at an immature stage in Order to extend its green-life, this work clearly shows that this would be at the expence of quality.Item Characterization of common Nigerian cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) varieties(Elsevier Sceince Ltd, 2002) Olapade, A. A.; Okafor, G. I.; Ozumba, A. U.; Olatunji, O.Eight cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) varieties namely Olo-1, Olo-2, Baujara, Karadua, Manyan Fari, Kananado Yar and Akidi were characterized based on their physical and functional properties. Physical properties investigated include seed-weight, length to diameter ratio, specific gravity, bulk density, angle of repose and percentage of seed coat. The functional properties examined were water absorption capacity, swelling capacity, cooking time and moisture content. The result of both physical and functional properties showed significant differences (P = 0.05) among the cowpea varieties. The specific .gravity ranged from 1.05 to 1.19 with Kananado Yar, Kananado Fari and Banjara having higher values than others, while water absorption capacity ranged from 1.14 to 1.60 g H2O/g sample for Kananado Fari and Banjara varieties respectively. Apparently, the outcome of this work would provide a basis for upgrading local techniques of cowpea processing in NigeriaItem Moisture-solid transfer during osmotic dehydration of banana(musa sapietum) varieties(2003) Falade, K. O.; Awoyele, O. O.; Uzo-Peters, P. I.; Aworh, O. C."Moisture solids transfer during the osomotic dehydration of three banana (musa sapietum) varieties was investigated. Cavendish, Omini-red and Cooking banana were transversely sliced into 10, 15 and 20mm thicknesses. Sample of each thickness were immersed in 52, 60 and 68 B sucrose solutions. A fruit: solution ratio of 1:20(w/w) was maintained. The fruit-solution moistures were kept at 27, 34, and 40 C for 12 hours. Samples were evaluated gravimetrically at 2 hours interval. Moisture and total solids contents were determined and expressed as g water/g dry matter (DM) and g solids/g initial mass respectively. Moisture contents on dry basis of the banana slices were found to decrease with increased immersion time, solution concentration and temperature. However, moisture contents decreased with decreased slice thickness. Total solids contents increased with thickness. Omini red cultivar had the lowest moisture content and the highest total solids contents at the end of 12 hours of osmotic treatment. Complex polynomial equation showing the relationship with moisture and total solids contents with immersion time showed high correlation (R2=0.9919-1.000) "Item Effect of processing method on the quality of cowpea(Vigna unguiculata) flour for akara preparation(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003) Olapade, A. A; Akingbala, J. O.; Oguntunde, A. O.; Falade, K. OCow peas were prepared intoflour by wet dehulling, wet milling into paste and drying; wet dehulling, drying and milling; and wet dehulling, wet milling and foam mat drying. Proximate chemical composition and functional properties (water and fat absorption capacities, foaming capacity, foam stability, bulk density, gelation capacity and emulsification capacity) of flours and of paste prepared by wet dehulling, wet milling and no drying,were determined. Akara from fresh paste and pastes reconstituted from flour was organoleptically evaluated. Reconstituted paste of flour from ground dry cotyledons produced the best quality akara, compared with the control. Akara from reconstituted foam mat dried and ground dry paste flours were less acceptable.Item Physico-chemical properties of premixes for preparation of "akara"(University Press Plc(2016), 2004) Olapade, A. A.; Olatunji, O.; Adefaja, S. OPremix was formulated from cowpea flour, peper powder and onion powder by mixing the ingredients together this was then packed. Proximate chemical composition and fucntional properties (water absorption capacity, solubility index, foaming capacity and foam stability) of the cowpea flour as affected by inclusion of other ingredients were determined. Inclusion of other ingredients separately and jointly in cowpea flour had siginificant effects on functional properties but little effect on proximate chemical compositions of cowpea flour. Foaming and water absorption capacities were decreased as a result of added ingredients. Akara prepared from pre-formulated premix prior to re-hydration into paste compared favourably with the control akara from freshly prepared cowpea paste but had texture rated lower and low overall acceptabilityItem Design of a rotary roaster for cassia sieberiana seeds(The Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, 