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Item ADMINISTRATIVE AND SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF STUDENTS’ SPORTS PARTICIPATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KWARA STATE, NIGERIA(2014-07) MOMOH, D. M.Participation in sports is of immense benefit to the soundness of an individual mental and social wellness, particularly youngsters. Recently there has been great involvement of youngsters in school games arising from the high administrative supports and social values attached to sports. Previous studies on documentation youngsters’ participation in sports had focused more on other factors (such as demographic and personal) rather than administrative and social. This study, therefore, investigated the importance of administrative (facilities, equipment, funding, schedulling, administrative style and personnel) and social (peer influence, parental influence, gender, religious beliefs and cultural beliefs) factors on students’ sports participation in private and public secondary schools in Kwara State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted. The stratified random sampling technique was used to select 2,560 students and 64 teachers from public (16) and private (16) secondary schools. Five instruments were used: Administrative Determinant Questionnaire for Students (r=0.82) Social Determinant Questionnaire for Students (r=0.76), Administrative Determinant Questionnaire for Teachers (r=0.73), Social Determinant Questionnaire for Teachers (r=0.76), and Students’ Sport Participation Questionnaire (r=0.73). Four research questions were answered and six hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were analysed using Pearson’s product moment correlation and multiple regression. Administrative and social factors significantly determined participation in sports for students (F (6, 2553) = 968.15) and for teachers (F (6, 57) = 31.06). These contributed 69.0% and 71.0% to the variance of sports participation respectively. The relative contributions of administrative factors among the students were: schedulling (β=0.447), equipment (β=0.444), facilities (β=0.314), funding (β=0.301), personnel (β=0.27) and administrative style (β=0.059). Relatively, also the social factors contributions among the students were: peer influence (β=0.058), parental influence (β=0.076), religious beliefs (β=0.094) and cultural beliefs (β=0.065). Gender was not significant. The relative contributions of independent variables among the teachers: administrative factors (equipment (β=0.648), facilities (β=0.528), schedulling (β=0.299), funding (β=0.244)) and social factors (peer influence (β=0.222), parental influence (β=0.166), gender (β=1.76) and cultural beliefs (β=0.172)) However, administrative style, qualified personnel and religious beliefs were not significant. Sport participation had significant relationships with the independent variables as follows: equipment (r=-.584), schedulling (r=-.407), funding (r=-.348), peer influence (r=-.332), gender (r=-.249), cultural beliefs (r=-.245), religious beliefs (r=-.184), personnel (r=-.139), facilities (r=-.119), administrative style (r=-.112) and parental influence (r=-.030). Significant difference existed between students’ sports participation in public ( =33.16) and private ( =32.47) secondary schools. Schedulling, equipment, facility and funding are the most potent factors that determined sports participation in private and public secondary schools. Therefore, sports equipment and facilities should be made more available and well managed to promote sports participation among secondary school students. Besides, more sports personnel who are administratively qualified should be recruited while more peer interactions are encouraged among the students.Item AEROBIC, ANAEROBIC AND HAEMATOLOGIC RESPONSES OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MALE STUDENTS TO DEHYDRATION REHYDRATION AND SUPERHYDRATION(1992) ADEGUN, J. A.The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of dehydration, rehydration and superhydration on the aerobic, anaerobic, haematologic and some related body composition variables in College of Education male students. A repeated measures experimental design was used for the study. The subjects were twenty healthy Physical and Health Education students of Ondo State College of Education, Ikere- Ekiti. They were volunteers certified fit by the physician .before they were allowed to take part in the study. The variables tested were maximum oxygen consumption (Maxvo 2). Recovery heart rate, myocardial oxygen consumption, speed, power, packed cell volume (PVC), osmotic fragility, percent body fat and lean body weight. The subjects were pre-assessed on the selected variables. For the first condition, the subjects were dehydrated so that over 3% of the body weight of each was lost before the exercise and subsequent reassessment. Also, they were allowed two weeks after dehydration for rehydration to take place before being exposed to exercise and evaluation. For superhydration, the subjects drank 2 litres of water each 30 minutes before the evaluation took place. Nine sub-hypotheses were formulated and tested at significant level of 0.05. The data were analysed, using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics used were mean, range and standard deviation. The inferential statistics was the ANOVA. The method of Scheffe was used to determine where the differences. The results showed significant differences in weight, speed, recovery heart rate, maximum oxygen consumption (Maxvo 2), myocardial oxygen consumption as well as the haematologic variables of packed cell volume (PVC) and Osmotic fragility among the three levels of hydration. Superhydration affected only maximum oxygen consumption (Maxvo2). Recovery heart rate, myocardial oxygen consumption, PCV and Osmotic fragility. Other