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    Implementing digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria, a backbone for achieving institutional repository (IR): Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan experience.
    (2016-06) Ojo, R. A.; Ilesanmi, T. C.
    This paper addressed digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria as a backbone for implementing a sustainable and reliable institutional repository (IR). using Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Ibadan as a reference point. It discussed among other things, provision of background information about the initiative, looking at digitisation initiative from global perspective, taking decisions on what part of the collections to be digitised, why is digitisation so accentuated, statement of problem, justification for embracing digitisation initiative, critical elements of digitisation processes, copyright issues, handling copyright issues, using Sherpa Romeo colour web page, basic library responsibilities in managing digital project (IR). a documentation of digitisation efforts at University of Ibadan Kenneth Dike Library: The story so far, prospects, lesson learnt and conclusion. In a nutshell, the whole essence of this paper is to document Kenneth Dike Library experience in respect of the digitization initiative taken in October. 2010, as a platform for implementing Institutional Repository (IR) for the University of Ibadan, Ibadan. The progress reports as well as other details in respect of digitisation processes are hereby provided. This will serve as a blue print for any university academic library wanting to implement institutional repository (IR), using digitisation as a back bone.
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    Technology facilitated best practices in digital preservation management: the experience of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2019) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    Digital preservation is a global phenomenon and current trend that guarantees the maintenance of information contents. Libraries should he particularly concerned with digital preservation because digital resources of different types are increasingly becoming parts of their collections and as such need to be preserved for wider visibility access and posterity Kenneth Diki Library (KDL), University of Ibadan, Nigeria over the rears luis developed sets of best practices that have made digital preservation a success. Therefore, this paper discusses the facilities and processes put in place in KDL that ensure effective management of digital information contents that other universities could learn from in addition, the paper also highlights the challenges of digital preservation that are peculiar to the Nigerian environment. The paper suggests that funding digital preservation project should be given the topmost priority other suggestions include: acquisition of modern digital preservation equipment, employment of more staff, development of staff expert is; and exploration of other sources of electricity supply.
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    Library consortium: IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria experience
    (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    Purpose – This paper aims to describe the library consortium experienced at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Activities involved improving researchers’ timely access to resources for research for development. Design/methodology/approach – The approach taken was a librarian interview and observation of library records. Findings – The consortium involves agricultural libraries in both developing and developed countries. Using the library software Inmagic database enhances the web-based centralized online public access catalogue of all the participating institutions, the CGV Library. This enabled access to their comprehensive collections, promoting better library services to agricultural researchers. Hence, it bridges the digital gap between developing and developed countries. They are involved in joint acquisition of electronic journals and timely response to sharing their independent collections through electronic document delivery services. Practical implications – The paper recommends that Nigerian libraries, especially agricultural research institutes, could emulate the IITA library consortium. Originality/value – The paper provides recommendations to libraries wishing to form consortia in Nigeria and notes the positive impacts that this would have on national development.
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    The concept of housing as it relates to finance
    (Pan-African Bunk Company, 2017) Obabori, A. O.; Ilesanmi, C. T.
    The conceptual frame work of housing in this work bothers on Neighbourhood unit principle that has to do with supply of services of higher and lower orders to its inhabitants. On the other and housing demand reflected the price and the ability to pay and the product must be available in terms of supply. It was discovered that the minimum paid worker’s allowance cannot meet the requirement for obtaining housing in Nigeria. The uncertainty of the economic situation did not promote housing provision, inadequate budgetary allocation to housing has led to decrease and poor quality and quantity of housing delivery. The data on the disbursement and repayment and the number of housing provided as at January 2012 was highlighted. It was suggested that the financial structure of Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria should be modified to accommodate housing cooperatives, housing associations, credit union, government machinery, saving banks and designated financial institution for housing that will cater for different categories of people.
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    Digitization of journal collections in libraries: a case study of Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Taylor & Francis, 2013) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    Digitization of journal collections in libraries is inevitable with the advent of Information Communication Technology (ICT). There is a need to digitize journals in the academic library in order to preserve and to give wider visibility and accessibility to information resources for teaching, learning, and research. This article describes the processes of journal collection digitization in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Underfunding and copyright clearance are the challenges encountered, among others. The study recommends adequate funding and concludes that the benefit of instant access to digital information is the most distinguishing attribute in this present information age.
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    Examiners’ characteristics and attitude toward marking as determinants of knowledge of malpractice indicators
    (2017-02) Adeleke, J.O.; Ayanwale, A. M.