2004) Olapade, A. A.; Akinoso, R.Two kilogram capacity roaster was designed and fabricated for purpose of roasting cassia sieberiana seeds obtained from an African plant, which is capable of being used as coffee substitute. During the testing of the roaster, physical changes on the seeds were monitored and found to be temperature and time dependent. Best samples of roasted cassia sieberiana was obtained at 200⁰C roasting temperature after 15minutes.Item Rheological properties and consumer acceptance of moin-moin premix(University Press Plc(2016), 2005) Olapade, A. A.; Ozumba, A. U.; Solomon, H. M.; Olatunji, O.; Adelaja, S. O.Premix was prepared from cowpea flour, pepper powder and onion powder. Pasting characteristics of the cowpea flour as affected by adding of other ingredients were investigated. The consumer acceptability of the premix for preparation of moin-moin was also investigated. Gelatinisation temperature of bean flour was significantly (p=0.05) increased by inclusion of pepper but not by inclusion of onion powder. Viscosity of the premix was not significantly affected, expect the set back value, which was significantly lowered. Moin-moin from premix compared favourable with the control sample in all attributes except texture, which was rated lower.Item Adsorption isotherms and heat of sorption of fresh and preosmosed oven-dried bananas(WFL Publisher, 2005) Falade, K. O.; Awoyele, O. O."Three banana varieties (Omini Red, Cavendish and Cooking banana) were transversely cut into 10 mm slices, pretreated in sucrose solution of 52, 60 and 68°B and maintained at 25°C for 12 hours. Both fresh and preosmosed banana slices were subsequently oven-dried at 60°C for 72 hours. Adsorption isotherms of fresh and preosmosed oven-dried banana slices were determined at 20 and 40°C using gravimetric–static method. Suitability of eight sorption models in describing the adsorption data was tested. Moreover, isosteric heat of sorption of both fresh and preosmosed oven-dried bananas was determined using Clausius–Clapeyron equation. Adsorption isotherms of fresh and preosmosed oven-dried banana slices gave type I (J–shaped) isotherms. Isotherms were affected by temperature and pretreatment sucrose solution concentration. Crossing of isotherms occurred at aw~0.55-0.70. Among the eight models, tested, Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) model gave the best fit. Calculated GAB monolayer moisture (Mm) content (9.80–20.8% d.b.) decreased with increase in temperature. Generally GAB Mm content increased with increase in total solids (%) content of preosmosed banana slices. Isosteric heat of sorption increased with decreased moisture content in banana slices. "Item Comparison of different methods of producing bambara (Vaondzeia subterranean L. Thou) flours for preparation of moin-moin(University Press Plc(2016), 2007) Olapade, A. A.; Adetuyi, D. O.Bambara nut was subjected to different treatment prior to mechanical dry dehulling and millimg into flours. Physico chenmical properties of the fleurs and sensory attributes of moin-moin prepared from the flours were compared with that of moin-moin from fresh pastes from cowpea and bambara. The functional properties investigated included foam-ability, foam-stability, gelation capacity, dispersibility and dehaull-ability while proximate chemical composition of the flours was also investigated. Both cold and hot water steeping of Bambara prior to dehaulling produced moinmoin that compared favourably with moin moin from fresh pastes (controls). Fresh paste to dehulling produced through maual dehaulling resulted in moin-moin that compared similarly to conventional moin-moin from fresh cowpea. The proximate chemical compositions were not significantly affected by the treatments but functional properties were significanlty affectedItem Effects of Aframomum danielli (powder and extracts) on the nutritional, physcio-chemical and sensory properties of wheat flour bread(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2008) Adegoke, G. O.; Awoyele, O. O.; Lawal, R. B.; Olapade, A. O.; Ashaye, O. A.The effects of adding different concentrations of Aframomum danielli (powder and ethanoic extracts) on nutritional, physico-chemical and sensory properties of wheat flour bread were examined. A. danielli powder – 2, 4 and 6%, and ethanolic extract (0.1 and 0.2%) were added, respectively, to flour. Using alveograph and consistograph, the physical properties of the dough-water absorption capacity, tenacity, extensibility, strength of flour and peak time were evaluated. As the concentration of A. danielli in the dough increased from 0 to 4%, alveograph tenacity increased from 96 to 193 mm H2O, extensibility decreased from 92 