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Item URBANIZATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS AS INDICES OF HEALTH BEHAVIOUR OF RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES IN OYO STATE, NIGERIA(1985-06) ADEJUMO, M. A.The focus of this thesis was to find out the influence of urbanisation and demographic factors on the health behaviour of the rural and urban communities in Oyo State, Nigeria. A knowledge of the local situation on the influence of urbanisation and demographic factors was lacking. The study provided a vital link between foreign researches in this direction and the local situation. Besides, the study provided an insight into the health behaviour pattern of rural and urban dwellers. Thus health planners would be aided in designing programmes to tackle specific health problems in varying cultures from the information in this study. The study was limited to three urban towns in different stages of industrial and population growth. They were Eruwa (pre-industrial town), Osogbo (industrial or urban City) and Ibadan (metropolitan). Two sets of rural settlements were also used for this study. They were the remote rural communities which include Ogboro, Tewure and Imini. The second group was the urban fringed rural settlements which also inelude Oko, Kuta and Erimo. The health behaviour characteristics investigated were avenues sought for treatment during illness, drug use, and nutrition. The demographic factors that were examined as to their influence on the respondents in this study were education, inoome, age, sex and marital status. 983 subjects were selected for this study. The method of selection was based on different proportional representation of each study area in relation to their population. The main research tool in this study was questionnaire. It was designed by the researcher with the assistance of the project supervisor. Pilot testing of the questionnaire was carried out to correct ambiguity in the questionnaire and to improve on the qualities of measurement and discriminability of the questionnaire. The sampling technique employed in the distribution of the questionnaire was clustered sampling. The main statistical tool used in the analysis was chisquare and percentages. The conclusions from the study were that urbanisation and demographic factors influenced the health behaviour of the respondents in respect of avenues.Item IMPACTS OF PERCEIVED SEVERITY OF SICKNESS AND BENEFIT OF TREATMENT ON COMPLIANCE OF LEPROSY PATIENTS IN SOKOTO STATE(1988-08) ADAMU, A. O.The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of perceived severity of sickness and benefit of treatment in relation to compliance to treatment of leprosy patients in Sokoto State. The study also looked into the interactive effects of perceived severity of sickness and benefit of treatment on compliance of the various groups of leprosy patients in the state. Nine sub-hypotheses were stated to guide the study towards finding an answer to the main hypothesis. Using the cluster sampling technique, 952 randomly selected subjects from Argungu, Sokoto and Zuru administrative divisions of Sokoto State were used for the study. The main research instrument for the study was the structured interview. The interviews were conducted by the researcher with the aid of six selected and trained assistants. The chi-square x(2) was used to test the sub-hypotheses at a significant level of 0.05. The x(2) was however corroborated by the descriptive statistics (percentages). The findings of the study revealed that the higher the level of perceived severity of sickness, the lower the compliance rate. However, with regards to perceived benefit of treatment, the higher the perception, the higher the compliance rate. The percentages for compliance in the case of perceived severity of sickness were 40.4% for those who perceived leprosy very severe, 49.9% and 54.9% for those who perceived leprosy moderately severe and not severe respectively. The percentages for compliance in the case of perceived benefit of treatment were 90.6%, 73.8% and 19% for those who perceived treatment very beneficial, somewhat beneficial and not beneficial respectively. The result showed that those who perceived treatment very beneficial complied to treatment more than those who perceived the disease very severe. Similarly, those who perceived treatment somewhat beneficial were better compilers than those who perceived the disease moderately severe. However, those who perceived the disease not severe were better compilers than those who perceived treatment not beneficial. Based upon the findings of this study, the researcher recommended among other things, a wide and effective public enlightment on the various aspects of leprosy and people should be made to realised that leprosy is curable, it is not a very severe disease, it doesn't kill it only cripples the victim if treatment is delayedItem RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPORTS FACILITIES AND PARTICIPATION IN SPORTS IN SELECTED NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES(1989-01) ADESANYA, O. A.The focus of this thesis was based on the examination of the relationship between sports facilities and sports participation in selected Nigerian Universities. In conducting this research, certain issues were raised. These included the adequacy or otherwise of the available facilities, the maintenance levels of these facilities and the participation levels in sports by both the students and staff of the selected Universities. The null hypothesis stated that there would be no significant relationship between the available sports facilities and