variables were not influenced significantly by the various conditions. Its concluded that dehydration was detrimental to physical performances and red blood cells while superhydration enchanced aerobic capacity.Item ANALYSIS OF OCCUPATIONAL STRESS AS RELATED TO SOME PSYCHOSOCIAL AND CAREER VARIABLES OF NIGERIAN UNIVERSITY TEACHERS(1994-12) ACHALU, E. I.This study investigated occupational stress as related to psychosocial variables of job satisfaction and psychological well-being of teachers in the first generation Nigerian Universities. Also the study assessed the differences in occupational stress experienced by the teachers with respect to career variables such job status and years of teaching experience as well as biographical characteristics namely, age and sex. The research method was a cross-sectional survey design. Cluster sampling technique was used to select teachers in the first generation Nigerian universities. A total of 300 university teachers responded to the Teacher Stress and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire as well as the General Health Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the data. Multiple regression, chi-square, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. Scheffe post-hoc test was used to detect differences among groups where ANOVA was found significant. The results show that an overwhelming majority of the teachers (67.0%) were experiencing moderate levels of occupational stress while 15.0% and 18.0% were experiencing low and high levels of stress respectively. Despite this, 97.0% of the teachers reported moderate to high levels of job satisfaction with only 3.0% reporting low job satisfaction. Also a majority of the teachers (94.0%) reported moderate to high levels of psychological well-being. The reason for the findings are not clear. but it could be that the teachers have learnt to cope with the stressors encountered in the course of their work. Possibly, it could that the reported high levels of job satisfaction may have helped to moderate or reduce the impact of stress on the teachers' health. Regression analysis revealed a positive and significant relationship between occupational stress and job dissatisfaction (r=.43; P < .001); between occupational stress and psychological symptoms (r = .35; P < .001); and between job dissatisfaction and psychological symptoms (r = .45; P < .001). These findings are consistent with previous studies on teacher stress. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in total occupational stress levels with respect to age, sex and years of teaching experience. However, there was a significant difference in stress levels experienced by the teachers with respect to job status. Professors and Readers reported the lowest levels of stress followed by Senior Lecturers with junior lecturers-experiencing the most stress. The study identified the major sources of occupational stress among the Nigerian university teachers. Shortage of teaching materials, poor working conditions, heavy workload, time pressure, overcrowded classrooms, low salary and unfavourable conditions of service ranked accordingly as the most significant causes of stress. Finally, the present study indicated that occupational stress, job satisfaction and psychological health are closely related and that greater stress leads to low job satisfaction and some degree of psychological dysfunction. Thus occupational stress has negative effects on teachers' health and well-being. Moreover the results support the view in literature that teaching is a satisfying but a demanding and stressful occupation. Based on the findings of this study recommendations were made on how to reduce occupational stress and improve the health and quality of life of university teachers.Item Analysis of the use of exercise imagery functions by exercisers in Nigeria(2011) Adegbesan, O. A.; Oladipo, I. O.It is a general position that imagery plays a cognitive behavioral role in enhancing the performance of sport skills as noted in Short and Short (2005), the use of imagery is also more equally significant in exercise activities and can bring to fruition the performance of an individual exerciser because of its unique motivational function. Research studies has been conducted, examining imagery use by different categories of participants related to sport and exercise in the developed world, there have been dearth of literature on imagery use on similar participants in the deve1oping countries, hence the purpose of this study. Participants (482) male and female students were recruited from universities of Nigeria (mean age 24.0 ±SD4,7; male, n=256) and (mean age 23.0±SD5.2, female, n=226). A demographic questionnaire and the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ) Hausenblas et. a1 (1999) were used for data collection. Results indicated that no significant difference (p>0.5) was found on the three imagery functions by sex. But significant difference (p<0.5) was located on the appearance imagery function based on the criterion independent variables of three exercise activity groups of the exercise participants.Item Assessment of aged health problems in Ido Usi Local Government Area of Ekiti State, Nigeria(Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria., 2011) Famuyiwa, S. A.Ageing is a gradual process that begins from birth till death. It is characterized by the persistent wearing away and repair or replacement activities of the body but more remarkable at old age. The study assessed the old age health problems of old age people in Ido Usi Local Government Area of Ekiti state. Stratified and purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of200 participants comprising of both male and female aged 60 years and above. As self developed and validated structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Reliability coefficient