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    Smartphones usage among undergraduates of University of Ibadan: an implication for academic learning
    (Communication Studies Forum (CSF) Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka., 2015-07) Elegbe, O.; Dada, T. O.
    There is a new revolution regarding the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) among undergraduate students in Nigeria with regard to smartphones application to academic learning. Colligan (2012), in a survey on smartphones users reported that some youths spend close to 6 hours or more on their phone in one day. Hence, to what extent could smartphones contribute to students’ academic learning. This study used the qualitative and quantitative methods of research with the questionnaire and focus group discussion guides as instruments to gather relevant information for the study. Five hundred (500) male and female undergraduate students from various departments in the University of Ibadan who are smartphones users were selected for the survey questionnaire while Focus Group Discussion sessions were held with selected students on their perception of smartphones usage as a learning device among students in the university community. Findings reveal that majority of the students reported frequent use of applications such as Dictionary (91%), Face book (88.6%), 2go (88%), Twitter (82%), YouTube (78.8%), Whatsapp (60.4) and Linkedln (54.6%) on their smartphones device. Findings also show that an appreciable proportion of the respondents (22.2%) spend 1 hour a day on reading/downloading academic applications like PDF articles/journals on smartphones. Students reported the usage of smartphones for academic purpose with 91% stating that the use of smartphones has reduced their dependency on computer-based learning and 83% use their smartphones to look up words in the dictionary application. Further findings from the t-test reveal a significant influence of gender on smartphones use among students (p<0.01). Though the female students were reported as using more smartphones than their male counterpart (t (498) = -9.62, p<01), more male students use academic-oriented applications on their smartphones than their female counterpart whose use are more for socializing. This study has established that the smartphone is a useful device that can enhance academic learning among undergraduate students hence it should be encouraged in order to promote new dimension of information communication technologies (ICTs) in the emerging generation of educational development in developing countries.
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    Beyond gratification: investigation of academic benefits of recreational reading among University of Ibadan undergraduates
    (2014) Ojebuyi, B. R.; Nwunze, N. A.
    Studies have shown that reading and literacy are directly connected, and there is a link between academic success and reading ability. But the extent to which recreational reading can lead to academic success requires further investigation. Recreational reading is a form of reading that provides pleasure and other forms of gratification for the reader. However, beyond this, it is believed that recreational reading can foster social progress, ensure broader knowledge, enhance academic competence, and militate against illiteracy. This proposition requires further empirical proofs. Anchored on the Expectancy Value Theory (EVT), and Uses and Gratifications Theory, the study employed survey and in-depth interviews as the research methods. A total of 1,350 undergraduates of the University of Ibadan selected through stratification, convenience and proportionate sampling techniques responded to the questionnaire while 13 students purposively selected from all the faculties formed the interviewees. Findings show that undergraduates of the University, to a large extent {n= 1166; 86. 4%), exhibit favourable attitude towards recreational reading. Also, the students affirmed that recreational reading, besides providing pleasure, serves as the source of information and knowledge applicable to real life situations, boosts their academic reading efficacy, enhances their understanding of general textural information, and builds their vocabulary competence. The study, therefore, provides evidence that the value of recreational reading is more than generation of pleasure or gratification; it also enhances overall academic success