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    Implementing digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria, a backbone for achieving institutional repository (IR): Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan experience.
    (2016-06) Ojo, R. A.; Ilesanmi, T. C.
    This paper addressed digitization initiatives in university libraries in Nigeria as a backbone for implementing a sustainable and reliable institutional repository (IR). using Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Ibadan as a reference point. It discussed among other things, provision of background information about the initiative, looking at digitisation initiative from global perspective, taking decisions on what part of the collections to be digitised, why is digitisation so accentuated, statement of problem, justification for embracing digitisation initiative, critical elements of digitisation processes, copyright issues, handling copyright issues, using Sherpa Romeo colour web page, basic library responsibilities in managing digital project (IR). a documentation of digitisation efforts at University of Ibadan Kenneth Dike Library: The story so far, prospects, lesson learnt and conclusion. In a nutshell, the whole essence of this paper is to document Kenneth Dike Library experience in respect of the digitization initiative taken in October. 2010, as a platform for implementing Institutional Repository (IR) for the University of Ibadan, Ibadan. The progress reports as well as other details in respect of digitisation processes are hereby provided. This will serve as a blue print for any university academic library wanting to implement institutional repository (IR), using digitisation as a back bone.
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    Library consortium: IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria experience
    (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    Purpose – This paper aims to describe the library consortium experienced at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Activities involved improving researchers’ timely access to resources for research for development. Design/methodology/approach – The approach taken was a librarian interview and observation of library records. Findings – The consortium involves agricultural libraries in both developing and developed countries. Using the library software Inmagic database enhances the web-based centralized online public access catalogue of all the participating institutions, the CGV Library. This enabled access to their comprehensive collections, promoting better library services to agricultural researchers. Hence, it bridges the digital gap between developing and developed countries. They are involved in joint acquisition of electronic journals and timely response to sharing their independent collections through electronic document delivery services. Practical implications – The paper recommends that Nigerian libraries, especially agricultural research institutes, could emulate the IITA library consortium. Originality/value – The paper provides recommendations to libraries wishing to form consortia in Nigeria and notes the positive impacts that this would have on national development.
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    Factors influencing institutional repositories in some Universities in Nigeria
    (2017) Okoroma, F. N.
    Establishment, development and sustenance of institutional repository has been a challenging task for many institutions of higher learning in Nigeria while many other institutions across the globe have effectively managed issues of institutional repository in their institutions. Although, studies has be conducted on institutional repository in Nigerian Universities but such studies are yet to identify factors that influence institutional repositories in the country. Therefore, the study assessed factors influencing institutional repository in some universities in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design using a self-developed structured questionnaire. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to sample 751 staff (436 males and 315 females) of universities in Nigeria. Two research questions were raised. Data generated were analysed using descriptive statistics. The finding revealed that the development and sustenance of institutional repositories in university libraries in Nigeria have been very slow and quite uneven, due to the numerous institutional and external factors affecting the sustenance of institutional repositories. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made
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    An assessment of leadership requirements for building strong libraries, strong library associations and strong societies
    (Woeli Publishing Services, 2023) Oyelude, A. A.; Anunobi, C.
    The chapter assesses leadership requirements for building strong libraries, library associations and societies in Nigeria, considering leadership traits, styles, leadership expectations of associations and what constitutes strong societies. A survey research design was adopted for the study in which university librarians were surveyed. Questionnaire was used to gather data. The data was analyzed using percentages and mean. It was found that preferred leadership traits and style for strong libraries, associations and societies are creativity, integrity, communication, passion, and vision that could be applied to transformational leadership. Library association leaders should demonstrate exemplary leadership with some elements of empathy, which translates to strong libraries and by extension strong societies where members possessing high literacy are empowered to contribute to the actualization of the mission and vision of the society. Recommendations are made on approach to development of the requisite leadership traits and styles necessary to build strong libraries, library associations and. ultimately, strong societies globally
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    Libraries, information and resource centres as a tool for women and economic development in Nigeria
    (2004) Oyelude, A. A.; Subair, R. E.; Adewumi, C. O. B.
    The role of Women libraries, Documentation and Resource Centres in the economic development of women is examined and the types of literature gathered, processed and disseminated is surveyed The activities of the Centres concerning women education, information literacy level and the economic activities of the Women in the community were observed and assessed to find out the impact they have on society. Women Special Centres and NGOs were used in the study. Questionnaire, Interview and Participatory Observation methods were used in data gathering. The results show that the Women Centres run literacy programs for women and girls and also provide training for less privileged women to facilitate their economic independence as they make a living from skills acquired through vocational training. Women farmers are assisted in getting loans, and the libraries provide needed literature in book and audio-visual form for them. Information related to their reproductive health is also provided. Women depend to a great extent on the resources and facilities of these Centres. Recommendations are made on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be used to greater advantage to network and reach majority of women especially in the rural community.