of 0.72 was obtained for the instrument using crombach's alpha coefficient (r). The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages and chi-square x2 at 0.05 alpha level. The result showed that old age people have a decrease in biological functioning of their body system as they suffered defective symptoms in their eye sight, bone and muscle, skin and hair, sex organs response, diabetes and insomnia. Suggestion was made on coping strategies for successful and active ageing.Item Assessment of factors contributing to flood disaster in Ibadan metropolis: implication for environmental health education(2015) Odelola, J. O.; Akinola, C. O.Climate change has brought with it some forms of extreme weather events One of such is heavy rainfall which often leads to flood In recent times, flood disaster has been a regular occurrence destroying lives and property This study was earned out to identify and assess contributing factors to flood disaster in Ibadan metropolis The study investigated the contributions of variables such as heavy rainfall, drainage system, waste disposal arrangement, the dumping of refuse inside waterways the role of environmental health officers and level of adherence to the city masterplan. Expost facto research design was adopted for the study The population composed all residents of Ibadan metropolis The sample consisted of seven hundred and fifty (750) respondents were sampled from flood affected areas in five Local Government Areas of Oyo State, Nigeria. The instrument used was self-constructed questionnaire with 0.78 reliability co-efficient. The data obtained were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and inferential statistics of regression The findings revealed that dumping of refuse inside waterways, attitude of environmental health officers, heavy rainfall drainage system and poor adherence to city master-plan contributed io flood disaster in Ibadan metropolis. Among the factors that contributed significantly are heavy rain and dumping of refuse inside waterways. It is implied from the findings that there is urgent need for environmental health education for the population in order to encourage proper disposal of waste among residents of Ibadan metropolis.Item Attitude towards pre-marital genetic screening among students of Osun State polytechnics, Nigeria(2012-04) Odelola, J. O.; Akintaro, O. A.; Adisa, O.This study investigated the attitude towards pre-marital genetic screening among students of Osun State Polytechnics. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was self developed and structured questionnaire in four- point likert scale format. Descriptive statistics of frequency count and percentages were used to describe the demographic data, while the parametric statistics of t-test and ANOVA set at 0.05 alpha level were used to test the hypotheses. A total number of one thousand, one hundred and sixty-five (1,165) -Higher National Diploma (HND) students served as respondents for the study. Multistage sampling technique was used in three stages to select the respondents, namely: purposive sampling technique was used to select the schools; stratified sampling technique was used to select the Faculties and Departments, while proportionate sample of 25% was selected from each stratum. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The following were the values obtained: Difference in Attitude towards Pre-marital Genetic Screening (Crit-t = 1.96, Cal.t = 1.310, df = 1163, P > .05); Difference in Attitude Due to Religion (F(2,1162) = .689, P > .05) and Difference in Attitude Due to Course of Study (F(5,1159) = .585, P > .05). Conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study. The study recommended, among other things that religious organizations should serve as useful channels to disseminate health information since people always have respect for places of worship and religious leaders.Item Basic psychological needs and organizational stress among student-athletes in Nigeria(2022) Jaiyeoba, O. M.Organizational stress poses a lot of threat on student-athletes unique population and causes numerous undesirable consequences, which affect their well-being, academic, personal life and sport performance. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of basic psychological needs on organisational stress among student- athletes in Nigeria. This study employed correlational descriptive research design. The participants were 200 student-athletes that participated in 2022 NUGA held in Lagos, Nigeria. Convenient sampling method was used to select the sample size. The participants completed Basic Need Satisfaction in Sport Scale (BNSSS) and the Organizational Stressor Indicator for Sport Performers (OSI-SP) to collect data. Data analysis was conducted using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that there was significant positive correlation between autonomy and organisational stress (r=0.181, p<0.05); relatedness and organisational stress (r=O.204, p<0.05), Regression analysis showed that joint contributions of basic psychological needs accounted for about 53% of variance influencing dependent variable. Relatedness was only found to have relative significant contribution on organisational stress. It can therefore be concluded that fulfilling and satisfying the basic psychological needs of student-athletes can reduce organisational stress and enhance performance and over all well-beingItem Biofeedback technology for stress management and self-regulation of athletes(2022) Jaiyeoba, M. O.With present technological advancement, the construct of stress management and self- regulation has received a new approach as this affects both psychological and physiological indices of athletes during training, competition, injury recovery and psychological wellbeing. The thought of biofeedback technology that makes use of instruments (electronic devices with electrodes and sensors) to assess, monitor, and feed psycho physiological information back to a person which is gaining recognition is to build a more complete tool to improve athlete’s performance and psychological wellbeing rather than replacing the traditional PST. In this perspective, the paper examined brief historical background of biofeedback in sports, meaning of biofeedback and biofeedback training, biofeedback modalities, stress management, self-regulation, biofeedback technology for stress management and self-regulation, two training models of Wingate 5-Step Approach (W5SA) and the Learning-Modification- Application (LMA) Approach. The author suggested that, sport scientists, sport psychologists and coaches could adopt biofeedback technology as a means to manage competitive stress and improve athlete’s self-regulation for great performance and optimal HealthItem Capacity building and material resources as determinants of practitioners’ effectiveness in delivering health education for poverty alleviation and sustainable development in Oyo State Knowledge and abuse of psychoactive substances among commercial drivers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria(2018-06) Odelola, J. O.The study investigated capacity- building and material resources as determinants of practitioners' effectiveness in delivering health education for poverty> alleviation and sustainable development in Oyo state rural communities. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. The study sampled 244 community health practitioners from fifteen local government areas of Oyo State in South Western Nigeria. Data were collected through questionnaire. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The finding showed a significant joint effect of variables of capacity building (collaborative learning, knowledge management and technological support) and material resources equipment, facilities and fund) on practitioners' effectiveness in delivering health education (F(6.237= 17.732; P<0.05). It was concluded that effectiveness of community health practitioners in delivering health education is a function of technical exposure, motivation and provision of necessary materials. It was recommended that community health practitioners should be equipped with knowledge and skills through regular attendance of conferences, symposia, and seminars. Also, they should be given necessary motivation and materials with which to be effective in delivering health education.Item Challenges of integrating recreational activities into the school programme of the special needs children(2012-01) Odelola, J. O.; Moses, M. O.; Lokoyi, O. L. O.Recreational activity is important and relevant to human development as well as the achievement of optimum health. It has vital role to play in helping special needs children to develop physically, socially and emotionally. Recreational activity could help the children to live a more fulfilling, satisfying and healthy life in the world in which their capability is limited. Although, the special needs children have equal right as the able-bodied persons to participate in leisure time activity, some challenges are standing in the way of special needs schools in providing this opportunity. The desire to find out these constraints informed this study. Descriptive survey research design was used in the study. The one hundred (100) participants used in the study were from five special schools in Ibadan, Oyo State, and Asaba, Delta State using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was the Recreational Integration Challenge Questionnaire (RICQ) with four subsets and four items in each, which focused on the actual challenges which children with special needs are facing in the implementation of integrating recreational activities into the schools’ programmes. The descriptive statistics of chi-square (x2) was employed to test the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 alpha level. The findings revealed that facilities and equipment, financial constraints, time schedules and adjustment to motor skills learning significantly posed challenges to the integration of recreational activities. The study among other things recommended that private, philanthropists and business tycoons should invest in the construction and provision offunctional facilities and equipment that will motivate the special needs children to participate in recreational activities for health.Item Cognitive behavioural therapy and exercise adherence among older adults(2018) Jaiyeoba, M. O.Exercise has numerous benefits, yet older adults do not exercise on regular bases. This is linked to several factors among which are cognitive, behavioural, environmental or social factors. This study examined cognitive behavioural therapy and exercise adherence among older adults. This involves the concept of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exercise Adherence and Motivation to Exercise Adherence. Theories and Exercise Behaviour Pattern. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), guided by the self-regulation model, is presented as a practical way to help older adults see how thoughts guide their exercise behaviour. The study recommended that sports psychologists should be involved in inculcating and practical teaching of CBT to the older adults in order to increase their exercise adherenceItem Constraints of talent identification in tertiary institutional sports in Nigeria(Association of Applied Psychology and Human Performance, Winneba, Ghana, 2008) Oladipo, I.O.; Solubi, O. O.Factors hindering talents in tertiary institutional sports were investigated. Variables of academic programme, parental influence, peer group influence, institution sport policy and welfare package were tested among a sample of 170 intercollegiate coaches and sport council coaches in Lagos State, Nigeria. The descriptive research design was used while a validated questionnaire designed in line with a four-point likert scale was used for data collection. Results indicated the entire five variables to be significantly perceived as factors hindering talents hunts in Nigeria tertiary institutional sports.Item Constraints to bedside health education of diabetic patients at the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria(Nigerian Association of Health Educators, 2017) Odelola, J. O.The study examined institutional and personal factors as constraints to bedside health education of diabetic patients among nurses at the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. A sample of 50 respondents was selected using purposive sampling technique. Two research questions were answered and six research hypotheses were tested. Self-developed and validated questionnaire with reliability co-efficient of 0.89 was used to collect data. Data were analysed with the use of percentage and inferential statistics of chi-square at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that workload, health education training programme, health education teaching aids, ward environment, attitude of nurses to patients and communication skills were constraints to bedside health education of diabetic patients. Provision of human and material resources are recommended to facilitate effective health education of hospitalised patients.Item Coping with psychological impact of disasters through physical education and sports among children living in disaster-prone areas(2017-01) Jaiyeoba, M. O.The focus of this paper was to explain the concept of disaster, its impacts on sports and recreation facilities and how disasters can be prevented in schools. It also addressed how to cope with psychological impact of disasters among children through physical education and sportsItem Creative and effective teaching of health education in schools(Royal People (Nigeria)Ltd.,Ibadan, 2013) Odelola, J. O.; Famuyiwa, S. A.Item Creative and effective teaching of health education in schools(Royal People (Nigeria) Ltd., Ibadan, 2013) Odelola, J. O.; Famuyiwa, S. A.Item Demystifying consumerism: towards tackling the problem of quackery in Nigeria(2009-07) Odelola, J. O.Marketplaces are flooded with goods and services from which consumers must choose. Consumers are in this way faced with challenges of choosing goods and services that will satisfy their wants and have positive impact on their health. Studies have shown that many of the goods available in marketplaces are fake, expired or contaminated. Quacks render ineffective health services. Information provided about the goods and services are deceptive and inadequate. This paper examines problems of quackery and consumerism and the importance of consumerism. It also explains rights of consumer and corresponding laws as well as consumer health protection agencies and consumer health education. The paper concludes that consumer’s rights could be protected through legal means. The paper recommends the integration of consumerism into school curricula and massive public enlightenment on the activities of quacks in Nigeria.Item Determinants of birth-control choices among female teachers of child-bearing age in selected secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government of Oyo State(Atlantic Association Publishers, Lagos, 2013-10) Famuyiwa, S. A.; Dauda, I. K.This study however focused on determinants of birth control choices among female teachers of child-bearing age in selected secondary school in Ibadan North Local Government of Oyo State. The descriptive survey research design were adoptedfor the study. 429 female teachers of child-bearing age waspurposively selected for the study. Demographie data was analysed using simple percentage and frequency counts while linear regression was used to analyse the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. Self developed Likert type questionnaire was used as research instrument. The findings showed the respondents differ significantly, in their responses knowledge of birth control methods (F= 391.21), effectiveness and time duration of birth control methods (F = 233.41), convenience of use (F = 363.21), religious belief spouse influence (F=118.6), peer influence (F=222.6), current number of children (70.12). This showed a relative contribution of the independent variable on the dependent variable. All the seven hypotheses were rejected. Knowledge of birth control methods, effectiveness and time duration of birth control methods, convenience of use, religious belief, spouse influence, peers influence and current number of children were found to be the factors that determine birth control choices among female teachers. It is therefore recommended that health education programmes such as seminars, health talks e.t.c. should be organized for women to create more awareness on the various methods of birth control. This will encourage them on the need for contraception and find solution to various reproductive health challenges.Item Developing a norm for screening athletes during competitions: Nigerian Secondary Schools Sports Federation experience(2001) Oladipo, D.In an attempt to find solution to cheating which characterizes age-declaration at many age-group competitions, various methods including chronological age and physiological age (skeletal age) have been adopted to ascertain what is called “truly” “under-18” for secondary school sports competition. But rather than solving the problem, these methods seem to have created more problems. This study then ventured into another method which pull together the use of the above two stated method into one. The method called exponent system was tested and eventually adopted successfully during the 1998, All Nigeria Secondary School Sports Federation Competition held in Abuja.