sports participation in the selected Nigerian Universities. The main and sub-hypotheses were tested using the Spearman Rank-Order Correlation (r s), the chi-square (x2), and percentages in order to accept or reject the hypotheses. The analyses were based on well presented data on the thirteen universally played sports in Nigerian Universities Games Association (NUGA). The results showed high and positive correlation of the variables. All the sub-hypotheses were accepted. The findings showed that sports facilities in these universities were inadequate and substandard while the maintenance levels of the facilities were unsatisfactory. The participation levels in sports were also found to be low. Based on these findings, it was concluded that there was no significant relationship between the available sports facilities and sports participation in the selected Nigerian Universities. It was therefore recommended that Nigerian Universities should provide adequate and standard sports facilities in their campuses. The maintenance of these facilities should also be a priority to every University. These were considered as vital factors to effective participation in University sports.Item AEROBIC, ANAEROBIC AND HAEMATOLOGIC RESPONSES OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MALE STUDENTS TO DEHYDRATION REHYDRATION AND SUPERHYDRATION(1992) ADEGUN, J. A.The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of dehydration, rehydration and superhydration on the aerobic, anaerobic, haematologic and some related body composition variables in College of Education male students. A repeated measures experimental design was used for the study. The subjects were twenty healthy Physical and Health Education students of Ondo State College of Education, Ikere- Ekiti. They were volunteers certified fit by the physician .before they were allowed to take part in the study. The variables tested were maximum oxygen consumption (Maxvo 2). Recovery heart rate, myocardial oxygen consumption, speed, power, packed cell volume (PVC), osmotic fragility, percent body fat and lean body weight. The subjects were pre-assessed on the selected variables. For the first condition, the subjects were dehydrated so that over 3% of the body weight of each was lost before the exercise and subsequent reassessment. Also, they were allowed two weeks after dehydration for rehydration to take place before being exposed to exercise and evaluation. For superhydration, the subjects drank 2 litres of water each 30 minutes before the evaluation took place. Nine sub-hypotheses were formulated and tested at significant level of 0.05. The data were analysed, using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics used were mean, range and standard deviation. The inferential statistics was the ANOVA. The method of Scheffe was used to determine where the differences. The results showed significant differences in weight, speed, recovery heart rate, maximum oxygen consumption (Maxvo 2), myocardial oxygen consumption as well as the haematologic variables of packed cell volume (PVC) and Osmotic fragility among the three levels of hydration. Superhydration affected only maximum oxygen consumption (Maxvo2). Recovery heart rate, myocardial oxygen consumption, PCV and Osmotic fragility. Other variables were not influenced significantly by the various conditions. Its concluded that dehydration was detrimental to physical performances and red blood cells while superhydration enchanced aerobic capacity.Item ANALYSIS OF OCCUPATIONAL STRESS AS RELATED TO SOME PSYCHOSOCIAL AND CAREER VARIABLES OF NIGERIAN UNIVERSITY TEACHERS(1994-12) ACHALU, E. I.This study investigated occupational stress as related to psychosocial variables of job satisfaction and psychological well-being of teachers in the first generation Nigerian Universities. Also the study assessed the differences in occupational stress experienced by the teachers with respect to career variables such job status and years of teaching experience as well as biographical characteristics namely, age and sex. The research method was a cross-sectional survey design. Cluster sampling technique was used to select teachers in the first generation Nigerian universities. A total of 300 university teachers responded to the Teacher Stress and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire as well as the General Health Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the data. Multiple regression, chi-square, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. Scheffe post-hoc test was used to detect differences among groups where ANOVA was found significant. The results show that an overwhelming majority of the teachers (67.0%) were experiencing moderate levels of occupational stress while 15.0% and 18.0% were experiencing low and high levels of stress respectively. Despite this, 97.0% of the teachers reported moderate to high levels of job satisfaction with only 3.0% reporting low job satisfaction. Also a majority of the teachers (94.0%) reported moderate to high levels of psychological well-being. The reason for the findings are not clear. but it could be that the teachers have learnt to cope with the stressors encountered in the course of their work. Possibly, it could that the reported high levels of job satisfaction may have helped to moderate or reduce the impact of stress on the teachers' health. Regression analysis revealed a positive and significant relationship between occupational stress and job dissatisfaction (r=.43; P < .001); between occupational stress and psychological symptoms (r = .35; P < .001); and between job dissatisfaction and psychological symptoms (r = .45; P < .001). These findings are consistent with previous studies on teacher stress. