Psychosocial and personal factors on identification of gifted and talented students in Owerri municipal, Imo State, Nigeria

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The study investigated on psychosocial and personal factors as correlates of identification of gifted and talented students in Owerri Municipal, Imo State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design of correlational type. The population of the study was 2,893 with a sample size 155 teachers in secondary schools in Owerri, Imo State, selected through simple random sampling techniques representing 5% of the total population. The data were collected using Teacher-student relationship Rating Scale, Teachers' self-efficacy Rating Scale and Teachers' knowledge Rating Scale. The instruments were subjected to a reliability test using Spearman Brown Rank Order which yielded a correlation coefficient of r=0.76, 0.71 and 0.83 respectively. Data collected were analyzed using the inferential statistics of Person Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression and at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings revealed a significant relationship between teacher-student relationship (r=.510, p(.000)<.05), teachers' self-efficacy (r=.509, p(.000)<.05), and teachers' knowledge (r=.217, p(.007)<.05) respectively and identification of gifted and talented students. The relationship of the three independent variables (teachers' self-efficacy, teacher-student relationship, teachers' knowledge) to the prediction of the dependent variable that is, identification of gifted and talented students showed a coefficient of multiple correlation R=.554 and a multiple R2of .307. Finally, the result revealed a relative contribution of the three independent variables to the dependent variable, expressed as beta weights, viz: Teachers' self- efficacy (6=307, p<.05), teacher-student relationship (6=.288, p<.05), and teachers' knowledge (6=.019, p>.05). Based on these findings, it is recommended that teacher-student relationship must always be cordial in every school since it has been established that it enhances the identification of gifted and talented students in schools.



Psycho-social factor, Personal factor, Identification, Gifted and talented student





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