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Item "Afiwe awon owe ti o je mo igbeyawo laarin Yoruba ati Igbo "(Yoruba Studies Association of Nigeria, 2014-06) Adeyinka, A. A.Item Availability, use and relevance of Yoruba songs and rhymes in pre- school education in Ondo west local government area of Ondo state(Universite D'Abomey-Calavi, 2015-12) Adeyinka, A. A.; Ajibola, A. J.Music is an aspect of Yoruba oral literature because it contributes to logical, mathematical, linguistic, spatial and interpersonal intelligence of children. Early childhood stage is the period of rapid development and the most critical period in a child’s musical growth. Children are accorded due respect in Yoruba oral poetry in the likes of folktales, lullabies, cognomen and mnemonics as they ensure the mental and psychological health of the child. While these folkloric elements are in the culture of the Yoruba and taught at the primary level of education before, socialization and modernization have brought in foreign songs and rhymes at the expense of indigenous ones in both public and private schools. Four research questions were raised in this study while an instrument (r = 0.73), divided into four sections, was used to collect data. Validation of the instrument was done accordingly. A simple random sampling, formed the subjects for this study. Data collected were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that teachers agreed that Yoruba songs and rhymes are available (π = 2.82) and that children recite rhymes. They used songs and rhymes to teach other school subjects but their perception of relevance in teaching differed. The study therefore recommends the use of Yoruba songs and rhymes in nursery education in order to enhance learning.Item Children literature in Nigeria: the Yoruba example(The Department of Teacher Education University of Ibadan, 2008) Adeyinka, A. A."The aesthetic and therapeutic effects of literature on the life effect both the old and young. Yoruba oral literature accords due respect to children in its poetry and drama as it has a myriad of renditions like songs, lullabies, poems and folktales for their listening and participation enjoyment. In contemporary Nigeria love for written children literature in Yoruba is dying as many authors do not write for children while publishers also show little interest in publishing materials in the indigenous languages. This paper examined the prospect of children written literature in Yoruba by considering the efforts of writers so far and the problems facing it today. Suggestions on how to sustain it and improve on its teaching in schools in the 21st century are also offered. "Item Code alternation in pre service teachers’ verbal communication in Oyo and Ogun states: reasons and implications(The Department of Teacher Education University of Ibadan, 2013) Adeyinka, A. A.; Awolere, O. O.Code alternation has become a common feature of oral conversation among bilinguals. However, scholars do not agree on the reasons for this. While some see it as a sign of linguistic deficiency, some see it as a welcome development and a normal feature of bilinguals. Several studies have been carried out on incidence of code alternation both locally and internationally. But very few of such studies examined reasons and implications for code alternation among Yoruba/English bilingual students. This study examines the variables that may influence bilingual —pre-service teachers in colleges of education to alternate codes in their verbal communication. Descriptive survey design was adopted in the study and all pre-service teachers at Emmanuel Alcyande College of Education, Oyo, Oyo state and Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State constituted the population. Four hundred students were randomly selected for this study while a self constructed questionnaire titled “Code Alternation in Pre-service Teacher Communication; Reasons and Implications” which had a reliability coefficient index of 0.68 was used to elicit responses from the subjects. Chi square was used to analyse the data generated in the study. Findings revealed that participants' roles and relationship have significant influence on code alternation. Also, there is significant influence of situational factors on code alternation among the pre-service teachers in colleges of education. Based on the findings of the study, appropriate recommendations were made.Item "Code-alternation of Yoruba-English bilinguals and their acceptability "(2016) Adeyinka, A. A.; Ohia, I. N."The phenomenon of code alternation (C A) as a powerful language strategy existing in all communities in the world is very common place among Nigerian bilinguals. However, this common-placism does not translate into acceptability among the participants. As should be expected, different groups of people in the society are reflected in the patterns and use of CA, suggesting that social forces affect the performance of CA, making distinctions from those basic factors controlling basic structure with which they interact. It is also common knowledge that when speakers are bilinguals and CA is a component of the community, the type of code choices they make becomes a label for them, arising from adverse effect of the phenomenon regarded as a demerit. Accordingly, this paper sets out to provide quantitative evidence on the acceptability of these choices using selected Yoruba- English bilinguals. The findings reveal that there are variations in attitude to CA, the dominant one being positive. The implications of this for language instructions have been