to 27 mm, gluten decreased from 12.21 to 10.56 mm, flour strength decreased from 365 to 255 while consistograph water absorption capacity increased from 56.8 to 58.9%. A 24-member panel familiar with spiced bread found that bread with A. daniell flavour and having no quality impairment can be made with 2% A. danielli powder and 0.1-0.2% ethanolic extract. The lower the level of A. danielli powder addition, the more acceptable the loaf to the taste panellists as the golden brown colour of the crust, texture and uniform crumb grain of spiced bread were similar to those of the control bread sample.Item Effects of Aframomum danielli(powder and extracts) on the nutritional, physico-chemical and sensory properties of wheat flour bread(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2008) Adegoke, G. O.; Awoyele, O. O.; Lawal, R. B.; Olapade, A. O.; Ashaye, O. A.The effects of adding different concentrations of Aframomum danielli (powder and ethanoic extracts) on nutritional, physico-chemical and sensory properties of wheat flour bread were examined. A. danielli powder – 2, 4 and 6%, and ethanolic extract (0.1 and 0.2%) were added, respectively, to flour. Using alveograph and consistograph, the physical properties of the dough-water absorption capacity, tenacity, extensibility, strength of flour and peak time were evaluated. As the concentration of A. danielli in the dough increased from 0 to 4%, alveograph tenacity increased from 96 to 193 mm H2O, extensibility decreased from 92 to 27 mm, gluten decreased from 12.21 to 10.56 mm, flour strength decreased from 365 to 255 while consistograph water absorption capacity increased from 56.8 to 58.9%. A 24-member panel familiar with spiced bread found that bread with A. daniell flavour and having no quality impairment can be made with 2% A. danielli powder and 0.1-0.2% ethanolic extract. The lower the level of A. danielli powder addition, the more acceptable the loaf to the taste panellists as the golden brown colour of the crust, texture and uniform crumb grain of spiced bread were similar to those of the control bread sample.Item Preliminary studies on the antimicrobial properties of buchholzia coriacea (wonderful kola)(Academic Journals, 2009) Ezekiel, O. O.; Onyeoziri, N. F."In this work, the antimicrobial properties of fresh Buchholzia Coriacea (wonderful kola) and its extracts was investigated. The proximate composition of the fresh kola was also determined. B. coriacea was dried, milled and extracted using two different solvents of varying polarity: hexane and methanol. The effect of the fresh kola, hexane and methanol extracts was tested on some food borne pathogens. This was evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition on nutrient agar for bacteria and malt extract agar for fungi. The food borne pathogens used in this study are Esherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus niger. The proximate composition showed that the fresh kola consists of 53.13% moisture, 9.8% ash, 3.46% crude fibre, 2.20% fat, 13.22% crude protein and 28.19% carbohydrate. The fresh kola showed inhibitory zones with the test bacteria: E. coli (62 mm), E. faecalis (40 mm) and S. aureus (50 mm). The growth of the two test fungi T. viride and A. niger was completely inhibited. The hexane extract showed inhibitory zones ranging from 20 to 40 mm with the test bacteria: E.coli (21 mm), E. faecalis (20 mm) and S. aureus (40 mm). It however showed no inhibitory effect on T. viride and A. niger. The methanolic extract of B. coricea also showed inhibitory zones ranging from 20 to 30 mm with some of the test pathogens: E.coli (30 mm), E. faecalis (25 mm) and S. aureus (20 mm), T. viride (15 mm). It however showed no inhibitory effect on A. niger. "Item The effect of processing methods on the nutritional profile of avocado (persea americana mill) seeds(WASD, 2010) Adegoke, G. O.; Akinbile, J. T; Olapade, A. A.; Ashaye, O. A."Generally, human food consists of resources of either plant or animal origin, which cannot be kept long after harvest or slaughter and starts deteriorating rapidly. Thus, it becomes imperative to find various ways of extending the shelf life of these materials/resources. The nature and characteristics of the material, like environment of the food and the interactions between the food and its environment, should be well understood. Traditional methods of food preservation include cold storage, fermentation, salting, drying, curing and smoking. However, the features of these traditional methods are largely centred on non-controllable processes that rely solely on 'chance effects'. Modern food preservation techniques include dehydration, refrigeration, freezing, industrial