Study habit and academic self-efficacy as predictors of academic under-achievement among high ability senior secondary school students in Oyo State
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Positive Psychology Association of Nigeria with headquarters in University of Ibadan, Nigeria
This study examined the influence of study habit and academic self-efficacy on academic underachievement of high ability senior secondary schools in Oyo state, Nigeria. The population of this study comprised of all the high ability underachievers in both Afijio and Atiba local government area of Oyo state. Twenty (20) secondary schools were randomly selected using simple random sampling technique, while three hundred (300) high ability were purposively selected which cut across, SS1, SS2 and SS3. Two research questions were answered at 0.05 level of significance. Questionnaire was the main instrument used for the collection of data. The reliability co-efficient of the instrument ranged between r = 0.72 and r = 0.78. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between the predictive variable (study habit and academic self-efficacy) and academic underachievement of the participants. Academic self- efficacy contributed most to the academic underachievement of the high ability senior secondary school students. The following recommendations were made: academic underachievement should not be encouraged from any high ability students, secondly, high ability student should be properly monitored on the kind of reading or learning style they exhibit so as to discourage any bad learning or bad study habit. Finally, academic self-efficacy of individual high ability student should be encouraged. The teacher should help the high ability student to build their confidence in learning.
Study habit, Academic Self-efficacy, Academic underachievement, High ability student