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in total occupational stress levels with respect to age, sex and years of teaching experience. However, there was a significant difference in stress levels experienced by the teachers with respect to job status. Professors and Readers reported the lowest levels of stress followed by Senior Lecturers with junior lecturers-experiencing the most stress. The study identified the major sources of occupational stress among the Nigerian university teachers. Shortage of teaching materials, poor working conditions, heavy workload, time pressure, overcrowded classrooms, low salary and unfavourable conditions of service ranked accordingly as the most significant causes of stress. Finally, the present study indicated that occupational stress, job satisfaction and psychological health are closely related and that greater stress leads to low job satisfaction and some degree of psychological dysfunction. Thus occupational stress has negative effects on teachers' health and well-being. Moreover the results support the view in literature that teaching is a satisfying but a demanding and stressful occupation. Based on the findings of this study recommendations were made on how to reduce occupational stress and improve the health and quality of life of university teachers.Item Enhancing students' physical fitness through physical and health education teaching(Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig,) Ltd., Ibadan., 1997) Oladipo, D.This paper critically examines the ways by which students' physical fitness can be enhanced through the teaching of physical and health Education. A student of physical and health Education should be physically fit if the objectives of the subject were to be met. The paper emphasizes that there is need to develop both the health related physical fitness components and performance-related physical fitness components of students through chalkboard classroom teaching practical teaching of various games and sports and during training for school sports. The benefit of physical fitness is not limited to an individual but it is also an index to any Country's National posture. The vigour of any Country is no stronger than the vitality and will of her Country men.Item Preparing health teachers for health challenges in the twenty-first century(Department of Teacher Education, University of Ibadan, 1999) Moronkola, O. A.; Odelola, J. O.Item Developing a norm for screening athletes during competitions: Nigerian Secondary Schools Sports Federation experience(2001) Oladipo, D.In an attempt to find solution to cheating which characterizes age-declaration at many age-group competitions, various methods including chronological age and physiological age (skeletal age) have been adopted to ascertain what is called “truly” “under-18” for secondary school sports competition. But rather than solving the problem, these methods seem to have created more problems. This study then ventured into another method which pull together the use of the above two stated method into one. The method called exponent system was tested and eventually adopted successfully during the 1998, All Nigeria Secondary School Sports Federation Competition held in Abuja.Item PhysicaI development norms for assessing children in Southern part of Nigeria(Department of Health and Physical Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria, 2001) Agbanusi, E. C.; Ayeni, S. O.; Adeloye, E. O.; Birabi, N.B.; Emeahara, G.; Oladipo, I. O.This study carried out in Southern part of Nigeria, with the sole aim of developing standards or norms for boys and girls, 5 -I2 years old with particular reference to their physical characteristics of height, weight and body mass index. Two thousand eight hundred and six (2806) school children formed the sample. There were one thousand three hundred and eighty one (1381) boys as against the one thousand four hundred and twenty five (1425) girls randomly selected from the South-South, South-East and South-West zones of Nigeria. For their height, this study recorded mean values of 1.27 - 1.34 meters for ages 10-11 years. The values for the American children of the same age bracket falls between 1.336 - 1.419 meters. The mean weight for boys was 24.75±2.41kg; while that of the girls was 24.96±2.78kg. The American values for age10-11 years, fall between 27.24 to 31.78kg; while ages 11-12 years fall between 31.80 to 36.42kg. The mean for the body mass index was 9.43±0.45 for the boys and 9.46±0.50 for the girls. These would help to form the reference points for Nigeria as at the present.Item Effects of warming up on balance: implications for primary prevention against posture problems and sports injuries(2002) Al-Dali, W.; Moronkola, O. A.; Oladipo, I. O.It is known that warning up has positive effect on motor or performance skills. We therefore deigned this study to emulate the effect of warming up on control of balance and see the implication on using warming up as primary prevention against postural problems and sport injuries. Sixteen volunteers with records of shortening hamstring muscle took part in the study. The design for the study as one group pre-test-post test experimental design. Measurement of range of motor (ROM) was taken and the assessment of shortening hamstring in balance was carried out using the computerized balance master system (BMS) tests. The mean standard deviation and t-test were used to describe and interpret the results of the study at 0.05 level of significance. Although the study revealed that there was no significant relationship between warming up and