discussed. "Item "Creative and effective teaching of Yoruba. "(Royal People (Nigeria) Ltd, 2013) Adeyinka, A. A.Item Effects of bilingual and peer-tutoring instructional strategies on pre-service teachers’ achievement in Yoruba translation(Publication of the Department of Ecnomics, University of Maiduguri, 2013-06) Adeyinka, A. A.; Adeoye, A. A.Translation is an important aspect of Yoruba language studies and a compulsory course for pre-service teachers in colleges of education. As valuable as it is, reports show that there is a gross underachievement in it among students. This has been traced to ineffective strategies adopted in teaching translation to pre-service teachers which do not allow them to be actively involved in the teaching learning process. There is the need to adopt strategies that cater for these deficiencies. Two of such strategies are bilingual and peer- tutoring. Studies have shown that these strategies were effective in teaching social studies and mathematics but their effect in teaching and learning of Yoruba translation has not enjoyed much research attention. This study examined the effects of bilingual and peer- tutoring instructional strategies on pre-service teachers' achievement in Yoruba translation. Pretest-posttest control group quasi- experimental research design was adopted. 300 pre-service teachers in intact classes from six purposively selected colleges of education in southwestern Nigeria were randomly assigned to treatment groups. Yoruba Translation Achievement Test (r = 0. 73) and Instructional Guides for the three strategies were the instruments used. Seven null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significant level. Data were analysed using Analysis of Covariance and Scheffe post- hoc analysis. Bilingual and peer-tutoring instructional strategies are more facilitative in fostering pre-service teachers' accurate translation in Yoruba than the traditional lecture strategy. Hence, Yoruba translation teachers in colleges of education should adopt the strategies in Yoruba translationItem " Effects of bilingual and peer-tutoring instructional strategies on pre-service teachers' attitude Yoruba translation. "(Adonis & Abbey Publishers, 2016) Adeyinka, A. A.Translation is an important aspect of Yoruba language studies and a compulsory course for pre-service teachers in colleges of education in Nigeria. As valuable as it is, reports show that students ’ attitude towards it has been negative thus leading to gross under-achievement in questions relating to translation among them. This has been traced to ineffective strategies adopted in teaching translation to pre-service teachers which do not allow them to be actively involved in the teaching-learning process. There is the need to adopt strategies that cater for these deficiencies. Among the strategies are bilingual and peer-tutoring which are learner- centered and activity-based. Studies have shown that these strategies were effective in teaching social studies and mathematics but their effect in teaching and learning of Yoruba translation has not enjoyed much research attention. Therefore, this study examined the effects of bilingual and peer-tutoring instructional strategies on pre-service teachers' attitude towards Yoruba translation. Moderating effects of students ’ verbal ability and gender were also examined. Seven hypotheses, tested at 0.05 significant level, were formulated and 300 pre-service teachers in intact classes from six purposively selected colleges of education in Southwestern Nigeria, who were randomly assigned to treatment groups served as participants. Pre-service Teachers ’ Attitude to Yoruba Translation Questionnaire (r=0.76), Students' Verbal Ability Test (r=0.78) and Instructional Guides were used as instruments. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance and Scheffe post-hoc analysis. Findings show that bilingual and peer-tutoring instructional strategies are more facilitative in fostering pre-service teachers' attitude towards translation in Yoruba than the traditional lecture strategy. Hence, Yoruba translation teachers in colleges of education should adopt these strategies in teaching Yoruba translation.Item "Effects of langauge proficiency and attitude on achievement in Yoruba essay writing of senior secondary students in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo state "("Sunjo AJ. Global Links LTD ", 2014-04) Adeyinka, A. A."This study examines the effects of language proficiency and attitude on students ’ achievement in Yoruba essay writing. A descriptive survey research design of correlational type was adopted for the study. Three research questions were generated. Using 200 students randomly selected from Senior Secondary schools in Ibadan Metropolis. Three instruments were used and data obtained were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings are as follow: The language proficiency positively correlates with achievement in Yoruba essay writing (r = 0.317, p<0.001) and students’ attitude to Yoruba essay writing (r= 0.292, p<0.05). It reveals significant joint contribution of the independent variables (language proficiency and students attitude to achievement in Yoruba essay writing) to the prediction of achievement in Yoruba essay writing. The result yielded a coefficient of multiple regressions R = 0.658 and multiple R-square = 0.433.3. This shows that, the two predictor factors (language proficiency and students attitude to achievement in Yoruba essay writing) are potent predictors of achievement in Yoruba essay writing. The more potent factor was language