Effect of problem-solving Skills and gender on emotional stability among students with hearing impairment in Ibadan Oyo State
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This study examined the effect of problem-solving strategy and gender on the emotional stability among students with hearing impairment in Ibadan, Oyo state. The Pretest-posttest control group, quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. Two secondary schools were purposively selected from Ibadan. Thirty-two students with hearing impairment hearing loss were selected for the study. The participants were assigned to experimental and control groups. Those in the treatment group were exposed to problem-solving strategy while those in the control group were not. The treatment lasted eight weeks. The instrument used for data collection was Cattell’s Jr. High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ)(r=0.80). Data were analysed using Analysis of Covariance. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The finding revealed a significant main effect of treatment on emotional stability of the participants (F (1.58=7.532, p<0.05). Gender has no significant main effect on the emotional stability of the participants. There was no interaction effect of treatment and gender on emotional stability of the participants.
Emotional stability, Gender, Problem solving skills, Students with hearing impairment