control of balance with shortening hamstring muscle, a trend was established showing relationship between warming up and stretching of muscle. Therefore proper warming up exercises should be emphasised before any strenuous motor performance to prevent postural problems and sport injuries.Item Performance fitness level of football referees in Nigeria(2003) Nwankwo, E. I.; Oladipo, D.A sample of 200 top male football referees participate in the study to determine the performance fitness level of football referees in Nigeria. The design for the study is ex-post facto research design. The participants are tested on speed, leg power and agility. The means, range, standard deviation, percentile rank of the scores of the tests are used to describe the data while the inferential statistics used is the students' t-test analysis to establish the significant differences between the subjects' determined values in the tested parameters and that of FIFA standards and Margaret, Safrit and Wood (1995) age and gender based average norm. The results show that the participants possess significantly superior speed, lower leg power and similar agility levels when compared with the stated norms. It is recommended that NFA/NRA should ensure that the referee's training include conditioning programmes that will develop their performance fitness levels.Item Population and family life education for health, sustainable democracy and nation building: the Nigerian experience(2005-01) Odelola, J. O.The need for Nigerian government to promote the health of its citizens, sustain the nascent democracy and mobilize people for nation building cannot be overemphasized. The need becomes necessary, especially at this time when the country is yearning for technological and industrial developments. The nation’s most valuable asset is its population, being the agent and beneficiary of development. The improvement of quality of Ife is vital to national development. Improved quality of Ife is a key concept in the entire process of population and family Ife education (POP/FLE). Therefore, this paper examined the concepts of POP/FLE and its role in promoting health, sustainable democracy and nation building. The paper called for a sustained interest of government in POP/FLE programme in Nigeria.Item Home-based remedial exercise programme for low back pain(2006) Oladipo, I. O.; Ogbuehi, R. A.This study was to find out the effect of home-based remedial exercise programme for low back pain, considering charges in pain level, flexibility of the lumbar spine and functional activity level. The participants comprised 5 females and 1 male. Prior to the programme, there was a pre-test, then an eight-week exercise training programme followed by a post-test. The results were analysed using descriptive statistics of range, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistic of paired sample t-test at a significant level of 0.05. The results revealed that there was reduction in the pain level and an increase in functional capacity due to the exercise programme; but there was no significant effect on flexibility. It was therefore recommended that secretaries and lecturers should endeavour not to sit all day but should stand at some internals to stretch their back muscles. Low back exercises should be performed both at home and at work; also, institutions should include and enforce lunch breaks, especially for secretaries and should organize fitness programmes aimed at back care for staff.Item Educating female adolescents against future proness to cancer disease(Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria., 2007) Famuyiwa, S. A.Cancer disease claimed 17.9 million lives of people in 1996, out of which 10.5 million were women of who had cancer either of the breast, cervix, uterus or ovary, arising from peoples engagement in attitudes that predispose them to the disease. The paper therefore stressed the need for female adolescents to be knowledgeable about cancer disease with reference to its types, cause and risk factors, signs and symptoms, preventive behaviour against cancer disease and the need to report themselves to a qualified doctor for early diagnosis and treatment on detection of any signs of cancer disease. The paper recommended that Ministries of Education at all levels should make health education a compulsory subject in secondary schools where students would be taught various health topics, including cancer disease. Health Education departments of Ministries of Health and non-governmental organisations should organise cancer education programmes at a regular interval' for secondary school students and the general public. This will reduce the morbidity and mortality rate arising from cancer disease.Item National rebirth as a pre-requisite for achieving goals of health sector reform: the role of health education(2007) Odelola, J. O.Government put in place reform agenda in health sector apparently to facilitate the achievement for all Nigerians a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive live as enunciated in the National Policy on Health. However, the goal of the reform became difficult to achieve due to poor attitude of the people to National issues. There arose the need for national rebirth. The paper examined concepts of national rebirth, need for national rebirth efforts of government at National rebirth as well as health education. The paper noted that national rebirth programme embarked upon is laudable but lacks a force that could really do the magic of attitudinal change in the people. It therefore recommended the integration of health education into the National rebirth programme.Item Repositioning universal