proficiency (Beta = .473, t-8.214, P<0.001); and followed by students attitude to Yoruba essay writing (Beta = .146, t = 2.594, P<0.05). Based on these results, appropriate recommendation on ways to improve the performance of students in Yoruba essay writing is made in the body of the paper "Item Evaluation of the implementation of language policy in lower primary education in selected schools in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria(Faculty Of Education Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, 2016) Adeyinka, A. A.This study examines and evaluates the implementation of the pronouncement of the Nigerian government on the use of mother tongue (Yoruba to be specific) in lower primary schools. The study employ is a descriptive research method. The study population was primary 1-3 teachers in public primary schools in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select twelve (12) public primary schools with questionnaire given to 3 teachers in each arm of the schools. The questionnaire was styled, “Teacher Questionnaire on Implementation of Language Policy” (T.Q.I.L.P). Research questions were analysed in accordance with the sequential arrangement of questions in the questionnaire with the drawn table featuring the statistical data while analysis of the same data is given thereafter in form of an exposition. On the basis of findings, it was realized that the policy on the use of mother tongue (Yoruba) exists on paper and it is not taken seriously by educational practitioners. For effective implementation, this study recommended that: the government and the policy makers should fully revise the language policy component with a view of correcting the inherent loopholes in it; the production of textbooks, readers, and other literary materials should be attended to by the stakeholders in education industry; the training of teachers in the use of the mother tongue (Yoruba) should be given priority by the government; each Local Government Authority should saddle its supervisory unit with the responsibility of ensuring adequate monitoring of the implementation of the language policy at the basic levelsItem Flimu agbelewo gege bi ohun-elo ikoni nl asa ati LItireso alohun yoruba: flimu arugba ati basorun gaa gege bi awota(2016) Adeyinka, A. A.; Akinsola, I. T.Item Item "Imojuwaye oluko ati ise .oluko .ninu o le ku ati ogun omode. "(DB Martoy Books, 2016) Adeyinka, A. A.Item "language of instruction preference of junior secondary school students in Ijebu-Ode Local Government, Ogun State "(Universite D'Abomey-Calavi, 2014-06) Adeyinka, A. A."This paper explains the importance of language among human beings especially in the classroom. It alludes to the national language policy in Nigeria that the language of the immediate community should be the medium of instruction in early primary education as it aids learner’s intellectual growth. It attempts to find out the language of instruction preference of junior secondary school students in Ijebu Ode Local Government Area, Ogun State. Three research questions were raised and a self-styled questionnaire, which reliability index is 0.63 was used to collect information. A total of six hundred and twenty four students, randomly selected from public and private secondary schools were used. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that students prefer their mother-tongue as a medium of instruction (x 3.34; S.D. = 0.94) while some even prefer the mother-tongue as a medium of instruction in teaching science subjects (x 2.63; S.D. = 1.26). Their reason for preference of the mother tongue was because they understand better. This study, amongst others, recommends that mother-tongue should be encouraged in schools and teachers should combine mother-tongue and English in their lessons. It concludes that English as Nigeria’s official language could be enhanced through the use of the mother tongue . "Item "Language policy and the status of Yoruba in private primary schools in Abeokuta north local government area "(Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife., 2010) Adeyinka, A. A."The importance of mother tongue as a medium of instruction at the primary level of education is a subject of concern to language educators. While many studies have been carried out on public primary schools, not many have been done in private schools, hence the challenge to probe into problems facing the teaching of the mother tongue in this sector. Two hundred and fifty pupils and ten Yoruba teachers were randomly selected from five private primary schools in Ogun State. Three instruments used to obtain data were Pupil Questionnaire on Yoruba (PQY), Teacher Questionnaire on Yoruba (TQY) and an interview guide for head teachers. Data collected were analysed using simple percentages. The results showed that all the private schools used for the study did not encourage the use of Yoruba as a medium of instruction hence qualified Yoruba teachers were not recruited; teaching aids were not adequately provided; most teachers(80%) did not give assignments in Yoruba to their students and it was forbidden to speak Yoruba in schools(100%). Ironically, majority of the pupils spoke Yoruba at home and watched Yoruba programmes on television. The paper recommends that schools should encourage the use of Yoruba as a medium of instruction in early primary education while enough time should be allotted to it on the school timetable "Item Mother-tongue as a medium of instruction in the twenty-first century: what hope for Nigeria(Ibadan University Press, 2012) Adeyinka, A. A.Item "Peer