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    Trends in media framing of industrial crises reporting: implication for media research in Nigeria
    (2019) Adeyemo, J. A.; Elegbe, O.
    There has been a scholarly argument among media researchers on how best media analysts should study media perspectives on industrial crisis reporting with reference to research methods, theoretical perspectives and methods of data analysis. Content analysis and meta-analytical approach were employed to gather data from published scholarly articles and theses accessed online. One hundred and fifteen (115) studies were content analyzed, collated and identified based on those that focused their issues on media framing of labour crisis. Evidence from the studies analysed shows that the content analysis and in-depth interviews were predominantly adopted for media representations of industrial crisis, the mixed method research were adopted for data collection while media framing, agenda setting and the priming theories were mostly adopted by most of the studies. It is recommended that studies should employ critical discourse analysis to compliment researchers’ effort to examine how different ideological stances are mediated in the media to reflect social-political dominance, inequality and class struggle that characterize industrial crisis.
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    Gender politics and silences on rape in the Nigerian films “tango with me” and “code of silence"
    (2019) Omoera, O. S.; Elegbe, O.; Doghudje, R. V.
    Current statistics indicate that about two in fifty cases of rape are reported in Nigeria, and the percentage of reported cases has continued to reduce over the years in spite of the observed consistent increase in the number of rape incidents. The burden of rape is more on women who do not have power balance with men to propagate or prosecute a majority of cases. The long silence of women due to the lack of support from male folk shows some kind of gender politics behind rape. Hence, the stigma associated with rape continues to discourage women from reporting rape cases. However, this issue has been continuously explored in many Nigerian (Nollywood) films. But to what extent have Nollywood films contributed to the mobilization of the Nigerian populace toward reducing incidences of rape in Nigeria? Using the framing theory of the media, this article examined two Nigerian films, Tango with Me (dir. Mahmood Ali-Balogun, 2012) and Code of Silence (dir. Emem Isong, 2015), which were purposively selected due to their storylines on rape. The movies were content analysed to highlight the role that men and women play, and the views of society towards rape incidences. The study also examined the gender roles vis-à-vis the stigma and trauma experiences of the victims (mainly the women) and the punishment meted out to the perpetrators of rape. Findings indicated that there is a code of silence; consequently, rape victims (mainly women) are not encouraged to speak out, for fear of losing their mental wellbeing and social status in society. The role of women in rape is passive and submissive to the dictates of a society which valorises patriarchy while the role of men shows aggressive and unrepentant behaviour, which society hardly punishes. The conclusion reached is that Nollywood content producers should help to raise the level of Nigerians’ awareness through their productions to make rape victims see the need to promptly report rape incidents, so that offenders can be punished, and deterrents can begin to emerge.
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    Listening and academic learning: a survey of listening skills among undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Department of Communication and Language Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan,, 2018) Elegbe, O.; Oyinkansola, O. B.
    Studies have shown that institutions of higher learning in Nigeria pay more attention to reading and writing than listening which has led to undergraduates' experiencing low academic learning. It is against this backdrop that this the study examined the influence of listening skill in student's academic performance. Employing the survey technique and Focus Group Discussions to gather data from a private institution, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria evidence shows students adopting informative listening type for academic study, 76.6% of the respondents affirmed that they adopted the listening skills to understand the general idea of the subject than they do to knowing the detail information which however is not sufficient for thorough academic performance while Pearson Con-elation between listening and academic performance was significant(r=.71, p<.05) which shows the importance of listening to students' academic performance. There is need for students to combine analytical and critical listening with informative listening to enhance their academic performance.
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    Persuasive rhetoric in Goodluck Jonathan’s 2011 presidential political campaign advertisements in Nigeria
    (Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2016) Elegbe, O.; Okon, B. E.
    This study explored the rhetorical appeals expressed in Goodluck Jonathan's 2011 presidential political adverts and their influence on voting decisions of Nigerian voters during the election. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed for data gathering and analysis. The multistage and simple random sampling techniques were used to delineate Ibadan North Local Government into wards and to select two communities, while the purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents of voting age, those who could recall the presidential political adverts and who also voted for Jonathan during the 2011 presidential elections. Data were gathered from three hundred and nine (309) participants' duly completed copies of the questionnaire and structured interviews conducted with a political activist and a media practitioner. Survey data were analysed through simple percentages and Pearson correlation, while the video advertisements were analysed using the rhetorical parameters: ethos, pathos and logos. Respondents have positive perception of Goodluck Jonathan's personality in the adverts which influenced their decision to vote him as president in 2011. Goodluck Jonathan's credibility, as shown in the adverts, significantly influenced the voters' emotion (pathos) (r = 0.469; p<0.05) and their sense of reasoning (logic) (r = 0.624; p<0.05) in voting him. The logical appeal in the adverts significantly influenced voters more than the emotional appeal (p<0.05). There is no significant difference in genders' perceptions about Jonathan's political adverts. Hence, there is need to further explore the use of rhetoric in political advertising in order to design appropriate strategies backed with appropriate messages that will persuade the audience for a reciprocal action.