    Examination malpractice has invaded Nigeria and has increased in tempo despite measures intended to curb it. It is therefore not in doubt that some stakeholders and policy makers in the educational sector today including teachers who combine public examining duties may not be knowledgeable enough to track the “menace” while marking. This study, therefore investigated the existing relationship between personal characteristics, attitude toward marking and examiners’ knowledge of examination malpractice indicators. The study is a descriptive research that never manipulated any independent variable but adopted a correlational approach. Four hundred and fifty NECO examiners were drawn using multi - stage sampling technique from nine marking centres in three of the six States of the south west. The two questionnaires used for data collection were Examiners7 Attitude Towards Marking Scale (r = 0.6) and Examiners’ Knowledge of Malpractice Indicators (r = 0.6). The data collected were analysed using multiple regression analysis with alpha level set at 0.05. The study revealed that all the predictor variables had a composite influence on examiners’ knowledge of examination malpractice indicators (R=.355, F8,441=7.957; p<0.05): number of year(s) of marking with NECO (P=-.200), location of marking (P=-.278) and attitude towards marking (P= .157) were found to have significant contribution to examiners’ knowledge of examination malpractice. The findings have implications for examination bodies, examiners and stakeholders in educational sector. It was recommended that there should be intensive training and re-training for all the examiners by the examination bodies where issues related to detection of examination malpractice cases while marking will be discussed. Production of handbook on the indicators of examination malpractice is recommended
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    The impact of peer tutoring on librarians in training at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Academic Journals, 2013) Okoroma, F. N.
    The enrichment of the national cultural heritage is directly linked to the level of protection given to literary and artistic works. The higher the level of protection, the greater the number of each country’s intellectual output. This calls for an effective copyright information resource management in every nation and organization to optimize access to relevant information on copyright in order to curb the rate of infringement. This paper seeks to address the copyright information resource management in Nigeria, and the way forward. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. The last two questions on the questionnaire were open-ended questions, designed to enable the respondents freely express their views and suggestions. The findings identified the benefits of copyright information resource management, both to the authors and the users; include the inhibition of infringement as it delivers quick access to copyright related information in a dynamic and effective way. This is due to the fact that many acts of infringement on copyright are as a result of ignorance on the part of users. The findings further highlighted that copyright information resource management facilitation is dependent on putting the right people in positions of authority, setting up committee in each institution to monitor and establish standards in order to ensure quality assurance in the system, and keeping tracks of publications of each university’s scholar
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    Factors influencing institutional repositories in some Universities in Nigeria
    (2017) Okoroma, F. N.
    Establishment, development and sustenance of institutional repository has been a challenging task for many institutions of higher learning in Nigeria while many other institutions across the globe have effectively managed issues of institutional repository in their institutions. Although, studies has be conducted on institutional repository in Nigerian Universities but such studies are yet to identify factors that influence institutional repositories in the country. Therefore, the study assessed factors influencing institutional repository in some universities in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design using a self-developed structured questionnaire. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to sample 751 staff (436 males and 315 females) of universities in Nigeria. Two research questions were raised. Data generated were analysed using descriptive statistics. The finding revealed that the development and sustenance of institutional repositories in university libraries in Nigeria have been very slow and quite uneven, due to the numerous institutional and external factors affecting the sustenance of institutional repositories. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made
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    The impact of social media on library and information studies students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Net Journals, 2018-07) Okoroma, F. N.; Okafor, I. A.
    The significance of social media in the teaching and learning process cannot be overemphasized. However the excessive use of the same can result into inefficiency and poor academic performance. The study examines the impact of social media (SM) on Library and Information Studies students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Questionnaire was used for data collection. 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the librarians in training at the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan. 99 copies were filled and returned, given a response rate of 99%. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that Whatsapp was the most preferred social media platform used more frequently by the LIS undergraduates. Majority of the students make use of SM more for other activities than academics, they spend 7 hours each day on the SM on general activities other than course work as against 5 hours spent each day for course work on the media, and as a result this undoubtedly affects their performance
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    The influence of cyberloafing on library and information studies students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Scienceweb Publishing, 2018-07) Okoroma, F. N.; Okafor, I. A.
    The internet plays a vital role in the teaching and learning processes. However, the uncontrolled excessive use of these technologies by students results to several problems such as cyber loafing. This work examines the influence of cyber loafing on teaching and learning processes of students of Library and Information Studies (LIS) at the University of Ibadan (UI), Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research as the method. The questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the librarians in training at the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan. 99 copies were filled and returned, given a response rate of 99%. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that majority of the students engage in cyberloafing and they spend an average of 5½ hours each day in cyberloafing. Whatsapp and Facebook were the major platforms that the students use to engage in cyberloafing. The students were not satisfied with their academic performance, due to the fact that cyberloafing makes them to procrastinate in their studies.