basic education (UBE) scheme in Nigeria: implications for social transformation(2007) Odelola, J. O.Nigerian Government had long realized that people needed the right attitudes for the country to achieve the desired development. To this end, the Government committed a huge sum of money to programmes designed for the purpose. Education is a powerful instrument for social transformation. UBE as an education programme was inaugurated seven years ago but still at its impact is yet to be felt. Certain constraints which impeded successful implementation of similar programmes in the past should be identified and realistically tackled in an effort to reposition the present UBE programme. This paper examined the state of UBE scheme and its drive towards health and social transformation. The discussion focused on values of education, UBE and health transformation as well as UBE and social transformation. Effort was made on how to reposition UBE to make it play its role as a tool for health and social transformation.Item Nutritional supplementation and elite sports performance(International Council for Health, Physical EducatIon, Recreation, Sport and Dance ICHPER.SD Africa Region, 2008) Abass, A. O.; Oladipo, I. O.; Emeahara, G.; Alo, S. B.This paper attempt to critically review and investigate the- role of Nutrition in physical activities and sports performance. The review evaluates the theoretical rationale and potential efforts of athletic performance of carbohydrate, protein and micronutrient supplementation. Carbohydrates are the most efficient fuel for energy production. They can also be stored as glycogen in muscle and liver, functioning as a readily available energy for prolonged strenuous exercise. For an elite athlete the total energy requirement is an average of 4500 calories per day. From previous studies, due to the difficulties of evaluating energy output during sports performance, the calories expended were not stated. Studies of athletes utilizing omega-3 fatty acid and medium – chain tryglycerrided (MCTs) were associated with improvement in metabolic indices. Supplementation with essential vitamins, metabolic intermediates and minerals shows conflicting results, which demands further research. Of the nutrients reviewed, carbohydrates, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and creatine appears to have the most nutritional ergogenic potentials for athletes involved in endurance and intense training. All supplements reviewed here need more evaluation for safety and effects on athletic performanceItem Impact of education programme on knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour of students in selected female senior secondary schools in Ibadan(Nigerian School Health Association, 2008)Cancer can affect any part of the body and occur in people of any age or sex. Cancerous growth can be contained if medical help is sought at the first sign of its symptom. This study examined the impact of cancer education intervention on knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviour of students in selected female secondary schools in Ibadan. The instruments used for the study were a self- developed cancer education package, a breast self-examination model and a cancer knowledge attitude and behaviour inventory (CKABI) which was tested with Crombach alpha and a reliability coefficient of r = 0.96 was obtained. Cancer education was found to significantly influence the experimental group's knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour. It was recommended that cancer education should be included in the health education curriculum of secondary schools, to equip students on how to adopt cancer preventive attitude and behaviour.Item Constraints of talent identification in tertiary institutional sports in Nigeria(Association of Applied Psychology and Human Performance, Winneba, Ghana, 2008) Oladipo, I.O.; Solubi, O. O.Factors hindering talents in tertiary institutional sports were investigated. Variables of academic programme, parental influence, peer group influence, institution sport policy and welfare package were tested among a sample of 170 intercollegiate coaches and sport council coaches in Lagos State, Nigeria. The descriptive research design was used while a validated questionnaire designed in line with a four-point likert scale was used for data collection. Results indicated the entire five variables to be significantly perceived as factors hindering talents hunts in Nigeria tertiary institutional sports.Item Impact of education programme on knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour of students in selected female senior secondary schools in Ibadan(Nigerian School Health Association, 2008) Famuyiwa, S. A.Cancer can affect any part of the body and occur in people of any age or sex. Cancerous growth can be contained if medical help is sought at the first sign of its symptom. This study examined the impact of cancer education intervention on knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviour of students in selected female secondary schools in Ibadan. The instruments used for the study were a self- developed cancer education package, a breast self-examination model and a cancer knowledge attitude and behaviour inventory (CKABI) which was tested with Crombach alpha and a reliability coefficient of r = 0.96 was obtained. Cancer education was found to significantly influence the experimental group's knowledge, attitude and cancer preventive behaviour. It was recommended that cancer education should be included in the health education curriculum of secondary schools, to equip students on how to adopt cancer preventive attitude and behaviour.