influence and students' beliefs about the values of prose literature as predictors of students' achievement in prose literature-in- English. "(2017-08) Omobowale, E. D.; Adeyinka, A. A."The importance of prose literature to the students’ academic and moral lives is numerous. However, the rate at which students fail this subject at the school certificate level calls for urgent attention. This has led scholars to determine the influence of many teacher factors on students’ achievement but not many have focused on students’ factors especially in prose literature hence this study. The study adopted the descriptive research design of the correlational type. 223 SSIII students of Literature-in-English from six purposively selected secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis were respondents in this study. Prose Literature-in-English Achievement Test (r = 0.83), Students’ Peer Influence Questionnaire on Prose Literature-in-English (r = 0.84) and Questionnaire on Students’ Beliefs about the Values of Prose Literature-in-English (r = 0.83) were instruments used to collect data and data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. There was no significant relationship between peer influence (β = -.082, P>.05), students’ belief (β = -.050, P>.05) and students’ achievement in prose literature. The two variables jointly explained 7% of the total variance of students’ achievement in prose literature. The relative contribution revealed that none of the variables was significant, peer influence (β = -.073, P>.05) and students’ belief (β = -.021, P>.05).Therefore, the findings cannot predict which of the variables has the highest or the lowest contribution. Based on this, it is concluded that since none of the variables was significant, some other variables could be identified for students’ underachievement in prose literature in Ibadan metropolis. "Item "Proposal for a Yoruba decimal counting system "(Ghana Journal of Education and Teaching, 2010-11) Adeyinka, A. A."Human activities involve the use of numbers everyday but there are only few explanations on how numbers came into existence. The Yoruba traditional number system, unlike other languages, employs the use o f addition, multiplication and subtraction which makes calculation complex, complicated and cumbersome. This has led many users-elites, traders, school children and the educated-to abandon its use. Today, alternative ways are being sought to Yoruba traditional counting and this paper presents the decimal number system and how to count in it up to one million with ease. It eliminates the subtractive numerals thus making counting in Yoruba easy and straight forward."Item "Proverbs and marriage in Yorubaland "(National Association for Research Development, 2008-07) Adeyinka, A. A."Proverb is a very important oral genre among the Yoruba. It embellishes the traditions, values and customs of the people. This paper reviews the works of scholars on what proverb is, its form, how it reveals the socio-genetic nature, ethical values and philosophy about labour, family, friend etc of the Yoruba nation. A cursory look is taken at Yoruba proverbs relating to marriage. Twelve of such proverbs are collected, analyzed and discussed to reveal the sacredness and sanctity of marriage institution among the Yoruba. The paper observes that a matured is expected to marry, the in-laws should be revered, love and understanding should be the hallmark of a happy home while sexual promiscuity is detested. The paper offers recommendations on how to revive this moribund oral genre by teaching and examining it at primary and secondary schools and it concludes that knowledge of proverb helps to foster peace, unity love and progress in the Yoruba society."Item Psychological factors predictors of students' academic achievement in Yoruba language in senior secondary schools in Egbeda local government, Oyo state, Nigeria(Egbe Onimo Ede Yoruba, 2016-06) Adeyinka, A. A.; Ilesanmi, Y. A.This paper examined the relationship among selected psychological factors (locus of control, self-concept and motivation) and students’ academic achievement in Yoruba language in Egbeda local government area, Oyo state. The study also examined which of the selected psychological factors will most predict academic achievement in Yoruba language. Four hundred and eighty class two students randomly selected from nine senior secondary schools out of twenty six in Egbeda local government area participated in the study in which four research questions were answered. Four research instruments were used in this study: students’ locus of control scale (SLOCS)(r=.76); students’ self-concept scale (SSCS)(r=.82); students’ motivation scale (SMOTS)(r=.84); and Yoruba language achievement test (ylat)(86). Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation: inferential statistics of Pearson products moment correlation and multiple regression findings revealed that there is no significant correlation between students’ academic achievement in Yoruba language and locus of control (r=.060,p>.05). The correlation between student academic achievement in Yoruba language and motivation is not significant (r=-.067.p> .05). However, there is no significant positive correlation between students’ self-concept and academic achievement in Yoruba language (r=.067, p <.05) the three Pshycological factor can predict students’ academic achievement in Yoruba language ( β0.15; t=2.06; p<0.05)>; sloc ( β=.079; t=1.642, p>.05)>; ssc ( β=.040;t=-.736; p>.05) with motivation being the most, followed by locus of control and self-concept.