fermentation, freeze drying, irradiation, evaporation, concentration, thermal processing, use of chemical preservatives, high-pressure technology, plant-derived food preservation technology, modified atmosphere packaging, use of bacteriolytic enzymes and a combination of two or more preservative methods (the hurdle concept), which lend themselves to controllable processes and allow for predictable final product quality attributes to be attainable. Traditional and modern food preservation techniques applicable to some of the common food raw materials are discussed in this chapter."Item Evaluation of some physical-chemical properties of wheat, cassava, maize and cowpea flours for bread making(Wiley Periodicals, Inc, 2010) Oladunmoye, O. O; Akinoso, R.; Olapade, A. A."Both the physical and chemical characteristics of flours affect their quality and the subsequent products from them. The comparative evaluation of particle size, moisture content, bulk density, color, water absorption capacity, pasting viscosity, fat and protein contents of wheat, cassava, maize and cowpea flours were determined using standard methods. Composite breads were produced from 50:30:20, 60:20:20, 70:20:10; 80:10:10, 85:10:5 and 90:5:5 ratio of wheat-cassava/maize -cowpea flours; respectively. Breads produced were subjected to sensory and proximate analyses. The particle size, moisture content, bulk density, water absorption capacity, fat and protein contents of wheat, cassava, maize and cowpea flours are as follows: 154-343 µm, 13.3-14.9% db, 327.4-497.5 kg/m3, 31.9-221.8 g/g, 1.01-2.3% and 2.6-19.39%. Wheat flour had the lowest pasting temperature of 56.1C. Significance differences at P < 0.05 were recorded between most of the properties of the flours. Composite bread of 85% wheat, 10% cassava, 5% cowpea; 90% wheat, 5% cassava, 5% cowpea; and 90% wheat, 5% maize, 5% cowpea were accepted by a sensory evaluation panelist. Substitution with cowpea fruit improved the protein content of the bread."Item Protein enrichment of cassava peel by submerged fermentation with trichoderma viride (ATCC 36316)(Academic Journals, 2010) Ezekiel, O. O.; Ogugua, C. A.|; Blaschek, H. P.; Thaddeus, C. E."Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) peel is one of the solid wastes produced as a consequence of cassava processing. It is low in protein but contains a large amount of carbohydrate, causing an environmental problem with disposal. In order to add-value to this major cassava processing waste and also reduce its resultant environmental pollution, this study investigated the effect of submerged fermentation using Trichoderma viride ATCC 36316 on the protein content and amino acid profile of enzyme and non-enzyme pre-treated cassava peel. Compositional analysis of the product obtained with T. viride in the fermentor revealed that dry biomass increased in crude protein, true protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and total dietary fibre. The crude protein increased from 4.21 to 37.63 and 36.52% for enzyme and non-enzyme pre-treated fermented samples respectively with 31.6% as true protein for the former and 29.03% as true protein for the latter while the starch contents reduced considerably in both samples. Starch reduction was from 51.93 to 24.34 and 26.07% for enzyme and non-enzyme pre-treated fermented samples, respectively. The fermented products contained all the essential amino acids; however the chemical score of essential amino acids indicated methionine as the limiting amino acid. "Item Quality attributes of biscuit from Acha (digitaria exilis) flour supplemented with cowpea(vigna unguiculata) flour(International Research Journals, 2011) Olapade, A. A.; Aworh, O. C.; Oluwole, O. B.Biscuits were produced from blends of acha and cowpea flours. The blends were 100%, 90%, 80%, 70% and 60% acha with cowpea flour to make 100% in each. Proximate composition, trypsin inhibition activity, functional properties including water absorption index, fat absorption index, gelation capacity, bulk density and emulsifying capacity of the blends were determined. Biscuits were produced from the blends. Trypsin inhibition activity, physical properties of the biscuit including break strength, spread ratio, comparative colour analysis and sensory properties of the biscuits were investigated. The results indicated that both protein and trypsin inhibition activity of the blends increased with increase in the amount of cowpea flour substitution. However, significant (p<0.05) reduction in trypsin inhibition activity was noted in the biscuits. Samples with 10% and 20% cowpea substitutions compared favourably with all wheat biscuit in all sensory attributes.Item Effect of extrusion cooking