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    Essentials of project proposal writing in librarianship
    (International Center for Professional Advancement, 2015-06) Ola, C. O.
    This paper focuses on the essentials of project proposal writing in librarianship. Librarianship is basically service-oriented and mostly non-for-profit. Their needs are enormous as they thrive to provide Services to their teeming users with the limited resources available to them. In doing this, they approach funding organizations, foundations and government agencies for support. As there are many contending libraries and organizations competing for scarce grants, the skills in writing project proposals become very important when sourcing for support to execute library projects. The paper discusses projects and the development of library and Information Services; the general guidelines for proposal writing: the structure and contents of project proposals; project details and descriptions; the budget contents and; the organizational Information. In all these, attention is drawn to the salient ingredients that make project proposals attractive to potential funding organizations
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    New skillsets for future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) library workforce
    (2019) Oyelude, A. A.; Akin-Fakorede, O. O.
    The advent of new technologies makes it imperative for library staff to continually improve their skills, to meet user needs and for excellent service delivery. As a result, training and retraining of staff becomes top priority. With research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) on the increase, libraries serving this population find that the rate of training and the skills needed in anticipation, for the workforce has to increase for them to meet future expectations of their users. This study was conducted to find out the perceived needs of the workforce (librarians and support staff) in STEM libraries on what skills they need for future service delivery. Questionnaires and Interviews were used for data collection. 70 librarians and library officers formed the target population of the study, of which 40 responded. The findings showed that respondents perceived that having a good grasp of future technologies, constant updating of literacy and digital skills as well as training in computer programming and design are absolutely essential skill sets for the future STEM library workforce. The future STEM librarian will need specialized clientele management training for effective service delivery. Formal training in use of computer assisted tools such as Artificial intelligence, immersive technology and others will be imperative for the future STEM workforce. Constant re-skilling and acquisition of critical thinking and computer programming skills will be absolutely essential moving forward.
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    The leadership dimension in information and communication technology adoption in African libraries
    (Sage, 2014-02) Oyelude, A. A.; Oladele, B. A.
    The article focuses on leadership challenges in adaptation to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in African libraries. It identifies and discusses the need for adequate leadership styles and behavior in the bid to adapt effectively to new technologies. Online survey, observation arising from personal professional practice experience, personal communication, and interview methods were used to gather data for the study. Older library professionals, many of whom are still very visible across the leadership strata of libraries, were found to exhibit diverse attitude to the adaptation to ICTs deployment and use in their libraries. Some library leaders and older generation professionals were discovered to react somewhat negatively to changes in technology used in their libraries, preventing the younger professionals from performing to full capacity, and generally showing nonchalance to new technologies. Proper training and retraining, mentoring, and harnessing the synergy of ideas, with respectful communication from new generation library professionals, was found to be desirable. Change management workshops and implementation of standard ethics of the profession are recommended, while emphasis is put on the need for library professionals to overcome their technophobia and take leadership in adapting to move the library and information profession forward.
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    Managing electronic resources in libraries: issues and challenges
    (Nigerian Library Association, Ogun State Chapter, 2011-02) Oyelude, A. A.
    Electronic resources are increasingly being found in libraries. The management of the e-resources involves acquisition, cataloguing and classification and also providing access to them. Ways in which e-resources are managed are discussed pointing out the role of staff and users in the management chain. An online survey of librarians' knowledge of electronic resources and the use of electronic resources management software was conducted. Results from the survey reveal that quite a number of librarians are unaware of Electronic Resources Management Systems (ERMS) in their libraries, and managing e-resources in most of the libraries is deemed difficult. Various issues affecting ability of libraries to manage their e-resources and the challenges that have to be faced in the organization process are highlighted. Recommendations are made of the way forward for librarians and libraries to follow established guidelines and learn from other libraries that have success stories in e-resources management.
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    Online public access catalogue [OPAC] in Nigerian libraries: a case study of the Kenneth Dike Library and university of lagos library
    (Ozean Publication, 2013) Omoike, A.; Oke, T. A.
    This research work examined the effects and constraints of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in Nigerian Libraries: A case study of. Kenneth Dike Library and University of Lagos Library. The research design is a case study and data was gathered from randomly selected students over a period of one week. Out of a total of 200 questionnaires used,a total of 190-were returned out of which 164 were found useful. Frequency counts and simple percentage were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study showed that the major effects of OPAC is that it allows users to search the library's collection from location outside the library walls: it provides users with timely access to library materials: it encourages cooperative collections development and resource sharing and power failure was also indicated as one of the numerous problems facing the utilization of OPAC in Nigeria Libraries. From the findings of the study, conclusions and recommendations were made.