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    Smartphones usage among undergraduates of University of Ibadan: an implication for academic learning
    (Communication Studies Forum (CSF) Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka., 2015-07) Elegbe, O.; Dada, T. O.
    There is a new revolution regarding the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) among undergraduate students in Nigeria with regard to smartphones application to academic learning. Colligan (2012), in a survey on smartphones users reported that some youths spend close to 6 hours or more on their phone in one day. Hence, to what extent could smartphones contribute to students’ academic learning. This study used the qualitative and quantitative methods of research with the questionnaire and focus group discussion guides as instruments to gather relevant information for the study. Five hundred (500) male and female undergraduate students from various departments in the University of Ibadan who are smartphones users were selected for the survey questionnaire while Focus Group Discussion sessions were held with selected students on their perception of smartphones usage as a learning device among students in the university community. Findings reveal that majority of the students reported frequent use of applications such as Dictionary (91%), Face book (88.6%), 2go (88%), Twitter (82%), YouTube (78.8%), Whatsapp (60.4) and Linkedln (54.6%) on their smartphones device. Findings also show that an appreciable proportion of the respondents (22.2%) spend 1 hour a day on reading/downloading academic applications like PDF articles/journals on smartphones. Students reported the usage of smartphones for academic purpose with 91% stating that the use of smartphones has reduced their dependency on computer-based learning and 83% use their smartphones to look up words in the dictionary application. Further findings from the t-test reveal a significant influence of gender on smartphones use among students (p<0.01). Though the female students were reported as using more smartphones than their male counterpart (t (498) = -9.62, p<01), more male students use academic-oriented applications on their smartphones than their female counterpart whose use are more for socializing. This study has established that the smartphone is a useful device that can enhance academic learning among undergraduate students hence it should be encouraged in order to promote new dimension of information communication technologies (ICTs) in the emerging generation of educational development in developing countries.
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    The Influence of Internet use on the political participation of youth in Ikeja, Lagos
    (2018) Eze, V. C.; Obono, K.
    This research investigates the influence of the Internet on the political participation of youth in the Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos state, in Nigeria. The study was hinged on technological determinism; the data was gathered through survey and in-depth interview; through multistage sampling, questionnaires were administered on 600 youth in Ikeja. Findings show that using the Internet over a long period of time will result to some form of political participation. Thus, the youth who use the Internet for a long time are likely to explore other opportunities (like online political participation) offered by the Internet, therefore, the findings of this study will benefit civil liberties organizations, political parties, government agencies and political communication researchers; and suggests that government and political parties should engage the youth more intelligently on political matters through the Internet and make Internet access more affordable.
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    Socioeconomic dynamics of multiple mobile phone (M2P) usage and communication in Ota, Nigeria
    (Inderscience Publishers, 2012) Obono, K.
    Multiple mobile phone (M2P) usage has become an increasing practice in Nigeria but little is known about the factors propelling it or related communication processes. An examination of its operations reveals interaction with economic and social factors for reduction in call costs and management of network fluctuation, limitation and failure. While M2P users are active and goal-oriented, usage behaviour is associated with socioeconomic variables, including electronic finance and marketing. Findings indicate that technological advancement has not created imbecility but consumers with the freewill of determining their communication needs and choices. The study is unique in examining this phenomenon and its implications for developing economies.
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    Influence of spousal communication about family planning and HIV/AIDS related issues on modern contraceptive use in Nigeria
    (Sage Publications, 2017) Fagbamigbe, A. F.; Ojebuyi, B. R.
    Contraceptive use in Nigeria at 15 per cent is low, despite a high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence of 3.4 per cent and fertility rate of 5.7 per cent. We assessed the levels of spousal communication on family planning and contraception (FPC) and HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), influence of demographic characteristics on this communication and association between this communication and the respondents’ health behaviours. We used a cross-sectional and nationally representative data on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS-related issues from randomly selected 30,752 men and women of reproductive age. Descriptive statistics, Pearson chi-square (χ2) and logistic regression were used to analyze the data at 5 per cent significance level. About 61 per cent of the respondents were 25–49 years old and mostly from rural areas (65 per cent). Only 20 per cent of the respondents discussed HIV/AIDS with their spouses within 12 months preceding the survey while 15 per cent discussed FPC. A discussion of both HIV/AIDS and FPC among spouses was reported among 9 per cent compared to 26 per cent who reported discussing either. Respondents aged 35–39 years had higher odds of discussing HIV/AIDS (Odds Ratios [OR] = 7.06:6.16–8.09) than those aged 15–19 years. Urban dwellers also had higher odds (OR = 1.24:1.16–1.31) of HIV/AIDS discussions than rural respondents. Modern contraceptive use was 35 per cent and 23 per cent among respondents who discussed FPC and HIV/AIDS compared to 8 per cent and 9 per cent, respectively, among those who did not. Spousal communication on FP and HIV/AIDS was low and has influenced contraceptive use and HIV positivity in Nigeria. There is a need to encourage spousal discussion on FP and HIV/AIDS, especially among the rural dwellers and the poor and uneducated as a strategy for improving modern contraceptive use.