of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) and bambara-nut(Vigna subterranean) Blend on some selected extrudate parameters(SciRes, 2011) Oluwole, B. O; Olapade, A. AThe effect of thermo-extrusion processing of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) and bambara nut (Vigna subterranean) on some selected extrudate parameters of residence time, throughput and moisture content were investigated in this study. Both yam and bambara nut were processed into meals of750 um and 500 um respectively. Extrusion was carried out following a three variable response surface methodology using a Box Behnken design. Blend of yam meal and Bambara nut meal at ratio 80:20 respectively was conditioned into 12.5, 15.0 and 17.5% moisture content (dry basis) and allowed to equilibrate for 4 h. Extrusion was carried out on a single screw extruder at 50, 60 and 70 rpm screw speed and l30 ·C, 140·C and 150·C barrel temperatures. The study revealed that the extrusion time varied between 13.1 and 29.7 see, throughput variedfrom 13.3 to 34.4 kg/h and product moisture rangedfrom 11.l to 16.8% dry basis). All investigated extrudate parameters were significantly affected ip < 0.05) by the process variables of screw speed, barrel temperature and feed moisture content, and their interactions. The results were indicative that the second order polynomialItem Effects of salt on colour degradation kinetics of visual green colour in fluted pumpkin (telfairia occidentalis) leaves(Global science books, 2011) Ezekiel, O. O.; Mustapha, R. K.; Olurin, T. O.The effect of common salt (0, 1, and 2% by weight) on visual green colour degradation of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) puree over a temperature range of 50–100° C was studied. Hunter colour scale values L (lightness), a (greenness or redness) and b (blueness or yellowness) of each treated samples were measured. The visual colour was evaluated using a Hunter lab colorimeter in terms of L, a and b. The results were analysed using Oakdale Engineering Datafit 8.2. The degradation of visual green colour of fluted pumpkin increased with an increase in heat treatment time and salt concentration. The degradation as measured by -a value followed a first order kinetics. There was consistent decrease in L and -a values with an increase in treatment time and temperature. During heat processing, the puree turned olive green and the a value changed from an initial value of -11.32 to -10.40, -10.73 and -10.87 at 50°C for the 0, 1 and 2% level of salt addition, respectively. The corresponding values at 100°C were -3.11, -3.65 and -3.72, respectively. There is stabilization of green colour in thermally processed fluted pumpkin puree containing salt which decreases the rate of chlorophyll degradation. The stabilizing effect of salt is not well established and no information is available on fluted pumpkin leaves, especially in term of visual colour. The paper established the stabilizing effect of salt on fluted pumpkin leaves and modelled the degradation kinetics with Arrhenius equation.Item Development of extruded complementary foods from blends of acha and cowpea flours(Elsvier Ltd, 2011) Olapade, A. A.; |Aworh, O. C.Item Preservation of plant and animal foods: an overview(John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012) Adegoke, G. O.; Olapade, A. A."Generally, human food consists of resources of either plant or animal origin, which cannot be kept long after harvest or slaughter and starts deteriorating rapidly. Thus, it becomes imperative to find various ways of extending the shelf life of these materials/resources. The nature and characteristics of the material, like environment of the food and the interactions between the food and its environment, should be well understood. Traditional methods of food preservation include cold storage, fermentation, salting, drying, curing and smoking. However, the features of these traditional methods are largely centred on non-controllable processes that rely solely on 'chance effects'. Modern food preservation techniques include dehydration, refrigeration, freezing, industrial fermentation, freeze drying, irradiation, evaporation, concentration, thermal processing, use of chemical preservatives, high-pressure technology, plant-derived food preservation technology, modified atmosphere packaging, use of bacteriolytic enzymes and a combination of two or more preservative methods (the hurdle concept), which lend themselves to controllable processes and allow for predictable final product quality attributes to be attainable. Traditional and modern food preservation techniques applicable to some of the common food raw materials are discussed in this chapter."